
Thursday 21 December 2017

10 Skull

Winter Solstice today, 21 December, exact time 16:28 UT/GMT; just after midnight tonight Hong Kong time, at 00:28 on 22 December (11 Deer).
Bring on the Light! 


To create this image, I found 10 beautiful crystal skull images on Pinterest
(many of which originally came from, cut them all out
and placed them in Medicine Wheel formation
(the 8 Sacred Directions, plus Father Sky and Mother Earth in the centre,
or 'above' and 'below') on a background I created from several other layers.


A good day for no-nonsense practicality and letting go of that which is ready to be released.

Your life has changed. The 10th day of the Earthmover Timewave manifests as a change. You have let go of something and have regenerated; you are cutting away dead wood and unnecessary sentimentality and are ripe for newness. Even if you cannot understand it logically, you can sense it instinctively.

Today is a fundamental shift. Release that which needs to be released.

Today you can see and feel that something new has emerged within you – it will not necessarily be dramatic or spectacular, but you will be conscious that something new has gradually emerged.

See it and acknowledge it – and you will reinforce it. 

The Golden Skull.
Image from here

[ Personal note from Carey: One full spin of the Tzolkin ago (meaning 260 days, or one ‘year’ in the Mayan Sacred Calendar), on 10 Skull of 5 April 2017, we said farewell to the body of my beloved Laurence James Lucas, at a small, but very beautiful cremation ceremony in Hong Kong. We ‘let go of that which was ready to be released.’

Strangely, it was the first day we were able to book the crematorium – and it also happened to be one Mayan Sacred Calendar ‘month’ (a timewave, or what we might think of as a
‘month’ is 13 days) since his passing on 11 Jaguar.

As I wrote on that day, ‘If you read his blog post for today, you will see that it is in fact the perfect day for such a thing. I can’t believe that somehow Laurence didn't have a hand in the choice...’

And as Laurence wrote for contemplation on 10 Skull of 6 June, 2009: ‘If you are tuned into this radio station – which means Galactic Central as received from Earth – then you will experience a manifest change of state somewhere in your world today.

Ending and new beginnings from one thing to another, from black to white.’ ]


  1. Carey,thank you for your work in continuing Laurence's blog about the Mayan Sacred Calendar...and for your beautiful artwork too. Have a peaceful Christmas xx

  2. Many thanks indeed for this comment, and apologies for not seeing this earlier. I really appreciate your words and knowing that by working to continue Laurence's blog, his words and energy continues to support and encourage others. Many blessings for the New Year.
