
Thursday 14 December 2017

3 Storm

Artist’s rendering of a solar storm hitting Mars
and stripping ions from the planet's upper atmosphere.
Credits: NASA/GSF

The Quickening
The restless spirit is seeking novelty and freedom, spontaneity and vigour. Your hunger is good; the vibration of change is shaking the air.

Movement and Flexibility
Feel the storm out there, respect its power. The electrical charge of the psychic environment seeks a pathway into your life. Observe the novelty of the day.

Be with the energizing vibration.

Solar flare space weather: Image from NASA

[Extra message to contemplate today, on 3 Storm:]
In all timewaves, Day 3 allows us to move out of the block we might have felt on Day 2.

If you had a day of constant self-reflection without resolution yesterday (even leading to inertia), you might well find that the 2 Obsidian tension actually created an energy that transforms today, 3 Storm, into a degree of creative resolution through vitality.

This 260-day cycle of the Mayan Sacred Calendar (known as the Tzolkin) is an enormous asset to creativity and understanding as it allows you to plug into the emerging energy, the gestating energy of potentiality, and all that is seeking expression.

It doesn’t matter if you have only just discovered the 260-day cycle. It will take a few cycles to fully tune in, but you will feel it after only about two cycles – and then you have rare access to the soul realm.

The key to learning any subject is to connect to nature and to the cycles of reality, to observe life and – yes, indeed – to feed the mind with information, but then to hand it over to your soul. Give it to the unconscious.

As we are witnessing, the small context box of material science and mainstream conservatism has reached the ends of its usefulness. The oxymoron of modern pragmatism is that it is totally impractical for the continuing progression of human life.

The rational mind is just a tool, to be used but not revered. It is the intuitive, creative, heartfelt approach that needs to dominate the rational mind.

Follow the energy and texture of the Mayan Sacred Calendar days. So simple, yet so overlooked. It will reveal its richness to you, and it will allow you access to the creative realm of the soul. 

Solar Storm, image from NASA

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