
Saturday 2 December 2017

4 Deer (Hand, Grasp)

Today, open your proverbial palm and see what you are holding. Anything that we desire too strongly would not actually satisfy us or make us happy. Grasping brings anxiety and inner torment; in the extreme, grasping creates hell and the hellish moments of life.

Happiness is the true acknowledgement of what we have. Having-ness is a joy.

The Deer is powerful yet graceful and somewhat elusive. The refined consciousness of Deer requires both male and female aspects of our psyche. Embody the grace, stillness and silence of the Deer.

Today – being a 4 Day and therefore a foundation day, as well as being Deer/Hand/Grasp – is a day to seize the moment, to develop ideas or plans and to go the next step, without necessarily knowing the outcome. Take the next step then leave it at that for now.

Hold something, without grasping; exercise some control; achieve something, then let go. Do not overrun...

Photo-collage of Laurence by the fabulously talented Kit Yeung.
Photo credit: Kit Yeung (

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