
Tuesday 5 December 2017

7 Dog

Family relationships.
Clockwise from top left:
Laurence, me and Trevor, LjL's dad, taken in Bristol on a 7 Dog day in 2013;
Laurence and his beloved daughter Oceana, walking from Dover to Deal in Kent, 2013;
Laurence with Oce's canine sister Chocolate, November 2007, the first day Chocolate moved in with us; Laurence with his mum Marilyn and sister Sarah in 2009.

A good day for relationships. You can feel the resonance with others today.

7 Dog offers you the opportunity to feel how your intentions, your essential self and your life purpose resonantly fit with those of other people.

Enjoy people today. Be prepared to keep an ear open and look at people you encounter with a fresh perspective.

Today, step into the feelings and connect to companions that share your path – this can include spirit guides and totem animals, as well as human companions.

Evoke the sense of the multitude of beings involved with you in this life. Even if you feel somewhat isolated, the truth is that we are accompanied by many, both seen and unseen.

[Extra message from Laurence:]
On 28 August 2013, a 7 Dog day, Laurence and I were in Bristol, visiting family and friends. He wrote: '... I am having a whirlwind trip with lots of different family/hotels/restaurants/trains/buses etc. What a fabulous city Bristol is, full of outlaws and artists, students and alternative entrepreneurs, amazing graffiti-decorated buildings... I like this place, the corporate mentality has not taken over...'

Here is Laurence in one of the many little cafés we discovered to our joy
in Bristol Old City, on a 7 Dog day in 2013.

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