
Thursday 1 March 2018

2 Vulture (Warrior, Turkey, Owl)

Enclosure, by LjL

A good day to strengthen the mind and prepare a clear channel for your highest truth to shine through later.

Snowy Owl from Pinterest
Today brings the challenge of holding two truths, which on the surface seem to oppose, disturb or disrupt each other – hold your ground, for the overall vision encompasses both truths. At a higher frequency, you find a way to fit two truths or positions into a cohesive whole – that is the challenge.

Barred Owl from Pinterest
A day when it is often best to stay silent; do not rush to offer your opinion. 

Enjoy the diversity of other people’s minds. A good day to listen and to note differences.

If you are engaged with people who are happy with the paradox and complexity of life, then profound truth can be found in conversation today.

Image from here

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