
Wednesday 25 April 2018

5 Monkey

Design by Carey

The Deer Timewave is about navigating the ever-changing emergent world. This consciousness is the recognition of the unpredictable nature of life’s exact unfoldment.

Monkey is the spirit who is at home with the truth of the Trickster, whose domain is in the details and lateral potentials. Monkey is at home here because Monkey is the Creative Trickster.

Come back to that part within you that knows life really is a game. Radiating out from the centre of your being is your own free will, which is a monkey unto itself.

Today, recognize the truth that outcomes may not be exactly what we expect (notably in regards to specific timing of manifestations). This will keep us alert and awake. The universe is always generating randomness within the context of its overall direction.

Composite image by Carey, using masks and Milky Way from Google

Today is also a good day to be conscious of the many faces that life shows us, including the different sub-personalities through which we express ourselves, each being a slightly different mask for a different theatre. Today, recognize the truth of role play.

All masks veil and express the unified consciousness. Empower yourself by accepting that the Trickster Monkey is an essential part of creation.

5 Monkeys clinging to a sheer cliff, Ubud, Bali. Photo by Carey

 [Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 5 Monkey:]
Throughout human history, we have continued to evolve despite the dark agendas – and the truth is that the controlling forces do create structure.

As we evolve, the prevailing structure becomes limited and we have to break through to another level and/or to an expanded structure, which means the controllers then have to regroup.

The expansion of consciousness and cultural evolution increases the diversity of polarity and the stakes get raised on each level.

In this 2012 era, the stakes are truly raised. Be conscious of the game of life and of your role in it.

[Note from Carey: To understand more about the evolution of human consciousness, please visit the Enchantments of Life page and subpages in our portal website. Thank you.]

Enchantment Planets, by Carey

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