
Tuesday 26 June 2018

2 Reed (Skywalker)

Photo thanks to Annie Knibb

The duality of Earth and Heaven, of body and mind, of the cosmic and the mundane. Span the great divide with your mind and consciousness.

Hold within your being the energy of the question, ‘How do I unite that which is above with that which is below?’ Dualities can tear us apart, until we are ready to feel and experience the unity that inherently underpins and over-lights them.

Horsell Common, UK

Recognize duality today, yet search for the unification. This is a challenge –  but the discomfort of the challenge stands at the threshold of the Oneness. Be with the pull of opposites without surrendering to either one; hold the space.

A good day to enjoy the contrast between Heavenly aspirations and inspirations, and the visceral delights of the body and nature.

Duality - Air and Earth by KIMOtherapy
The image suggests a way of uniting Heaven and Earth

Here is a link to UUTAi Oleana, Russian Shaman, as she unites what is above with what is below, using her voice.


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