
Saturday 11 August 2018

9 Storm

[ New Moon today, plus Partial Solar Eclipse: see below for more details]

The shaft of light then enters the drama, a window of awareness into the completion of the cycle and the new space being offered

Shaft of Light
Photo taken by me from 'Secret Rock' overlooking Yung Shue Wan

The Mayan Sacred Calendar measures a different but ever-present realm; it is the layer of the tapestry of reality that connects the Earth, Nature and the Human World with the greater Cosmos. This day, 9 Storm, is a wake-up day.

A day of realization. Not a rational understanding, but a soul-felt liberating connection, a memory from the future. A reminder that you were meant to drop that ‘thing’ you had already planned to let go of, or to break out of ‘this’, or to wake up from ‘that’.

Free wallpaper image from here

A sudden bolt of lightening acts to cleanse, purge, purify and catalyse you. This could include meeting some strange but familiar person.

A good day to feel the Spirit of Freedom that lives within you.

9 Storm is a day to be alert to a peak experience, as a hole in time opens up in the most unexpected place and in the most unexpected moment.

View from the Waterfront Restaurant on Lamma
where Laurence and I sometimes went for special-occasion sunset dinners

[New Moon: exact time 09.57 UTC/GMT (10.46 BST); 17:58 HK time. Plus there is a partial eclipse of the Sun – maximum eclipse at 9.46am UTC/GMT (10.46am BST), 17.46 HK time. ''This partial solar eclipse will be visible from northern and eastern Europe, northern parts of North America, and some northern and western locations in Asia, making it the most watched solar eclipse of 2018, weather permitting, of course', but not visible to us in HK. Click on this link for more details.]

Image from Google

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