
Sunday 23 September 2018

13 Wind

[Every blessing for the equinox today, exact time coming up in a couple of hours from this moment as I post. Here in Hong Kong, today is the Autumn Equinox, exact time 09:54 (01:54 GMT; 02:54 BST)]

The Dog Timewave of companionship and guidance releases its form today and is converted into information; emotion is transmuted into data. The whole feeling of this timewave is harvested and fed back into the matrix. 

Laurence and Chocolate in the hills of Lamma,
releasing the Dog Timewave on 13 Wind

Today, 13 Wind, is a day where you flit from one thing to another, from one person to another – texting, facebooking, emailing.

Message the world.

Even on holiday, Laurence was always reading, writing, getting his message honed
so that it was more easily accessible and absorbable.
Here he is in Coloane, Macau, in 2011, working on another presentation.
No laptop, no smartphone, no Internet.
Just joy in the activity, and then joy in releasing that particular activity,
moving to something else...

Alternatively: You write up your recent experiences, you convert experience into information – a story, a report or a even a statistical analysis.

But the challenge today is also to slow yourself down a bit and to be more efficient. So do take some time off the internet today; release yourself from the computer, from writing and communicating, feeling emotionally free. By doing so, will allow your subconscious to receive new data from involvement with random activities.

You will still feel the need to do many different activities or things, but allow yourself to release all activity every so often.

Wait until you are impelled to do something useful.


[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 13 Wind, first posted on 13 Wind of 3 March 2015:]

Did you know that most people leave a website after 10 seconds? Ah, that is the price for ‘living in interesting times’; we have all gone manic and anxious. Loads of time on the internet with no time to look at anything interesting!

Andy Warhol’s ‘15 minutes of fame’ is an eternity on a website!

Here is a challenge for new visitors. Get to the end of the page and you will have risen above the mass hysteria... Can you do it? (Oh, he’s gone already, something I said?)

Today is 13 Wind in the Mayan Sacred Calendar and so the attention span of web users is a very relevant.

Okay thank you... you can go now... why not go here

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