
Tuesday 25 December 2018

2 Eagle

[Tuesday 25 December 2018]

Today, dual visions compete in your soul; two futures present themselves. This is a good day to see the inherent contrast of your life, your self, your needs and your aspirations.
Created by Carey

Emotional tension can be strong today as your heart tries to reconcile your sense of the ubiquitous duality of life.

The underworld door has opened and the world has two visions – one is dystopian, the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.

Day 2 in every timewave is about polarity and also about relationship. The contrast of opposites helps us differentiate and gain great clarity about the whole, leading to a more conscious unity.

Hold the dual forces within you, knowing that this tension is part of the creative process.

Image from Pinterest

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate today, first posted on 2 Eagle of 25 Feb 2011:]
As often is the case, when doing my early morning qi gong practice, birds of prey were flying overhead and one came very close this morning – I felt the resonance in my movements with the kite.

Today is a good day to see your energy externalised in the shape of a separate ‘thing’ or person and to feel the connective thread between yourself and the manifest object or life form you have drawn towards you.

Two Black-eared Kites,
Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island,
by the amazing photographer,
Katherine Forestier, with thanks

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