
Wednesday 6 March 2019

8 Skull

[Wednesday 6 March 2019. New Moon at exactly 16:04 UTC (GMT); but just after midnight tomorrow morning HK time]
Commit to Change, by LjL

Commit to Change
A day of balanced and disciplined organised action that deals with the changes occurring in your life at present. In particular, you will have become conscious of a change of state somewhere in your life during the previous timewave, which was Skull.*

Skull is the definitive change of one thing into another; it signifies the end of something and the beginning of something new. How are recent changes integrating into the continuum of your life?

Recognise and own that which has changed or is changing – not just fluctuating, but actually transforming.

Photo thanks to Dominic Cryer

* Note from Carey: Day 8 is always ruled by the same Daykeeper that began the previous timewave. Thus, today is 8 Skull and the timewave before this one – which is Storm – was the Skull Timewave, which began with 1 Skull. In the next timewave, which is Good Road, Day 8 will be 8 Storm.

8 Skull

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