
Saturday 11 May 2019

9 Good Road (Human, Grass, Long Good Road)

[Saturday 11 May 2019]

A day of ‘Aha!’ and a sense of knowing that you already knew it.

Today brings a need for freedom, the open road and the far horizon – but this can also bring a sense of frustration at the way we are inhibited by our circumstances. 

Photo manipulation by LjL,
using an image of Laon Cathedral, France, found on Google

A day when you can recognise that your life is the result of deep choices you have made and that these choices have magnetically drawn you to people and circumstances which have sculpted your life.

Human or Grass reminds us that life is abundant – far beyond our mind’s capacity to understand – yet the greatest abundance of life comes to those who are humble.

The Long Good Road of Life teaches us humility, but it does not require us to close our minds nor our hearts.

Precipice Walk, Snowdonia, Wales,
with heartfelt thanks to my youngest sister,
the very talented Caroline Vail

Being humble does not mean you cannot dramatise your life, nor that you should live small.

Today offers the opportunity to see who you are in the community – with clarity regarding your place in society – and to appreciate the complex diversity of individuality within the framework of the cohesion of the human species.

To feel truly connected, we are called upon to inhabit the moment – that is the simple spiritual truth, to enjoy life as it is.

Enjoy your journey today and remember: Life is like a fairground ride.

Image found on Google

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