
Monday 23 December 2019

1 Obsidian (Mirror, Flint)

[Monday 23 December 2019]

A new 13-day timewave begins today: the Obsidian (aka Obsidian Mirror, Flint or Etznab) Timewave.

In this 13-day period, look at the shadow with a clear perception. When you look into the smoking mirror, keep looking through the clouds until you find the clear sky.

Image found on Google

The world reflects ourselves back to us, revealing a semblance of the totality of our desires and inner feelings. This timewave will reveal the shadow of your life – and it is a challenge to accept that which you see.

However, the greatest challenge is to not see the fuzzy distortion of the shadow as the whole truth – it is just part of the truth. The light, the bright, the good and the beautiful are more powerful and more pertinent to life.

Detail from 'First Day of Creation'
(1870-1876), by Edward Burne Jones

You are not your shadow, so do not identify with it. Accept the shadow of your relationships, your culture and your world as aspects, forces and elements that make up the entirety of your reality.

Acceptance is Love. See the shadow, then look beyond it, because the shadow is also illusory from the perspective of unity consciousness.

Detail from 'The Crystal Ball'
(19020 by John William Waterhouse
(although I confess I have altered her
crystal ball slightly, so that it is now Obsidian)

The opportunity afforded in this timewave is to be brave enough to open the heart that bit wider, with intelligence.

Open, accept and increase your connection to the essential awesome nature of life.

This amazing aerial photograph of shadows cast by camels
walking through the desert beautifully illustrates
Laurence’s reminder that ‘You are not your shadow.’
The black ‘camels’ are in fact shadows,
while the actual camels are little more than slim blonde lines.
Taken by National Geographic photographer
George Steinmetz in 2005, from here 

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