
Wednesday 15 January 2020

11 Crocodile

[Wednesday 15 January 2020]

Today we are asked to nurture our creations by allowing for fallow time.

The strong confidence of yesterday’s light dissolves into a brooding need to have some soulful security, to slow down and to open to the feminine.

The Birth of Venus (mid 1480s) by Sandro Botticelli,
image from Google Art Project via Wikipedia Commons

Allow more into your area of love; it is a day of acceptance and nurturing.

Nutrients from Arcadia flow into your psyche and you can share the love.

Nurturing Monkey,
photo by Carey

The primal birth of the Earth, the Goddess realm, resonates through the ethers as the door opens to the ever-present birth of Earth.

The question is: Are you still being nurtured by what you think is feeding you?

Are your expressions and is your creativity nurturing you?

 The Virgin and Infant,
by Jean Fouquet, 1450

Also, are you allowing yourself enough space in between your activities for the primal connection to Source to be felt?

Make sure that you are not becoming a robot. Allow for the ever-present primal energy of the Goddess to enter your life.

The Soul of the Rose,
by John William Waterhouse (1849–1917)
From Wikimedia Commons

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