
Thursday 1 July 2021

11 Jaguar

[Thursday 1 July 2021]

Stalking the doorway where energy enters...

LjL in the Plasmic Cosmos;
created by Carey

You are stalking the energy during an era of enormous flux and transition. Stay alert; be awake to the subtle fluctuations in the environment.

Modify ideas with instinct...

Uncredited image
found on google

On the frequency of the Mayan Calendar, Day 11 always somewhat dissolves the structure we tuned into or found on Day 10.

As you follow the timewave, you get to see how the rhythm moves you first in one direction, then another; into one archetype, then on to another; bringing you into contact with the dancing kaleidoscopic nature of the Galactic frequency as viewed and experienced from Earth.

Image found on Pinterest

Today – the day of the Jaguar with day number 11 – brings a consciousness and quality to the day that, at least to some extent, allows you to feel more clearly the transparency of your ideas and the energy behind them.

Mayan Jaguar Priest
Composite created by Carey
using images found on Google

This can be quite disconcerting on one hand but, beyond that – if you look further through the dissolution – the benevolence of life in all its glorious mystery is revealed.

Jaguar’s expression is instinctive and occult. Jaguar is happy to roam in the darkness of the mysteries. The Jaguar is the shaman/woman and protector of the shadowy Earthly realms. Call upon Jaguar today to dissolve any negative unseen energy.

Laurence James Lucas (1961–2017),
creator and author of this blog
Composite created by Carey

Six spins of the Tzolkin 

Today, Thursday 1 July 2021 in the Gregorian calendar, is 11 Jaguar, which brings us to six spins of the Tzolkin (260 days x 6 spins = 1,560 days) since the passing of my beloved husband and best friend, Laurence James Lucas, the author and creator of this blog. Always in my heart and mind; I never stop missing him.

As I promised, I am keeping his blog on the Mayan Sacred Calendar and posting daily. Thank you to those of you who read this and for your support and encouragement. 

Laurence's beloved daughter
Oceana's farewell tribute to her father,
painted soon after his passing


  1. It feels utterly appropriate that Laurence should have left his planetary body on 11 Jaguar, possibly the most Shamanic day in the whole calendar. I miss my friend so much and thank you Carey for continuing to share some of his wisdom with the world. God bless. Jayne

    1. Thank you. Yes, I always feel that this is the perfect day he could have chosen. Bless you Jayne, sending love and take care of yourself xxx

  2. A heartfelt thank you Carey for continuing to post the blog and Mayan calendar since Laurence's passing. I read the day's 'nature' almost every day and still feel a connection to a dear friend and mentor. With gratitude

    1. Thank you Melly. Love and blessings to you x

  3. Hi Carey. I read it everyday still and think of you both. Mapmaker

    1. Thank you Mapmaker! I hope you are doing well and that the stars are shining bright for you, Cx
