
Thursday 8 July 2021

5 Crocodile

[Thursday 8 July 2021]

Look all around you, be at peace and accept it all. Recognise the nourishment that life is offering.

Five Keys to the Goddess, by Carey

Today, 5 Crocodile, is a day of beingness, of nurturing yourself by sitting in the centre of your world and accepting all that surrounds you.

Image found on Google,
from here

You are a divine being, but nobody exists in isolation. Everybody has a diverse range of needs and all those needs can potentially be met. Just enjoy the way that life sustains itself and offers sustenance in all new situations.

Photo thanks to
Vicky Baker Eichman

The Goddess is forever feeding reality.

Even with change and disruption, life is sustainable.

Peaceful Crocodile,
by Bernard Gagnon, found here

A good day to feel at peace and to have a moment of exuberance as you let go of fear.

The day is quiet. Can you be?

Laurence, being peaceful and receiving the nourishment of life,
in the Tropical Spice Gardens, Penang, Malaysia in August 2009

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