
Wednesday 22 December 2021

3 Rabbit (Star)

[Wednesday 22 December 2021]

A day of shifting energy and light, communication and movement.

Light at the End of the Tunnel
Photo thanks to
Vicky Baker Eichman

The shifting nature of attention.

We can all get stuck down reality tunnels – but do not be a Rabbit in a headlight.

Image found on google

The dynamic movement of energy today means that our attention is malleable. We can shine our light on a new potential quite easily; likewise, we can receive new light, new information, new glamorous images or stories that pull us in a different direction.

A day of negotiating agreements. The challenge of Rabbit (aka Star) is to not be too light, to not acquiesce to everything.

Image found on google,
additional layers by Carey

Use the energy to your advantage to bring more of the radiant spirit into your reality. Be prepared to subtly adjust things without switching to an opposite direction.

A very good day to see how reality is comprised of frequencies of light.

The movement of cosmic light over and through your psyche increases energy for access to higher consciousness.

Image found on google,
Photoshopped by Carey

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