
Tuesday 25 January 2022

11 Wind

[Tuesday 25 January 2022]

Doors Open

Yesterday the Mayan Pulse was orientated to the gifts of your life as it is. Today it opens the doors to new possibilities and the way to step forward on your path.

Left: © Richard Croft from Creative Commons,
right: image found on google

The incoming energy is facilitated by communication on every level, be that phone, email or inspired guidance from subtle realms.

Communicate and receive communication today with full awareness. Allow yourself to be broadband in giving and receiving information, but distil and integrate before acting upon any inspiration.

Step forward and communicate
  Image conceptualised by LjL, created by Kookie,
photoshopped by me

Cosmic rays whistle through the Earth and a doorway opens up to the bifurcating paths of time.

Life presents you with different options; each one unfolds into a different expression of your destiny. Be attentive to information and recognise how futures are built starting from the most subtle movements in your psyche.

LjL stepping forward to receive,
in the Burmese Buddhist Temple
in Penang, Malaysia
Laurence loved this place and felt the
positive, nurturing energies here very strongly

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