
Monday 25 July 2022

10 Foredawn (Dark House, In the House, Dark Night)

[Monday 25 July 2022]

The subtle, almost indefinable presence of the soul is ubiquitous.

Sunrise, Koh Samui, Thailand

The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness – the physical world is not solid. A good day to walk through walls.

The manifestation of the dreamlike space between the worlds

The Cosmos and the atom are mainly space, but space is an emptiness that is full.

Image originally found
on google

Today, be still and face the darkness before the dawn. Look into the mystery of your life without concluding what will be.

A good day to feel the fecundity of reality. Feel the potentials without grasping and without fear; listen not to the mind, but find the dream space.

Image found on google

Be the daydreamer who awaits with anticipation, for it is anticipation itself that is the goal of today. Gaze into the space in front of you and feel the space that opens up in your body.

Residing in anticipation brings you home to the soul.

Life is a Plenitude.

Real de Catorce, Mexico

[Personal message first posted by Laurence on 10 Foredawn of 18 June 2010, and several times thereafter, to illustrate the texture and energy of today:]

The picture above (and the one below) is of Real De Catorce, Mexico, a place I visited in 1997 with no money and rather unexpectedly. After a few days of enforced semi-fasting, I had a vision of 2012* whilst sitting here at dawn, overlooking the mountains.

The town is slightly haunted. It is an ex-silver-mining town with crumbling walls and buildings, and is gateway to the peyote desert. It is melancholic and beautiful; the land is wistful and so are the people.

The atmosphere of Real De Catorce at that time for me was wholly permeable and it was where I stayed at the end of a six-month trip that yielded the harvest of the Mayan experience.

Huichol Sacred Circle
at Real de Catorce,
image from here

[* Note from Carey: Click on this link to read Laurence's poem of his vision, experienced while in the Foredawn space, of a city he came to believe was in China, and later – after we had held a number of shamanic journeying workshops there – felt sure was a vision of Guangzhou.]

Uncredited photo of the amazing city
of Guangzhou, found on google

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