
Monday 1 August 2022

4 Dog

[Monday 1 August 2022. Lughnasadh / Lammas (traditional date)]

The foundation for the elastic strength of the Deer Timewave starts with emotional security. Today, 4 Dog, feel the emotional boundaries you operate within.

Heart Sing;
composite created by Carey,
using line drawing by LjL

We all have our family, including ancestral, friends and work colleagues.

Today, recognise the feeling of belonging that you enjoy through the people you find yourself with. You do belong – you just need to recognise how and where.

by Danny van Leeuwen  
Image from here

This day is a day to truly feel into your emotional needs – all of them – as a way of recognising that your foundation is your emotional body. Feeling and accepting the emotional body is not the same as reacting to and living according to the dictates of the emotional kaleidoscope.

graphic created by LjL

Feel it all as the juice within you; hold onto the impulses.

A good day to recognise and consciously set and embrace your own emotional limits.

Interconnected Fields of Consciousness,
flipchart by LjL

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