
Friday 5 May 2023

8 Deer (Hand, Grasp)

[Friday 5 May 2023. FULL  MOON 17:35 UTC; 16:34 British Summer time (tomorrow at 01:34 HK time)]

Holding on with just the right tension, being responsive to the alchemical mix of your life. Commit to a dynamic balance, the non-static union of opposites. Transcend the political correctness of gender politics to find true equality. Embody the male and female.

Soul Funking,
by Laurence James Lucas

Commit and hold onto reality – but if your reality is too small, then let go and grasp a bigger one.

There is plenty of reality pie to go around, you know... recal-liberate your energy field.

Life is an adventure. It is easy to forget that if you listen to Channel Normal.

Merchant Alchemist, graphic by LjL

Is Life too tight? Well, mash it up and remix your energies.

Surf the channels of your energy field: Sex, food, music, silence, art, shamanics, yoga...

Get soul funking.

Laurence with good friends Daniel and David
recal-liberating their energy fields,
Power Station Beach, Lamma Island, May 2011.
Photo thanks to André Eichman

Just be flexible and do not believe you are forever that which you find yourself to be at any one point in time.

Commit to navigation – life is forever changing and your challenge is to flow with strength and grace.

Image found on google, from here

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