
Tuesday 13 September 2011

7 Eagle, Tuesday 13 September 2011

A good day for emotional intelligence and an integrated clarity.

The integrated clarity of 7 Eagle means the ability to focus on a detail whilst simultaneously retaining the awareness of context and feeling. The challenge is not to get lost in the details; to engage whilst retaining one's sense of greater vision. Alternatively, the challenge is to engage with some specifics, rather than just flying off into an indulgent fantasy. Listen to the subtle feelings whilst performing daily tasks.

Move into resonance today with the mind of the world. Hone in on your locality and goal and retain the balanced perspective of the larger and smaller picture.


My intuitive vision this morning concerned further clarity on 2012.

The astrology chart of 11-11 GMT (time of Winter Solstice) 21-12-2012 (adds up to 11) highlights the social information exchange—internet led—reaching a crescendo where it eats its own tail. The challenge from the Solstice moment onwards is to shift our emphasis from the content of information to the hidden energy that lies behind the collective dialogue. The arena of information is seen to be an ourobus, as information is eating its own tail creating a sphere . We are being asked to feel the energy spheres that comprise our environment, the planetary environment and its new emergent structures of varying density. From Biosphere to Technosphere to Noosphere to Toroidal Planetary sphere. The Technosphere is the totality of internet activity, that includes the electrical energy and the information the context of the Internet.Whereas the Noosphere--the next structure in the hierarchy of complex systems--is the integration of technology, mental and emotional energy.

The 2012 phenomenon of research, inquiry, shared perspective, channelling and debate is the most expansive dialogue ever carried out by the human species—by this I mean the subject matter extends out in more directions, has more wild speculations and more intoxicating potentials explored than any other subject. The social dialectic is itself a product of the calendar. The 2012 subject is an incredibly seductive theme, even those representing the mainstream that feel it is a non event, express their opinion with extreme emotion and a severity of dismissal. 2012 is a great attractor of reality evaluation, the enormous amount of impassioned energy being focused upon evaluating our reality is making the dominant structure of reality wobble and oscillate. Consensual reality is becoming more unstable in order that we may transmute it.

As we peruse the internet in this 2012 era we see that the discourse of our society is so divergent in its perceptions, due to the fact that anyone who has a computer is taking part in this social dialogue, a wider spectrum. The television does not listen to you (that is why Elvis used to regularly shoot his) but the computer sends your opinions, your thoughts and your approval out into the newly emerging global sociosphere that is set within the technosphere.

Your casual emails are not the same as conversations, they have a physical reality, by typing and transmitting you are bringing thoughts down into an electronic density. The Internet activity is weaving a neural net--the technosphere--as a halfway station to the Earth's planetary energy field. The halfway density being the higher frequency Noosphere. The technosphere is encoded with emotion and human energy, it is not inert,as it reaches a tipping point the Noosphere goes fully online. We are weaving a collective field in the Earth’s plasma that we can tune into. I am suggesting that the contextual energy of the internet will start to be accessible post 2012. Never mind the information of the internet, start using the energy that the internet is producing.

I suggest we can develop a series of encoded commands that can be placed within our writings to empower them, something like this (NOOSPHERE:UPLOAD:TITLE)
so today's blog is empowered by this command, anyone have any further ideas on coding system?



We do not have to wait until 2012, but the 2012 chart suggests to me that post 2012, we are challenged by necessity for evolution's sake to access the energy generated from the massive information exchange that has developed.

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