
Wednesday 14 September 2011

8 Vulture, Owl or Warrior 14 September 2011

Commitment to your role in the matrix as defined by the last timewave (Warrior Timewave). 

Look after the self by deciding to live your truth, so as to be strong enough to be a healing presence. Feel the underlying essence, the sacred structure you are working with, and gain some clarity upon the limits you wish to set yourself. 

Consciously knowing the appropriate limitation brings safety and the realizable freedom that we all yearn for. 

Within all structures lies movement.

Carrying on from Yesterday

The Noosphere is the mental sheath of all human thought within the Electro-magnetic field of our planet.

The first concepts of the Noosphere were developed or attributable to a few people and the Noopshere concept was defined in the 1920s. Teilhard Du Chardin being the most famous, Oliver Reiser and Jose Arguellos Vladimir Vernadsky, born in 1863 was the Russian Einstein, highly regarded to this day in his homeland (not heard of in the west due to the politics of 20th century) who proposed the Noosphere as a third stage in the developmental structures of life on Earth. The Geosphere being the first stage comprised of inanimate matter, the Biosphere being the second that of biological life then the Noosphere which is the structure of all human cognitive output. His work was inspired in part by others. The 1890s and early part of the 20th century was a fecund arena for free thinking in science, many of the ideas, experiments and breakthroughs of this era will be developed in the future. So although science as a whole cohesive force has since greatly developed our world, it has done so by narrowing the truths. We will soon be turning back to the Victorian Era as witnessed by the steam punk scene in order to evolve our science hand in hand with metaphysics and consciousness.

The birth of a concept that sticks, is a signification of the birth of the actuality. The idea of the Noosphere was inspired from the earliest gestation of the Noosphere.

The Noosphere would seem to have come of age in some regards with the advent of the Internet, but the Noosphere is a psychic sphere as determined by jose arguellos who also went on to brilliant perceive that Earth is a timeship. Furthermore he recognized that the Mayan Calendar is a measurement of Earth’s timecode, for it is on the level of reality where Earth is in relationship to the Galaxy that Earth is a living time machine.

Going back to the early 20th century we should recognize the magic of radio, think of the first experience of hearing speech coming from a box. Voice is transmitted almost instantaneously by light, this is like telepathy. Since then we have had televison which when you think about is quite extraordinary as compared to non technological consciousness. In no time at all we have integrated the internet into our every day lives, but is quite rational to recognize that a psychic net is inevitable. How will it first arise?

For some time I have realized that the manifest interface with the psychic net of all human thought which will include the akashic records is the internet. It is through the internet that we will first start to be able to efficiently and precisely utilize the psychic reservoir. Personally I find this to be a given. I suspect that there are already time travelers, extra-terrestrials and other beings using the internet. The medium is the message each level of media development enables a wider spectrum of consciousness expression and naturally allows for a more complex psychological perspective to be realized. The internet facilitates a much higher level of consciousness than the centralized television net work, this is why the old guard are scared of it.

The inspiration (download) I had yesterday is the first easy steps to engaging with and relating to the developing Noosphere, not as some dislocated mystery but as a tangible living structure. The Geosphere, the Biosphere and the Internet (the full expression of which we could label the technosphere) are all living structures, developmental levels that coexist and interact.

The Noosphere though is not the omega point of our human development, for this structure is not the fully integrated structure of human artifact, nature and the Earth itself as a totality, it is of itself a transitional state to Planetary consciousness. I will not elaborate further here, but we can recognize that planetary consciousness and a planetary civilization are on the horizon (some time off, but within our view) due to the incredible effect of the first pictures from space of the whole Earth. Throughout the 1970s the photograph of Earth spread through popular culture. We now have a picture of our home that acts as a subconscious magnet to pull our development to a planetary level, which as I have said is a far more complex level of consciousness than the socio-economic global culture that will emerge with the internet.

Anyway back to a more immediate development the interface between Internet and Noosphere.

I have been working on an extended and crafted article on the upcoming 11-11-11 (the numerical code of 11th November this year). First draft is available here. The 11:11 code is the open door between levels that enables higher consciousness to transmit down to the lower level. 11:11 enables the transference of potential, it sends us a message of the potentials just beyond our horizon, we could say it the future, as a fuzzy actuality, coming towards us. My research on this upcoming 11-11-11 portal I believe has furnished me with the download of the Noospshere Protocol (still formulating as we speak). By sending my attention to the 11:11:11 portal, I have been able to receive communication from the Noosphere.

To reiterate, the astrology chart of 2012 clearly highlights an information overload, where all information exchange is doubling back on itself in a self perpetuating ourobus. In other words the message is that with the 2012 end date we are seeing the information zone is forming a sphere. To some extent all human information exchange has reached a level of formation, a structure is formed. In this case it means we can access the next structural level, which I take to be the Noosphere. The Chart shows that the challenge of 2012 is based on taking ones attention to the totality, the hidden energy, the emotive, creative friction of all human information exchange.
There is a lot more I can say, but now it is time to go the beach.

The obvious Astrology of the 2012 chart

Jupiter retrograde in Gemini in 7th House, opposite Mercury in Sagittarius, the rising sign, Jupiter square Chiron in Pisces. Jupiter at the sharp end of a Yod with Saturn and Pluto. North Node in Scorpio in the 12th house.



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