
Sunday 10 December 2017

12 Eagle

Today is a good day for perspective.

Your perception will be connected to real human issues, to normal everyday living, yet with the benefit of an elevated view. You may have a vision for your life or a project that is soft focus but big picture, and/or you will gain clarity about what you need to focus on right now.

The 12th day of every timewave brings us some understanding on a linear-mind level of the whole timewave and its theme, its reason and its teachings.

This being an Eagle day means that this mental understanding is seen through the Eagle’s vision. Eagle sees the whole world, but then focuses on one particular point on the ground in great detail. Eagle is powerful yet compassionate, and is able to hone in on that which is relevant.

Today, stay in the worldly realm of the skies and the hills – don’t go Skywalking far out in the cosmos. Stay within the Earthly realms, then see what catches your eye on the ground. Focus upon that detail, for it will reveal the intelligence that is inherent within this timewave and will nourish you with an understanding of relevance that you can share.

An extremely powerful day of pertinent vision connected to your emotions.

A very good day to have a big, yet balanced, perspective on the present maelstrom we call the world.

'Eagle's eye' by © Braid44. Image from here.

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