
Monday 11 December 2017

13 Vulture (Warrior, Owl, Turkey)

The 13th day of each timewave is a day of disintegration and release of that timewave, as it opens up or sets free its energy for the next timewave.

Warrior, Vulture and Owl are the living symbols for holding one’s centre, for keeping hold of your essential truth.

Today you might be experiencing a disconcerting diversity of truth moving out all around you. The challenge is to hold a multitude of perspectives lightly, without losing your energetic centre. This means letting go and then finding a new temporary position of comfort, then releasing and re-grasping your centre once more.

A flood of relativistic perspectives can make us think that all truths are equal. Equally, the populist perspective that life is an accident and existence is neutral can leave a person spiritually inert and acting purely out of self-interest...

Life requires a strong choice. Whatever the situation, choose benevolence and abundance. Look to enjoy some gain, but not at the expense of others. Choose life. Choose that life will flourish; choose that there is plenty for everyone.

Recognize that life is grounded in consciousness, love and abundance.

Whatever the situation today, choose Life.

Image from, as a free desktop background,
entitled 'Stonehenge Stars Night Sky Pictures

[Note from Carey: On 13 Vulture (Warrior, Owl, Turkey) of 9 July 2016, Laurence posted a link to a fascinating article about memory spaces… I can’t help wondering whether LjL used similar techniques, consciously or inadvertently, to retain and integrate the vast amounts of information, across so many diverse paradigms, that he had immediate access to in his mind and being.]

Book extract: Has Australian researcher Lynne Kelly discovered the secret to Stonehenge?
Check this out.

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