As I am away in the UK for about a month, seeing individual clients for astrological consultations and taking a break from the Internet (computer fasting), I have preloaded each 13-day timewave in its entirety. Scroll down to find today.
13 Crocodile or Dragon, Saturday 17 April 2010
Surrender to life today and it should treat you well. The Cosmic Mother force: “Strong it is.”
12 Sun, Lord or Flower, Friday 16 April 2010
The understanding of soulfulness is available today. A good day to express the subtle, to write poetically yet with meaning. The subtle has power today; light rays can instruct you and teach you substantial truths. Use the mind to empower yourself with sacred connection. Understand the intelligence in a new metaphor or a new symbol with full clarity today.
11 Storm, Thursday 15 April 2010
The solidity of yesterday is released. Turgid emotions are shaken off; you feel energized by new experiences or variants. Your energy crackles as you move through the electrical nature of novelty, adjusting the templates of your soul.
10 Obsidian or Mirror, Wednesday 14 April 2010
The world appears as a solid hologram, reflecting your inner feelings. A good day to understand the power of our projection.
9 Earthmover, Tuesday 13 April 2010
Awaken to the changes that rumble in the soul. Soul memory is memory from beyond time/space that comes from your past, but not from your history. Do you remember how this moment was seeded?
Today is about awareness of large cycles of time, change and evolution through powerfully evocative yet abstract feelings.
8 Warrior or Owl, Monday 12 April 2010
Commitment to your role in the matrix as defined by the last timewave (Warrior Timewave, starting 23 March). Look after the self by deciding to live your truth, so as to be strong enough to be a healing presence.
7 Eagle, Sunday 11 April 2010
Move into resonance today with the mind of the world. See the potential of the Internet and the worldwide telepathic web as a vehicle for compassion.
6 Jaguar, Saturday 10 April 2010
The feeling self is an instinctive self, prowling the unseen environment of the World Soul. Enjoy the half-formed thoughts that arise and sink in your consciousness.
5 Skywalker or Reed, Friday 9 April 2010
A day of internal energy. Be detached and observe the world all around you. Increase your ability to centre yourself within your soul by sensitizing yourself to yourself first, before opening up into the human and cosmic environment. Within yourself, see the reflected fractal of the whole cosmos, but know that it is your own unique filtered version of all that is.
4 Human, Thursday 8 April 2010
A day of collective feeling. Today we will feel part of the human collective ocean. We all walk a path that has an essential similarity to the paths of all others.
3 Monkey, Wednesday 7 April 2010
Last time we experienced a 3 Monkey (that is, 260 days ago), the day started for me with an amazing lucid dream of floating across the land in a way that felt like running without running. The dream experience felt so familiar and so real. This speaks to me of the energy of dreams and how they affect our ‘real world’.
The playful spirit of 3 Monkey knows no boundaries and crosses the object–subject divide.
2 Dog, Tuesday 6 April 2010
The duality of feelings from the soul manifests in the realm of relationship. This is challenging, of course, but also gives the beauty of contrast. Feel beneath the surface of opposition and you will enjoy the contrast you get from your significant other.
Sometimes two people can act as one and look out together into the world.
1 Moon or Water, Monday 5 April 2010
The new Moon Timewave brings us into the deepest and most subtle feelings, the soulful and the ethereal. The teaching of
Muluc (Mayan name) is how to be in the flow of life’s energies; how to surrender and feel and thereby be connected to the River of Life. Give of yourself.