Thursday, 31 March 2011

10 Water or Moon,Thursday 31 March 2011

A day when your recent feelings solidify into a cohesive unified whole. Feel the complex array of feelings and recognize that through the agency of feeling your spirit becomes real.

The 10th day is the day when the timewave manifests into form. The Flower timewave, which is the energy of spiritual light and sovereignty, manifests as the soul.

Feel the soul as a tangible form today.

Every Day 10 in every timewave is the day when the consciousness of the timewave -- the particular Earth-Galactic signature -- in this case Flower, Lord or Sun, comes into solidity. The manifestation of the timewave also means that the implicit challenge is felt. The challenge and the manifest realization of Flower -- the divine sovereign self -- is in the subtle feeling body.

You do not get the fully reasoned understanding today, as that integrated understanding is always reserved for Day 12; however, you do have the opportunity to acknowledge the manifestation. In this case, the way the subtle pranic light moves into density is the formation of our sophisticated, extraordinary and wide-spectrum feeling nature.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

9 Rabbit or Star, Wednesday 30 March 2011

A day of awakening to your divine cosmic power.

Remember the part of you that comes from the stars. Part of your essence exists as a nonlocal consciousness, not limited by this time frame.

Aspects of your divinity are converging from the future and from multiple timelines into your field of consciousness.

Your life today is a result of past intentions. If you can accommodate the fact of multiple pasts, you are empowering yourself to be truly creative and can draw upon a far greater potential. Although this sounds incredibly abstract, allow your imagination to go there.

The rational mind reduces things (useful for everyday life) and the suggestion I am making sounds absurd to the rational mind -- however, today is a good day to take the position of gnosis, that you are in essence an immortal soul and therefore are not merely contained in linear time. You cannot be reduced by a rational explanation.

On a higher level of reality or consciousness (than the human species presently and commonly enjoys) is a multiverse of radiant time. I am convinced of that reality and believe myself to have had a convergence of this sort in 1994, when an aspect of myself walked into my being in this realm. I have met many people who have had similar and far more profound experiences, including the full walk-in from another Star system.

Extraterrestrials from other star systems do visit us from light years away, unbelievable distances, because they access superluminal technology. In other words, it's not so much space travel as time travel, which is not just a technology but a state of consciousness. Linear time is derivative of or symbiotic with linear mind, whereas our greater consciousness is multidimensional.

A day of sublime creativity enabled by assuming you have previously intended all that is in your life to be here and can pull in other realities.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

8 Deer or Hand, Tuesday 29 March 2011

Commit and hold onto reality -- but if your reality is too small, then let go and grasp a bigger one.
There is plenty of reality pie to go around, you know... recal-liberate your energy field.

Life is an adventure. It is easy to forget that if you listen to Channel Normal.

Is Life too tight? Well, mash it up and remix your energies.

Frequencies; it's all frequencies these days, whether it be dark covert ops, like the HAARP project, or consciousness raising through purity. The real challenge is the ability to move through multiple frequencies.

Surf the channels of your energy field: sex, food, music, silence, art, shamanics, yoga...
Get soul funking -- even dip into the corporatized drone zone, I guess (if you really must ...)

Just be flexible and do not believe you are forever that which you find yourself to be at any one point in time.


Monday, 28 March 2011

7 Skull, Monday 28 March 2011

A good day for definitive thought. Be resonant with your clarity; this day can be easy if you trust your authority.

All Skull days bring the theme of death and rebirth, as well as cutting to the bone.

Today is a rare day of resonance with the precise borders and definitions of all things; enjoy this day of clarity. Take the plunge into your subconscious without fear, see the truth of your own feelings without the emotion of doubt.

Image from here

Sunday, 27 March 2011

6 Serpent, Sunday 27 March 2011

Go with the body instincts; listen to that first impulse, act upon it and the day will flow.

Remember, Serpent days are all connected to survival and power themes - be responsive to your power. Your kundalini life force is the foundation of your true power in this life, not money.

A day of rhythm, gradually changing direction under the guidance of the body wisdom.

Shaolin picture from here

Saturday, 26 March 2011

5 Lizard or Seed, Saturday 26 March 2011

A good day to feel connected to an intelligence within you that transcends the boundaries of your separate self.

There is a coherent intention for your life encoded into every photon you absorb.

The Cosmos is holographic and the divine intelligence is fractally encoded into every particle -- and most accessible in every photon.

Today, receive the Light. Gather energy, hold energy and know energy is intelligent.

Your life has a basic plan and that plan is part of a basic pattern for evolutionary unfoldment.

Image from here

Friday, 25 March 2011

4 Dark House or Night, Friday 25 March 2011

Create a space for light; locate some inner darkness and sit with it. The foundation for ones' enlightenment is the allowance of the vacuum that you can maintain. Set the parameters of the void within you, a void of expectancy that you yourself deliberately hold.

Make the space for space, make the time for timelessness, use your will to step outside your activities.

In Memorial:  
José Argüelles passed on two days ago, on 23 March or 2 Crocodile. He was one of my inspirations, especially in regards to his work on the Noosphere and the nature of time.

If you want to hear him speak about the circumpolar rainbow bridge go here

I am sure he will continue to do his work from the other side. I send him my blessings, gratitude and respect for his courage in following his heart throughout his life.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

3 Wind, Thursday 24 March 2011

A day of dynamic communications and thoughts. Moving out of polarity through discernment, ideas ricochet back and forth, judgements swing one way then another to create the energy for choice.

The fickleness of the mind is a reflection of the constant dynamism of Yin and Yang, the trial and error of creation. Watch your inconsistencies with detachment and you will also discern the emergence of true intention.

The interplay of light and shadow.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

2 Crocodile, Wednesday 23 March 2011

Today offers you the opportunity to accept without guilt, judgement or blame that the full polarity of your life right now, as it IS, is a result of the totality frequency of your energy. This profound acceptance opens the door to becoming a true sovereign of your own life experience.

Enjoyment of existential reality--life as art in its mundane expression--versus a need to change and grow.

Within the most mundane of circumstances lies the most extraordinary of realities; likewise the matter of fact is found within the bizarre circuses of the universe.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

1 Flower, Lord or Sun, Tuesday 22 March 2011

The timewave of Flower, Lord or Sun brings you the consciousness of your sovereign being-ness. The totality of your being attracts everything into your life; the totality of your being, the whole spectrum, provides you with your life experience.

The Power of Light, the real power of creation, is the subtle energy and consciousness of LIGHT.

Light contains all frequencies.

Today begins 13 Days to become more conscious of how you are sovereign of your life experience.

Move into vibrational resonance with that which you desire by feeling that you already have it. If you truly desire it -- from the depths of your being -- the feeling of having-ness will make you feel happy. Be that which your heart desires.

Light is subtle. The subtle is the real power, all else follows.

Monday, 21 March 2011

13 Storm, Monday 21 April 2011

Letting go as usual on Day 13, but with more vitality than normal -- more of a joyous release that energizes you. Chaos brings freedom; you pay with uncertainty, but can tap into the unlimited energy supply of existence.

Reality is compartmentalized. When one compartment becomes too inhibitory, we are offered the chance to break free from its constraints -- this takes effort. However, today you get a glimpse of the intrinsic simplicity of releasing the self from the rigid context boxes.

All perceptions of reality are partial. Enjoy the rejuvenation of recognizing that potentiality is always present. No matter how it looks, life is bigger.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

12 Obsidian Mirror, Sunday 20 March 2011

A good day to see truth with absolute clarity on one dimension of reality, knowing with equal clarity that this insight does not apply exactly to the next dimension ... truth is reflected and distorted on each of the multiple realms, but what is true on one level, is true for now on that level.

“The Self sufficiency of existence on each separate level of being”
Dr Marc Edmund Jones

Consciousness reflects upon itself all the way up and all the way down the epic construct of creation. Each level of reality is a diffracted reflection of light and consciousness.

The Deer timewave asks us to know where we hold on and where we let go. Today, understand where it is you are supposed to control and hold energy; this is your niche.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

11 Earthmover, Saturday 19 March 2011

Keywords for today are flexibility, adaptability and spontaneity. Today brings the opportunity to slide through a crack into a new opportunity -- if you get pushed one way, follow that momentum through the revolving door of the electromagnetic energy field.

Recalibration of your energy through stepping to the side... the door will appear; it will be subtle, but if you are tuned into this 260-day frequency you will be alerted. Set yourself an alarm.

Perhaps use a simple affirmation of "Earthmover, change direction Now." Say it now. It can act as your subconscious alarm-call when the door opens today.

With the Super Moon energy building today, this might not be so subtle. I am hoping and praying for a positive release of tension in Japan.

Friday, 18 March 2011

10 Vulture, Owl or Warrior, Friday 18 March 2011

Coherent truth manifests. This is an expression of your essence, this is your strength.

Today is a day of strength. Today is a day to acknowledge the appearance of true strength.

Hold your ground and realize your power, the power that is natural and divine and in accord with all that is good.

Somewhat appropriately today, I was aware of sentinel spirits in the hills on my walk; standing, watching Elementals -- mysterious, still and silent.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

9 Eagle, Thursday 17 March 2011

Eagle 9 is about flying above the polarities that lie below, whilst integrating heart and mind. Compassionate yet discerning thought yields the rewards today, as you feel fully awake in the realm between Heaven and Earth.

The 260 days of the Sacred Mayan Calendar is a fractal of the 26,000 Tun (Tun is the 360-day cycle) that measures the galactic spin.

The 260-day calendar has resonance with individual human gestation (266 days on average), while the 26,000 years (approximately) of the galactic cycle measures the development of the whole human species in ways we are not yet sure of, but which probably mark the duration of a "mutation" of the species -- a birth of new consciousness.

By following the 260-day calendar, we move into resonance with Galactic consciousness and with species issues. Our relationship with time and space changes... below is a primer. Just look at the pictures; it is all pretty toroidal geometry.

The toroidal universe is a fractal universe and it is how reality looks as we wake up to planetary consciousness. Spend just a few minutes clicking through the documents below and look at the pictures -- enjoy them intuitively.

For those want to look at the toroidal universe, go here

View more documents from cbuono.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

8 Jaguar, Wednesday 16 March 2011

Navigating reality requires the ability to face and accept the Shadow — both within yourself and within your friends, your family, your lover and the mother of all scary shadows of the world we live in — without getting lost in the admittedly undeniable darkness and seeing it as all there is.

The light is stronger and the shaman within you knows this instinctively.

The Galactic awakening of the 2012 era requires this level of commitment from an increasing number of us.

What we need is humour and acceptance, openness of mind and a radical playful spirit in a world of relative truth, dark powerful agendas and social confusion. The dark game is a smaller context than the Light of Creation, which infuses our everyday lives.

Commit to playing the game of duality in order to connect with the unity.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

7 Reed or Skywalker, Tuesday 15 March 2011

On day 7 the energy of the timewave that resonates with heaven and earth is revealed. 7 days have a magical resonant feeling; there is an awareness of 'as above, so below', or a sense of the timeless moment being present in the day through the filter of the Glyph. The inherent ethic of creation is present on day 7 in all timewaves.

The Deer timewave reveals its energy as being resonant with the observer mind today.

A good day to move into resonance with a higher perspective of reality, whilst functioning in a normal everyday kind of way.Your actions can feel in accord with the divine will.

Image from here

Monday, 14 March 2011

6 Grass, Human or Road, Monday 14 March, 2011

Open yourself to the flow. Affluence is being in the flow, regardless of your bank balance; just be open enough to allow the flow.

The road ahead opens up through people. Stay open to people and you are living abundantly -- simple, but sometimes challenging.

A day of understated harmony and rhythm on the Mayan Galactic frequency.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

5 Monkey, Sunday 13 March 2011

The Deer timewave is about navigating the ever-changing emergent world. This consciousness is the recognition of the unpredictable nature of life's exact unfoldment. Monkey is the spirit who is at home with the truth of the trickster, whose domain is in the details and lateral potentials. Monkey is at home here because Monkey is a creative trickster.

Come back to that part within you that knows life really is a game. Radiating out from the centre of your being is your own freewill, which is a monkey unto itself.

Today, recognize the truth that outcomes may not be exactly what we expect (notably in regards to specific timing of manifestations); this will keep us alert and awake. The universe is always generating randomness within the context of its overall directions.

Today is also a good day to be conscious of the many faces that life shows us. All masks veil and express the unified consciousness. Empower yourself by accepting that the trickster Monkey is an essential part of creation.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

4 Dog, Saturday 12 March 2011

The foundation for the elastic strength of the Deer timewave starts with emotional security.

We all have our family, including ancestral, friends and work colleagues.

Today, recognize the feeling of belonging that you enjoy through the people you find yourself with.

Friday, 11 March 2011

3 Water or Moon, Friday 11 March 2011

A general sense of charged emotional energy, anticipation, agitation, anxiety or excitement without a definite discernible reason is present today. Hold it lightly; this is the engine of your soul revving up and warming up.

Alternatively, today feel the flow of energy as one thing gradually flows into another; see the day as a wave form or as wave forms, cresting and falling, then rising again. To stay in the flow, utilize the power of the Water glyph and offer yourself to life. Be ready to give to the moment and to share.

Allow deeper feeling to surface and you will find that you can quite naturally communicate from the soul, cleansing hidden emotions whilst giving permission to others to do the same.

Allow different areas of concern or interest to merge and overlap. Stay in the flow and you will find that staccato or oscillating thoughts, fuelled by tension and adrenalin, will dissolve into natural movement. A day of confluence.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

2 Rabbit or Star, Thursday 10 March 2011

The illusion of impermanence.

The diversity of all that attracts us can overwhelm us with promise, opportunity, beauty, brilliance, splendour and bliss -- it is all too much if we try to grasp.

All that glitters is not gold, and yet the sparkle of life is a reflection of divinity and is here for us to enjoy and celebrate.

Today you can feel the promise, the pull and attraction of opposing forms and appearances. You may hear a desperate call within you to attend to one thing and negate another. On 2 days we can feel the duality inherent in our life. The multiplicity of appealing entertainment and urgent needs is actually a reminder of how extraordinarily abundant and omni-directional life truly is.

Focus primarily on the vortex within the centre of it all; this is the white hole that gives birth to the abundance of all that is in your life.

Today, enjoy some diversity without getting sucked into one reality tunnel.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

1 Deer or Hand, Wednesday 9 March 2011

After Jaguar timewave comes the timewave of Deer, starting today.

In the next 13 days, the Mayan Sacred Calendar guides you in the art of control. This timewave is a chance to learn the ability to respond appropriately to life; to know when to hold on and when to let go.

Deer or Hand is elusive and graceful, yet deceptively strong. So begins 13 days to awaken your spiritual power and nobility. The lesson of Deer is how to follow the ebb and flow of energies, which requires an ability to have the correct degree and balance of tension and relaxation, knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Deer utilizes the diversity of organic tools at hand.

Deer is fleeting and yet makes itself known; Deer knows stillness and silence, yet has great speed and vitality.

Navigate the full range of your capabilities and talents, recognize your masculine and feminine traits during this timewave. Deer are natural Daykeepers for they can naturally respond to the rhythmic change of energies. Hold, then release; hold the moment delicately with some alertness.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

13 Skull, Tuesday 8 March 2011

Thirteen is the master number of spiralling movement and growth; it is in resonance with the Lunar Cycle and is a Fibonacci number. 13 is the movement into mystery as we leave the orderly and rational temporarily behind. Skull is the power to cut free and start again.

Today, you have the opportunity to cut away all of the flesh of sentiment from life, to free the self from attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being.

Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.

Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.

The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.

Monday, 7 March 2011

12 Serpent, Monday 7 March 2011

A day of understanding the instinctive level of reality. A day where you can connect to your own survival instinct and survival impulse. Today is a good day to recognize how the biorhythms shape our psychology and how they are interlinked with the invisible environment.

The snake is the manifest expression of Kundalini life force, the power to live and evolve. Serpent issues are issues of sex and power. The battle for power in the world takes place on many fronts and includes the agendas of occult groups, such as those that seem to exist within the Vatican and other covert alliances within and beyond large-scale organizations.

How do we survive, grow and flourish in the maelstrom of competing powers and the seemingly overwhelming forces that control or attempt to control our lives?

We stay alert, responsive and open—connected to body and our own power, recognizing the basic need for money, but not giving our power away to anxiety. The life force in our body is an expression of the evolutionary urge of the species; it is highly adaptable and can shed the skin of an outworn reality. Recognize your power to regenerate, value your power to reject that which does not serve you and value the power of your passion.

A good day to have a clear perspective on power.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

11 Lizard or Seed, Sunday 6 March 2011

Opening the doors between what are normally compartmentalized realities. A day of modification; allow new energy in.

Seed is the first stage of abundance. All plants, or animals for that matter, produce a disproportionate number of seeds; nature allows for what we call "waste" by producing the seeds for new life in magnificent abundance. The Lizard is a sophisticated absorber of the Sun and has a capacity to store sunlight. Sunlight, and the subtle energy of prana, is the pre-manifest seed of life.

If you feel indebted, today offers the energy for your liberation.

Today is the 11th day of the Jaguar timewave -- the Jaguar timewave is all about an instinctive level of reality. The Jaguar prowls the shadows, the underworld, the night, with a relaxed alertness, knowing that opportunity is omnipresent. Eleven is the number of adaptation of form; it is the open gate, the frequency of the transparency of all form. Today, do not solidify your situation with rationality, instead be of an open mind, be flexible and spontaneous like a cat.

In the shadow of the world, new life, light and opportunity gestate. Be confident about the true abundance of life and allow yourself to absorb. Respond to the glimpses of feeling that life is offering you abundance with a playful and easy affirmative gnosis.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

10 Dark Night, Saturday 5 March 2011

The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness. The physical world is not a solid. A good day to walk through walls.

The picture above is of Real De Catorce, Mexico, a place I visited in 1997 with no money and rather unexpectedly. After a few days of enforced semi-fasting, I had a vision of 2012 whilst sitting here at dawn, overlooking the mountains.

The town is slightly haunted. It is an ex-silver mining town with crumbling walls and buildings and is gateway to the peyote desert. It is melancholic and beautiful; the land is wistful and so are the people.

The atmosphere of Real De Catorce at that time for me was wholly permeable and it was where I stayed at the end of a six-month trip that yielded the harvest of the Mayan experience.

Friday, 4 March 2011

9 Wind, Friday 4 March 2011

A day of clarity. After the almost undifferentiated energy of Crocodile comes the activator energy of Wind.
9 days are always wake-up calls on some level.

Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? A voice from deep within you, which is a decisive uncompromising activating force and is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche.

You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.

A good day to be decisive.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

8 Crocodile or Dragon, Thursday 3 March 2011

Today, an 8 Crocodile day, the commitment to accept is that of nurturing yourself and others. Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day.

Healing Superstars

One of the myths of the new age is that to heal ourselves means to rid ourselves of our stuff.

I suggest "healing" actually means acceptance, accepting all the levels of one's being. You were a child and now you have an inner child -- I don’t care if you are a world leader, a guru, a political journalist or a hard-nosed scientist, that brat and/or little sweetie still lives within.

The healing is the acceptance, which means we do not need to be ruled by all the lower levels of our psyche.

Being the Mystery

Crocodile is also the primal force that gives birth to all things. What new undifferentiated essence has been born in you? The birth of energy today is one of appreciation, lovingness, protection and care, rather than a surge forward with any goal-orientated project. Whatever you are doing, simply appreciate the juice of life.

Feel into it and recognize this ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

7 Flower, Lord or Sun, Wednesday 2 March 2011

A day of feeling the resonance with the subtle light. The frequency of light you are attuned to could come in many forms -- ancestral guidance, simple radiance, a sense of power, an opening of the heart. To feel resonant, keep the day as simple as possible, if you can. Do not be tempted to expend it all; stay sensitized and allow the natural flowering to occur and you will shine where it is appropriate.

A day where your divinity is empowered.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

6 Storm, Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dance through the day. The tension and background chaos keeps you on your toes and keeps you responsive, alert and moving into the new space of freedom that is continually opening up in front of you. Staying one step ahead brings you a sense of exhilaration as you recognize that you enjoy the novelty of the Storm day.