Saturday, 30 April 2011
1 Storm, Saturday 30 April 2011
A new 13-day timewave begins today. Storm is the electrifying power that cleanses blocks and inhibitions from our psyche.
Storm consciousness is comfortable with sudden changes in the day, covering all manner of diverse experiences. The archaic, the futuristic and the contemporary sit comfortably together in this day. The holistic, the pure and the profane arise organically as you spark off the spontaneous energies that shift you this way and then that way. Storm loosens you up, frees your soul from fixed ideas. Storm is sudden and unexpected and brings energy to the electrical aspects of your body, your nervous system and your etheric body.
A day of exhilaration that sets the scene for the next 13 days.
For new visitors:
I will explain a little about the idea of this blog, which is to gently present a byte each day, a facet of each of the day's energies as they manifest on this specific frequency of reality.
The frequency is derived from the 260-day Sacred Mayan Calendar, which can be thought of as a different pulse from the one we normally operate in with our standard calendar.
The attunement to this frequency happens naturally over time - through a relaxed persistence, rather than an instant understanding. The frequency expands your awareness of the Earth as a being within the cosmos. You were in this space, this realm, when you were in the womb; now you can consciously integrate the cosmic with your everyday life as it unfolds in the theatre of the world. 2012 is coming; it is time to surf the galactic emanations that are inherent within everything on Earth.
Love and Creativity.
Friday, 29 April 2011
13 Obsidian Mirror, Friday 29 April 2011
Mirrors reflecting upon mirrors into eternity.
The Skull timewave completes with a dispersion of light as everything seems to be a reflection of everything else. That which has fallen away from you during this timewave of death and rebirth appears as a spectre, so let it go to the best of your ability. Do not cling to the mask or veil you used before this timewave.
The emotional impact of seeing that which is no longer serving you can be disturbing.
However, it is a good day to sense that you are a fuzzy fractal of the divine.
Out of the corner of your psychic eye, you catch a glimpse of the never-changing essence, the you that is a reflection of the ineffable.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
12 Earthmover, Thursday 28 April 2011
It works out beautifully.
Today we understand the inherent re-organizational intelligence within life's disruptions. Recent upheavals and quakes can make sense, as you synchronize your energy with Earth's galactic constant - the pulse of the 260-day cycle - the same pulse you experienced in all innocence as a soul journeying to your developing foetus.
How to make a real change in your life, an evolutionary jump forward, is understood today. The energy of change is vitalized and you can see how seemingly random artefacts of your life can be organized coherently.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
11 Vulture, Owl or Warrior, Wednesday 27 April 2011
The 11th day of each timewave is about opening the doors to incoming energy and consciousness. 11:11 is the Stargate; 11.11gmt or universal time is the time of the winter solstice on 21st December 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.
11 is when the doors of our reality, our perceived manifest solidity, open to let in more light and consciousness.
To develop a sophisticated view of reality - which is to be conscious of complex patterns - requires an ability to hold a different set of contrary perspectives at any one time. This ability is based on staying open, keeping open your windows and the doors of your perception, which are located in the energy field. To see the emerging and developing patterns inherent within our global society involves staying open whilst understanding that reality is comprised of levels, both psychological and metaphysical.
Different levels have different truths. 2012 is encoded with an influx of new energy into the Earth. We are challenged to stay open to see what is coming in, rather than having fixed perspectives. At the same time, we are challenged to see what is receiving that energy.
We are being asked to be conscious of the multiple truths of a changing human society that is being led towards a state of consciousness beyond planet Earth. What is the new energy incoming and what is the nature of the self, society, species and planet receiving this energy? These are the questions to ask yourself today to some extent, but more profoundly in 2012.
The Warrior is the sacred warrior of truth.
Today, open yourself to higher truth.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
10 Eagle, Tuesday 26 April 2011
A day of emotional intelligence and a message on how to manifest abundance for your self whilst helping the world and being part of the shift to a more compassionate society.
Help those you meet by offering your vision. The vision of the Eagle manifests today. The Eagle soars above the world but looks down upon it, rather than up to the stars. The Eagle strikes with great clarity at problems that need solving on the ground.
The Eagle teaches the higher element of emotional intelligence by being compassionate without being unnecessarily wet or soppy, for Eagle is a warrior of the heart.
Monday, 25 April 2011
9 Jaguar, Monday 25 April 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011
8 Skywalker, Sunday 24 April 2011
Today is about the compression of an abstract idea into time-space and the linear mind; decide to proceed with the change presenting itself to you. This requires some degree of emotional commitment.
The last timewave was a Skywalker timewave - the exploration of different reality templates and potentials. This Skull timewave is about definitive change. The next timewave is Storm, which brings the energy to break old patterning.
Prepare for a reality jump.
Saturday, 23 April 2011
7 Grass, Human or Good Road, Saturday 23 April 2011
Grass is unspectacular and yet vastly ubiquitous ... it is abundant.
A day to be open to abundance by creating space for new people, or new energy, or new energy from people you know.
The human species is nearly 7 billion by number. Ubiquitous on Earth and far from overpopulating this planet, we are needed. It is thanks to the abundance of intelligence that is derived from all people contributing their gifts that the world can evolve and transform from a paradigm of fear to a paradigm that supports love.
The magical resonance of all human wisdom as a net total essence derived from every man, woman and child is available today as you walk on the long good road of life.
Friday, 22 April 2011
6 Monkey, Friday 22 April 2011
Thursday, 21 April 2011
5 Dog, Thursday 21 April 2011
A day to feel the protective energy of your centre, protecting those you love.
The people you need and love are held within your heart. This is a powerful field of protective energy that creates a space of equilibrium in the midst of change.
Change can be destructive; however, if we can stay with the heart, transformation is resonant with the highest good and the power of love.
A very good day to connect with people all around you. Visualize your friends and acquaintances linking from you out in all directions.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
4 Water or Moon, Wednesday 20 April 2011
Set the parameters of your emotional capacity; be honest about what you can expose yourself to. How much you can handle?
What areas can you handle getting involved in? What do you need to debate and what drama is good for you? Where must you stay clear? What should you avoid?
Purify your emotions, cleanse and release, reset your emotional body.
What do you have to offer?
What areas can you handle getting involved in? What do you need to debate and what drama is good for you? Where must you stay clear? What should you avoid?
Purify your emotions, cleanse and release, reset your emotional body.
What do you have to offer?
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
3 Rabbit or Star, Tuesday 19 April 2011
A day of shifting energy and light, communication and movement.
The shifting nature of attention.
Do not be a Rabbit in a headlight. We can all get stuck down reality tunnels. The dynamic movement of energy today means that our attention is malleable; we can shine our light on a new potential quite easily -- likewise we can receive new light, new information, new glamorous images or stories that pull us in a different direction.
A day of negotiating agreements. The challenge of Star is not to be too light, not to acquiesce to everything.
Use the energy to your advantage to bring more of the radiant spirit into your reality. Be prepared to subtly adjust things without switching to an opposite direction.
A very good day to see how reality is comprised of frequencies of light.
Monday, 18 April 2011
2 Deer or Hand, Monday 18 April 2011
The challenge of transformation comes to the surface today.
What do we hold onto and what do we let go of?
Navigate the energy as it flows between polarities. Feel into it; sense the energy.
You do not necessarily need to decide what is to be let go of, just allow your consciousness the space to calibrate the incoming and outgoing energies.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
1 Skull, Sunday 17 April 2011
Change: 13 days of transformation begins today in the Skull timewave. In this timewave, choices are made. In some areas we cut back to the bone; we let go of some things in order to commit to a new structure and to a change in our lives.
Skull is the energy of change from one state to another.
Change: The world is emitting a steady, deep resonant tone. This is the sound of a countdown to 2012.
Skull is black and white.
The 2012 era requires change, the change of human collective consciousness.
Today has Power.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
13 Serpent, Saturday 16 April 2011
On Cosmic Serpent day, the energy of the Skywalker timewave culminates as you come into the body from the sky. You come into everyday reality from the exploration of potentials to face the daily survival needs. Today is a day of the kundalini, the life force that powers your survival instincts, the impulse of creation, the evolutionary impulse of life.
The day offers a chance to break free from worry about one's survival by facing physical reality and yet vitalizing your body with some action and daring.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Friday, 15 April 2011
12 Lizard or Seed, Friday 15 April 2011
One of the best days in the whole 260-day cycle to have conscious integrated realizations and see the coherence of your life, a project or the world. A good day for recognizing you have a plan, a seed to plant. The ideas of heaven create DNA, morphogenic fields and architectural plans.
Potentially, today offers you a clear-minded understanding of your whole energy, all of your needs and how they fit together.
Here is a plan that has emerged for me
If you feel confused, face yourself and own your desires. Be grateful for what you have, but own the desire for more. From this approach, a sense of the unity of your life's intentionality and purpose can emerge.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
11 Dark Night, House or Foredawn, Thursday 14 April 2011
Ideas of yesterday turn into feelings today. Doors open into their shadow, or doors open within the darkness and you see the space for light to come in, even if the darkness overpowers.
Dissolution of one's mental control as you surrender to creating emptiness. The cycles of creativity require that you make a fallow space and digest any shadow elements. Be in the dark house and sit it out. You can enjoy the fecundity if you get into it.
My feelings for today that sort of fit:
am a twisted firestarter, stomping, screaming, farting laughter,
sneering with a warm veneer
dancing with the anti-rhythm
messing up a tonal order
conducting art, I suppose
just following the dictates of the antipathy
to find that life has sympathy
for life is sweet and wild and smart
Cos really I am a butterfly
I guess that says it all huh?
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
10 Wind, Wednesday 13 April 2011
The Skywalker timewave manifests as a message or messages that convey the unfolding or potential future we are moving into.
Today, the words are strong, the message has power. An idea is formed and you can see it in its entirety if you step back. You might have to read it more than once to see the wholeness.
Wind solidifies on Day 10; that which was fickle takes a solid shape.
[Image from here]
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
9 Dragon or Crocodile, Tuesday 12 April 2011
In the Skywalker timewave, we are free to soar; to roam the skies and the future. Through the energy of 9 Crocodile, this manifests as the yearnings and deepest needs within us and within others.
Monday, 11 April 2011
8 Flower, Lord or Sun, Monday 11 April 2011
Sun is the day of our most public face, the brightest and most positive side of our psyche. Here we need to commit to the radiance within us, so that the radiance we project is not just an empty image.
Feel the light, the good and the abundant within you; just be honest and find what you have inside. You may be feeling down and in some darkness, if so just acknowledge any small light and power you can find, then just turn the volume up a little.
Today, set your intention to be your light and then relax and let go.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
7 Storm, Sunday 10 April 2011
Seven is the mystical number that reflects the great mysteries, making them accessible in a stepped-down form in our realm. Seven creates a resonance of understanding or feeling with ineffable consciousness.
Storm is the day of refreshment and novelty that vitalizes our life.
Today, be a resonant being by enjoying the spontaneous, as well as the interruptions to your normal routine and habits.
6 Obsidian Mirror, Saturday 9 April 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
5 Earthmover, Friday 8 April 2011
A day to keep coming back to the observation tower as the synchronic and interesting developments radiate out all around you.
You can see that evolution is not merely up, but all around -- like an expanding sphere becoming more complexly organized; more dynamic, colourful and kaleidoscopic.
Feel the synchronic paths opening around you as the primal force of growth never stops. Life is never static and today you can find yourself waking up to the unstoppable vitality of life that is inherent within everything, all of the time.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
4 Vulture, Owl or Warrior, Thursday 7 April 2011
Stay grounded; nothing airy today.
Solid truth from sobriety and -- where appropriate -- say nothing, for silence will speak loudly.
When it is right to communicate today, be in your truth without apology, but say it calmly and with the humility you naturally find within yourself.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
3 Eagle, Wednesday 6 April, 2011
A great day to have a balanced view of the world as you fly high above it, yet looking down with a readiness to engage. Eagles have the ability to focus on the smallest details on the ground; they are comfortable and competent with the earthly realm.
A good day to enjoy the energy of anticipation. Stay ready for insights.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
2 Jaguar, Tuesday 5 April 2011
The challenge of stealth. Although secrecy eventually turns to decay, Jaguar must use the power of stealth-magic wisely.
The duality of the Skywalker timewave is that although we can enjoy the view from above, we must simultaneously feel connected through the feelings to the ground below. To this end, we call upon the shamanic cat instincts, to observe and respond to the energy behind things. Feel and respond, listen with x-ray smell. Be alert to the unusual, to the discordant and to any strange feelings.
Today affords you the opportunity to become aware of how you can transform negative or blocked energies.
Monday, 4 April 2011
1 Skywalker, Monday 4 April 2011
A new timewave starts today. One Skywalker/Reed is a strong masculine essence, not exactly flexible; the energy of this Skywalker timewave is like a shaft of light, a strong intention that sends a laser beam of consciousness up to the heavens.
A day and timewave of observation, to create a template and map that which connects Heaven and Earth.
You can really enjoy a sense of mental freedom today and during this entire 13-day timewave. Tune in and take the opportunity to detach; look to the sky and see things clearly. Great for work and creativity that involves laying out plans or big ideas.
Also, the perfect time to receive spiritual guidance from your otherworld guides, or perhaps transcendental yet embodied spiritual teachers.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
13 Good Road, Grass or Human, Sunday 3 April 2011
Feel the totality of your light emissions and how they attract people into your life. Enjoy the radiating potentials that life offers you, based on all of the different desires you hold.
Today the energy spirals out onto another level. The 13th day releases and harvests the energy of the whole timewave. This is the last day of the timewave of the Sun or Flower.
Today enables you to see the totality of your desires and thoughts (which have manifested as the totality of your life experience) as radial lines of possible futures. This is most evident through all the people you have encountered over the last 13 days and the potential paths that open up through relating to each of them and reinforcing the associated energy.
Every thread of light that emanates from you draws in different events and people -- and people, especially people, are each a synchronous web of unique connections. Each person you encounter offers you a new doorway to reality, but do you see where each path can lead?
If so, you can choose to let go of some of those threads and release the energy of that which does not feel as if it would be fulfilling. This means releasing the desire and whimsical wants that lead you down limiting paths.
Liberate yourself by liberating some of the energy you expend in wanting that which is inappropriate to your best interests.
Today is Eb, Human or the Good Road, the road of life’s adventure. The good road of life is also the Milky Way, the path of the Soul. Above is the Galactic Butterfly, the symbol of the Galactic spiral.
Open your mind a full 360 degrees and be the empty conduit for the possibilities of the next timewave. Light is a radiant energy, just like full consciousness. Galactic Time is also radiant.
The Cosmos is all around, in all directions, and that is not just space but time/space. That’s right, the true nature of time is that it radiates out in all directions.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
12 Monkey, Saturday 2 April 2011
Light creates all and today you can understand that light creates shadow - even darkness comes from light.
Play-work-vocation-fun-drama all seem so interlinked on Monkey 12.
Novelty enlightens you today, so follow your curiosity and see what you can craft from what you find.
Sometimes you have to work hard to have fun. For some of us, fun comes from serious issues; fun arises spontaneously... some things that the world says are fun can feel like hard work.
In the Flower/Lord/Sun timewave, the 12th day is Monkey, giving us the understanding that the creative power of light is inherently filled with novel, fun, tricky and spontaneous energy. The light that radiates from the Sun is not merely inert photons, it is real energy, energy that is vastly intelligent and a little wild.
A good day to come up with highly creative solutions to major challenges.
Friday, 1 April 2011
11 Dog, Friday 1 April 2011
What was solidifying yesterday becomes more transparent today. So, for example, if you were feeling stodgy and stuck within yourself yesterday, today a door opens to lead you into another emotional space that is more relational and more resonant with those around you.
Allow someone into your emotional space.
Alternatively and/or simultaneously, your relationship patterns with friends, lover or family turn inside out and offer you another perspective, not only on your relationships but on the whole arena of community, connection and relating.
The sovereignty of self grows today through the adaptive ability of the basic emotions and common needs (we all have) for the company of others. A good day to modify your needs or feelings.
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