Wednesday, 30 November 2011
8 Jaguar, Thursday 1 December 2011
Stay alert and call upon Earth Magic, for you are a warrior protector of this vital beautiful and precious planet and we need you in your power.
Navigating reality requires the ability to face and accept the Shadow — both within yourself and within your friends, your family, your lover and the mother of all scary shadows of the world we live in — without getting lost in the admittedly undeniable darkness and seeing it as all there is.
The light is stronger and the shaman within you knows this instinctively.
The Galactic awakening of the 2012 era requires this level of commitment from an increasing number of us.
What we need is humour and acceptance, openness of mind and a radical playful spirit in a world of relative truth, dark powerful agendas and social confusion. The dark game is a smaller context than the Light of Creation, which infuses our everyday lives.
Commit to playing the game of duality in order to connect with the unity.
7 Reed or Skywalker, Wednesday 30 November 2011
On day 7 the energy of the timewave that resonates with heaven and earth is revealed. 7 days have a magical resonant feeling; there is an awareness of 'as above, so below', or a sense of the timeless moment being present in the day through the filter of the Glyph. The inherent ethic of creation is present on day 7 in all timewaves.
The Deer timewave reveals its energy as being resonant with the observer mind today.
A good day to move into resonance with a higher perspective of reality, whilst functioning in a normal everyday kind of way. Your actions can feel in accord with the divine will.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
6 Grass, Good Road or Human, Tuesday 29 November
Open yourself to the flow. Affluence is being in the flow, regardless of your bank balance; just be open enough to allow the flow.
The road ahead opens up through people. Stay open to people and you are living abundantly -- simple, but sometimes challenging.
A day of understated harmony and rhythm on the Mayan Galactic frequency.
Flowing in a direction yet going with the swirls.
Monday, 28 November 2011
5 Monkey, Monday 28 November 2011
The Deer timewave is about navigating the ever-changing emergent world. This consciousness is the recognition of the unpredictable nature of life's exact unfoldment. Monkey is the spirit who is at home with the truth of the trickster, whose domain is in the details and lateral potentials. Monkey is at home here because Monkey is a creative trickster.
Come back to that part within you that knows life really is a game. Radiating out from the centre of your being is your own freewill, which is a monkey unto itself.
Today, recognize the truth that outcomes may not be exactly what we expect (notably in regards to specific timing of manifestations); this will keep us alert and awake. The universe is always generating randomness within the context of its overall directions.
Today is also a good day to be conscious of the many faces that life shows us. All masks veil and express the unified consciousness. Empower yourself by accepting that the trickster Monkey is an essential part of creation.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
4 Dog, Sunday 27 November 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
3 Water or Moon, Saturday 26 November 2011
Transmissions and emanations from the soul.
A general sense of charged emotional energy, anticipation, agitation, anxiety or excitement without a definite discernible reason is present today. Hold it lightly; this is the engine of your soul revving up and warming up.
Alternatively, today feel the flow of energy as one thing gradually flows into another; see the day as a wave form or as wave forms, cresting and falling, then rising again. To stay in the flow, utilize the power of Water and offer yourself to life. Be ready to give to the moment and to share.
Allow deeper feeling to surface and you will find that you can quite naturally communicate from the soul, cleansing hidden emotions whilst giving permission to others to do the same.
Allow different areas of concern or interest to merge and overlap. Stay in the flow and you will find that staccato or oscillating thoughts, fuelled by tension and adrenalin, will dissolve into natural movement. A day of confluence.
Friday, 25 November 2011
2 Rabbit or Star 25 November 2011
The illusion of impermanence.
The diversity of all that attracts us can overwhelm us with promise, opportunity, beauty, brilliance, splendour and bliss -- it is all too much if we try to grasp.
All that glitters is not gold, and yet the sparkle of life is a reflection of divinity and is here for us to enjoy and celebrate.
Today you can feel the promise, the pull and attraction of opposing forms and appearances. You may hear a desperate call within you to attend to one thing and negate another. On 2 days we can feel the duality inherent in our life. The multiplicity of appealing entertainment and urgent needs is actually a reminder of how extraordinarily abundant and omni-directional life truly is.
Focus primarily on the vortex within the centre of it all; this is the white hole that gives birth to the abundance of all that is in your life.
Today, enjoy some diversity without getting sucked into one reality tunnel.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
1 Deer or Hand, Thursday 24 November 2011
After Jaguar timewave comes the timewave of Deer, starting today.
In the next 13 days, the Mayan Sacred Calendar guides you in the art of control. This timewave is a chance to learn the ability to respond appropriately to life; to know when to hold on and when to let go.
Deer or Hand is elusive and graceful, yet deceptively strong. So begins 13 days to awaken your spiritual power and nobility. The lesson of Deer is how to follow the ebb and flow of energies, which requires an ability to have the correct degree and balance of tension and relaxation, knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Deer utilizes the diversity of organic tools at hand.
Deer is fleeting and yet makes itself known; Deer knows stillness and silence, yet has great speed and vitality.
Navigate the full range of your capabilities and talents, recognize your masculine and feminine traits during this timewave. Deer are natural Daykeepers for they can naturally respond to the rhythmic change of energies. Hold, then release; hold the moment delicately with some alertness.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
13 Skull, Wednesday 23 November 2011
Thirteen is the master number of spiralling movement and growth; it is in resonance with the Lunar Cycle and is a Fibonacci number. 13 is the movement into mystery as we leave the orderly and rational temporarily behind. Skull is the power to cut free and start again.
Today, you have the opportunity to cut away all of the flesh of sentiment from life, to free the self from attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being.
Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.
Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.
The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.
Today, you have the opportunity to cut away all of the flesh of sentiment from life, to free the self from attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being.
Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.
Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.
The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
12 Serpent, Tuesday 22-11-11
A day of understanding the instinctive level of reality. A day where you can connect to your own survival instinct and survival impulse. Today is a good day to recognize how the biorhythms shape our psychology and how they are interlinked with the invisible environment.
The snake is the manifest expression of Kundalini life force, the power to live and evolve. Serpent issues are issues of sex and power. The battle for power in the world takes place on many fronts and includes the agendas of occult groups, such as those that seem to exist within the Vatican and other covert alliances within and beyond large-scale organizations.
How do we survive, grow and flourish in the maelstrom of competing powers and the seemingly overwhelming forces that control or attempt to control our lives?
We stay alert, responsive and open—connected to body and our own power, recognizing the basic need for money, but not giving our power away to anxiety. The life force in our body is an expression of the evolutionary urge of the species; it is highly adaptable and can shed the skin of an outworn reality. Recognize your power to regenerate, value your power to reject that which does not serve you and value the power of your passion.
A good day to have a clear perspective on power.
The Issue of Power in the 2012 Era
The evolutionary imperative to wake up and to evolve our consciousness is increasingly becoming linked to the issue of power.
We all have our personal focuses which are our primary concern and rightly so. The personal priorities are relating, whether that is intimately or just with friends, secondly work, which gives us our personal satisfaction. Furthermore there is maintenance and sustenance of home, body and soul. The need for pleasure, joy, bliss, ecstasy, fun and entertainment are also important. For me and many others the need for a practice where I feel connected to the source of life is a major priority.
If you are feeling good about yourself you probably are not going to be interested in the social political landscape and this is totally understandable. Your life can feel complete, or almost so, if you have a handle on some of the above. There is enough to do in the personal sphere, without the concerns of the larger social terrain.
However, what is unique to our era is an increased evolutionary pressure. The species has to evolve, the failure to do so will result in the decay of the human species. Anyone who cannot see that the world requires some serious attention is spiritually asleep or in denial
Every stage of culture grows and flourishes and is beneficial for a while, it is beneficial in its totality to the evolution of human consciousness—the evolutionary project of life. The material paradigm—the constellation of science, economics, competition and consumerism—has given us a fabulous social structure in many ways, as we can appreciate when we think back to the conditions of life a few hundred years ago. It is fair to say that not all things improve, but it would be hard to dismiss ‘progress’ as a complete misnomer.
The natural evolution of our species is now towards a consciousness and energy paradigm. This shift of focus includes a greater awareness and need for vitalized nutrition, time for creativity, authentic expression and consciousness, healthy and vitalized sexual relationships, conscious use of the life force, a need for a basic equality of opportunity and survival for all sentient life on Earth, clean freer physical energy for travel, warmth and industry.
There is this obviously an increased interconnection between us, our personal sphere and the rapidly emerging planetary society—who could deny that?
When an individual goes through a transformation, in particular the shift from being embedded in the mainstream way of externalized material focus to an awakening to the rich inner life of feelings and soul there is invariably a shock. The awareness of the illusory nature of the old life and the shadow of the self is revealed. The extraordinary expansion of the psychological terrain involves a natural revulsion to some of the previous behaviour.
We are now witnessing the corresponding collective transformation, this collective process has a vastly increased scale of energy to it, so the feeling of shock and disillusion to the old theatre on the collective scale is therefore one of enormity.
The enormity in question is the contractual agreement we have inadvertently made on a spiritual level. It is a natural process of ego development, for the separate self to emerge we dislocate from our spiritual source in order to primarily focus on the external material expression. The emergence of the sense of separate self is an evolutionary development of the species—as explained by the developmental stages of evolution (Enchantments of Life). The relative autonomy that each of us enjoys today is something that has emerged gradually in recent human history. We had to create some separation from nature, from spirit, from energy in order to allow the external visceral material awareness to flourish.
In so doing we, as a species put aside our spiritual connectedness and now as a species we need to reconnect. The natural evolution of consciousness is an oscillating process from internal to external focus; we emphasize one over the other in order to evolve. Now that the species is reconnecting it is faced with the disturbing facts of what has happened in the shadows on the spiritual level. The temporary negation of spirit means that we hand over or create an unconscious invitation to the devouring force of darkness that consumes the soul. The role of dark entities is to destroy that which is left unattended—it is a rule of creation—that which you focus upon you become that which you negate you lose. Use it lose it. We have not gone so far as to lose our species souls, but if the species continues to focus upon the external reality for another…maybe, few decades, then the species will become a species of sleeping zombies.
I do believe we are waking up, but the evolutionary imperative is not allowing us to be complacent, the drama is real and the clock is ticking.
The effects of the devouring force can be seen in the manifest realm as the all consuming greed of central banking, pharmaceutical industries, and the war machine, and the oil/energy industry.
This monstrous monopolizing force is being steered in a direction to enslave the human species. In the shadows behind our leadership lies the most sophisticated cunning octopus of control and engineering that springs from a spiritual level. On the spiritual level reality is based on will. You cannot control someone unless they hand over there will, they have to agree to be controlled. The shocking, actually awesome nature of the deliberate construct that we live in, is too unbelievable for the majority of people to consider. It is time for conscious awakened adults to see that we live in a covertly constructed world increasingly led by power consumed socio-paths that deliberately start wars, deliberately create disease and pharmaceutical drug addiction, promote paedophilia, sexual discord, suppress alternative energy, healing, equality and fairness whilst feeding and living off mass fear, debt and hate.
The psychological condition of the servants of this dark primal force are motivated by the need to feed their insatiable lust for power, absolute power is the consumption of life force—money is merely the fascia, the means to an end.
The imperative to enjoy your life is important, but if you are to be an agent for our evolution you should be conscious of the shadow. The tricky part is to be conscious of it without feeding it.
To what extent do we need to act?
No single person, no single organization can do very much, the action required is a mass awakening. When I say mass awakening it may only require as little as ten per cent of the global population and there is the latent potential within ten percent of the adult human population already. We all have a responsibility to become informed and to gently nudge those around us to do likewise. The action required is awareness and the courage to share the truth of the situation as calmly as is possible. Some people are required to rant, shout and cajole and we should respect the fact that they are willing to put themselves on the line to face up to public humiliation and personal danger. For example even if you do not believe everything David Icke has to say it is very hard to dismiss him as a lunatic when you look at what he was saying in the 1990s and look at the world today. Jim Marrs is calm and measured researcher and this lecture is a very palatable introduction to the conspiracy truth.
The greater context of the global situation is the benevolent evolutionary imperative, we are growing, and we are being asked to jump to a new level of the game. This shocking confrontation with the shadow is part of our maturation from an adolescent species to a planetary adult species.
Get beyond the ridicule, the universe is far far more complex and extraordinary than we can ever imagine. The fact that our political-economic system is controlled by a conspiracy is a small issue on a cosmic scale, as large as this matrix of illusion appears to be, it’s small potatoes when compared to the reality that is seeking emergence.
Jim Marrs here
Monday, 21 November 2011
10 Lizard or Seed, Monday 21 November 2011
Opening the doors between what are normally compartmentalized realities. A day of modification; allow new energy in.
Seed is the first stage of abundance. All plants, or animals for that matter, produce a disproportionate number of seeds; nature allows for what we call "waste" by producing the seeds for new life in magnificent abundance. The Lizard is a sophisticated absorber of the Sun and has a capacity to store sunlight. Sunlight, and the subtle energy of prana, is the pre-manifest seed of life.
If you feel indebted, today offers the energy for your liberation.
Today is the 11th day of the Jaguar timewave -- the Jaguar timewave is all about an instinctive level of reality. The Jaguar prowls the shadows, the underworld, the night, with a relaxed alertness, knowing that opportunity is omnipresent. Eleven is the number of adaptation of form; it is the open gate, the frequency of the transparency of all form. Today, do not solidify your situation with rationality, instead be of an open mind, be flexible and spontaneous like a cat.
In the shadow of the world, new life, light and opportunity gestate. Be confident about the true abundance of life and allow yourself to absorb. Respond to the glimpses of feeling that life is offering you abundance with a playful and easy affirmative gnosis.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
10 Dark Night or Foredawn Sunday 20 November 2011
The subtle almost indefinable presence of the soul is ubiquitous
The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness. The physical world is not a solid. A good day to walk through walls.
The picture above is of Real De Catorce, Mexico, a place I visited in 1997 with no money and rather unexpectedly. After a few days of enforced semi-fasting, I had a vision of 2012 whilst sitting here at dawn, overlooking the mountains.
The town is slightly haunted. It is an ex-silver mining town with crumbling walls and buildings and is gateway to the peyote desert. It is melancholic and beautiful; the land is wistful and so are the people.
The atmosphere of Real De Catorce at that time for me was wholly permeable and it was where I stayed at the end of a six-month trip that yielded the harvest of the Mayan experience.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
9 Wind, Saturday 19 November 2011

A day of clarity. After the almost undifferentiated energy of Crocodile comes the activator energy of Wind.
9 days are always wake-up calls on some level.
Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? A voice from deep within you, which is a decisive uncompromising activating force and is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche.
You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.
A good day to be decisive.
Friday, 18 November 2011
8 Crocodile or Dragon, Friday 18 November 2011
Today, an 8 Crocodile day, the commitment to accept, is that of nurturing yourself and others. Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going.
Healing Superstars
One of the myths of the new age is that to heal ourselves means to rid ourselves of our stuff.
I suggest "healing" actually means acceptance, accepting all the levels of one's being. You were a child and now you have an inner child -- I don’t care if you are a world leader, a guru, a political journalist or a hard-nosed scientist, that brat and/or little sweetie still lives within.
The healing is the acceptance, which means we do not need to be ruled by all the lower levels of our psyche.
Being the Mystery
Crocodile is also the primal force that gives birth to all things. What new undifferentiated essence has been born in you? The birth of energy today is one of appreciation, lovingness, protection and care, rather than a surge forward with any goal-orientated project. Whatever you are doing, simply appreciate the juice of life and sustain life.
Feel into it and recognize this ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
7 Flower or Lord, Thursday 17 November
A day of feeling the resonance with the subtle light. The frequency of light you are attuned to could come in many forms -- ancestral guidance, simple radiance, a sense of power, an opening of the heart. To feel resonant, keep the day as simple as possible, if you can. Do not be tempted to expend it all; stay sensitized and allow the natural flowering to occur and you will shine where it is appropriate.
A day where your divinity is empowered. A good day to tune into that which is unfolding from the source through you.
Simplify to shine, allow the light.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
6 Storm, Wednesday 16 November
Dance through the day. The tension and background chaos keeps you on your toes and keeps you responsive, alert and moving into the new space of freedom that is continually opening up in front of you. Staying one step ahead brings you a sense of exhilaration as you recognize that you enjoy the novelty of the Storm day.
Respond to the deep body impulses, the consciousness within the cellular matrix.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
5 Obsidian Mirror, 15 November 2011
Stay centred in your radiance whilst surrounded by the darkness.
"Though I walk through the valley of shadows"
What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating x-ray eyes of a cat? We see the dark agendas, the lower spectrum frequencies; yet we know that this is just the terrain we walk through into the illuminated landscape. An encounter with the personal shadow is always shocking, disturbing and messy, despite any prolonged therapeutic process we may we have undergone. The collective shadow is even more disturbing. The shadow is the unconscious, that which lies beyond the light of awareness,that is why it is called the shadow.
The smoky mirror of romantic yearnings and infinite possibilities comes with the sadness of never being able to fully embody all potential.The Obsidian Warrior accepts learns to live with this truth, to live with acceptance. Each step towards acceptance that we can take brings the reward of a greater light.
We incarnate through a funnelling vortex. The vortex is a darkening veil of forgetfulness that spirals down to a point of light, which is the Star Gate that we pierce as the soul jumps through into the physical world.
Today, listen to the courage of your heart to look through the dark mirror and smoky veils to see the light source.
Today, more of your soul seeks to incarnate or descend into form, into the light of day.
Monday, 14 November 2011
4 Earthmover, Monday 14 November 2011
What energy are you drawing from the Earth? What are your roots and what has taken root in your life?
The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life - and in life in general - is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding.
Particularly relevant to this is that the result of the 11-11-11 feels to me as if there has been an increased malleability, flux and responsiveness of the fabric of reality to our will. I think it feels like the responsibility to call upon light and spirit to situations has markedly increased.
The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.
The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?
Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.
Artwork by Douglas Blair from here
Sunday, 13 November 2011
3 Vulture, Owl or Warrior, Sunday 13 November
A day to feel energized by your power. If you get connected to the Mayan frequency today, you feel strong and confident.
The key phrase is 'coming into alignment'. Draw upon the wisdom of the past, or your innate wisdom, to feel the move towards the centre.The central column within you carries the essence of all that you have experienced.
A day of moving towards an integrated confidence; a confidence based not on arrogance, but based on your experience.
A good day to validate and reinforce that which you know. Recognize your life experience gives you authority to be the author of your life.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
2 Eagle, saturday 12 November 2011
Today, dual visions compete in your soul; two futures present themselves. This is a good day to see the inherent contrast of your life, your self, your needs and your aspirations.
The 11-11-11 door has opened and the world has two visions, one is dystopian the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.
1 Jaguar Friday 11-11-11
ha, how weird got so caught up in 11-11-11 energy yesterday I forgot to post...sorry
The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and feel connected.
13 days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.
The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection -- images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.
Are you riding the waves?
Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
13 Reed, Thursday 10 November 2011
Free the mind from the dictates of necessity and free the soul.
Today the mind might feel scattered; this is veiling the freedom inherent within the day. A good day to construct complex patterns of knowledge.
The higher mind feels free to roam in all directions and observe the abstract. Welcome bizarre thoughts as they push the boundaries of your consciousness deep within the Earth, way out into space and beyond the limits of the normal time restraints. Explore Atlantis, the Akashic records or just enjoy a sense of vitalized intuition.
Expansive Light.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
12 Good Road, Wednesday 9 November 2011
A day of understanding that is an open-ended understanding, rather than being conclusive. Enjoy the journey of insights as the adventure unfolds.
The 12th day of every timewave gives us a clear sense of the message of the whole timewave. Crocodile timewave has a basic theme of nurturing, birthing and female wisdom. The Grass Daykeeper, also known as Human in the new age system, and the Good Road by the indigenous Maya, refers to the abundance of the human community and the universal quality of life's journey. Everyone is on an adventure; the enjoyment of which is dependent upon retaining an openness to life and the possibilities of new adventures around the next bend. What stops this adventure is when the mind becomes fixed and absolute about life -- our own life or the nature of life.
Today, you are an empty vessel on an adventure, willing to receive the nourishment that life is always offering you.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
11 Monkey, Tuesday 8 November 2011
Today is a day to loosen up. Trickery and cosmic humour force you to play, whether you want to or not. See the funny side. Be lateral.
Today you are being asked to create some space for more expression, more emotional elasticity. It is less about conclusions and solutions, more about spontaneity and laughter -- perhaps a little twisted, quirky or delightfully perverse.
Unusually nurturing your soul, for the soul needs to be elastic if it is to flourish.
Monkey frees up the emotional body today in the 260 day count. Allow yourself to be more imaginative about the world we live in and the nature of time and space.
The 260 day Tzolkin is the calendrical calibration of the soul's cosmic nature as it interfaces with our density. Which is to also to say that the Tzolkin is the key to understanding the galactic interface with Earth and this is the 'secret' of the 2012 era. Although we can all see the sociological effects of the 2012 phenomenon, the essence of 2012 is a re-calibration of the Earth with the Galaxy creating an evolutionary imperative to raise consciousness in the decades before and after 2012 itself.
One of the more obvious effects is an alteration to the temporal substance--we seem to have less time in a day. The timeframe that we experience at present is losing energy and a less dense level of experience/consciousness with a larger timeframe is being empowered. Those who control the outgoing density are attempting to close the doors to keep us locked into the economic theatre and this density. If enough people shift their focus out of the economic game then the old theatre will dissolve to reveal a more abundant and expansive terrain.
The 11-11-11 in 3 days from now is a portal opening to incoming cosmic light, be sure to tune in. Here is my 11-11-11 article.
Monday, 7 November 2011
10 Dog, Monday 7 November 2011
10 Dog in the Crocodile timewave manifests as our emotional needs being fully apparent. Today you can see the manifest state of your emotional body and really feel what it is you really need.
The essential and general needs for us all can be simply stated as being happiness and an avoidance of suffering. These are mostly found through relating to others, whilst having an attitude of gratitude about what is good in our experience right now.
Today is a good day to have a party. It can be a day of communal emotive connection, or a good day to be peaceful and feel the truth of what you need.
Ask yourself what it is you truly and honestly actually need for yourself.
(The picture is from Ecuador, I truly need a visit to this place, amongst many other things...)
Sunday, 6 November 2011
9 Water or Moon, Sunday 6 November 2011
A good day for conscious cleansing of the soul.
Today is a day of transcendent awakening and soulful reminiscences; a day to give thanks, blessings and make offerings. If deep and maybe disturbing feelings emerge today, change the muddy waters by transcending the disturbance and moving into stillness through feeling that which is good in your life, right now, as it is.
You can regain the peace in your soul and the balance in your psyche quite quickly today, by tuning into gratitude. What are you grateful for?
Saturday, 5 November 2011
8 Rabbit or Star, Saturday 5 November 2011
A day of organized harmony, as the unlimited abundance of Life flows into a simple manifestation. The macrocosm crystallizes in the microcosm. The profound funnels into the commonplace. Recognize divinity and then make light of your day.
The evolutionary imperative in our world is increasing the flow of energy and dissolving old forms or constructs noticeably faster. In this environment, it becomes harder to hold onto that which we consider solid; we start to wonder what is tangible? Is anything tangible; is anything real, can we rely on anything?
Yes indeed, we can rely on life much more, in fact we have to rely on life more, for we have no choice but to operate on a deeper level of faith. The forms and constructs we operate with and in are becoming more subtle. In becoming more subtle they are in fact becoming more truly real. The old solidities of absolutism, common sense surety, confidence in rationalities or even confidence in blissful ideology dissolve at a faster rate in the accelerated flow of consciousness.
And so the heart has to open.
Each gradient of velocity—the graduations of faster-flowing consciousness—are increasing levels of 'complexity consciousness', where we have progressively more time, for we are incrementally—a little bit at a time—entering a greater dimension of eternity.
Love never dies.
Acknowledge your prosaic truth, then let go of the preciousness to commit to the surface; make the light of your life be in your life. Today you can experience surprising enjoyment and release from hard work—make it easy for god's sake.
Do what you know you have to do, with a light heart, and today you will find that the energy makes light of your tasks.
Friday, 4 November 2011
7 Deer or Hand, Friday November 4
Come into resonance with the harmonics of the day. Tune into different frequencies by being flexible and also strong enough to adapt to the wave of the day.
The overall energy of today requires finesse to tune into the subtle ebbs and flows; listen to the melody, but don't drift away. Recognize and utilize the intuitive and feeling-based tools you have, for today is the perfect day to heighten your subtle senses and also be responsive to use the tools for appropriate action.
A good day to be conscious, both internally and externally.
To be conscious in this way means to be willing and able, to be responsive, adaptive and to adjust to the energies of the moment. This is the life skill of utilizing surrender and will, acceptance and action, receiving and intention. The importance of an intuitive, feeling-based focus has to be balanced with some creative direction.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
6 Skull, Thursday 3 November 2011
A day of mini chapters, with clean beginnings and endings to different tasks. Allow yourself to cut off from small attachments that are clogging your life. Cut back to the bone where necessary and be ready to refresh your day. Today offers you multiple opportunities to get things done and to rest in between those activities.
The energy of the day gives you the chance to be present and enclosed in your experience, rather than being pulled into the future.
Spirituality is political in the 2012 era.
Occupy your centre and yet be prepared to ‘occupy wall street’ the challenge in this age is to find stillness and yet be responsive and attentive to the world ‘out there’. The wall of thought between your inner and outer world is dissolving. To be committed to peace requires finding peace inside and yet there is an equal need to say to the illegitimate war machine, the official public relations war rhetoric and imperial agenda “NOT IN MY NAME!” To meditate and then to indiscriminately read the newspaper or absorb the mainstream news perspective (engineering your consent to invasion and oppression) is to remain unconscious.
A good day to have strong clear boundaries and to be a conscious agent for benevolent transformation, be firm and clear.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
5 Serpent 2 November 2011
Today you can connect to the life force, the serpent energy that is at the centre of ascending and descending consciousness. The serpent energy is the desire for material pleasure and the desire to rise above it for the bliss of the soul, as well as a whole host of juxtapositions in between -- carnal lasciviousness and transcendental union.
Be centred today and feel the polarity impulses of your life force.
Today, simply connect to your personal power, for this is the power you already have to survive and flourish. Acknowledge it and own it, there is no need to give it away.
The 2012 Era and the Enduring Reality
The world is increasingly becoming more mutable, reality is in a state of flux, the contracts are being renegotiated. The 2012 effect is exerting a pressure upon to transform this requires a prerequisite of releasing the old. This nexus of mutability that we are in the midst of us is the confluence of futuristic Galactic energies and the archaic with the modern surface of materialism.
The serpent reminds us of the soul’s fall into density and the kundalini force of survival, growth and evolution. We grow through mastering skills at our present level of experience whilst periodically finding we have to let go of our present level of experience to awaken to a higher level of complexity (see Enchantments of Life). As we fundamentally change to a new psychology and experiential stage (new level of complexity as described by the Enchantments) we have new skills to master.
Yet, throughout all of this change we feel a sense of the enduring self. The more we change externally in linear time (evolution) the more we experience involution—the soul’s descension from beyond linear time into engagement with this timeframe.
The Soul was there before you were born and when you feel back into your life you feel the underlying sameness of who you are, despite the changes and adventures of your life.
In this 2012 era and the decades that follow the actual end date we are being asked to change our relationship with time. We are being asked to become conscious of the ascending and descending flows of consciousness. The archaic and the futuristic are becoming increasingly connected because of this awakening of a larger timeframe.
The soul is not confined to the linear timeframe that is clock time and historical, the soul is a reflection of the timeless essence of the monadic spirit and the soul expands it awareness gradually over many lifetimes.
The 260 day count allows you to connect to this larger timeframe where time has a fractal quality.
We live
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
4 Lizard, Tuesday 1 November

Today the raw intelligence or plan of life reveals itself. This is the most basic structural imprint from which all of existence is created; it is the template realm.
Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.
A good day to understand that life itself -- in the general sense -- is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.
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