A good day to understand the multiple dimensions of reality are both compartmentalized and separate from each other to some degree yet have a fractal reflective relationship with each other. Each dimensions is a reflection of other but in a fuzzy form.
A good day to see truth with absolute clarity on one dimension of reality, knowing with equal clarity that this insight does not totally apply, not exactly to the next dimension ... truth is reflected and distorted on each of the multiple realms, but what is true on one level, is true for
now on that level.
“The Self sufficiency of existence on each separate level of being”
Dr Marc Edmund Jones
Consciousness reflects upon itself all the way up and all the way down the epic construct of creation. Each level of reality is a diffracted reflection of light and consciousness.
The Deer timewave asks us to know where we hold on and where we let go. Today, understand where it is you are supposed to control and hold energy; this is your niche.
Deer or Hand is the sign of the Mayan Daykeeper. Assiduous focus for a short time on this system organically initiates you as a 'daykeeper'.
The unlimited diversity of all consciousness and form in existence is processed by the human psyche through various levels. Each level of the psyche steps down, decodes filters and translates with its own appropriate level of complexity.
The unfolding manifestation of consciousness requires an oscillating focus of consciousness. The basic structure of our civilizations utilizes various calibrations including a seven day repeating cycle of planetary frequencies—Sunday-Sun’s day, Monday-Moon’s day, Tuesday-Mars’ day, Wednesday-Mercury’s day, Thursday-Jupiter’s day, Friday-Venus’s day, Saturday-Saturn’s day.
In the Tzolkin the dance of frequencies and calibrations is far more complex with the 20 day Signs and 13 Tones. The dance of diversity spirals and rotates in multiple directions taking you towards radial time consciousness. Another way of understanding radial time, is quite simply through contemplating fractals. The Mayan calendar is a strongly fractal system, the numbers of the tzolkin can be found within many planetary cycles as well as the Galactic cycle.
To calibrate your consciousness with the Terrestrial-Galactic interface requires a relatively short period of focus considering our life time of standard time conditioning.
If you follow the calendar and put some energy into the system, you will encode the system into your energy field quite strongly by 520 days. The process is especially powerfully if you draw the glyphs each day and do some free association with the sign as part of your daily journalling.
After the Chiron return at around 52 years of age people often have a golden period of integration. 52 is the common frequency between the normal calendar and the Tzolkin. Seven multiples of 52 gives us the Solar year, 52 weeks in a year, five multiples of 52 gives us our 260 days.