Wednesday, 29 February 2012
7 Lizard or Seed, Wednesday 29 February 2012
A day of harmonic resonance with your master template, your essential divine intent, your life purpose.
Today offers you a reflection of the basic intelligence or divine matrix for life throughout existence.
You can tune into an aspect of your life purpose (or a general sense of your soul intention) by observing the underlying gnosis you feel during the day. Trust the connections you see for they represent this unique matrix; however, do not over interpret the future unfoldment of how the seed will grow.
Enjoy the sense of harmony you feel with the inherent intelligence of life and specifically the ever present original intent for your life.
Lizards can regenerate lost body parts, as the template of their bodies are particularly powerful. You can restore the template of your life today to some degree. The space you created yesterday allows for the light of the seed or template for your life, encoded before incarnation, to shine through. The seed of your life can be seen in a general sense in that which is reflected to you from dreams or from the external world.
The resonance with your template will create the urge to move beyond the white noise and the distractions that have moved your life away from the potential of the original implicit purpose you were born with. Just be conscious of that fact, do not get into frustration, just be in resonance with the ever present seed for your life.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
6 Darkhouse or Foredawn, Tuesday 28 February 2012
Processing, clearing and creating space. Today is a day of movement in the subconscious and unconscious. Connect to your inner sanctum. The deepest part of your soul is a place of mystery that serves the purpose of nourishing you with a potent emptiness and privacy.
Today, allow the potentials to re-organize themselves.
The different expressions of the psyche -- the multiplicity of needs, desires, complexes, wounds, frustrations and considerations -- organically self-organize themselves as you gradually let go of trying to control life, releasing the need to know. This creates the space.
Be at peace.
Monday, 27 February 2012
5 Wind, Monday 27 February 2012
You are a nexus of communication. Your ideas are shaped to a large degree by the ideas you receive from others. The ideals of independence are fairly illusory; however, you are unique in essence, at the core of your being.
A good day to connect to your own essential voice and inspiration. Receive the inspiration from the Source today and convey that to others. Be conscious of the fickleness of the mind and the instant impulse to be an automatic transmitter of the collective cliches that abound in the atmosphere.
Ask intelligent questions, rather than rushing to deliver a pleasing answer. 5 Wind is a good day to investigate and penetrate the informational field in which you live -- cut to the core of situations by questioning assumptions.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
4 Crocodile or Dragon, Sunday 26 February 2012
All of life sustains itself. Wherever you look, in any direction and in any realm, you will see life in its myriad forms sustaining itself. Enjoy sustenance today. Surrender to the need for food, basic exercise, rest, time with the family, or whatever you feel is calling you to sustain the matrix of life within which you exist.
What do you need to feel sustained in this day?
4 Crocodile is not about forward motion or future concerns, rather it is about being grounded in the essential nurturance of your life.
What do you need to feel sustained in this day?
4 Crocodile is not about forward motion or future concerns, rather it is about being grounded in the essential nurturance of your life.
What is the essential nurturance you feel you need today? Allow it to be, receive and give the essential food of life to your life and to the life all around you. Focus on the frequency of nurturing, sustaining, security, comfort and being-ness.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
3 Flower, Lord or Sun, Saturday 25 February 2012
A day of light and energy vibrating. Feel the body and the world as a vibration of light. The emotions of anticipation will arise -- do not let the mind jump ahead to a conclusion, an absolute, or the need for an outcome. If you grasp the energy, restlessness and anxiety will arise; stay with the anticipation.
Different aspects of the psyche, normally compartmentalized or shut off from each other, are able to cross-pollinate today. It will most likely be subtle, but you will feel energized. Feeling is a form of subtle matter; it is the material that is most commonly experienced and yet is considered to be merely subjective, due to the shield of the mind. Today, light will pass over and through different aspects of your psyche.
The opportunity of the day is that you can enjoy the feeling of potentiality.
Do not get fixated on negative potentials, but come into alignment with your vision and your aspirations for your life. Stay with the feeling of potentiality. Move into that space without grasping; just enjoy the feeling that reminds you that life is mutable and that you are a co-creator who can attract more benevolent abundance into your life -- if you move into the energy space of benevolent abundance.
Friday, 24 February 2012
2 Storm, Friday 24 February 2012
The pull of opposites today can be exhilarating as you move into unexpected zones and experiences.
Today is about the constant existential movement between being in the eye of the storm, enjoying stillness, and being caught in the midsts of the cyclone of necessity (especially all that is associated with money), novelty, engagement and relating.
The desire to truly break free from the constraints of yourself can make you feel you are being pulled apart and/or give you the space to find some unexpected inner freedom.
A good day to recognize how you have created your life as it is; how the mixing bowl of your psyche, filled with all the divergent needs and desires, has resulted in the reality you walk in.
To find freedom in this day, accept the situation and your own duality. You then have the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the novelty and variety that life offers you.
Consciously create some contrast in your day; deliberately embrace some contrasting activities.
The potential result from this day is a genuine sense of refreshment whilst accepting the existential pull of opposites.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
1 Obsidian Mirror, Thursday 23 February 2012
The 13-day timewave of the Obsidian Mirror begins today. In this 13-day period, look at the shadow with a clear perception. When you look into the smoking mirror, keep looking through the clouds until you find the clear sky.
The world reflects ourselves back to us, revealing a semblance of the totality of our desires and inner feelings. This timewave will reveal the shadow of your life -- it is a challenge to accept that which you see.
However, the greatest challenge is to not see the fuzzy distortion of the shadow as the whole truth; it is just part of the truth. The light, the bright, the good and the beautiful are more powerful and more pertinent to life.
You are not your shadow, so do not identify with it. Accept the shadow of your relationships, your culture and your world as aspects, forces and elements that make up the entirety of your reality.
The opportunity afforded in this timewave is to be brave enough to open the heart with intelligence that bit wider. Open and accept and increase your connection to the essential awesome nature of life.
Acceptance is Love. See the shadow, then look beyond it, because the shadow is also illusory from the perspective of unity consciousness. This message is pretty strong in the ordinary astrology chart for 2012, as the North Node is in Scorpio in the 12th House. The Node shows the direction and challenge, Scorpio speaks of the dualistic drama of light and dark and the 12th house is the hidden door to the source.
Here is a great little three minute video that reminds us of the higher reflected truth ...
and this short video is also fantastic if you can spare a moment out of the concerns of ordinary reality to see the truth that is buried within it
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
13 Earthmover, Wednesday 22 February 2012
"Hey man, can you feel the Cosmic Radiance? The vibrations are accelerating and doing this crazy dance and trying to reach out and touch everything, everywhere..."
How does one keep up with the 'million things' that are in your life, all changing, growing and demanding attention?
A good day to connect to the expanding web of synchronous interconnections that springs outwards in all directions from the ubiquitous centre of ‘now’.
Your life is interconnected to all reality and you can see or feel the force of the energy that is expanding out in all directions, through 360 degrees. Potentially this is omni-directional through almost infinite realms.
The life force in your body is the evolutionary impulse as it exists within you; it is a manifestation of the radial power that drives the world around you. Allow your awareness to become still, let go of compulsions to control your life, then respond to the impulse that springs from the stillness.
The kundalini is the manifestation of the collective unconscious will, the will of the whole human species, which conscious by degree within a percentage of individuals.
This will or impulse of evolution has two drives.
Firstly: survival, which gives rise to security, control or, in some cases, manic power compulsion to manipulate and enslave.
Secondly: transformation, which gives rise to the desire for the new, the restless urge to move on and surrender to new experience, or the death wish, self-destruction or self-loathing.
It is our power, so if we give it away, it is eaten by the reptilian controller consciousness. If we own it, we flourish. If we are consciously owning it, we flourish in accord with the interests of the whole human species and life on Earth.
Today offers the opportunity to ascend to a new level, to some degree, of empowerment.
ps. I have not got a clue why the University OF Liverpool is showing up on my sites with the text enhancement, I do apologize, and you should know I do not endorse mainstream education. The limitations of our consciousness at present are being reinforced by the university conditioning, which in general does not encourage free thinking but rather an ability to consume, digest and process data that is given to the student from a relatively small context. The university system in general is holding us back from making the next step, it disavows cutting edge physics such as free energy research, it disavows consciousness, it disavows....
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
12 Owl, Vulture or Warrior, Tuesday 21 February 2012
A good day to understand the truth you need to live by in order to survive, flourish and be centred in your power.
Today, you can see how to organize your life so that it is compatible with the fulfilment of your true needs.
Step into the quietness of your inner self and see that the tenacity required to live with strength is inherent within you.
The inherent intelligence of the life force, the power that holds life in existence, is a strong still protector - feel the power of your personal truth.
The Owl and the Vulture sit upright. The key for a warrior is the spine, where the two dancing snakes of the kundalini rise. To be a warrior of the heart and to speak a truth that serves your abundance and the vitality and benevolence of the world is a rare, almost unheard of, consciousness in the public domain today. This requires the connection of the life force from the base chakra all the way up.
A silent warrior of the heart would be connected from base to heart. A fearless martyr may well be connected at base and heart, but not necessarily at the second chakra, the place of basic nourishment, the needs of the self. Where is your energy disconnected? Today is a good day to understand yourself in this way.
Picture: The Smiling Warrior By: Jose Garcia
Note the Quetzalcoatl headdress that is consistent with all the Native American tribes
Monday, 20 February 2012
11 Eagle, Tuesday 20 February 2012
Eagle is a spiritual talisman of compassion, combined with the clarity of the sacred warrior. Eagle flies between Heaven and Earth, scanning for the appropriate small detail to focus upon, in order to nourish itself.
Today, ask yourself: What needs to be integrated into your life? What detail have you passed over that needs focusing upon? What is appropriate?
Eagle tells us that the ecstasy of spiritual flight is to be combined with the pressing needs down in the theatre of the world. Allow yourself to feel the lightness in your heart, then be open to the specific aspect of your life that requires attention. However, if you cannot find the connection between Heaven and Earth, do not worry—just walk through the door that opens.
Within the manifest world today, a sky door opens for you. Enjoy the freedom, then remember to look clearly at the subtle fluctuation in your daily flow, for this is both a requirement and an opportunity. Zoom in and expand the picture. Allow the fuzzy, seemingly random occurrence, the minor discordance, the unexpected meeting, the lateral event, the moment of inspiration, the small delight, the unusual energy or the spontaneous call to expand into view, so you can see with clarity the significance of this to your life.
Today, something small opens up into something larger than you first realized, promising more freedom by attending to it.
Quetzalcoatl--The Plumed Serpent
As the kundalini energy rises, the brow chakra opens up for it is here that the wings of the bird appear in the caduceus, where the soul take flight into other dimensions of reality.
Today is not about the integration of the dual writhing serpents, but rather the arrival of the serpents at the gate. What opens up for you today will be fully integrated later. Take flight consciously. Explore a new energy, but if you cannot yet see the connection to the world below, do not worry.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
10 Jaguar, Sunday 19 February 2012
Be alert and respond. Be a hunter.
Do not be afraid to act autonomously today. Do what you are impulsed to do for your vitalized survival. Independence of thinking and action is required on 10 Jaguar.
Ideally, you will have some time in a natural environment to align your impulses with the power of nature.
A good day for effective Shamanic action.
If you live with a cat, you know the score -- they tell you, "its all about me". Cats are one manifestation (Day 10) of the serpent consciousness. Cats are playful predators and sensitive to all manner of cosmic energies. We have them as pets, knowing that they are self-centred, because they give so much with their presence.
Step into some of your magnificence, like a cat, because your playful edgy self-expression enlivens the atmosphere for everyone.
Be cool, composed, naturally regal and leisurely -- yet alert, with a hint of attitude.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
9 Reed or Skywalker, Saturday 18 February 2012
Allow the mind its freedom to explore potentials concerning your needs.
On Day 9 of the Serpent timewave, we are guided towards (and can directly experience) the truth that a more fruitful survival in this realm requires some investment of energy in order to understand the future that we are projecting into existence from this moment—the timeline.
Also today, allow the mind to ask questions and store those questions in the subconscious; know that you are creating answers in your future.
The abstract and free-associating aspects of our mind are not confined to three dimensions, nor to the immediate events of our life. The higher mind creates subtle structures of thought that are multidimensional, existing in translinear time.
Your thoughts feed the Noosphere; the Noosphere feeds your mind.
Going Deeper
The Serpent timewave gives us the chance to reconnect to the power of life and, in doing so, we are given the choice to exercise power according to free will. Today is a good day to wake up to your power. Power is often associated with abuse and therefore we fear it. Respect power and be guided by the need of the whole human species, which is that we—you and me, the average human being—are now meant to be gracefully in our power. This does not mean you become a shouter, an angry debater, a pumped-up alpha male or a ball-crushing devouring goddess.
To the extent that we have given our power away is the extent that we have disconnected from the serpent-reptilian life force, our lizard brain, kundalini and survival instinct, the sex force, the evolutionary impulse and the fundamental vitalizing component of this Earthly domain.
In the world today, the automated reptilian energy has manifest as externalized forms, such as the technology of computers. The reptile force, the life force, is an automaton that is meant to be directed by consciousness. In the same way, the computer—like the rational mind—is a tool and is not designed to be our master.
Also, our unclaimed life force has manifest a reptilian power elite, whose existence is partially in the transdimensional realms and who are attempting to enslave humanity through automated default technologies, such as in a computer-chipped population, or as psychic food through the constant triggering of fear. I do not think the dystopian vision will fully manifest, but the fact that the externalized matrix is now evident as a real possibility prompts us to rise above the default options on reality that are being presented via the media and scientism...
... and then to go to the next level and recognize that the snake, the reptile, is not the enemy, for it exists within us and it is our responsibility to reclaim power—quite simply, as it turns out, through our body connection.
In many ways the Extraterrestrial/transdimensional beings that covertly steer the socio-economic systems on Earth, via intricate means, are the fragments of our consciousness that have come back down the timeline from the future in order to wake us up to the truth of the vital force of life that lives within us.
I think this video says something of what I am talking about. Here is a very good representation of the ayahuasca experience. The video is 9 minutes long, but you only need to watch the first couple of minutes to get the feeling.
May the force be with you now, coming back from the future that you are creating today.
Friday, 17 February 2012
8 Grass, Good Road or Human, Friday 17 February 2012
Today is a day to trust in your heart's desire to seek more out of life, to recognize that life offers you more. The commitment of the heart involves valuing the yearning you feel to live with more adventure, rewards and wonder. Although we do not always get what we desire, the desire itself is an important energy to keep you vital, alive and engaged. Commit to the truth that life is a journey and you are here to help fellow travelers whilst enjoying the trip.
It is easier to close down and protect yourself from the fear of failure, loss or disappointment than it is to dare to dream. Life will keep challenging your aspirations, forcing you to adjust, and will teach you to have some detachment from your ambitions, your desires and your inspired longings.
However, the challenge is to adapt and keep seeking, for the seeking itself is the abundance of the unfolding adventure of your life.
Today is a prompter to break free a little from anything that inhibits your heart.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
7 Monkey, Thursday 16 February 2012
Something unexpected and rather quite wonderful can come to you today in the midst of whatever you are doing.
A good day to be curious and to enjoy your vocation without taking it too seriously.
If you take yourself too seriously, the trickster will show up. If you act too silly, the trickster will put on a serious face. However a little impudence is appropriate today. Drop that which needs to be dropped (fear and worldy seriousness) and feel the sense of extraordinary fun that is implicit in life.
A sense of magic can emerge in your work today, while a sense of purpose can emerge in your leisure today.
Monkey is associated with the artisans who carved the glyphs and constructed the temples -- sacred creative work that gave the labourers a connection to the Mayan Cosmology, which reflects the reality of the cosmic game.
Play the game of life today and be open to the miraculous for Monkey is weaving magic into the air and it might just be your turn.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
6 Dog, Wednesday 15 February 2012
No creature is an island.
All creatures (created beings) need others to survive and flourish. If you want to survive, you have to have other creatures in your life. If you want to DO something effectively - to exercise the power of your life force - you need to align with others.
Most of all, though, if you want to make life worth living, you need companionship and love.
Today, your energy flows as long as you align and seek harmony with others. Recognize the value of those special people in your life.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
5 Water or Moon, Tuesday 14 February 2012
The world keeps shifting all around us; everything is always in flux.
Today, move your awareness towards the unchanging monadic realm through the agency of soul. Go within yourself and listen to the most subtle of feelings. Connect to the dreamer within, without grasping.
Feel your centre and recognize the transient elements of the physical world, for today you have the opportunity to feel connected to the soul and how it takes part in generating the rolling stream of reality that unfolds before you.
Here is a soul funk message...below, click to play
Monday, 13 February 2012
4 Star or Rabbit, Monday 13 February 2012
Bring your focus to the body; it has been gifted with the fertility of creation.
· The foundation of life is abundant and any reality can proliferate.
· Whatever direction you choose in life offers opportunities and the enjoyment of life.
· The foundation of light and its radial quality is at the heart of every cell and powers the instincts.
· The paths of your life bifurcate (the proverbial crossroads are ubiquitous) but the essential truth of emptiness and fullness remains constant in each moment.
Today is a good day to stay grounded in the awareness of life's essential impulse to create. Do not force anything, stay present and listen to the body -- it is the key to experiencing the truths listed above.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
3 Deer or Hand, Sunday 12 February 2012
Flowing and merging, then emerging.
Today's energy is a waveform of fluctuation between gently holding, but not quite grasping, then releasing, but never fully letting go. There is no point of stasis within the relaxation or the holding moment on 3 Deer day.
Feel how the instinct of survival and the necessity of keeping control of structures within your life ebbs and flows. A good day to exercise the muscle of the psyche that stays engaged with life, yet with an element of detachment.
Let go of absolutes and remain responsive; feel the flow and stay attentive to the surging changes of direction of your mental, emotional and physical energy.
Friday, 10 February 2012
2 Skull, Saturday 11 February 2012
Separation of energy.
The way to handle today's energy is through conscious division of your day and resolute prioritizing.
This is a great day for clarity and transformation in a specific area of your life or work. Do you have an important loose end to tie up?
Determine to focus, be strong in not allowing distractions to pull you off course and then relax into your task.
Boundaries need to be defined. The Definition of space is the context for experience. Power resides with those that define the space that we walk around in. Be clear with your environment and define the space in accord with your needs. If necessary call upon help from the spiritual realm to guide you to alter your space in accord with your purpose, function and intention. If the space, the environment the place that you live and work in is not in accord with your intentions and your purpose you cannot operate successfully. The challenge then is to work with the environment, the spirit of it and create a resonant field that supports you.
Hong Kong is a space that is well defined for economic growth.
Here is my painting called 'Blade Runner' inspired by my encounter with Hong Kong after I first arrived.
Blade Runner is available for HK$4,000 (Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 60cm)

Better Image Here
1 Serpent, Friday 10 February 2012
The Life Force timewave begins today; feel the frequency of survival, sex and power.
A good opportunity to engage with the essential life force in your body, master some survival issues and understand the power you have over your life. Power up your life and vitality, but don't overpower others.
Our natural instincts can inform our intuition. Do not let instincts rule your mind or feelings, but rather allow the instinctive natural vitalizing fecundity of your serpent energy to feed you with confidence, to guide you and turn up the volume of that which supports your life and enables you to flourish.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
13 Lizard or Seed, Thursday 9 February
A good day to scatter seeds.
Let go and enjoy the potentials of all areas of your life. Welcome into your imagination the diversity of desires you have; embrace the potentiality of your life.
This is also a good day to network and see the value of the wider community of friends and contacts that you operate within. Most of our desires that manifest do so because of people we know.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
12 Darkhouse, Foredawn, Wednesday 8 February 2012
The Long Good Road of Life is an adventure that we cannot ultimately control; the most powerful energy within life is Mystery.
The Dark House is also known as the Foredawn, the moment before the Sun rises and as night culminates, the time between worlds.
Today is a good day to truly accept that we cannot completely know it all, maintain everything perfectly nor even fully control ourselves.
The brilliant light of the void feeds us the joy of emptiness and the wonder and awe of the absolute mystery. We both revere the mystery and fear the mystery. Respect the womb of creation, trust in life and embrace the open-ended journey of consciousness that continues after death.
Allow an element of insecurity and uncertainty to exist in your subconscious and then you can truly walk the walk of life with real confidence, for you have allowed yourself to have faith in the intelligence of life itself, which is always one step ahead of us in its benevolent abundant totality.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
11 Wind, Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Yesterday the Mayan Pulse was orientated to the gifts of your life as it is; today it opens the door to new possibilities and the way to step forward on your path.
The incoming energy is facilitated by communication on every level, be it telephone, email or inspired guidance from subtle realms. Communicate and receive communication today with full awareness. Allow yourself to be broadband in giving and receiving information, but distil and integrate before acting upon any inspiration.
Cosmic rays whistle through the Earth and a doorway opens up to the bifurcating paths of time.
Life presents you with different options; each one unfolds into a different expression of your destiny. Be attentive to information and recognize how futures are built starting from the most subtle movements in your psyche.
The moon is waxing towards it fullness!
The incoming energy is facilitated by communication on every level, be it telephone, email or inspired guidance from subtle realms. Communicate and receive communication today with full awareness. Allow yourself to be broadband in giving and receiving information, but distil and integrate before acting upon any inspiration.
Cosmic rays whistle through the Earth and a doorway opens up to the bifurcating paths of time.
Life presents you with different options; each one unfolds into a different expression of your destiny. Be attentive to information and recognize how futures are built starting from the most subtle movements in your psyche.
The moon is waxing towards it fullness!
Monday, 6 February 2012
10 Crocodile or Dragon, Monday 6 Feb 2012
Feel and accept the nourishment available today.
A day of totally accepting what is, waking up to, sensing and receiving all that is good all around you. Appreciate that which is readily available.
Your life produces rewards. As you step forward, life automatically credits you with the goodness of enrichment, regardless of failures, mistakes and bad times.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
9 Flower, Lord or Sun, Sunday 5 February 2012
A great day to feel truly awakened.
Your long good road opens up ahead as you see the illuminated horizon and become conscious of an aspect of your arrival - your destiny.
Be sensitive to the intuitive flash that reveals to you the 'you' who you are to be.
A good day to find yourself at the end of the road, beyond the unfolding time we all experience, looking back to where you are now on the linear path.
Alternatively, use your imagination to go forward in time and ask yourself who do you want to be, who are you in essence and how can you be more like that.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
8 Storm, Saturday 4 February 2012
Today, make the commitment to break some outworn patterns.
You feel the comfort of your home or inner psychological haven whilst the storm of life's chaotic challenges and adventures brew outside.
Today, steady yourself and know that the exhilaration of the journey awaits you 'out there'.
Your heart can be gladdened that excitement and novelty is on the horizon and that you are able to enjoy the comfort of this moment to prepare yourself by making that emotional investment of commitment. Start to release yourself from any ritual and behaviour that will interfere with your ability to enjoy the fresh face of life that is about to be presented to you.
Friday, 3 February 2012
7 Obsidian Mirror, Friday 3 February 2012
Resonant reflections: whatever you see 'out there' in your world today has a more direct resonance with your state of consciousness than usual.
There will be a duality of light and dark reflections, true reflections and distorted reflections. By staying attuned, by feeling the energy, you can select and know the true reflections.
A day to look for and expect the good. Receive the images and messages, people and places that confirm your purpose and your true nature.
Clarify your inner world by making choices from what appears in world out there.
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