The subtle, almost indefinable presence of the soul is ubiquitous.
The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness. The physical world is not solid. A good day to walk through walls.
The manifestation of the dreamlike space between the worlds.
The Cosmos and the atom are mainly space, but space is an emptiness that is full.
[Extra text from Laurence, posted on 20 November 2011: ]
The picture above is of Real De Catorce, Mexico, a place I visited in 1997 with no money and rather unexpectedly. After a few days of enforced semi-fasting, I had a vision of 2012 whilst sitting here at dawn, overlooking the mountains.
The town is slightly haunted. It is an ex-silver-mining town with crumbling walls and buildings and is gateway to the peyote desert. It is melancholic and beautiful; the land is wistful and so are the people.
The atmosphere of Real De Catorce at that time for me was wholly permeable and it was where I stayed at the end of a six-month trip that yielded the harvest of the Mayan experience.
Click here to read Laurence's poem of his vision, experienced while in the Foredawn space, of a city he came to believe was in China, and later – after we had held shamanic workshops there – felt sure was a vision of Guangzhou.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Sunday, 30 July 2017
9 Wind
A day of clarity. After the almost undifferentiated energy of Crocodile comes the activator energy of Wind.
Nine Days are always wake-up calls on some level.
Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? Can you hear the voice from deep within you, which is a decisive, uncompromising activating force that is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche?
You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.
Today is a good day to be decisive.
Nine Days are always wake-up calls on some level.
Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? Can you hear the voice from deep within you, which is a decisive, uncompromising activating force that is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche?
You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.
Today is a good day to be decisive.
Saturday, 29 July 2017
8 Crocodile
Today, 8 Crocodile, make the commitment to move into accepting who you are and feeling the nourishment that life is looking to give to you.
Nurture yourself and others; be patient with your desire to renew your life; set a deep resolve for change that recognizes the reality of how ingrained your habits are.
Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going, and feel the viscous emergence of that which is emerging.
A day of commitment to essential acceptance and trust.
Being the Mystery
Crocodile is also the primal force that gives birth to all things. What new undifferentiated essence has been born in you? The birth of energy today is one of appreciation, lovingness, protection and care, rather than a surge forward with any goal-orientated project.
Whatever you are doing, simply appreciate the juice of life and sustain life with a sense of the slow, forward movement that emerges from the depth of your primal roots.
Feel into the mystery and recognize the ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess.
[Message from Laurence:]
Healing Superstars
One of the myths of the new age is that to heal ourselves means to rid ourselves of our stuff.
I suggest ‘healing’ actually means acceptance, accepting all the levels of one’s being. You were a child and now you have an inner child – I don’t care if you are a world leader, a guru, a political journalist or a hard-nosed scientist, that brat and/or little sweetie still lives within.
The healing is the acceptance, which then allows us to gain some detachment from the lower levels of our psyche. We do not need to be ruled by the lower levels of our psyche, but we can acknowledge and accept them.
Nurture yourself and others; be patient with your desire to renew your life; set a deep resolve for change that recognizes the reality of how ingrained your habits are.
Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going, and feel the viscous emergence of that which is emerging.
A day of commitment to essential acceptance and trust.
Being the Mystery
Crocodile is also the primal force that gives birth to all things. What new undifferentiated essence has been born in you? The birth of energy today is one of appreciation, lovingness, protection and care, rather than a surge forward with any goal-orientated project.
Whatever you are doing, simply appreciate the juice of life and sustain life with a sense of the slow, forward movement that emerges from the depth of your primal roots.
Feel into the mystery and recognize the ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess.
[Message from Laurence:]
Healing Superstars
One of the myths of the new age is that to heal ourselves means to rid ourselves of our stuff.
I suggest ‘healing’ actually means acceptance, accepting all the levels of one’s being. You were a child and now you have an inner child – I don’t care if you are a world leader, a guru, a political journalist or a hard-nosed scientist, that brat and/or little sweetie still lives within.
The healing is the acceptance, which then allows us to gain some detachment from the lower levels of our psyche. We do not need to be ruled by the lower levels of our psyche, but we can acknowledge and accept them.
Photos of our life here on Lamma Island:
Triple Goddess Power Station Chimneys;
Triple Goddess Tree in Tai Peng; Yung Shue Wan Bay (with a three-pronged wind turbine in the background over the hill). Views like this provide nourishment and help us feel 'the ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess'.
Triple Goddess Power Station Chimneys;
Triple Goddess Tree in Tai Peng; Yung Shue Wan Bay (with a three-pronged wind turbine in the background over the hill). Views like this provide nourishment and help us feel 'the ongoing emanation that springs from the Goddess'.
Friday, 28 July 2017
7 Flower (Sun, Lord)
A day of feeling the resonance with the subtle light. The frequency of light you are attuned to could come in many forms – ancestral guidance, simple radiance, a sense of power, an opening of the heart.
To feel resonant, keep the day as simple as possible, if you can. Do not be tempted to expend it all; stay sensitized and allow the natural flowering to occur and you will shine where it is appropriate.
A day where your divinity is empowered.
Express your sovereignty easily; be in your authority naturally.
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Graphic by Laurence, based on his original artwork, 'Nature Intelligence' |
[Extra Message from Laurence, extracted from a post on 7 Flower of 10 Nov 2016, but still relevant today:]
The people cannot look to government if they want to change the world – the change HAS to be about consciousness, research, awareness, investigation, small gatherings and grassroots systemic consciousness from the space of stillness of mind.
When change happens to an individual, he or she can often regress to old coping mechanisms. This is what is happening now on a collective level. The old theatre is completely finished; there is no return. But the world will try everything to find the solution in the old ways, just as any individual does when in crisis.
Do not look to the masses or the system, come back to centre and do not let your buttons be pushed.
[Note: Laurence wrote this in response to the 2016 US presidential election and the general sense of negativity in the socioeconomic and political world today, as a reminder to us of our own instinctive intelligence and our ability to evolve in a new way, as sovereign individuals.]
Thursday, 27 July 2017
6 Storm
Ideally, dance through the day.
The tension and background chaos keeps you on your toes and keeps you responsive, alert and moving into the new space of freedom that is continually opening up in front of you.
Staying one step ahead brings you a sense of exhilaration as you recognize that you enjoy the novelty of the Storm Day.
Respond to the deep body impulses, the consciousness within the cellular matrix, as knots within your energy field reveal themselves and then dissolve as you keep on flowing.
Systemically cleanse the soul of concern for the world, clear the negativity, free the mind from the global drama, break free from the matrix throughout the day, acknowledge the emerging fears, darkness and negative hooks that are flying around...
Keep clearing and breaking free.
The tension and background chaos keeps you on your toes and keeps you responsive, alert and moving into the new space of freedom that is continually opening up in front of you.
Staying one step ahead brings you a sense of exhilaration as you recognize that you enjoy the novelty of the Storm Day.
Respond to the deep body impulses, the consciousness within the cellular matrix, as knots within your energy field reveal themselves and then dissolve as you keep on flowing.
Systemically cleanse the soul of concern for the world, clear the negativity, free the mind from the global drama, break free from the matrix throughout the day, acknowledge the emerging fears, darkness and negative hooks that are flying around...
Keep clearing and breaking free.
Photo of Laurence and Carey taken by Koike-san in 2008
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
5 Obsidian
‘Though I walk through the valley of shadows…’
What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating X-ray eyes of a cat? We see the dark agendas, the lower-spectrum frequencies, yet we know that this is just the terrain we walk through into the illuminated landscape.
The smoky mirror of romantic yearnings and infinite possibilities comes with the sadness of never being able to fully embody all potential.
We incarnate through a funnelling vortex. The vortex is a darkening veil of forgetfulness that spirals down to a point of light, which is the Star Gate that we pierce as the soul jumps through into the physical world.
Today, listen to the courage of your heart to look through the dark mirror and smoky veils to see the light source.
Today, more of your soul seeks to incarnate or descend into form, into the light of day.
A good day to turn obstacles into opportunity through being centred and reflecting back energy. A negative carries the seeds of a positive within it, just turn it inside out.
Find your own centre and move through the smoke as best you can. Stay centred in your radiance.
What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating X-ray eyes of a cat? We see the dark agendas, the lower-spectrum frequencies, yet we know that this is just the terrain we walk through into the illuminated landscape.
The smoky mirror of romantic yearnings and infinite possibilities comes with the sadness of never being able to fully embody all potential.
We incarnate through a funnelling vortex. The vortex is a darkening veil of forgetfulness that spirals down to a point of light, which is the Star Gate that we pierce as the soul jumps through into the physical world.
Today, listen to the courage of your heart to look through the dark mirror and smoky veils to see the light source.
Today, more of your soul seeks to incarnate or descend into form, into the light of day.
A good day to turn obstacles into opportunity through being centred and reflecting back energy. A negative carries the seeds of a positive within it, just turn it inside out.
Find your own centre and move through the smoke as best you can. Stay centred in your radiance.
Photo of Laurence by André Eichman
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
4 Earthmover
What energy are you drawing from the Earth? What are your roots and what has taken root in your life? Survival is dependent upon connecting through the body into the Earth force.
The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life – and in Life in general – is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding. However, the life force impulse is coherent and is underlying the shifting terrain.
Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.
The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.
The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?
Create roots in the shifting context and find your own sovereign connection, whilst navigating the fluctuating social environment. The world is in high flux due to the evolutionary change we are in the midst of it; it is down to each of us to create our own foundation each and every day.
Today is a great day for synchronizing your field with your own energetic foundation.
The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life – and in Life in general – is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding. However, the life force impulse is coherent and is underlying the shifting terrain.
Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.
The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.
The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?
Create roots in the shifting context and find your own sovereign connection, whilst navigating the fluctuating social environment. The world is in high flux due to the evolutionary change we are in the midst of it; it is down to each of us to create our own foundation each and every day.
Today is a great day for synchronizing your field with your own energetic foundation.
'The City' by LjL.
Laurence loved walking around in the city of Hong Kong, with its glamorous pulse and its 7-day week structure, while still connecting to the 260-day pulse of the Mayan Sacred Calendar and maintaining his deep and strong connection to the Earth force
and his own energetic foundation.
and his own energetic foundation.
Monday, 24 July 2017
3 Vulture (Warrior, Owl)
The key phrase is ‘coming into alignment’.
A day to feel energized by your power. If you connect to the Mayan Sacred Calendar frequency today, you will feel strong and confident.
Draw upon the wisdom of the past, or your innate wisdom, to feel the move towards the centre. The central column within you carries the essence of all that you have experienced.
A day of moving towards an integrated confidence; a confidence based not on arrogance, but instead based on your own experience.
A good day to validate and reinforce that which you know. Recognize that your life experience gives you authority to be the author of your life.
There is a need to go forward with resolute strength, knowing the social terrain is uncertain, as energy is being released from all outworn structures. Fortune favours those who can keep on reconnecting to their centre on a daily basis, moving forward with Sacred Warrior attitude tempered with elasticity.
We have to accept the world is in a state of massive change and that there is an air of uncertainty and fragility – and yet there is the possibility of an incremental jump forward. From this foundation of knowledge, we can find the resolve to work with the energy and we can prosper.
It is not a time to be weak or to seek excuses. Remember to continually re-find your strength on a daily basis and that personal responsibility to your sovereign calling is required. Feel the pulse that comes from within you; do not expect the social environment to be a comfort. Stay away from the mob and be your own person, for all our sakes.
Quiet resolve, open alertness, determination to keep coming back to the core, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on stepping forward. Feel the force of a highly energized environment and adapt to it and it will befriend you. Life wants change.
A day to feel energized by your power. If you connect to the Mayan Sacred Calendar frequency today, you will feel strong and confident.
Draw upon the wisdom of the past, or your innate wisdom, to feel the move towards the centre. The central column within you carries the essence of all that you have experienced.
A day of moving towards an integrated confidence; a confidence based not on arrogance, but instead based on your own experience.
A good day to validate and reinforce that which you know. Recognize that your life experience gives you authority to be the author of your life.
There is a need to go forward with resolute strength, knowing the social terrain is uncertain, as energy is being released from all outworn structures. Fortune favours those who can keep on reconnecting to their centre on a daily basis, moving forward with Sacred Warrior attitude tempered with elasticity.
We have to accept the world is in a state of massive change and that there is an air of uncertainty and fragility – and yet there is the possibility of an incremental jump forward. From this foundation of knowledge, we can find the resolve to work with the energy and we can prosper.
It is not a time to be weak or to seek excuses. Remember to continually re-find your strength on a daily basis and that personal responsibility to your sovereign calling is required. Feel the pulse that comes from within you; do not expect the social environment to be a comfort. Stay away from the mob and be your own person, for all our sakes.
Quiet resolve, open alertness, determination to keep coming back to the core, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on stepping forward. Feel the force of a highly energized environment and adapt to it and it will befriend you. Life wants change.
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Laurence James Lucas, my own Sacred Warrior, who loved life and embraced all. Today is four months since he made the transition out of our Earthly realms into the Cosmos. Forever loved. |
Sunday, 23 July 2017
2 Eagle (and New Moon)
Today, dual visions compete in your soul; two futures present themselves. This is a good day to see the inherent contrast of your life, your self, your needs and your aspirations.
Emotional tension can be strong today as your heart tries to reconcile your sense of the ubiquitous duality of life.
The underworld door has opened and the world has two visions – one is dystopian, the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.
Day Two in every timewave is about polarity and also about relationship. The contrast of opposites helps us differentiate and gain great clarity about the whole, leading to a more conscious unity.
Hold the dual forces within you, knowing that this tension is part of the creative process.
Emotional tension can be strong today as your heart tries to reconcile your sense of the ubiquitous duality of life.
The underworld door has opened and the world has two visions – one is dystopian, the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.
Day Two in every timewave is about polarity and also about relationship. The contrast of opposites helps us differentiate and gain great clarity about the whole, leading to a more conscious unity.
Hold the dual forces within you, knowing that this tension is part of the creative process.
Base to Heart Chakra Mandala, by Carey
Saturday, 22 July 2017
1 Jaguar
The Jaguar (Ix) Timewave starts today.
Thirteen days ahead in which you can experience the enchanting nature of reality. Jaguar consciousness pulls you into the evocative environment, the captivating and seductive magical thread that runs throughout existence. Reality is enchanting and the world of rationality is interesting – but the mind-dominated reality of our society is a limited and watered-down version of existence.
The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and to feel connected.
Thirteen days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and to your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.
The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection – images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.
Today gives you access to your instinctive sovereign power – the courage to be who you are without apology and alert to the fact that everything you need right now is available right now.
Are you riding the waves?
Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.
Thirteen days ahead in which you can experience the enchanting nature of reality. Jaguar consciousness pulls you into the evocative environment, the captivating and seductive magical thread that runs throughout existence. Reality is enchanting and the world of rationality is interesting – but the mind-dominated reality of our society is a limited and watered-down version of existence.
The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and to feel connected.
Thirteen days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and to your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.
The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection – images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.
Today gives you access to your instinctive sovereign power – the courage to be who you are without apology and alert to the fact that everything you need right now is available right now.
Are you riding the waves?
Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.
'Spirits of the Forest' by LjL
'The forest is a living spirit; everything is alive.'
Friday, 21 July 2017
13 Reed (Skywalker)
Expansive Light
Free the mind from the dictates of necessity and free the soul.
Today the mind might feel scattered; this is veiling the freedom inherent within the day. A good day to construct complex patterns of knowledge, or to acknowledge that a higher level of complexity will emerge after this day.
The higher mind feels free to roam in all directions and observe the abstract. Welcome bizarre thoughts as they push the boundaries of your consciousness deep within the Earth, way out into Space and beyond the limits of the normal Time restraints.
Explore Atlantis, the Akashic records or just enjoy a sense of vitalized intuition.
Today, energy is in a heightened state of flux; it has a chaotic element which can lead to a new level of organization.
The structures and patterns of life are re-organizing themselves.
Stay connected to the benevolent intent of the life force that oversees all disruption.
Free the mind from the dictates of necessity and free the soul.
Today the mind might feel scattered; this is veiling the freedom inherent within the day. A good day to construct complex patterns of knowledge, or to acknowledge that a higher level of complexity will emerge after this day.
The higher mind feels free to roam in all directions and observe the abstract. Welcome bizarre thoughts as they push the boundaries of your consciousness deep within the Earth, way out into Space and beyond the limits of the normal Time restraints.
Explore Atlantis, the Akashic records or just enjoy a sense of vitalized intuition.
Today, energy is in a heightened state of flux; it has a chaotic element which can lead to a new level of organization.
The structures and patterns of life are re-organizing themselves.
Stay connected to the benevolent intent of the life force that oversees all disruption.
'Frogs in Space' by LjL.
His comment on this painting is: 'The morphogenic fields of life extend out into infinity.'
His comment on this painting is: 'The morphogenic fields of life extend out into infinity.'
Thursday, 20 July 2017
12 Good Road (Human, Grass)
A day of understanding that is an open-ended understanding, rather than being conclusive. Enjoy the journey of insights as the adventure unfolds.
The 12th day of every timewave gives us a clear sense of the message of the whole timewave. Crocodile Timewave has a basic theme of nurturing, birthing and female wisdom.
The Grass Daykeeper, also known as Human in the new age system, and the Good Road by the indigenous Maya, refers to the abundance of the human community and the universal quality of life’s journey.
Everyone is on an adventure, the enjoyment of which is dependent upon retaining an openness to life and recognising the possibilities of new adventures around the next bend. What stops this adventure is when the mind becomes fixed and absolute about life – our own life or the nature of life.
Today, embrace the uncertainty of these times and the edge of uncertainty about knowledge and you will be in resonance with the path of humanity.
An edge of uncertainty does not mean you/we know nothing. It is easy in today’s overwhelming information environment to throw our arms in the air and announce that all truth is equal and therefore nothing can be embraced. This is a cop out. You have learned much from your life experience and this needs to be honoured. So walk towards the horizon of uncertainty with confidence in what is true for you.
Now open your heart to life before you.
Today, you are an empty vessel on an adventure, willing to receive the nourishment that life is always offering you.
The 12th day of every timewave gives us a clear sense of the message of the whole timewave. Crocodile Timewave has a basic theme of nurturing, birthing and female wisdom.
The Grass Daykeeper, also known as Human in the new age system, and the Good Road by the indigenous Maya, refers to the abundance of the human community and the universal quality of life’s journey.
Everyone is on an adventure, the enjoyment of which is dependent upon retaining an openness to life and recognising the possibilities of new adventures around the next bend. What stops this adventure is when the mind becomes fixed and absolute about life – our own life or the nature of life.
Today, embrace the uncertainty of these times and the edge of uncertainty about knowledge and you will be in resonance with the path of humanity.
An edge of uncertainty does not mean you/we know nothing. It is easy in today’s overwhelming information environment to throw our arms in the air and announce that all truth is equal and therefore nothing can be embraced. This is a cop out. You have learned much from your life experience and this needs to be honoured. So walk towards the horizon of uncertainty with confidence in what is true for you.
Now open your heart to life before you.
Today, you are an empty vessel on an adventure, willing to receive the nourishment that life is always offering you.
Queen Bee, by LjL
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
11 Monkey
Today is a day to loosen up. Trickery and cosmic humour force you to play, whether you want to or not. See the funny side. Be lateral. Today is a strange mix that offers a chance for fresh inspiration, if you can let go of the mind’s obsessive need for control.
Today you are being asked to create some space for more expression, more emotional elasticity. It is less about conclusions and solutions, more about spontaneity and laughter – perhaps a little twisted, quirky or delightfully perverse.
The texture of today – the energy of 11 Monkey – invites you to unusually nurture your soul, for the soul needs to be elastic if it is to flourish.
Monkey frees up the emotional body today in the 260-day count. Allow yourself to be more imaginative about the world we live in and the nature of time and space.
The 260-day Tzolkin (the Mayan Sacred Calendar) is the calendrical calibration of the soul’s cosmic nature as it interfaces with our density – which is to also to say that the Tzolkin is the key to understanding the galactic interface with Earth and this is the ‘secret’ of the 2012 era. Although we can all see the sociological and environmental effects of the 2012 phenomenon, the essence of 2012 is a re-calibration of the Earth with the Galaxy, creating an evolutionary imperative to raise consciousness in the decades after 2012 itself.
One of the more obvious effects is an alteration to the temporal substance –we seem to have less time in a day. The consensual timeframe that we experience at present is losing energy and a less dense level of experience/consciousness with a larger timeframe is being empowered.
Those who have their self-interest heavily invested in the outgoing density are attempting to close the doors, to keep us locked into the economic theatre and that density. But if enough people shift their focus out of the mainstream economic and political game, then the old theatre will dissolve to reveal a more abundant and expansive terrain.
Of course that is easier said than done, but one way or another, a new focus and energy attention will emerge. Our role is to shift our attention and our energy into alignment with the evolutionary imperative.
Find the role player warrior within, the part of yourself that is strong enough to play the game with a sense of mission and humour.
Today you are being asked to create some space for more expression, more emotional elasticity. It is less about conclusions and solutions, more about spontaneity and laughter – perhaps a little twisted, quirky or delightfully perverse.
The texture of today – the energy of 11 Monkey – invites you to unusually nurture your soul, for the soul needs to be elastic if it is to flourish.
Monkey frees up the emotional body today in the 260-day count. Allow yourself to be more imaginative about the world we live in and the nature of time and space.
The 260-day Tzolkin (the Mayan Sacred Calendar) is the calendrical calibration of the soul’s cosmic nature as it interfaces with our density – which is to also to say that the Tzolkin is the key to understanding the galactic interface with Earth and this is the ‘secret’ of the 2012 era. Although we can all see the sociological and environmental effects of the 2012 phenomenon, the essence of 2012 is a re-calibration of the Earth with the Galaxy, creating an evolutionary imperative to raise consciousness in the decades after 2012 itself.
One of the more obvious effects is an alteration to the temporal substance –we seem to have less time in a day. The consensual timeframe that we experience at present is losing energy and a less dense level of experience/consciousness with a larger timeframe is being empowered.
Those who have their self-interest heavily invested in the outgoing density are attempting to close the doors, to keep us locked into the economic theatre and that density. But if enough people shift their focus out of the mainstream economic and political game, then the old theatre will dissolve to reveal a more abundant and expansive terrain.
Of course that is easier said than done, but one way or another, a new focus and energy attention will emerge. Our role is to shift our attention and our energy into alignment with the evolutionary imperative.
Find the role player warrior within, the part of yourself that is strong enough to play the game with a sense of mission and humour.
Cosmic Interface by LjL
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
10 Dog
10 Dog in the Crocodile timewave manifests as our emotional needs being fully apparent. Today you can see the manifest state of your emotional body and really feel what it is you really need.
The essential and general needs for us all can be simply stated as being happiness and an avoidance of suffering. These are mostly found through relating to others, whilst having an attitude of gratitude about what is good in our experience right now.
Today is a day of communal emotive connection, or a good day to be peaceful and to feel the truth of what you need.
Ask yourself what it is you truly and honestly actually need for yourself. Need rather than want.
The answer will include people.
The essential and general needs for us all can be simply stated as being happiness and an avoidance of suffering. These are mostly found through relating to others, whilst having an attitude of gratitude about what is good in our experience right now.
Today is a day of communal emotive connection, or a good day to be peaceful and to feel the truth of what you need.
Ask yourself what it is you truly and honestly actually need for yourself. Need rather than want.
The answer will include people.
'Friends' by Laurence James Lucas.
'Different species emerge from the same bedrock of life.'
Monday, 17 July 2017
9 Water
A good day for conscious cleansing of the soul. A poignant day.
Today is a day of transcendent awakening and soulful reminiscences; a day to give thanks, blessings and make offerings. If deep and possibly disturbing feelings emerge today, change the muddy waters by transcending the disturbance and by moving into stillness, through feeling that which is good in your life, right now, as it is.
You can regain the peace in your soul and the balance in your psyche quite quickly today by tuning into gratitude. What are you grateful for?
The story we have of ourselves underpins our reality experience; it contextualizes the physical world, technology and the total social arena.
We are not immune to the total environment – and that situation then seeps into our lives in unique, localized and personal ways. Our own small changes and our intimate struggles mirror the profound change of a species transition.
So we have to come back to the moment and be in our own situation with a heightened sense of gratitude, patience and humility for our life as it stands. Give thanks for your life.
Today is a day to reclaim lost feelings and lost soul...
[Extra text added by Laurence on 9 Water of 13 February 2016, but still relevant today:]
Pluto in Capricorn (2007–2023 approximately) is all about deep profound and total change, the evolution of our whole culture. Transformation on this scale requires a journey to the depth of the unconscious and the radical revision of human origins, our concept of evolution and our concept of the cosmos — in other words, a whole new meta-myth for the human species. This will be a slow transformation, but an inevitable evolutionary transformation nonetheless.
Today is a day of transcendent awakening and soulful reminiscences; a day to give thanks, blessings and make offerings. If deep and possibly disturbing feelings emerge today, change the muddy waters by transcending the disturbance and by moving into stillness, through feeling that which is good in your life, right now, as it is.
You can regain the peace in your soul and the balance in your psyche quite quickly today by tuning into gratitude. What are you grateful for?
The story we have of ourselves underpins our reality experience; it contextualizes the physical world, technology and the total social arena.
We are not immune to the total environment – and that situation then seeps into our lives in unique, localized and personal ways. Our own small changes and our intimate struggles mirror the profound change of a species transition.
So we have to come back to the moment and be in our own situation with a heightened sense of gratitude, patience and humility for our life as it stands. Give thanks for your life.
Today is a day to reclaim lost feelings and lost soul...
[Extra text added by Laurence on 9 Water of 13 February 2016, but still relevant today:]
Pluto in Capricorn (2007–2023 approximately) is all about deep profound and total change, the evolution of our whole culture. Transformation on this scale requires a journey to the depth of the unconscious and the radical revision of human origins, our concept of evolution and our concept of the cosmos — in other words, a whole new meta-myth for the human species. This will be a slow transformation, but an inevitable evolutionary transformation nonetheless.
Sunday, 16 July 2017
8 Rabbit (Star)
A day of organized harmony, as the unlimited abundance of Life flows into a simple manifestation. The macrocosm crystallizes in the microcosm. The profound funnels into the commonplace. Recognize divinity and then make light of your day. Commit to beauty.
Acknowledge your prosaic truth, then let go of the preciousness and commit to the surface; make the light of your life be in your life. Today you can experience surprising enjoyment and release from hard work – make it easy, for god’s sake.
Do what you know you have to do, with a light heart, and today you will find that the energy makes light of your tasks.
All that Glitters Is Not Gold
In this era, there is an important element to Rabbit that we need to consider. The light, beautiful, shiny, novel and exciting, ie all that intoxicates, is not always good.
In particular, we now have a burgeoning awareness of the dark and manipulative spiritual energies that masquerade as light. Many spiritual organizations, good-news whistle-blowers and channellings are sourcing dark energies that create interference with spiritual sovereignty. We need to be careful not to give our essential spiritual power away to mass sentiment–led opiates.
The solution is relatively simple. Connect to your own higher self or divinity in your practices, do not be afraid to think for yourself and honour your deep intuitive responses to information. Even if it is not bad information as such, we have to ask if it is appropriate to our path.
Mass sentiment memes and movements in particular are subject to the attention of spiritual engineering. Do not emotionally invest heavily in anything that is hugely popular and intoxicating – it is not appropriate in this evolutionary transition period.
Call upon and connect to your higher self and then proceed from there. It is not difficult.
Extra Message from Laurence, first posted on 8 Rabbit of 18 Feb 2011, then again on 8 Rabbit for the following 5 Mayan Sacred Calendar years:
The evolutionary imperative in our world is increasing the flow of energy and dissolving old forms or constructs noticeably faster. In this environment, it becomes harder to hold onto that which we consider solid; we start to wonder what is tangible? Is anything tangible? Is anything real? Can we rely on anything?
Yes, indeed, we can rely on life much more – in fact we have to rely on life more, for we have no choice but to operate on a deeper level of faith. The forms and constructs we operate with and in are becoming more subtle. In becoming more subtle, they are in fact becoming more truly real.
The old solidities of absolutism, common sense surety, confidence in rationalities or even confidence in blissful ideology dissolve at a faster rate in the accelerated flow of consciousness.
And so the heart has to open.
Each gradient of velocity—the graduations of faster-flowing consciousness—are increasing the levels of ‘complexity consciousness’, where we have progressively more time, for we are incrementally—a little bit at a time—entering a greater dimension of eternity.
Love never dies.
Acknowledge your prosaic truth, then let go of the preciousness and commit to the surface; make the light of your life be in your life. Today you can experience surprising enjoyment and release from hard work – make it easy, for god’s sake.
Do what you know you have to do, with a light heart, and today you will find that the energy makes light of your tasks.
All that Glitters Is Not Gold
In this era, there is an important element to Rabbit that we need to consider. The light, beautiful, shiny, novel and exciting, ie all that intoxicates, is not always good.
In particular, we now have a burgeoning awareness of the dark and manipulative spiritual energies that masquerade as light. Many spiritual organizations, good-news whistle-blowers and channellings are sourcing dark energies that create interference with spiritual sovereignty. We need to be careful not to give our essential spiritual power away to mass sentiment–led opiates.
The solution is relatively simple. Connect to your own higher self or divinity in your practices, do not be afraid to think for yourself and honour your deep intuitive responses to information. Even if it is not bad information as such, we have to ask if it is appropriate to our path.
Mass sentiment memes and movements in particular are subject to the attention of spiritual engineering. Do not emotionally invest heavily in anything that is hugely popular and intoxicating – it is not appropriate in this evolutionary transition period.
Call upon and connect to your higher self and then proceed from there. It is not difficult.
Extra Message from Laurence, first posted on 8 Rabbit of 18 Feb 2011, then again on 8 Rabbit for the following 5 Mayan Sacred Calendar years:
The evolutionary imperative in our world is increasing the flow of energy and dissolving old forms or constructs noticeably faster. In this environment, it becomes harder to hold onto that which we consider solid; we start to wonder what is tangible? Is anything tangible? Is anything real? Can we rely on anything?
Yes, indeed, we can rely on life much more – in fact we have to rely on life more, for we have no choice but to operate on a deeper level of faith. The forms and constructs we operate with and in are becoming more subtle. In becoming more subtle, they are in fact becoming more truly real.
The old solidities of absolutism, common sense surety, confidence in rationalities or even confidence in blissful ideology dissolve at a faster rate in the accelerated flow of consciousness.
And so the heart has to open.
Each gradient of velocity—the graduations of faster-flowing consciousness—are increasing the levels of ‘complexity consciousness’, where we have progressively more time, for we are incrementally—a little bit at a time—entering a greater dimension of eternity.
Love never dies.
'Urban Angels' by LjL
Saturday, 15 July 2017
7 Deer (Hand, Grasp)
On one hand, you need to let go; on the other hand, you need to hold on (control everything). Today you are able – or challenged – to find the mesh that is in the middle.
Come into resonance with the harmonics of the day. Tune into different frequencies by being flexible and also strong enough to adapt to the wave of the day.
The overall energy of today requires finesse to tune into the subtle ebbs and flows; listen to the melody, but don’t drift away. Recognize and utilize the intuitive and feeling-based tools you have, for today is the perfect day to heighten your subtle senses and also for being responsive to using the tools for appropriate action.
A good day to be conscious, both internally and externally.
To be conscious in this way means to be willing and able, to be responsive and adaptive and to adjust to the energies of the moment. This is the life skill of utilizing surrender and will, acceptance and action, receiving and intention.
The importance of an intuitive, feeling-based focus has to be balanced with some creative direction.
Come into resonance with the harmonics of the day. Tune into different frequencies by being flexible and also strong enough to adapt to the wave of the day.
The overall energy of today requires finesse to tune into the subtle ebbs and flows; listen to the melody, but don’t drift away. Recognize and utilize the intuitive and feeling-based tools you have, for today is the perfect day to heighten your subtle senses and also for being responsive to using the tools for appropriate action.
A good day to be conscious, both internally and externally.
To be conscious in this way means to be willing and able, to be responsive and adaptive and to adjust to the energies of the moment. This is the life skill of utilizing surrender and will, acceptance and action, receiving and intention.
The importance of an intuitive, feeling-based focus has to be balanced with some creative direction.
Sussex Downs, by Laurence James Lucas
Friday, 14 July 2017
6 Skull
A day of mini chapters, with clean beginnings and endings to different tasks.
Allow yourself to cut off from small attachments that are clogging your life. Cut back to the bone where necessary and be ready to refresh your day.
Today offers you multiple opportunities to get things done and to rest in between those activities.
The energy of the day gives you the chance to be present and enclosed in your experience, rather than being pulled into the future.
A good day to have strong, clear boundaries and to be a conscious agent for benevolent transformation. Be firm and clear.
[On 6 Skull of 26 May 2015, Laurence also added an extra sentence and link, to illustrate something that was close to his heart:]
An interesting artefact for the emergence of planetary consciousness:
Allow yourself to cut off from small attachments that are clogging your life. Cut back to the bone where necessary and be ready to refresh your day.
Today offers you multiple opportunities to get things done and to rest in between those activities.
The energy of the day gives you the chance to be present and enclosed in your experience, rather than being pulled into the future.
A good day to have strong, clear boundaries and to be a conscious agent for benevolent transformation. Be firm and clear.
[On 6 Skull of 26 May 2015, Laurence also added an extra sentence and link, to illustrate something that was close to his heart:]
An interesting artefact for the emergence of planetary consciousness:
'The Quest' by Laurence James Lucas
Thursday, 13 July 2017
5 Serpent
Today you can connect to the life force, the Serpent energy that is at the centre of ascending and descending consciousness.
The Serpent energy is the desire for material pleasure, and yet also the desire to rise above it and to experience the bliss of the soul, as well as a whole host of juxtapositions in between carnal lasciviousness and transcendental union.
Be centred today and feel the polarity impulses of your life force.
Make an extra effort today to centre yourself in the body; connect to the life force within you.
The Serpent energy is the desire for material pleasure, and yet also the desire to rise above it and to experience the bliss of the soul, as well as a whole host of juxtapositions in between carnal lasciviousness and transcendental union.
Be centred today and feel the polarity impulses of your life force.
Make an extra effort today to centre yourself in the body; connect to the life force within you.
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
4 Lizard (Seed)
Today the raw intelligence or plan of life reveals itself. This is the most basic structural imprint from which all of existence is created; it is the template realm.
Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.
A good day to understand that Life itself, in the general sense, is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.
[Extra message from Laurence, from 4 Lizard, 6 September 2014:]
Furthermore it is a good day to recognize that Life in essence is wholly abundant.
If you are stuck in an impoverished situation, today consider looking outside of the box that is diminishing you and be open to a new plan, an expansion of your situation.
Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.
A good day to understand that Life itself, in the general sense, is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.
[Extra message from Laurence, from 4 Lizard, 6 September 2014:]
Furthermore it is a good day to recognize that Life in essence is wholly abundant.
If you are stuck in an impoverished situation, today consider looking outside of the box that is diminishing you and be open to a new plan, an expansion of your situation.
Photo courtesy of André Eichman
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
3 Foredawn (Dark House, In the House, Dark Night)
Key words for today: Portal opening, fertile, empty, waiting, anticipation, stirring, incomplete, and freeing the mind.
Energy building as you stay in the house, in the soul, in the mystery. Feel your energy stirring with some inspiration.
Subtle movement in the psyche.
The energy is in the house. A good day for social triangles and to see what mysterious emergence results in the midst of three people.
Create space in your self.
Today, you might feel a little restless, not quite settling on anything. If you can allow the movement and vibration to be, and accept a degree of incomplete thoughts and actions, you can enjoy the expansion and feeling of sensing a subtle mystery that is opening in the middle of the tri-rotational energy.
Energy building as you stay in the house, in the soul, in the mystery. Feel your energy stirring with some inspiration.
Subtle movement in the psyche.
The energy is in the house. A good day for social triangles and to see what mysterious emergence results in the midst of three people.
Create space in your self.
Today, you might feel a little restless, not quite settling on anything. If you can allow the movement and vibration to be, and accept a degree of incomplete thoughts and actions, you can enjoy the expansion and feeling of sensing a subtle mystery that is opening in the middle of the tri-rotational energy.
Monday, 10 July 2017
2 Wind
Feedback, receiving communications and releasing ideas.
Challenges may arise with communication, delays, arguments, difficult decisions and more. Hold steady, for today is 2 Wind.
Our blocks, created by the duality within us, reveal themselves today. First accept the situation, in order to move beyond the duality lock.
The Wind is an activator, the Breath, the Word, the Spirit that Initiates. Day 2 is duality. Wind is changeable and adaptable; it can be destructive, but it is always refreshing.
Potentially, this is a day of black-and-white divisions and opposites, as well as the clarity of knowing what you like and what you don’t like, what you need and what you can let go of.
The evolutionary impulse of spirit towards greater union is an oscillating process of merging and separating, co-operation and competition, dependence and autonomy.
Today, hold the space to separate that which has become a conglomeration – and which thus feels inert – so as to be ready to move forward.
Become the Captain of your own Enterprise and make a black-and-white decisive move.
Prepare to make it so...
[On 2 Wind, 22 May 2015, Laurence added this note:
For me, this particular 2 Wind day seems to be about feedback and receiving information based on previous outputs and transmissions. I am enjoying releasing thoughts and ideas to clear my field.]
Challenges may arise with communication, delays, arguments, difficult decisions and more. Hold steady, for today is 2 Wind.
Our blocks, created by the duality within us, reveal themselves today. First accept the situation, in order to move beyond the duality lock.
The Wind is an activator, the Breath, the Word, the Spirit that Initiates. Day 2 is duality. Wind is changeable and adaptable; it can be destructive, but it is always refreshing.
Potentially, this is a day of black-and-white divisions and opposites, as well as the clarity of knowing what you like and what you don’t like, what you need and what you can let go of.
The evolutionary impulse of spirit towards greater union is an oscillating process of merging and separating, co-operation and competition, dependence and autonomy.
Today, hold the space to separate that which has become a conglomeration – and which thus feels inert – so as to be ready to move forward.
Become the Captain of your own Enterprise and make a black-and-white decisive move.
Prepare to make it so...
[On 2 Wind, 22 May 2015, Laurence added this note:
For me, this particular 2 Wind day seems to be about feedback and receiving information based on previous outputs and transmissions. I am enjoying releasing thoughts and ideas to clear my field.]
Sunday, 9 July 2017
1 Crocodile
The new timewave that begins today, the Crocodile Timewave, brings 13 days of nourishment, as you move into a state of trust with life itself.
What is truly nourishing? How can you nourish others, and what truly nourishes you on a basic level? What brings more love, protection and acceptance into your life? How can you cultivate your primal trust in life?
Pay homage to the Goddess. The Nurturing Mother has a dark side; the feminine can devour – she has our respect.
Today, accept the nonlinear as primal energy enters into your life; this energy is to be received for it nurtures you. You have survived this long, you have been supported by Life up to this point and Life itself is always willing to support you more.
Dig deep within your feelings to open your heart to a deeper level of protection and sustenance.
The Crocodile (Imix) comes rumbling into reality, yet offers profound food for your soul. Enjoy the natural world today and recognise the way that life takes care of us.
The heart rules the head more than usual in the next 13 days.
Note from Carey: The Full Moon today at 0407 GMT, 5:07am in the UK and 12:07 in Hong Kong, will ramp up our feelings. Dig deeper, find that nourishment within you, open your heart fully to the feminine, nurturing, receptive, primal energies of today and for this new 13-day timewave.
What is truly nourishing? How can you nourish others, and what truly nourishes you on a basic level? What brings more love, protection and acceptance into your life? How can you cultivate your primal trust in life?
Pay homage to the Goddess. The Nurturing Mother has a dark side; the feminine can devour – she has our respect.
Today, accept the nonlinear as primal energy enters into your life; this energy is to be received for it nurtures you. You have survived this long, you have been supported by Life up to this point and Life itself is always willing to support you more.
Dig deep within your feelings to open your heart to a deeper level of protection and sustenance.
The Crocodile (Imix) comes rumbling into reality, yet offers profound food for your soul. Enjoy the natural world today and recognise the way that life takes care of us.
The heart rules the head more than usual in the next 13 days.
Note from Carey: The Full Moon today at 0407 GMT, 5:07am in the UK and 12:07 in Hong Kong, will ramp up our feelings. Dig deeper, find that nourishment within you, open your heart fully to the feminine, nurturing, receptive, primal energies of today and for this new 13-day timewave.
Keys to the Goddess: Dance of Joy, by Carey Vail Lucas
Saturday, 8 July 2017
13 Flower (Sun, or Lord)
You can access the state of subtle transcendental bliss today. No worries.
A day of dissipative light. Release all heaviness, gravitas or profundity and feel the graceful emanation of the energy of today.
A day of soft focus as the flower fully opens; a celebratory feeling is inherent within the last day of the Rabbit Timewave as we open in readiness to the Crocodile Timewave tomorrow.
Potentially, today you can see the divinity of life everywhere and in everyone, the omnipresent light of creation.
The male transcendental spirit hands over to the Goddess tomorrow.
A day of dissipative light. Release all heaviness, gravitas or profundity and feel the graceful emanation of the energy of today.
A day of soft focus as the flower fully opens; a celebratory feeling is inherent within the last day of the Rabbit Timewave as we open in readiness to the Crocodile Timewave tomorrow.
Potentially, today you can see the divinity of life everywhere and in everyone, the omnipresent light of creation.
The male transcendental spirit hands over to the Goddess tomorrow.
Friday, 7 July 2017
12 Storm
Refresh the Mind, Free the Mind
The self-organizing intelligence of your complex life appears before you. See the coherence within your randomness.
Day 12 in every timewave gives us the rational understanding of the energetic signature of that timewave. It is a day of organized information, the intelligence and structure that our minds can connect to.
Storm is the purifier, by rain and lightning, that breaks open reality structures which are inhibitory and/or no longer working – which are too tight. Storm is a liberator and as a 12 Day, it is an organized liberator.
Today brings you an insight into going with the energy of the day and being a conduit for a reorganization of structures in your life. Your challenge for today is to become conscious of the dynamic, flowing structure inherent within this day.
The Rabbit Timewave is an explosion of everything and – if you go with the chaotic element of today, surrender and yet apply your mind to seeing the pattern – a beautiful, complex exhilarating understanding will emerge. The quality of Rabbit is in being able to respond, adapt and stay alert to subtle cosmic energies and, in so doing, Rabbit can frame a bigger picture of reality.
The Rabbit Timewave challenges us with its abundance and the understanding that ‘all that glitters is not gold’, yet with the recognition that we are here to be enchanted, to become captivated by the allure of life.
The world is forever in a state of being enchanted; reality is a spell cast by all manner of beings on multiple dimensions and by us for us all.
The dis-enchantment with the old consensual world grows, as does the incitement to become seduced by the new incoming frequencies, information, philosophies and the Grand Myth. The Grand Myth is the essential story that finds a resonant, common agreement amongst the majority of consciousness.
Transitional times of culture are when we collectively renegotiate the Grand Myth. Most people do this fairly passively – they are fed stories and inadvertently align with them, without deep inquiry.
Elevate your intuition and your consciousness today.
The self-organizing intelligence of your complex life appears before you. See the coherence within your randomness.
Day 12 in every timewave gives us the rational understanding of the energetic signature of that timewave. It is a day of organized information, the intelligence and structure that our minds can connect to.
Storm is the purifier, by rain and lightning, that breaks open reality structures which are inhibitory and/or no longer working – which are too tight. Storm is a liberator and as a 12 Day, it is an organized liberator.
Today brings you an insight into going with the energy of the day and being a conduit for a reorganization of structures in your life. Your challenge for today is to become conscious of the dynamic, flowing structure inherent within this day.
The Rabbit Timewave is an explosion of everything and – if you go with the chaotic element of today, surrender and yet apply your mind to seeing the pattern – a beautiful, complex exhilarating understanding will emerge. The quality of Rabbit is in being able to respond, adapt and stay alert to subtle cosmic energies and, in so doing, Rabbit can frame a bigger picture of reality.
The Rabbit Timewave challenges us with its abundance and the understanding that ‘all that glitters is not gold’, yet with the recognition that we are here to be enchanted, to become captivated by the allure of life.
The world is forever in a state of being enchanted; reality is a spell cast by all manner of beings on multiple dimensions and by us for us all.
The dis-enchantment with the old consensual world grows, as does the incitement to become seduced by the new incoming frequencies, information, philosophies and the Grand Myth. The Grand Myth is the essential story that finds a resonant, common agreement amongst the majority of consciousness.
Transitional times of culture are when we collectively renegotiate the Grand Myth. Most people do this fairly passively – they are fed stories and inadvertently align with them, without deep inquiry.
Elevate your intuition and your consciousness today.
from Laurence from 12 Storm on 3 February 2016:]
It is in times of
great duress that the biggest breakthroughs in consciousness can occur.
The consciousness field at this time – during the 2012 era – is
open to the grand picture of existence. This is because the consensual
agreement on reality is in a state of flux and the structure of society is
weak; the field is therefore full of holes. In times of comfort, when society
seems to provide a clear direction for purpose and function, our consciousness
is contained.
Each Enchantment of culture is held in place by the underlying
mythology, the meta-myth. The meta-myth of ‘material science’ is no longer
adequate for experience. The Mayan end date (21 December 2012, based on the
Long Count calendar) has clearly delivered its promise of large-scale change,
and this process is still unravelling before us.
Each story for each stage of culture is the essence that
generates the structure of consciousness within the totality of
consciousness in which we are walking around and have our being within. Each
structure is controlled in the shadows by ‘enchanters’, those who deliberately
control, design and orchestrate the context. Within that structure, we are
entertained. We are given a theatre that provides us with an enormous life
experience, purpose and growth. This continues until the structure no longer
holds us; instead, it inhibits us and we see the shadow, we see the
manipulation and we see our own co-creative dependency and responsibility in
being held within this bewitchment.
We become disillusioned and we rebel. We become frustrated
with our own contribution and our choices that put us into that theatre. It is
easy to beat ourselves up for being fooled, but in reality, this was what we needed
and was as much truth and expansion of experience and consciousness that we
could handle at the time.
What I have found from my extensive research is that this 2012
era, this transitional period in which we now live, has similarities to the
late 1880s and early 20th century. In the 1890s – in particular around 1892 – the
old world of moral certainty and religious conviction was falling apart, while
the Darwinian vista and new moral imperative of material growth, competition
and economic progress was emerging, but not yet dominant. In this state, the
alternatives to religious and scientific consensus were wide open for exploration.
There was a seeding of higher consciousness in and around 1892
(expressed by the Neptune and Pluto conjunction). A tremendous amount of
visionary artforms in all fields of human endeavour were being expressed. Science
was still forming and the metaphysical was popular among the intelligentsia,
leading to cross-fertilization of the spiritual and material perspective. The
1890s was also a time when some of our most profound mystics, visionaries,
artists, writers and scientists were born. The contemporary cultural phenomena
of steam punk reflects the extraordinary nature of the 1890s, which was wilder
than history has told us.
The decade leading up that new millennium was full of hope and
adventurous inquiry, as it was in the 1990s. The structure of consciousness
within the totality field of consciousness was not yet consolidated in the late
19th century.
The Neo-Darwinian structure was not well established until
around 1930. This led to history being rewritten yet again, and the Neo-Darwinian
meta-myth became pervasive as the dominant structure.
So here we are once again – we have access to greatly expanded
perspectives of truth. However, to access them requires a journey through the
shadowlands of assumption, a disturbing confrontation with the previously
useful illusions we have willing taken on.
In recent years, the niche spiritual enquirers who are
cognizant of conspiracy have started to recognize that the control mechanism is
cosmic and that, like Star Wars suggests, the ‘battle’ between dark and light
is aeons in age. One of the most illuminating suggestions has been the notion
of the false light, ie the manipulation of spiritual seekers through the
presentation of a saviour philosophy, ET race, alleged spiritual masters,
whistle-blowers etc etc. This has made the information terrain extremely
hazardous, yet exciting and compelling – like a psychic game being played out
within the environment. The imperative falls upon the individual to neither
dismiss nor become totally enraptured by visionary perspectives and to retain
sovereignty and free thinking.
Work it out for yourself and do your own research.
Thanks to my friend Dominic I have been reading Our
Universal Journey by George Kavassilas, available here online as a PDF. It does not
blow my mind, which is good, but it does feel to be presenting a more accurate
vista of our existence than anything I have seen. I recommend you have a peek,
there are plenty of online interviews with the author available as well.
I find great resonance with the book, not because it intoxicates
me – it does not – but because it quietly confirms and feels like a truer
big-picture perspective than anything else I have seen. I have yet to finish
the book, but wanted to share it today as it fits in with the energy of the
Thursday, 6 July 2017
11 Obsidian (aka Obsidian Mirror; Flint)
Doorways, Reflections and Dimensions
Transparency and integration. A good day to be transparent or to see through everything, to see through the data and the one-thousand interesting things that arise, to encounter the flickering light that reflects the unity of all life.
The flickering light of creation is akin to the shimmering light of the sun on the sea.
Today, doors are opening into the holographic universe and an experiential realization that matter is the intersection of coherent beams of light is possible. In other words, look through the form, events, occurrences and people who are mirroring you today to see beyond the illusion.
A day of penetrating clarity of consciousness, a clarity that emerges gradually out of the smoky mirror.
All forms are just energy vortexes giving the impression of solidity. Energy is a reflection of the movement of consciousness. Consciousness spins at different speeds that create the different levels of existence. All levels of existence are reflections of what we might call God, refracted through the dimensions of apparent separation.
As we become more conscious, more levels of existence become transparent.
Transparency and integration. A good day to be transparent or to see through everything, to see through the data and the one-thousand interesting things that arise, to encounter the flickering light that reflects the unity of all life.
The flickering light of creation is akin to the shimmering light of the sun on the sea.
Today, doors are opening into the holographic universe and an experiential realization that matter is the intersection of coherent beams of light is possible. In other words, look through the form, events, occurrences and people who are mirroring you today to see beyond the illusion.
A day of penetrating clarity of consciousness, a clarity that emerges gradually out of the smoky mirror.
All forms are just energy vortexes giving the impression of solidity. Energy is a reflection of the movement of consciousness. Consciousness spins at different speeds that create the different levels of existence. All levels of existence are reflections of what we might call God, refracted through the dimensions of apparent separation.
As we become more conscious, more levels of existence become transparent.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
10 Earthmover
Something materializes today – this is a small piece of starlight that has appeared before you. Today brings change into your life in this physical realm, revealed through and recognizable to you by synchronicity coming into form.
Meaningful coincidences coalesce into something tangible. The synchronic trail, or the multiplicities of opportunities, reach a temporary full stop. Perhaps the Zen Master’s stick has just hit you on the back?
Something might seem to have fallen apart. You may feel shaken or disturbed, so we ask. ‘What needs to broken up, in order for your life force to flow?’
Earthquakes allow the hidden riches to surface, but first there may be a disturbance to shake us out of our comfort zone.
The synergy and integration of past aspirations and ideas can come together today as they are forced to merge and manifest. If you are tuned into the 260-day pulse, there is a little earthshaking moment for you as several threads from your subjective reality – be they fantasy or intention – crunch and converge into form.
Generally the energy is vitalizing. Take note of what has manifested and how it has manifested.
Suddenly the change will be looking right at you...
Message from Laurence: First posted four Mayan Sacred Calendar years ago, on 10 Earthmover, 13 December 2013, but still relevant today:
Do You Hear the Creaking of the Tectonic Movements within the Planetary Organism?
What we are now experiencing on Earth is a fundamental core transformation. The cogs of history are grinding; slow, deep, profound and enduring changes are taking place within the Planetary Organism. This evolutionary process affects every aspect of life.
We can just take shelter and wait.
Or, we can directly connect to the vital force that is underneath this hitherto unseen scale of planetary change. How do we as sovereign souls do this? How can we, as mere individuals, come into alignment with the creaking, shifting tectonic movements of the environment of consciousness in this epoch-unfolding drama?
The answer is … only through holding our attention and our focus on building, securing and incrementally walking forwards through daily practice and navigation of the contextual frequencies.
A chasm exits between the internet and the real world experience. Will you traverse that gap? Will you convert and translate the inspiration from the virtual world into your direct experience?
The informational flow of the internet is a wonderful tool. However, it is distracting a lot of people from getting on with sculpting the energy that is required, which is based on plugging into the enormous influx of cosmic energy that is actually available and at hand.
Now more than ever we are to call upon guidance, protection and healing to utilize the age-old protocols of spiritual practice, whilst tuning into the unique complex array of the frequencies of the present era.
This is from an article I stumbled upon yesterday – yet another article on what I call the Cosmic Influx, aka the 2012 Effect.
‘Cosmic rays are light waves of a very high frequency that have been shown to transform human DNA – therefore affecting human evolution.
‘Even as far back as 1973, famous science writer and astronomer Carl Sagan spoke about how cosmic rays cause DNA mutations and would have affected human evolution.
‘Cosmic rays are passing through the Earth and our bodies all the time due to ambient processes of the cosmos – hence why there is always a slow and gradual evolution taking place. However, in 1987 – the same year when a spark of change was being felt across the world – something different took place. A Supernova occurred close enough to the Earth that it was visible to the naked eye. Cool, but what does that have to do with anything?
‘Around and after the year of 1987, many other celestial events have occurred; the most known being a massive increase in solar flares (also producing cosmic rays) and a rapid decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field – both of which are happening to this day. The Earth’s magnetic field is known to act as a shield against high frequencies… so what happens when it weakens? All the goodness of high frequencies seeps right in. Now many would think this is crazy because of the common belief that they are dangerous, however the purpose of cosmic rays and other high frequencies isn’t to fry us alive; but to gradually instigate the evolution of our DNA; the blueprint of our level of consciousness.’
by Elina St-Onge
Meaningful coincidences coalesce into something tangible. The synchronic trail, or the multiplicities of opportunities, reach a temporary full stop. Perhaps the Zen Master’s stick has just hit you on the back?
Something might seem to have fallen apart. You may feel shaken or disturbed, so we ask. ‘What needs to broken up, in order for your life force to flow?’
Earthquakes allow the hidden riches to surface, but first there may be a disturbance to shake us out of our comfort zone.
The synergy and integration of past aspirations and ideas can come together today as they are forced to merge and manifest. If you are tuned into the 260-day pulse, there is a little earthshaking moment for you as several threads from your subjective reality – be they fantasy or intention – crunch and converge into form.
Generally the energy is vitalizing. Take note of what has manifested and how it has manifested.
Suddenly the change will be looking right at you...
Message from Laurence: First posted four Mayan Sacred Calendar years ago, on 10 Earthmover, 13 December 2013, but still relevant today:
Do You Hear the Creaking of the Tectonic Movements within the Planetary Organism?
What we are now experiencing on Earth is a fundamental core transformation. The cogs of history are grinding; slow, deep, profound and enduring changes are taking place within the Planetary Organism. This evolutionary process affects every aspect of life.
We can just take shelter and wait.
Or, we can directly connect to the vital force that is underneath this hitherto unseen scale of planetary change. How do we as sovereign souls do this? How can we, as mere individuals, come into alignment with the creaking, shifting tectonic movements of the environment of consciousness in this epoch-unfolding drama?
The answer is … only through holding our attention and our focus on building, securing and incrementally walking forwards through daily practice and navigation of the contextual frequencies.
A chasm exits between the internet and the real world experience. Will you traverse that gap? Will you convert and translate the inspiration from the virtual world into your direct experience?
The informational flow of the internet is a wonderful tool. However, it is distracting a lot of people from getting on with sculpting the energy that is required, which is based on plugging into the enormous influx of cosmic energy that is actually available and at hand.
Now more than ever we are to call upon guidance, protection and healing to utilize the age-old protocols of spiritual practice, whilst tuning into the unique complex array of the frequencies of the present era.
This is from an article I stumbled upon yesterday – yet another article on what I call the Cosmic Influx, aka the 2012 Effect.
‘Cosmic rays are light waves of a very high frequency that have been shown to transform human DNA – therefore affecting human evolution.
‘Even as far back as 1973, famous science writer and astronomer Carl Sagan spoke about how cosmic rays cause DNA mutations and would have affected human evolution.
‘Cosmic rays are passing through the Earth and our bodies all the time due to ambient processes of the cosmos – hence why there is always a slow and gradual evolution taking place. However, in 1987 – the same year when a spark of change was being felt across the world – something different took place. A Supernova occurred close enough to the Earth that it was visible to the naked eye. Cool, but what does that have to do with anything?
‘Around and after the year of 1987, many other celestial events have occurred; the most known being a massive increase in solar flares (also producing cosmic rays) and a rapid decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field – both of which are happening to this day. The Earth’s magnetic field is known to act as a shield against high frequencies… so what happens when it weakens? All the goodness of high frequencies seeps right in. Now many would think this is crazy because of the common belief that they are dangerous, however the purpose of cosmic rays and other high frequencies isn’t to fry us alive; but to gradually instigate the evolution of our DNA; the blueprint of our level of consciousness.’
by Elina St-Onge
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
9 Warrior (Vulture, Owl)
Heightened Perspective
A high-synchronicity day as an alignment with Earth magnetics is heightened. Deep feelings are evoked as intense energy passes through you, opening your awareness beyond your usual emotional, mental, ethical, philosophical and aspirational constraints.
Today, you can be conscious of larger cycles and chapters in your life. What is coming towards completion? Access this energy through stillness, strength and confidence in your truth. Truth is the connection between Heaven and Earth through the central channel of your subtle body.
Remembering your truth from beyond time.
Soul memory is the memory beyond time, which we can connect to at the end and beginning of personal cycles, for this is when small portals open for us to access TIME beyond the time we normally think of as time.
Today is a good day for transcendental freedom.
A high-synchronicity day as an alignment with Earth magnetics is heightened. Deep feelings are evoked as intense energy passes through you, opening your awareness beyond your usual emotional, mental, ethical, philosophical and aspirational constraints.
Today, you can be conscious of larger cycles and chapters in your life. What is coming towards completion? Access this energy through stillness, strength and confidence in your truth. Truth is the connection between Heaven and Earth through the central channel of your subtle body.
Remembering your truth from beyond time.
Soul memory is the memory beyond time, which we can connect to at the end and beginning of personal cycles, for this is when small portals open for us to access TIME beyond the time we normally think of as time.
Today is a good day for transcendental freedom.
Monday, 3 July 2017
8 Eagle
What is present?
What is here, available and moving through you?
What is?
A day of integration as you feel the need to be who you are without effort or effect, to clear your vision of impassioned views, so as to allow all of your perspectives their place within your psyche. A certain degree of emptiness allows us to see more of who we are, rather than just one facet.
The commitment today is to the integrated self that stands before you, the degree of integration you can recognize at present.
And/or: What is present? What is here available and moving through you? The Immanence.
Eagle is sometimes known as ‘Metal’ by the Maya of the Highlands. This is because of the Eagle’s ability to see an expansive worldly vision, thus it is associated with money and wealth. Day 8 is a day of commitment. So, if you have a vision, one that was forming during the last timewave, take note and recognize its value.
Opportunity is present; abundance is available. We often cannot see it because, generally speaking, we get in our own way. Call upon yourself, call upon your higher self to perceive what is immediately present.
The Dream Seeds I talked about yesterday are tangible potentials in the etheric psyche of our planet and belong to the Devic realm. I suggest the Dream Seeds are not easily accessible via clairvoyance, as they are deep within the shamanic mainframe.
Today though, we are in touch with the more accessible visions of Eagle. 8 Eagle speaks to us of the immanence within the sky and the terrestrial stratosphere, whereby the potentials from within the Devic Kingdom can be selected and refined and choices are committed to.
Today’s commitment is made within the perceptional field, where your energy naturally interpenetrates the collective human consciousness and where that also meets the Earth mind.
What is here, available and moving through you?
What is?
A day of integration as you feel the need to be who you are without effort or effect, to clear your vision of impassioned views, so as to allow all of your perspectives their place within your psyche. A certain degree of emptiness allows us to see more of who we are, rather than just one facet.
The commitment today is to the integrated self that stands before you, the degree of integration you can recognize at present.
And/or: What is present? What is here available and moving through you? The Immanence.
Eagle is sometimes known as ‘Metal’ by the Maya of the Highlands. This is because of the Eagle’s ability to see an expansive worldly vision, thus it is associated with money and wealth. Day 8 is a day of commitment. So, if you have a vision, one that was forming during the last timewave, take note and recognize its value.
Opportunity is present; abundance is available. We often cannot see it because, generally speaking, we get in our own way. Call upon yourself, call upon your higher self to perceive what is immediately present.
The Dream Seeds I talked about yesterday are tangible potentials in the etheric psyche of our planet and belong to the Devic realm. I suggest the Dream Seeds are not easily accessible via clairvoyance, as they are deep within the shamanic mainframe.
Today though, we are in touch with the more accessible visions of Eagle. 8 Eagle speaks to us of the immanence within the sky and the terrestrial stratosphere, whereby the potentials from within the Devic Kingdom can be selected and refined and choices are committed to.
Today’s commitment is made within the perceptional field, where your energy naturally interpenetrates the collective human consciousness and where that also meets the Earth mind.
Sunday, 2 July 2017
7 Jaguar
Jaguar is at home in the shadows. Today you have a resonant connection to the underworld or shadow perspective of all that glitters.
The bright-light glamour of the material world, the allure of charisma, the magnetic attraction of people and places all springs from cosmic light. The light of the stars shines with wonder from the inky night sky.
However, the glamour of the consensual world is fading, so we are being asked to look into the darkness, beyond the foreground bright lights that are being presented to us, in order to see the next level of luminosity. The Earth is recalibrating and we are to come into resonance with the powerful influx from the cosmos in this 2012 era. Yet to do this requires the instincts of the stalking jaguar; there is no herd to follow.
Be brave, strike out into the darkness and stalk your power. Today you can feel that resonance.
Use your imagination evocatively. The imagination is your interface with other dimensions – it contains your filters, your personal way of translating and perceiving, but it is the interface. The virtual world of the imagination is a two-way mirror and, if you activate your imagination, you will learn to be receptive to incoming imagery not generated by your mind. Today is a good day to be evocative.
You can transcend easy definitions of good and bad and enable yourself to be playful with the astral realms whilst holding the light. Sometimes we must venture into unknown realms in order to gain the necessary power for our survival in this world.
The activated imagination acts as an invitation to the ‘otherness’ of the Sacred Calendar we are following here, an invitation for the spirit of Supranature to pierce your walls of perception. Life is anthropomorphic – it really is alive; this is not just our projection. The Mayan Sacred Calendar is attuned to the lifeforms that inhabit the living field which permeates our planet and galaxy.
Today, attune to the veiled but immanent energy and enjoy your instinctive intelligence. A good day for shamanic awakening and a connection to the magic of life.
Starlight reverberates throughout the earthly realms and stabilizes as the Dream Seeds of the Earth, which contain all future potentials, including the futuristic communities and technologies of a post-material civilization, not limited by terrestrial consciousness.
The Jaguar Shaman talks and listens to the Earth’s Dream Seeds.
The bright-light glamour of the material world, the allure of charisma, the magnetic attraction of people and places all springs from cosmic light. The light of the stars shines with wonder from the inky night sky.
However, the glamour of the consensual world is fading, so we are being asked to look into the darkness, beyond the foreground bright lights that are being presented to us, in order to see the next level of luminosity. The Earth is recalibrating and we are to come into resonance with the powerful influx from the cosmos in this 2012 era. Yet to do this requires the instincts of the stalking jaguar; there is no herd to follow.
Be brave, strike out into the darkness and stalk your power. Today you can feel that resonance.
Use your imagination evocatively. The imagination is your interface with other dimensions – it contains your filters, your personal way of translating and perceiving, but it is the interface. The virtual world of the imagination is a two-way mirror and, if you activate your imagination, you will learn to be receptive to incoming imagery not generated by your mind. Today is a good day to be evocative.
You can transcend easy definitions of good and bad and enable yourself to be playful with the astral realms whilst holding the light. Sometimes we must venture into unknown realms in order to gain the necessary power for our survival in this world.
The activated imagination acts as an invitation to the ‘otherness’ of the Sacred Calendar we are following here, an invitation for the spirit of Supranature to pierce your walls of perception. Life is anthropomorphic – it really is alive; this is not just our projection. The Mayan Sacred Calendar is attuned to the lifeforms that inhabit the living field which permeates our planet and galaxy.
Today, attune to the veiled but immanent energy and enjoy your instinctive intelligence. A good day for shamanic awakening and a connection to the magic of life.
Starlight reverberates throughout the earthly realms and stabilizes as the Dream Seeds of the Earth, which contain all future potentials, including the futuristic communities and technologies of a post-material civilization, not limited by terrestrial consciousness.
The Jaguar Shaman talks and listens to the Earth’s Dream Seeds.
Saturday, 1 July 2017
6 Reed (Skywalker)
A day where the energy moves organically from one thing to another. You may feel like you are skimming from person to person and/or event to event, detached but conscious with an overlighting intelligence.
Day 6 in all timewaves is both structured and moving; it exhibits the quality of rhythm, so potentially you can move from one thing to another with a sense of satisfaction, shaping and forming your ideas and your different endeavours.
Skywalker or Reed is the overlight that shines down into the Earth, like a laser beam, the guidance, the teaching, the informational structure. Our challenge is to receive this guidance, without rigidly concluding anything. It is very easy to over-interpret what life is teaching us and to assume a finality.
‘I am always like this, I always do that, I always fail, I never get this, She always does that, He is always...’ etc.
Maintain a detachment from your conclusions and evaluations. They may be true for now, but not for all time. Listen to the teaching without immortalizing it.
In a natural and easy way, ideas or an insight emerge today that creates a basis for being in the rhythm of life’s abundance.
Day 6 in all timewaves is both structured and moving; it exhibits the quality of rhythm, so potentially you can move from one thing to another with a sense of satisfaction, shaping and forming your ideas and your different endeavours.
Skywalker or Reed is the overlight that shines down into the Earth, like a laser beam, the guidance, the teaching, the informational structure. Our challenge is to receive this guidance, without rigidly concluding anything. It is very easy to over-interpret what life is teaching us and to assume a finality.
‘I am always like this, I always do that, I always fail, I never get this, She always does that, He is always...’ etc.
Maintain a detachment from your conclusions and evaluations. They may be true for now, but not for all time. Listen to the teaching without immortalizing it.
In a natural and easy way, ideas or an insight emerge today that creates a basis for being in the rhythm of life’s abundance.
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