Monday 30 November 2020

6 Crocodile

[Monday 30 November 2020. Penumbral lunar eclipseFull Moon 09:30 UTC/GMT; 17:30 Hong Kong time]

Nourishment and Flow 

Refresh your experience of the ordinary and allow all else to flow organically. Accept the easy cadence of this day, with its gradually unfolding and emerging nourishment.

Today offers nurturing through learning; acceptance of the ever-changing life flow; a slow emergence with a thick viscosity of energy, like the flow of treacle.

Composite created by Carey
using images found on Google

Life slowly revolves and returns to experiences, emotional states and environmental atmospheres you have visited before. This time around, you can potentially feel more appreciative.

The day offers satisfaction, as it is both a flowingly structured and a nurturing day. Be prepared to nurture without being possessive or expecting too much from the outcome of your gifts. Receive what life is offering without wanting more.

Enjoy the nourishment of today as a day unto itself, as it is a reminder of the value and joy within the existential and the commonplace.

Graphic by LjL

Day 6 in each timewave is fairly practical. The energy is nicely structured in a flowing manner.

Crocodile Days represent, or are resonant with, the primal watery origins of the Earth, the turbulent power of creation held within an embrace. Crocodile is an edgy, instinctive, survival consciousness that belongs to the Goddess, who looks after her own.

A baby crocodile camouflaged
among weeds in a pond,
Tangerang, Indonesia,
by Yensen Tan
Image found on Pinterest

Protective nourishment and sustenance. Base reality, brooding, waiting, stillness – yet with great latent power waiting to be unleashed.

The 6 tone allows that energy to flow with a quite matter-of-fact quality.

Your truth can never be permanent, but it is your truth for now. 

Laurence James Lucas,
who was always nourished through learning,
and who always appreciated what life offered.
Photo thanks to André Eichman


Sunday 29 November 2020

5 Flower (Sun, Lord)

[Sunday 29 November 2020]

The light of your centre shines out from your heart. Open your heart and vitalise your truth with light, prana and subtle energy. Add power to your truth without concerning yourself with mental chatter; get into the feeling. Power up and flower up. Today is about authentic confidence.

A flower is a temporary celebration of the eternal beauty of the soul, both impermanent in form yet representative of timeless truth.

How can we find our essential timeless truth?

Tapestry of frequencies
Image originally found on Google,
photoshopped by Carey

We live in a multilayered tapestry of frequencies that can be logged and understood. If you want to see your whole self, write down the feelings as they emerge on a daily basis. The story of your life and the threads that make up the totality of your life become apparent.

Know your own history in order to see the continuity, the strands of energy that flow through your life and how the energy is changing and growing. It is only through observation and by logging the tapestry of energies we are navigating that we truly feel aware of how energy is changing.

Within the process of detailing the personality self and its history, the essential unquantifiable Self becomes evident. The True Self is behind everything in your life and is inherent within everything in your life.

Photo thanks to André Eichman

Today is the day of the Sun, in all of its radiance, power and all of the ways that it manifests through humans. The Sun can be expressed as spirit, soul or personality.

Through a personality, the Sun is the charisma, presence and totality of the ego – this can be overbearing, yet it can be entertaining, attractive, magnetic and joyful.

Through the soul, the Sun highlights our sensitivity and our connection to the inherent light within all things.

In the integrated person – or the relatively integrated person – the Sun can manifest as the empowered spiritualised human being, a natural, gentle yet effective spiritual leader.

5 Days are when we gather energy. We come to our centre and we feel the sense of our life as being all around us. Day 5 in each timewave is a day of internal self-empowerment, when we build the reservoir of energy.

5 Flower or Sun, in particular, can make us aware of our power, or our apparent lack of power.

Today, open your heart, be compassionate to yourself and allow the light of your Higher Self to shine through you.

LjL shining his light
while walking the coast road
to Deal, UK

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 5 Flower:]
Can You Make Time to Understand Time?
The Mayan Sacred Calendar helps us understand the texture of time as something we can feel.

We operate in different types of time. The civic calendar is just one frequency. Today, the dominant time is linked to ‘time is money’ – the 24/7 perceptual information of the mainstream – and, increasingly, we are switching to internet time substance.

Melting Watch, 1954,
by Salvador Dali
Image from here

Below is an extract from a short website article:

The Man Who Tastes Time

‘The concept of time sometimes triggers synesthesia – some synesthetes see days of the week around them spatially, like wheels, or in uphill linear forms or other shapes other than clocks or calendars, for example. But that is another matter altogether and more common. “I can’t taste the concept of time,” Hamrick explained to me recently. “Some synesthetes can taste concepts, and while on occasion I can (‘honesty’ is currently chocolate and looks like a giant church bell with a bark-like texture), time is simply transparent egg whites that bend in on themselves over and over again into infinity.”’

Image found on Google

Speed Culture
In June 2014, I was interviewed by Clíona O’Conaill and was one of the contributors for her article on ‘Speed Culture’ in a UK New Age magazine called Kindred Spirit.

I have made a prolonged study of time and how it is allied to the different levels within our psyche. Based on decades of personal experience and intense research, I have mapped how our relationship with time and space is tied to consciousness, culture and intent.

Our experience of time (and space) is becoming more complex; many of us can feel ‘the shortage of time’. The memes of ‘time is money’, ‘24/7’, ‘on the hour, every hour’, ‘the clock is ticking’, ‘winners keep up’, ‘breaking news’, ‘the city that never sleeps’ and ‘the bright lights of the city’ are all product of but one level of our psychological, cultural and evolutionary development. That level of development [Uranus Enchantment] is tied into the physiology of adrenalin and is now in crisis, as we as a species are attempting to shift to the next stage of culture [Neptune Enchantment].

Internet time is the concept that events occur at a faster rate on the internet than elsewhere or that, everywhere, the internet is affecting the pace of change. Andy Grove, who was CEO of Intel from 1987 to 1997, was quoted as saying, ‘The world now runs on Internet time.’

Image found on Pinterest;
credit: Annie Kyla Bennett Art

The commonly suggested meaning of ‘time’ is that economic progress accelerates. However, I would say that internet time is a substance where we operate in different spaces simultaneously, ie we have different windows open and it is not just about forward progress. In fact, internet time involves a lot of backward projections. We can access things from the past and bring them into the present in various forms. So, internet time is not just about economic progress, far from it — it is about an expansion and a challenge for our consciousness.

Specifically, I would suggest that internet time expands the number of spaces in which we operate, and therefore expands the number of different time substances. We are in real time and cyberspace time simultaneously.

The internet supports the creation of time and free energy. It is quite hard to turn online activities into profit, as the internet supports abundance and free flowing energy... Think about it. There is a lot to explore in this, because time is a fundamental context for everything and time is a projection of consciousness.

'Time Nature', image found on Google

Saturday 28 November 2020

4 Storm

[Saturday 28 November 2020]

A day of dynamic re-organisation. A day of adjustment – it could seem a relatively small adjustment, but it will be important.

A day with something new in it that challenges you to remain true to your truth, your way of life and your purpose, whilst simultaneously adjusting that truth. The challenge then strengthens your foundation.

Original photo thanks to our friend André Eichman,
photoshopped by me

We cannot have it all. Life is about choice – not all experiences are appropriate to us, but we adapt where necessary.

Old ideas that do not fit your real self are cleansed out of your system today. See your life for what it is. Face it without judgment.


Image found on Google

Storm is the blood lightening in the body, the activator of the Lightbody that seeks to integrate our consciousness of body, mind, soul and spirit.

This activation disrupts our patterning. Storm is a power that seeks and demands liberation, as well as drastic change.

Storm Days are therefore also the awareness of chaos outside our space of safety, home and emotional sanctum; the chaos of potential total change.

Electrical energy of the body,
image found on Pinterest

Change is exciting; change is frightening.

Day 4 in the timewave is a foundation day, a day when energy is held.

The Vulture (or Warrior) Timewave is strength. Part of that strength is the patience to hold energy, so today we have to contain the electrical energy and allow it to recalibrate, rather than getting fully intoxicated by the thrill of the lightning and its promise of total liberation.

Beautiful, but uncredited, image found on Google

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 4 Storm:]
Stay conscious, stay centred, claim your authentic self, have faith in life and intend the benevolent. Aspire to rise above the deceptions being played out in the world ‘out there’.

Act upon the more noble, integrity-based impulses you have and be the light we need you to be. Remember your sovereign soul. Relinquish your life in order to regenerate your life with a new calibration.

I highly recommend that today you do some sort of meditation, or whatever consciousness practices work for you. Release and reaffirm your life, release negativity and allow your life to reformulate at the template level.

Containing the energy
Image originally found on Google,
photoshopped by Carey

Friday 27 November 2020

3 Obsidian (Mirror, Flint)

[Friday 27 November 2020]

The mind reflects upon its reflection. Be conscious of the temporary nature of thoughts; feel the energy behind the ricochet of thoughts. The mind holds one small piece at a time, seeing just a few degrees of the curve of a sphere – however, 360 degrees of knowledge is required for enlightenment.

Composite created by Carey

See all angles without coming to a conclusion. Enjoy the energy of the intuitive mind.

If you are in tune today, you can be in a state of multifaceted lucidity, as the many faces of a single subject flicker before your awareness.

Faceted diamond,
image found on Google

Here are the essential components of understanding for today:

Day 3 in each timewave is the day of movement. We might say they are fickle days, restless days, but the energy of 3 is momentum, the first essential movement for creation that is closest to Source.

The Obsidian Daykeeper is the Obsidian knife, or flint, derived from the volcanic glass that can be used for surgery – it is sharp enough for that level of precision. Obsidian carries the precision of technology, or the precision of the points of separation between dimensions.

Carved Mirror-Back with Hieroglyphs,
late sixth century CE.
Guatemala Lowlands, Early Classic Maya.
Slate with cinnabar, 15.3 cm diam.
Jay I. Kislak Foundation, Kislak PC 0132
Image from here

Each dimension is an inversion of the last dimension, like a reflection.

Obsidian also carries the clarity of the laser that can cut out unhealthy energies from the soul.

Obsidian days will reveal shadow aspects of yourself to you. The discomfort is an ally, for you can clear outworn energy from your psyche.

LjL enjoying the energy of his intuitive mind
and the street art of George Town, Penang
Photo thanks to Simon Sin

Thursday 26 November 2020

2 Earthmover

[Thursday 26 November 2020]

The challenge of two dynamic impulses moving in opposite directions – we want this and we want that; give me cake, let me eat it. To develop inner strength we must be able to hold our centre, despite the polarity of our desires, to make sure we do not get pulled apart by our duality.

LjL holding his centre
Photo thanks to Justina Vail Evans

Or: Two dynamic impulses pulling you in two directions, neither of which you thought you wanted. Synchronise your field and hold the space; just hold.

Or: You manage to successfully accomplish things in two opposing directions that will ultimately synchronise as one.

Composite created by Carey,
using images found on Google

You might enjoy the power building up within you today, revving up the engine of evolutionary transformation.

Earthmover is movement, the impulse towards integration, so it stimulates the mind to pull everything you have been working on into a unified whole. However, as today is a 2 Day, we feel the inherent duality of how we might do that. The practical short-term solution competes with the longer-term, more satisfying endeavour.

Spiral incense in a Hong Kong temple
Image found on Google

Earthmover is also traditionally called ‘Incense’, the Thoughts of Heaven. Today, if your mind becomes stuck in the polarity, then light incense with intent to release the thoughts into the higher realms. Give them up and allow the solution to be worked out for you.

Composite created by Carey

Wednesday 25 November 2020

1 Vulture (Warrior, Owl, Turkey)

[Wednesday 25 November 2020]

Come to stillness, find your centre and set your intention.

Image created by Kookie Birjukov,
based on a concept by LjL,
for use in our Enchantments of Life
workshops and course booklets

Today begins 13 days of truth, strength, holding your centre and defending the enduring wisdom of the ages [but on a higher turn of the spiral]; learning how to come back to your centre, time and time again. Learning to move from your centre, consciously experiencing the inevitable loss of centred-ness as you open to life, and then coming back to centre once more.

The Vulture (also known as Warrior, Owl or Turkey; Cib) Timewave asks you – and gives you the opportunity – to be true to yourself.

Accept the challenge.

Stone statue of Laozi (Lao-Tzu) at the foot of
Mount Qingyuan, Fujian Province, China.
This is the largest stone carving of the
ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism,
carved during the Song Dynasty (960–1279)
and covering an area of 55 square metres.
Image originally found on Google, photoshopped by Carey

Strength of mind is needed and resolve is rewarded. Allow in the beam of light, like a laser; invite in a coherent light source from the top of your head, down through your central column and into the ground.

The overriding message today – and the teaching of the whole timewave – is to:

  • Resist the easy impulse to give in to your own whims or those of others;
  • Come back to your centre;
  • Be the clear light; and,
  • Notice how other people are naturally attracted to you, once you are in that position.

Stay conscious of your heritage, your ancestors, your spiritual tradition and your base humanness. Be humble enough not to believe that you know the absolute truth. 

Alert barred owl
Image found on Google, from here

The challenge for all yogis, meditators, gurus and pandits is to recognise that the super-spiritual-ego is very sneaky. The bliss of a truth based on purity often blinds us to the cosmic humour, our universal human base, our ancestral heritage and all that we are product of.

Real wisdom has a sense of humour and is anchored in the feeling of being a human being, like all human beings.

Image found on Google,
from here

Message from Laurence: In the spirit of this day, I honour and respect the Mayan people for bringing this calendrical system into the world. I also give thanks to the Mayan spirits and others who have inspired me, taught me, laughed at me and with me, and who continue to guide me on my journey of working with this 260-day count.

Image found on Google,
from here

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 1 Vulture:]
What Does It Mean to Be a Warrior?
The full challenge of Warrior (aka Vulture or Owl) is to be strong yet open. Life is often tough; it requires real strength of mind that comes from holding intention, yet also having the ability to constantly adjust.

Strength is both adaptable and resilient. Strength requires a healthy physical foundation and a connection to stillness, nature and spirit. Can we be the authors of our lives and be defenders of truth?

The Dance Begins, flipchart by LjL
Note from Carey: this, and the third, flipchart below were drawn for
an early Enchantments workshop, before Laurence identified
two further levels in his model of the Evolution of Human Consciousness:
Ceres, after Mars; and Jupiter, after Ceres and before Saturn. See more using this link]

The Vulture Timewave manifests as power (10 Serpent); and requires the commitment of inner security, whilst allowing subtle energies to permeate your psyche (8 Foredawn). The wisdom of Vulture (12 Deer or Hand) is the power and strength of being, to hold a dynamic systemic coherence.

In traditional culture [Saturn Enchantment*], one is rewarded for being a pleaser. Warrior energy is expressed only as righteous indignation and in defence of the cultural clichés of fixed morality. This is okay.

In the mainstream culture [Uranus Enchantment*], one is richly rewarded for being ruthless and connected to larger ruthless groups. The survival-of-the-fittest myth, which includes strategic alliances, is perpetuated. For most people, though, the reward of comfort comes through compliance with the cult of the individual, honouring the winners and accepting one’s place. This is okay.

Saturn to Uranus Enchantment, flipchart by LjL

In the new age community [Neptune Enchantment*], one is rewarded for having some personal expression and for being in agreement with the collective sentiment – with espousing a ‘politically correct’ approach. This is okay.

However, if you want to be a true Warrior and to live your purpose, there comes a time when the cultural norms no longer fit, especially as you get older.

The Path of the Warrior eventually requires personal leadership and authorship of one’s own life [Pluto Enchantment*]. This is tough, unless one is incredibly strong within, as there is generally not much support from outside oneself.

Embrace the full spectrum of society, but defeat and release anything within you that no longer serves you. Draw on the strength of resilient adaptable continuity.

Challenge has to be welcomed and enjoyed, as much as is possible, and decisions must be made fairly swiftly and consciously – and then ACTED upon.

A Warrior is alert.

LjL, a true warrior,
in a moment of stillness

[* Note from Carey: Laurence’s groundbreaking Enchantments of Life model, which maps the evolution of human consciousness, informs and illuminates all his other fields of endeavour. Thus, his interpretation of the Mayan Sacred Calendar – which he studied, lived and breathed for close to three decades – comes from the perspective of a higher level of consciousness [Chiron Enchantment], one which incorporates, acknowledges and respects all the other levels, but which penetrates and interprets from a different, more evolved perspective than some of the more traditional, or indeed the more ‘new age’, understandings of the ancient Mayan system. For more about Laurence’s model and work, please visit our portal website]

Earth to Chiron Consciousness,
flipchart by LjL

Tuesday 24 November 2020

13 Eagle

[Tuesday 24 November 2020]

Today offers an expanded vision that is one step beyond words or grasp, an expansion of consciousness into a higher perspective. Your imagination expands and diversifies.

Bird's eye view
Computer graphic by LjL

After Jaguar’s psychic engagement with the immediate occult environment yesterday, Eagle sees a bigger picture – but without such visceral connection – while 13 Days are dissipative.

The mind is diffuse, but in a good way, as a wide-spectrum awareness opens the vision. Just relax into it and operate from your inner eye. Allow and accept new images into your being.

A huge thank you to Steve Biro for kindly granting me permission
to use this amazing photo of Bruce the Eagle on this blog.
Follow his fantastic photography on Instagram
or Facebook, or you can view and purchase copies
of his photos on his website

Something you have hidden from yourself is revealed; it was hidden in plain sight, staring you in the face all the time.

The vision will be devoid of inhibiting filters today. A great day for a 360-degree sophisticated perception, even if it is scattered.

Inner eye, by wittap on flickr

A good day for emotional intelligence, offering a profound understanding of feelings and relationships. Insights may well come thick and fast – often overwhelmingly so, forcing the mind to let go as you surrender to the heart and the heart’s intelligence.

Heart by Carey

A chance to release the self from limitation and to move into the freedom that is available in your life, exactly as it is. With no apparent change of situation, you find the freedom to BE and to live your life freely.

Not an eagle, but a close relative.
Here is one of our local Lamma kites,
thanks to our fantastic bird photographer,
Katherine Forestier


Monday 23 November 2020

12 Jaguar

[Monday 23 November 2020]

The timewave of Foredawn or Dark Night (sometimes also called Abyss) reminds us that ultimately, as Ram Dass says, there is nowhere to stand, no place of permanence. 

Power moving
Composite created by Carey
using images found on Google

If we are not careful, this information can lead to a sense of nihilism. However, a fuller understanding allows for both an emptiness – the clarity of detachment – and a recognition that we are constantly being asked to choose our life.

All is movement, all is in flux, and therefore we traverse a terrain that requires our alertness and our responsiveness.

Today, 12 Jaguar, understanding yourself as an underworld creature, you prowl with pleasure for you fear no evil. No, not because you are the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the whole damn valley, but because you are a player in the game. All systems are switched on, ramping up the alertness of your psychic field as it extends out into the jungle.

Baby LjL prowling with pleasure;
always a conduit for power
so that he could empower others
Composite created by Carey

A good day for emotionally intelligent instincts as you traverse through shadowy realms, feeling empowered and vital, present in the game of life. Today you can understand the underworld within you, as well as that within the world.

Also, today you can become conscious of the different spaces you inhabit: your house, the different rooms in your home and your urban locality, as well as your head- and emotional-space. Each space has a specific function and feel, and enables a specific experience.

Move consciously through the different doorways that would normally be traversed. Become conscious of each separate space today.

Power and the Benevolent Path
What is power? Power is the energy of the collective consciousness and the environment, which expands by degree into eternity and infinity. Power cannot be owned by an individual, it can only be used.

Image found on Google,
from here

If an individual tries to own power, then it will destroy them. By its very nature, power cannot be contained. One person is too small a vehicle for the power. Power is energy – always moving, growing and expanding. We can use or borrow power, but only to pass it on.

As sovereign beings, we can be conduits for power, so that we may empower others.

Fractal Jaguar
Image found on Pinterest,
saved from here

Sunday 22 November 2020

11 Reed (Skywalker)

[Sunday 22 November 2020]

Open Doors

Tune into the Mayan energy today and the open doors. The doors between the Heavens, Earth and the essence of Nature are accessible today. The doors can be seen and the doors are open. Your task today is to recognise the opening.

moving through the doorway

Moving up and down reality, we modify and adapt what comes into our soul, our home and our sanctuary.

Today doors to the sky open up. Great beings are looking down from beyond at your life and you might be looking up at them.

Or: You have your spacesuit on and are hopping through multidimensional realms.

Composite created by Carey,
based on a family photo

Today is a day of exploration of ideas. Let part of the mind go into free-fall – or, should we say, free-rise and free association. Expand your mind; consider more for your life.

Do not seek easy conclusions today. Just follow the inspiration up and down the scale from Earth to Heaven, so as to open the Stargate, the portal between the abstract and the practical, or the mind–body connective tunnel. There will be some natural integration within yourself from this movement of mind.

Between Heaven and Earth,
thanks to Caroline Vail

Allow for a split-screen perspective and some detachment from the mundane.

However, as with all Reed (aka Skywalker) days, we are asked to give thanks for our home, family and food. Though the mind wants to roam free, we also have to accommodate the practicals.

Doorway to Heaven,
image found on Pinterest

Be strong enough to follow the inspiration, whilst flexible enough to recognise your role within the community.

The dissonant distractions that interrupt your thinking will be the open doors that will actually allow you to receive higher truths.

Doorway to Heaven, Indonesia
Image found on Pinterest

What adjustment is being made today within your psyche?

This is also a good day for prayers of gratitude that ensure our future lives on Earth.

image originally found on Google