Friday 30 April 2021

1 Good Road (Human, Grass, Long Good Road)

[Friday 30 April 2021]

A new 13-day timewave starts today, Good Road (aka Human, Grass, Long Good Road, or Eb).

There is always so much more to life than we can see at any time...

The Long Good Road, by LjL

Are you ready for the Good Road Timewave? The adventure of the open road into the unknown and uncharted – yet benevolently abundant – landscape begins today.

Stepping into the reality of the ever-present open road.

If you have been tuned into Radio Tzolkin over the previous 26 days, you will have navigated through Skull and Storm timewaves, which are both powerfully transformative. Do you feel a stirring sense of something new within you?

Alternatively, if you feel stuck or hindered by excessive baggage, take the time to open your heart to the idea that life begins anew today. Invoke the spirit of adventure on the open road in your imagination right now. 

Journey of the Fool  
Tarot art, found on Google
Original painting by Emily Balivet

Today begins a new timewave to bring you into resonance with the adventure of life – its twists and turns, its arrivals and the abundance of people, as well as the challenge of staying open-minded.

The adventurer enjoys the journey more than the arrival, whilst still looking ahead to the next stage-post. Abundance is the state of openness, where life flows through you.

Call upon the benevolent abundant spirit of growth and adventure to liberate your heart. 

The Cosmic Dancer
(Homage to Shiva)
Mixed media by Carey

You decided to be born at this time, for your soul knows that this is a pivotal period in our history as humanity approaches the fork in the timeline road.

Expand your imagination beyond the culture...

Celestial sphere
  Composite created by Carey
using images found on Google

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 1 Good Road:]
The Long Good Road of Life reflects the Long Good Road of the Celestial Path of the solar orb, for life is not just played out on land – it is danced and celebrated above for all to see, if they would look…

A 13-day cycle of remembrance begins today as you open your mind to remember the abundance of life’s adventure.

Thursday 29 April 2021

13 Monkey

[Thursday 29 April 2021]

A great day to liberate yourself from the weight of your concerns and to release yourself from worry. Life is asking you to enjoy the unexpected. If you can be spontaneous today, it is a day of playfulness.

Laughing girl and her camel,
Inner Mongolia, photo by Han Chengli,
image found on Google, from here

When the cosmic matrix is laughing, life can seem mighty strange due to the fragmentation and disruption of what we think is important.

Two Women at a Window,
by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo,
circa 1665–1675.
Image from here

Trickster energy. How do we manage it?

We have to laugh at ourselves.

Laughing bonobo; image found on Google

‘Habituation is assuming without understanding,
judging without weighing, reacting from bias rather than evident fact.
It is a reduction of our awareness rather than
an expansion of our consciousness.’

Harry Moody

Laughing LjL;
composite created by Carey

Wednesday 28 April 2021

12 Dog

[Wednesday 28 April 2021]

Today is a good day for a fresh understanding of your emotional needs.

Chocolate and Sambal,
at Secret Rock

The 12th day of every 13-day timewave (also called a 'Wavespell' by José Argüelles) offers a coherent understanding of that particular mini-cycle. This is especially true on an emotional level with 12 Dog, the 12th day of the Storm Timewave.

If you have been experiencing a dissolution of all of the foundations of your reality, if you have broken free of habitual thinking and mechanised needs, then you have run into the edge of the Matrix. Where do you go from there? Back into society, relationships and the immediacy of nurture and comfort.

Image found on Google

In the Storm Timewave, you may have been traversing at speed through multiple paradigms and theatres, experiencing, touching base or getting a whiff of occulture, mysticism, futurism, love, community, technology or the manner of the diversity that exists within your life. 

Nougat, my 'feline dog',
with our teddy Whitstable,
given to me by my beloveds, LjL and Oceana

On this day of 12 Dog, it can all fit together into your expanding holism by coming back to the basic emotional level of need.

Today, ask yourself ‘What do I need?’

Today offers the opportunity connect to your growing consciousness of the benevolent, wondrous and light-filled totality of life as something you can feel and relate to. Today, you can feel a sense of companionship with many beings.

Beautiful photo of rare friendship between
a female grey wolf and a male brown bear,
by Finnish photographer Lassi Rautiainen.
Image found on Google


Tuesday 27 April 2021

11 Water (Moon)

[Tuesday 27 April 2012. FULL MOON 03.33 UTC/GMT; 11:32 HK time]

Today brings us the energy of increased fluidity.

The doors to the depths of your soul are opened as forgotten feelings flood in.

Painting by the very talented Annie Knibb

If you have been experiencing the Storm effect – the maelstrom of directional changes and discomfort of chaordic pressures and activities – then today you can move more easily in to and out of the eye of the storm, the inner connective space of stillness and/or deeper connection. The access is through the feelings.

However, if you have not yet quite got with the programme by tuning into the 260-day pulse, this can be your day to feel the effects of the electrifying nature of the Storm Timewave all around you. If your life feels flat, then break out of beige and follow the pulse of the Cosmic Earth.

Dubai Opera House by Zaha Hadid,
image via Pinterest

In general, the day is very fluid. It allows us to access new feelings and old feelings and to be adaptable. The energy is flexible, malleable and pliable and it washes away the blocks to the new freedom or new habits looking to come into your life.

Some troubles can be washed away if you are open to the energy.

Uncredited image found on Google

Monday 26 April 2021

10 Rabbit (Star)

[Monday 26 April 2021]

The fixed light of a star; the tangible form of the soul.

A wonderful day to sense the inherent poetic and evocative energy that is within life, the radiance within form.

The International Commerce Centre, Hong Kong,
with 108 floors above ground (and four below).
Laurence was fascinated by this building!
Photo thanks to Annie Knibb

The day has a quality that is full of light. This light is living – it is not merely electricity, it is the radiance of aliveness.

A day where the subtle light of the reflective realm of the astral worlds permeates the day. The astral worlds, although within the Earth, are permeable and merge with the greater Cosmic Ocean. The astral worlds are made of a form, a substance, that is emotive, imaginative and feeling. Life does not exist in inert vacuums – life lives within life.

  Uncredited image found on Google

The tangible experience of your Cosmic Self yet again reminds you of the extraordinary enchantment cast upon the world by money and materialism.

True abundance can be recognised today. There is no bottom line or share option, no company flotation – just the truth of the infinitely expansive cosmic reality that is populated with beings on multiple densities.

Star in Weft Drive,
thanks to Daniel Clarke

The higher dimensions orchestrate the lower dimensions. The higher dimensional aspect of you is the part of the Self that creates the new; it is the one that is in relationship to fully awakened higher dimensional beings.

Your essence can be called a Star Seed. You are not just from Earth, but from a much larger reality.

Artwork by Alice Dalton Brown;
image found on Google

You are living your life within the radiant light that is alive. Your connection and access to the radiance is most likely to come through an immediate and localised environment. Catch that moment when you feel like you have an intimacy with something magical, joyful and playful. It could be just a moment of connection, a burst of sunlight or a breeze through the window.

Recognise the moment when the intangible becomes tangible; honour the moment for its reality.

Originally a free wallpaper image;
Photoshopped by Carey

Sunday 25 April 2021

9 Deer (Hand, Grasp)

[Sunday 25 April 2021]

A good day for refined understandings and dealing with people skilfully. A clear light is cast upon how things will unfold in the future, based on projections of present reality.

Cyclical Completions, by LjL

The day reveals the cyclical completions, including activities or tools that are not working for you, as they show themselves to your light of consciousness in their state of decay or ineffectiveness.

You can access a real finesse in your psyche today.

You wake up to the realm where the ripples and vibrations of time–space are accessible.

Tune into the pulse that is passing through you and bring it into the palm of your hand.

Saturday 24 April 2021

8 Skull

[Saturday 24 April 2021]

Commit to Change

A day of balanced and disciplined organised action that deals with the changes occurring in your life at present. In particular, you will have become conscious of a change of state somewhere in your life during the previous timewave, which was Skull.*

Commit to Change, by LjL

Skull is the definitive change of one thing into another; it signifies the end of something and the beginning of something new. How are recent changes integrating into the continuum of your life?

Recognise and own that which has changed or is changing – not just fluctuating, but actually transforming.

Photo thanks to Dominic Cryer

* Note from Carey: Day 8 is always ruled by the same Daykeeper that began the previous timewave. Thus, today is 8 Skull and the timewave before this one (which is the Storm Timewave, as it begins with 1 Storm) was the Skull Timewave, which began with 1 Skull. In the next timewave, which is Good Road, Day 8 will be 8 Storm.

Glyphs for Day 8 and Skull
  Artwork by LjL

Friday 23 April 2021

7 Serpent

[Friday 23 April 2021]

Confidence in Your Power; Be Respectful of Power 

Feel the confidence to change and break free from outworn patterns. Come into alignment and move with the Life Force.

Waking Up the Life Force, by LjL

The Life Force wakes up in the body and enlivens your whole psyche.

Today is a day of activation, where you receive the electrical stimulation of the Life Force, giving you vitality and enabling a fresh perspective on what you want and need in order to survive and flourish.

It is a good day to understand the dynamics of power, both on personal and social levels. Feel your power, respect it and respect the principle of power without fear.

Today offers the opportunity to break free from any outmoded power plays that you utilise with others, or which are placed upon you by others.

Composite created by Carey
using central image of 'We Can Do It! Second World War
Rosie the Riveter Poster - Rosie The Riveter',
free clipart from here

Thursday 22 April 2021

6 Lizard (Seed)

[Thursday 22 April 2021]

A cadent day of unfoldment and natural recalibration. Be the unfurling.

Unlocking the Abundance,
aka The Unfurling, by LjL

The Storm energy continues to heat up and speed up as you recalibrate your energy today.

Today is a good day for organic adjustment of your templates, plans and the soil of your life. So prepare the soil of your life today to allow the seeds of your true benevolent abundance to germinate and flourish.

Photo by Carey

An almost mechanistic adjustment occurs today as various cogs in your psyche turn left, then right, then left again – as in the process of unlocking a safe. 

photo with heartfelt
thanks to Ewa Wilkinson

Unlocking the abundance of more freedom, especially the capacity to utilise and own your time – and therefore your energy – to get things done.

Five clicks one way, three clicks the other way, six clicks back again…

Image found on Google

Wednesday 21 April 2021

5 Foredawn (Dark House, In the House, Dark Night)

[Wednesday 21 April 2021]

Are you feeling clogged up with psychic baggage?

Image found on Google

Were your dreams last night full of old scripts, ideas not expressed, yearnings never explored, visions not realised?

Do you feel stuck in a dark room that you cannot get out of?

If so, accept it and sit in the middle of the room, in the middle of the soul’s darkened space – just be with it.

In the house, the eye of the storm.

Everything moves to the edge of the circle to create emptiness in the middle, from where the freshness of the moment gives you the bliss of remembrance.

Composite created by Carey

Creating space. Become conscious of your shadow issues. A good day to allow emotional issues to be acknowledged so as to find the void of potential that lies in the middle of them. No need to get hung up on healing it all or clearing it all, just find the emptiness that is veiled behind your issues.

Composite created by Carey

A good day to experience the freedom of the still, empty space that is felt inside, yet which IS throughout existence.

Thank you to André Eichman

Tuesday 20 April 2021

4 Wind

[Tuesday 20 April 2021]

The 4 Winds from the four directions are Message Bearers of Spirit.

Four Directions,
composite created by Carey,
using images found on Google

The Wind God can be an angry god, but its great wisdom is through its service; the power of the Wind God is in its ability to activate the spirit within us. The Wind is the Breath of the Earth distributing elements from one place to another.

Our minds are tied to our breath. If we are anxious, with a racing mind, we breathe fast and shallow, whilst if we are breathing deeply and calmly, our minds are relaxed and transparent. The human mind, like the wind, helps communicate, clarify and separate the wheat from the chaff, but the real wisdom of the human mind is in being of service to the soul and spirit.

We access our spirit primarily through our feeling sense; the mind helps to refine the nature of our ability to feel – our most important sense.

the god of winds
By Alice Wibberley
(found on Pinterest)

Allow your mind to divide up, to analyse and to disseminate the energy within you to the four corners of your psyche. Allow it to separate the fundamental elements of Air, Water, Earth and Fire from the primal material you have generated in this timewave. The way forward will emerge organically.

Allow the energies of today to clear any confusion or refine any issue that feels like a coagulated lump of solid data.

Use the mind first to break down the lump of data, then let go of the mind.

Image found on Google,
from here

Follow the body impulses, be directed by the Blood Lightning, the instinctive response, the first blink, that instant knowing as you are led by the breath of the ether. Or, we could say, the movement of light from outside your body to inside your cells.

Human cells,
image found on Google

[Here is an interesting link Laurence posted on 4 Wind of 29 November 2009, related to the above statement (long, but fascinating!)]

Is DNA the next internet?

Original image found here;
Photoshopped by Carey

[Extra message from Laurence to contemplate on 4 Wind:] 

This is a reminder that the mind is our tool, not our master. The mind is the conveyor, not the source. The over-identification with data in certain quarters of society and the objective – aka ‘separated’ – dominant perception has led to the loss of consciousness.

To regain our consciousness of our most essential reality, we simply open our mind to the empirical and immediate sensations of the event, and to the experience of the moment.

Wind, by RHADS
on Deviant Art

The mind is one step behind the experience, so today be directed as if by a larger mind; call upon the mind of the subtle winds that circulate everywhere – even inside your home. The subtle winds are the ebbs and flows, wisps and breezes of the ether.

The foundation for breaking patterns and gaining a new freedom requires that you see the dominant issue – or perhaps problem – affecting you. Write it down in its separate components, and/or from different perspectives.

Then feel into the moment, the central space, and listen to the body instinct.

Image found on Google

Monday 19 April 2021

3 Crocodile

[Monday 19 April 2021]

After Storm and Flower comes the Goddess. Feel the energy generated so far in this timewave by giving, receiving and holding energy to protect what you love, whilst still accepting the day in a state of being-ness.

 The Goddess,
or 'The holiest of holies',
by LjL

No mind is needed, no overt effort; just feel the dynamo of creation.

Potentiality is bubbling away in the ocean of the unconscious. Nurture the self by walking in nature and feel the stirring of emotions deep within.

Madonna and Child at Quarr Abbey,
Isle of Wight, UK
  Photo by Carey

The primal dynamo is winding up.

Isis and Horus,
image found on Google