The form cracks open to reveal the light. Following the light through the crack a whole new universe appears before us, previously invisible but always present.
The world is made of Light. We can use the broadbrush truth of the spectrum of light to describe reality.
The Chakras correspond to the 7 colours of light as a metaphor of frequency.
Crown is White and Violet, Brow is Indigo, Throat is Blue, Heart is Green, Solar Plexus is Yellow, spleen is Orange, Root is Red.
In my experience I have found we are operating through 2 or 3 chakras at a time, generally speaking for each stage of development we have 2 dominant chakras open.
That’s not to say we can not have more than 3 open.
The manifest world is comprised of a different recipe of light for each form. Each form, be that, a rock, a car, a tree or a human is the solidified form of a unique kaleidoscopic mix.
11 Sun also Flower is an opening of reality that allows us to read the frequency mix.
Our emotions are the flow of received light filtering through us then becoming our transmission of light.
Our emotions are especially felt in the abdomen and heart and yet they are as light all around us. We live in our emotions and see through the filter of our emotions. The light of the aura is on a finer frequency than the light we can see with our normal vision.
We have our being and move around in the concentrated light near to our body but that radiates out into the whole cosmos as a whisper. In effect we are also walking around in the collective light transmissions of human society. We particularly pick up on those transmissions that resonate. If we are in a group of people surrounded by incongruous light transmissions, our body of light is either not in resonance which then creates the feeling of loneliness or we receive that light and feel disturbed.
Unless of course we can transcend the base frequencies and find a more subtle resonance with people on higher level, which invariably means operating through the Heart more than the spleen or solar plexus
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