And it came to pass that the shadow within mankind gave birth to their dark lords who sought dominion of heaven
Almighty Lord Krishna commanded the trumpeters “let the game begin”
and the days of the dark lords was to be short as they fought for what they thought was heaven not knowing that they were agents for Krisna
as humankind looked once again to the skies yearning for the glory of heaven
So it was that the powers of light did end their days
And the firmament no longer contained mans thoughts as the peoples traversed the skies as Nostradamus had prophesized “ Rechaud will give wings and release them”
The hindu gods once again blessed the vimanyas and mankind rose up to meet Krisna at the gate to heaven
The Pushpaka chariot that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will .... that chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.'
• "two storey sky chariots with many windows, ejecting red flame, that race up into the sky until they look like comets . . . to the regions of both the sun and the stars." (Mahabharata)
• "Now Vata’s chariot’s greatness! Breaking goes it, And Thunderous is its noise, To heaven it touches, Makes light lurid [a red fiery glare], and whirls dust upon the earth.” (Rig Vedas)
• "An aerial chariot, the Pushpaka, conveys many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night,but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare." (Mahavira)
• “Bhima flew with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like the thunder of a storm." (Ramayana)
• “He traveled in that way through the various planets, as the air passes uncontrolled in every direction. Coursing through the air in that great and splendid aerial mansion, which could fly at his will, he surpassed even the demigods.” (Shrimad Bhagavatam)
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The long good road of life reflects the long good road of the celestial path of the solar orb, for life is not just played out on land it is danced and celebrated above for all to see if they would look
Thirteen day cycle of remembrance begins today as you open your mind to remember the abundance of life’s adventure
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