Be energized with the vitality of this day through those little completions....
cut off and restart, clarify through the ability to........STOP
then start again
Calibrate your energy with the planetary field by following the 260-day rhythm. The Mayan Sacred Calendar is the calibrator for the interface between the Earth and the Cosmic plasma ocean. A planetary civilization is on our horizon.
Breaking News...regarding 2012 and the end of the Maya calendar and what is the significance of the day 3 Monkey ???
ReplyDeleteResearch presented by Carl de Borhegyi, son of the late Maya archaeologist Dr. Stephan F. de Borhegyi in response to Robert Wauchope's publication ( An Approach to the Maya Correlation Problem through Guatemala Highland Archaeology and Native Annals.1947)
The Goodman-Martinez-Thompson (GMT) correlation has been the basis for the belief that the world would end in the year 2012. This yet unproven correlation fits much of the chronological evidence from archaeological and historical sources. However,the correlation developed by Dr. Herbert Spinden fits even better than the GMT correlation with archaeological evidence from both the Maya lowlands and southern Highland regions.
According to the once favored Spinden correlation, all Maya dates fall 256 years (one Short Count cycle) earlier than the GMT correlation, meaning that the prophesied end of the world occurred in the year 1756.
There has long been a debate among scholars as to the exact correlation of the Maya calendar with the European calendar. By the time of the Spanish Conquest the Maya Long Count system of dating had been out of use for hundreds of years. Maya dates were written in an abbreviated form called the Short Count which made any exact correlation with the calendar used by the Spanish a virtual impossibility. Attempts to correlate the Mayan Long count with secular time resulted in two different interpretations; the GMT (Goodman-Martinez-Thompson) correlation and the Herbert Spinden correlation. The two correlations differed by 256 years at the crucial Julian year of 1539.
recently, two articles by Mexican archaeologists (Manzanilla López, Rubén; Arturo Talavera González. LAS MANIFESTACIONES GRÁFICO RUPESTRES EN LOS SITIOS AR-
QUEOLÓGICOS DE ACAPULCO. / Rubén Manzanilla López, Arturo Talavera González. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2008. 152p. 26cm. Bibl., bibl. notes, illus., photos. Catálogos. ISBN: 978-9680302949), and Pedro de Eguiluz Selvas "Los Origines del Calendario Maya/Olmeca, 26 March 2009, Internet), provide strong support for the Spinden correlation. They report a petroglyph on a hillside in the state of Guerrero, Mexico bearing a Long Count date of The date is shown between the left shoulder and the tail of a monkey (see below) holding a five-pointed star and jumping off a mushroom. Researcher Pedro de Eguiluz Selvas ( "Origins of the Long Count,") reports that this date by the Spinden correlation, ie: 2168 the contemporary Western calendar, corresponds in the Unified Count of Anawak correlation (CRAN) to the day 3 Monkey in the Maya/Olmec Calendar. There is no corresponding association using the more often cited Goodman-Thompson-Martinez correlation.
If this interpretation is correct, and it might be, it establishes the beginning of the world at 3374 B.C. That, in turn, places the "so-called" end of the Mayan Calendar at 1756 rather than 2012. In other words, contrary to much contemporary hype, the end of the "fifth world" may have already ended. If so, there was no Armageddon and the Mayan Calendar simply began another cycle.
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i find this all very faulty. If the epoch is 3374bc instead of 3114bc we are talking about 260 haab not 260 tun(256 haab). I also find it faulty that there is no correlation between those saying 3Monkey is 3134bc and 2168bc. In fact the date 3.3.4:3.2 is from 3114-1868bc which would be Spimden's 3374-2128bc. Here it says day 3MOnkey and others say Year 3Monkey. Day Monkey is always kin 11 not kin 2. So day Chuen (Monkey) cannot even be a year bearer.