Mirror Mirror on the wall, who am I?
We can say today is a day where you recognize how you are attracting what you asked for or have the life that reflects who you are in totality and you are challenged to commit to accepting it--seeing the shadow and price of one's desires. However looking beyond that you, looking deeper into the mirror of eternity you see that other worlds open up as you make that commitment.
Day 8 of the 13 day time wave is a day of balanced, controlled commitment, it is the energy of feeling prepared. Obsidian is a day of truth and surrender, accepting the shadow and the universal reflection of ones reality at the moment, however being in the Monkey time wave there is a subtext, "do not get too serious or rigid with your commitment". Surrender your emotional tightness so as to open the heart and be a divine mirror
Click Here for a short spicy article exploring our sexual desire as the reflection of the divine life force.
You should really give credit to the artist on this image.