Thursday, 30 June 2011

10 Flower, Lord or Sun, Thursday 30 June 2011

A day of manifest light.The Monkey timewave manifests with the light within the trickster, which is humour with grace, the radiance of the heart opening.

When the face is lit up with a smile, the light of the sun can be seen.

Today is all about smiling.

That does not necessarily mean grinning with recognition at everyone you pass in town today... it could be a song or a dance that brings a deep smile to your face.

Smile with the recognition of your divinity and the blessing of being sovereign of your personal reality. Be conscious of natural light today; today is a day when the subtle creative light of existence, the wholly affirmative energy within life, manifests and is easily accessible through the agency of natural manifest light.

Monkey tells us that life is drama, full of dark humour, paradox and trickery, and that the key to playing the game successfully with a positive attitude requires that we draw upon the light.

Today, bring more light into your being by smiling.

Going Deeper...2012 and Beyond

The Flower is the manifestation of a plant celebrating life. The plant synthesizes light directly to sustain itself. We, on the other hand, in our present state of evolution require the synthesized light that we get through eating plants. However can we also synthesize light directly from the solar radiation that infuses the atmosphere. I think we are already doing that to a certain extent and that the body can synthesize vitamins and minerals from the atmosphere.

The light from the Sun is encoded with all the energy information for life on Earth and that includes our consciousness. Higher levels of consciousness within us equate to and draw upon the unseen light from the Galactic Core and all of the Stars that surround us. Beyond that our higher levels of consciousness have resonance or are sourced by Galaxies all over the universe, the universe itself and then the light of the Multiverse.

The Moon also plays an important role in transducing light, by reflecting the Sun and in effect enabling us to reflect upon ourselves through our feelings. The planets in the Solar System also transduce light into different frequencies. The Solar System is mostly made up of space that is contained within the auric field of the Sun—the Suns influence, which extends out to the Ooort cloud. Space is actually filled with Plasma, which is the fundamental state of matter, a kind of liquid gas with very strange properties. Scientists have found that plasma exhibits signs of being a life form, in laboratory conditions it has been found that two plasma fields can communicate and reproduce. The movements of the planets through the Sun’s plasma ocean (the Solar System) change the symphony, the arrangement of frequencies. This is the basis for astrology.

Hero twins from Mayan mythology symbolizing Duality in Mayan lore.
by Luz-Maria Lopez

The hero twins in the the Popul Vuh, the Mayan ‘bible’, defeat the Lords of Darkness by playfulness, humour and wile. The Hero twins are Monkeys, or embody Monkey consciousness. Monkey teaches us that life is a game and that as a new level of the game opens up for us the experience of the world at first appears strange. Strangeness is novelty; novelty is the result of greater complexity, which is to say that as the contextual environment of life expands we are exposed to newness, unique combinations of all that which went before. All of this though, this novelty, was always encoded in the source, the light source.

The Lords of Darkness live in the Underworld, the Mayans say that Xilbabe Be is the gateway to the underworld. Xibalbe Be in the heavens above is the Dark Rift of the Galaxy that lies close to the Nuclear bulge of the Galactic Centre. The Winter Solstice Sun has been aligning with Xibalbe Be, (also known as the mouth of the Crocodile) since around 1980 and will finish this alignment by around 2016. The 2012 era as suggested by the Galactic Astrological alignment is about entering into the Underworld (a place of darkness, which just means unconsciousness, that which is presently unconscious) before we can access the Galactic Light Source of Galactic Centre—and awaken to a whole new level of reality.

The new level of reality is where we once again become conscious that we live on a planet that is journeying through the Cosmos. We will reconnect to the realm of the stars (in the upcoming future) with a much more complex environment than we had before civilization developed. Reality evolves through developing more levels within itself, more frequencies, as it expands context.

So if life appears to get stranger, more chaotic and more mysterious, even darker, we should recognize that life is changing and that Monkey humour, creativity and playfulness is required in order for us to cope with all that we see around us.

Today is Flower 10, the Monkey manifests as the ability to draw light directly from source within the dark and unknown chapters of life. Monkey says that the rules of life are forever changing and that we can play and should play by our own rules when the situation demands it.

Yet Deeper Still 
an optional extra for those committed to being a player

A Gateway to the Land of the Gods...

A new level of the game of life was seeded in the 1990s in the acceleration towards the millennium, there was an intoxicating spirit of futurism and hope. What was that level of reality?

In the year 2000 a new game was born, it was not obvious what it was, as the millennium was something of a disappointment when it arrived. However with the value of hindsight we can see that the game changed because of 9-11 and the socio-political environment became very heavy. The world appears more cumbersome, inhibitory and yet also increasingly trivial and distractingly entertaining. Titillation increased but also the opportunity to create cascading relationships through Facebook and the like. The hotpotch mix of intimacy and alienation we find through the new social media environment creates a two tiered reality, the real world of the media and the virtual world of the internet where the phasmagoric proliferates, beyond the confines of the drudge that is presented as real world—the Corporatized Media World with its dubious narrow science, heavily defended history and desperate attempts to appear to be in control.

If you wander through the web and stumble upon such riveting entertainment such as The Camelot/Avalon Project, The disclosure Project, Joseph Farrell, Richard Hoagland, The Wingmakers and a whole host of others you see a complete other alternative view on the world around us. Is it all true, or just fantasy?

The stories presented propose such things as a conspiratorial world where secret organization behind governments have started to make agreements with Alien species and are creating new off planet colonies. Simultaneously keeping the public contained within the matrix, in an out of date industrial world full of petrol driven cars, nuclear power, false economies, contrived wars, unnecessary bureaucracy and legislation.

The comfort of normality that was associated with intermittent periods in the bygone era of the 20th century is eroding yet we can still enjoy the existential, the every day pleasures and most importantly contact with other people.

The only thing we can really rely upon is human contact, intimate communication and a sense of belonging in our family, clan, tribe, social network and also time outdoors in the natural world. The grounding of physical activity is also refreshingly normal. This normality runs through all of the weirdness and novelty. It requires association with others, it requires agreements on what is permissible as reality, what we can talk about and share with each other.

So without devaluing the essential love of life we have in our existential conditions, it does seem to me that it is important that we explore what is going on in the environment.

What was seeded in the 1990s? Film is a great indicator of the collective imagination the mythological background that is the collective consciousness aka environment that we are actually walking around in, we are inside the collective mind of planet Earth.

The 1990s brought us the virtuality of reality, it suggested that us the stargate was opening that the trans-human was being born that we could genetically alter our life, create unnatural versions of animals, clone, simulate reality and generally tamper with the building blocks of nature.

This creates a healthy emotional response of aversion to its negative potentials and an intoxicating wonder at its positive potentials. The genie is out of the box, for example we are now on the internet which is such a strange idea, when you view it from the past, yet it is, in just a very short time, an everyday part of our life situation.

The films of the 1990s obviously culminated in the 1999 Matrix which was a flowering of the theme, the film was a watershed artifact, and a loud resonant message was planted into the collective mind. Reality is fabricated, but by whom and by how? However we need to look at films other than The Matrix to see the full message.

Dark City preceded The Matrix and presented the fact that the physical world could still be physical and yet instantly manipulated, controlled and contained by a hidden group of almost elemental beings with a hive mind.

The Lawnmower man suggested that we could project our consciousness into cyberspace and the projection of consciousness into something else was shown in a far more sophisticated and profound manner in Avatar and with Inception. Both of these films are refining the ideas that were released in the 1990s, Avatar shows the creation of an artificial alien body fro the conscious transmigration of a human soul, Inception shows the projection of consciousness into another persons consciousness.

Stargate and many other films and TV programs tells us of gateways into other dimensions and timelines.
Independence Day and TV series such as V tell us that the greatest fear that we have is invasion by aliens. The X-Files series hints that all of this weirdness is happening all around us and breaking out all over the place behind the veneer of our consensual society.

Total Recall in 1990, told us that memories can be planted, what we think is history could be a construction; the intimation is that history might not just be a political distortion but a comprehensive construct.

13TH Floor takes the mind out of its time attachment and shows us the idea that realities within realities within realities can be constructed with their own histories and timelines. 13th Floor evokes the shock of a larger reality piecing the veil of consciousness existing in a lesser reality (as does EXistenZ).

After the Millennium there was a slight emphasis change towards the retro—retro revisionism. History was rewritten or re-explored in film and fiction with an increasing speed of recapitulation and with short revivals and overlapping revivals of recent decades, the eighties, the seventies etc.

Our relationship with time is changing. History creates the context of the present and consensual history is eroding. History is our emotional foundation.

History changes with each level of psychology, our perception of our past is edited and transformed, however what is occurring is in our culture fundamentally more profound than just psychological. The physical construct of reality is dependent upon the totality of the inadvertent contract that is held by the collective consciousness.


How far back can we look back and trust our historical records, how much do we know for sure about human origins. Anyone who actually investigates the alternative academic field—with writers such as Michael Cremo and other divergent and equally diligent researchers—would have to conclude that we cannot be sure about the past.

Little things like water erosion on the Sphinx start to unlock and unravel the guarded version of history we have been taught. We have a consensual history and a version of human origins that has only formed and become popular very recently. Our past has been injected into our social mind.

If we go back a mere 13,000 years ago and look at the enormous body of evidence, handed down testament from the ancients and interpretations that arise from them we can see that there are many potential truth. If we go further back we have to recognize that the Billions of Years of the past on Earth are a mystery. What is considered by archaeology as proof requires a constant ignorance and rebuttal of anomalous artifacts and ancient records.

This is all very disturbing of course, but if we can acknowledge that consciousness is the ground of being and that reality is a construct for us to experience life, enjoy life, love and learn within….well then it frees us from having to be attached to a fixed reality. Reality then becomes dynamic and something we can creatively respond to.

Reality then becomes a co-creative project by our society to construct a theatre that is as beneficial and abundant as is possible.

Reality is negotiable and increases in complexity and scale by increments, which means that the construct of our past and therefore our present and also therefore our future potentials is changed when an agreement no longer works for us.

The agreement of our reality is now being renegotiated and it would be useful if more people took part in exploring the past and finding more positive timelines. The timeline we are presently experiencing is running out of energy, which is another way of saying we are running out of time on Earth.

At the same time exciting new timelines are opening up in the alternative field. Some of the potential futures that spring from the potential pasts are not only amazing, they are necessary for our evolution as a species.

Stargate in Peru

the door of the gods will one day open "many times bigger than it actually is..." and allow the gods to return in their "sun ships..."

"When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out..." said Mamani in an interview with the local press. "I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream the path to the door was paved with pink marble, and with pink marble statues lining either side of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel. I have commented to my family many times about these dreams, and so when I finally gazed upon the doorway, it was like a revelation from God... How do you make order of such a strange occurrence?"

Article and Video here

and HERE

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

9 Storm, Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Mayan sacred calendar measures a different but ever-present realm; it is the layer of the tapestry of reality that connects the Earth, Nature and the human world with the greater cosmos and this day is a wake-up day.

A day of realization -- not a rational understanding, but a soul-felt liberating connection, a memory from the future. A reminder that you were meant to drop that 'thing' you had already planned to let go of, or to break out of 'this'.

A sudden bolt of lightening acts to cleanse, purge, purify and catalyse you. This could include meeting some strange but familiar person.

A good day to feel the spirit of freedom that lives within you.

Storm 9, a day to be alert to a peak experience as a hole in time opens up in the most unexpected place and in the most unexpected moment.

2012 and the Descension of the Nine Support Gods

The Maya of today are a beautiful people who have gone through much hardship and suffering. Within their population there are shamans who keep the days and are connected to the wisdom of the Earth. There are also visionaries and intuitives who have something to say about 2012.

My visit in 1996-7 with my girlfriend of the time was an extraordinary experience for me where I absorbed the essence of the land and the consciousness that is encoded into the sacred sites. I also felt a deep appreciated for the heart of the modern people. Since then I have been studying, following the days and tuning into the consciousness of the Ancient Maya as best as I can.

The date is an artifact of the Mayan Long Count Calendar which seems to have been developed in what is known as the Classic Period. The roots of development are both hinted at and shrouded by the work academia, ethnologists and archaeologists.

The period 200 or 300-600 AD shows a rapid development of culture, the middle of this epoch in the 7th Century shows an extraordinary flowering. We can not encapsulate the nature of the culture easily.

John Major Jenkins has done a profound study of the calendar, the culture, and its mythos revealing that advanced astronomical information is encoded into their archaeology, myth and custom.

How much of the information that we glean is deliberate and how much is implicit?

This is not an easy question to answer but it looks to be a mix.

What can be said is that the culture during the Classic Period had a unusually passionate focus creating hundreds of pyramids, it was a highly ritualistic culture that eventually decayed. The level of inspirational download that was achieved is very hard for us to imagine, a whole culture relatively cut off from other influences was able to receive direct galactic consciousness, a download encoded with implicit information. The period was unusual, some of it will have been lost to the Maya themselves and much of it would be intuitive rather than deducted. We are basically decoding their inspiration, they had knowledge as well of course, but the information that is inherent is still being decoded now and after 2012.

Lord Jaguar according to the detailed research of John Major Jenkins was born around November 28 or November 30, 612 AD and if this is true his astrology data reveals that he had a striking resonance with the astrology chart of 11:11 21.12.2012. He left us a prophecy at Tortuguero that is tied to this date; this is the only specific mention we have of the exact date, the translation of which is slightly ambiguous. It goes something like this…

…and then it will happen, the nine support gods (who are also one god Bolon Yokte’ K’uh) will descend

The Maya use poetic word play and Bolon is interchangeable with Balan the Jaguar God. I agree here with John Major Jenkins wholeheartedly, the word play is part of their refined consciousness. Lord Jaguar and his priests were inspired, I suspect inflamed with a vision of the future that would have been filtered through the quality of their era.

The Jaguar is the shaman that not only walks the Earth but is a night Lord a stalker of the underworld and is tuned into and is reflecting the stellar realm, as seen on her/his fur.

The 2012 end date is the descension of cosmic consciousness, but it will take time I suspect to penetrate the wall of materialism and idealism that we have created. Behind the debates and reactionism of 2012, lies a more subtle truth.

The frequency might manifest in various ways, no doubt some dramatic events may occur (well they are already aren’t they?) but the actual refined consciousness of Earth’s connection to the cosmos will take decades to filter through. I suggest that we follow the calendar, quietly and attune ourselves to the rhythm of the gestating Earth.

It is good to research and to be engaged with the debate concerning the Maya and the 2012 phenomena but with some detachment. As the consciousness that is descending belongs to the Noosphere which emerges from and yet transcends the info-sphere of the social dialectic.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

8 Obsidian Mirror, Tuesday 28 June 2011

Committing to the game of life requires accepting the totality that results from your desires, which includes living with the shadow of what you want. However, the price is never as high as it might seem. The shadow is a scary spectre that dissolves with the light of your courage as you open up to new dimensions.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall: Who am I?"

Today is a day where you can recognize how you are attracting what you ask for. You have the life that reflects the totality of your emanations, what you put out, and you are challenged to commit to accepting that, to seeing the shadow and the price of your desires. However, looking deeper into the smoky mirror of eternity, you will find that other worlds open up as you make the commitment.

Day 8 of the 13-day timewave is a day of balanced, controlled commitment; it is the energy of feeling prepared. Obsidian is a day of truth and surrender, of accepting the shadow and the universal reflection of one's reality at the moment. However, as we are in the Monkey timewave, there is a subtext of  "Do not get too serious or rigid with your commitment."

Surrender your emotional tightness so as to open the heart and be a divine mirror.

The Monkey knows that on each level of the game, he faces his shadow.

Monday, 27 June 2011

7 Earthmover, Monday 27 June 2011

7 Earthmover is a high-energy day

A good day to feel a resonance or actually synchronize with the impulse of life to change towards the beneficial and the magnificent.

Take time to remind yourself and create some space to experience the fact that all of nature is alive, just like you; feel the vital fizz of life, see it all around you.

Alternatively, a day to enjoy the magical surprise of a spontaneous element that comes into your life which takes you off track -- meaning off the linear path of linear mind, so that you can integrate and synchronize with the force of evolution.

Life has an intelligence beyond our personal and immediate understanding. What gift is here for you today?

The Question of 2012 and Earth Changes

Today also brings one into resonance with the Earth changes that we are seeing, in particular the Earth quakes and natural disasters that seem to be increasing and seem to support the end of the world scenario of 2012, the Hopi Prophecy, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton and many many others.

The earthquake is a physical event to adjust teh Earth and bring into natural alignment with the greater environment of the cosmic ocean. It can be avoided by consciousness adjustment, becoming conscious of the fact that we live on a planet that is part of the Solar System, part of the Galaxy, part of a living conscious cosmos. The awareness changes our life and would change the values of our society.

If a significant number of people can wake up to 'this' in time then we can avoid global catastrophe. How many people are needed...not sure, but a lot more I feel. How much time do we have, my studies suggest that we have a few decades. The Mayan end-date of 11:11 gmt 21-12-12 is the portal date on the frequency of Earth's relationship with the Galaxy. The full manifestation of the 2012 effect would seem to take longer when one brings all of the factors into consideration.

The Age of Aquarius begins in my estimation at some point between 2060-2160. At present I feel that this is the deadline for a fundamental transformation. My research of 20 years continues...

In 20 Days time, (not the next time wave but the one after) the Earthmover timewave begins. The timewave that takes us to the end of this Mayan Calendar cycle is also an Earthmover.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

6 Owl, Vulture or Warrior, Sunday 26 June 2011

Flowing strength, clear harmonics, relaxed and moving with the ebb and flow....

To be a Daykeeper means to follow the rhythm of the 260-day calendar each and every day. Slowly, patiently, receive the pulse of the vast reality beyond the mundane realm of worldly matters. The pulse resonates at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere where our planet is looking out into the depth of the cosmic ocean. Simultanously, this pulsation is immanent within all material concerns.

Today is a a day of receptive, responsive action and surrender, with an easy strength of mind. Assume a relaxed stance and be ready to respond with nobility and creativity.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

5 Eagle, Saturday 25 June 2011

A great day to see yourself in the centre of your world. The difference between being isolated and dislocated from all that circles you and being connected and engaged with your world is whether the heart is open. Keeping the heart open requires an enormous effort and diligence in the world today, for we also have to be discerning as to what and who we open up to. Utilize the clarity, compassion and precision of the Eagle to locate the most appropriate place in your world today and then apply your efforts there.

A day of empowerment. Speak from your vision, because the vision you have today is nicely centred and you are able to recognize the joy of material reality whilst holding the wisdom you have accrued.

Empower yourself with the Eagle energy today and you will attract more abundance into your life -- if not today, then soon. The clarity you have today needs to be appreciated and recognized for its magnetic ability.

Friday, 24 June 2011

4 Jaguar, Friday 24 June 2011

The creative process is a lateral process; the foundation of its energy is derived from the mystery and the muses.

The shamanic world is fully inhabited with spirits, all vying to contribute to the open channel of your psyche as you endeavour to express the moment and your state of being, whether by painting, writing, dancing or solving problems.

Today, stay relaxed so as to be alert to the relevant moments when you can achieve something. Do not try to work hard all day on something. Do not labour your projects.

Today you can create some structure in your work fairly spontaneously, but do not overrun, know when to stop and just chill.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

3 Reed or Skywalker, Thursday 23 June 2011

A day of fresh ideas. Open yourself to the sky, send up a beam of light and receive inspiration. Open yourself to the descending guidance from higher intelligence that will be coming down into your expectant neural network.

A great day for inspirational energy comprised of abstract ideas and complex big picture patterns. The energy of Reed 3 will be illuminating and will reveal the plethora of potentials and opportunities inherent within this Monkey timewave. Appreciate the fact that the nature of the day might make it hard for to settle into one thing; accept the restlessness you feel as product of the higher or more exploratory calling you have.

Monkey is curious and inquisitive and the timewave energy sets the scene for new creative solutions to your tasks. Today, you can access the knowledge that comes from understanding cosmic forces and planetary movements. A good day for astrology.

A good day for exploring the pristine clarity of ideas unencumbered by emotions.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

2 Grass or Human, Wednesday 22 June 2011

The challenges of our adventure on the Long Good Road of Life.

A fork in the road appears for you today with a chance to open yourself to a bigger quest.

Today, you find yourself asking "What is way ahead?" There seems to be two polarized options. In some cases, this really does mean you are seeing a complete change of direction in your future. For most people, today just presents you with two choices that are very different in a specific area of your life linked to the issue of community.

Where do you belong and how can you serve and therefore feel part of humanity?

Be as an empty cup

The wisdom of Grass is to remain open. Open your mind and allow the mind to be guided by energy and intuition. Grass is the sign of the ever-present abundance, which is found in the constant growth of nature and the totality of community. People provide your worldly abundance in the way that nature provides the fundamental abundance for humanity.

As this is the Monkey timewave, do not treat anything too seriously. Monkey says that life is art, even if the game appears tricky. If you feel a sense of overwhelming confusion, then recognize that the solution will not come from analysis. Do not take the ego seriously; Grass is a humble plant.

Open yourself, recognize that you do not have a solution in your mind, just accept and be conscious of the two paths ahead.

"A Nagual´s Dream" by Jefferson R Weekley, above

I remind you that the energy this calendar describes is rooted in the nagual. The galactic energy that infuses the Earth is a dreaming energy, accessed by the shaman. By following the 260-day pulse you are awakening your nagual, your dream self. This requires the art of seduction, without too much mentality.

A Separate Reality Digital Art by Carole Boyd below

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

1 Monkey, Tuesday 21 June 2012

Starting today, 13 days of monkeying around.

Weave some new threads into your life with playful, creative, inquisitive and, most of all, spontaneous acts. Let's break out a little with the blessings of the trickster Monkey.

Work is play and play is work. Monkey has a tricky sense of humour and challenges us to adapt. Structured plans will not stay on course or work out in a linear fashion with Monkey energy -- that can be frustrating; however, Monkey will be offering us a more creative and fun way of performing tasks and solving problems.

Stay inquisitive during these 13 days and enjoy the mischievous energy. Serious problems require our engagement, mundane issues require attention -- but the Monkey will teach us that we can find novel, unusual and even what might appear at first as strange ways or methods to deal with life.

Monkey is the master craftsman and this particular day, 1 Monkey, is revered by the Highland Maya. A playful attitude yields new wisdom in this timewave. Monkey teaches us that creative play is at the heart of the divine. Allow novelty into your life and be inventive.

In the Jose Arguelles Dreamspell today is the day at the centre of the calendar.

Interestingly this is synchronizing with the Summer Solstice, the Sunrise is celebrated as we welcome the longest day in the northern hemisphere

Exact Solstice in the UK June 21, 2011 at 17:16 GMT or 6.16 pm summer time,
June 21 2011 at 1:16 pm EDT (New York) and tomorrow morning, June 22 at 01:16 am here in Hong Kong.

Be sure to connect to the elements today, go outside, burn some incense and celebrate the day in some way.

This is a love life and laugh permission day.

Monday, 20 June 2011

13 Dog, Monday 20 June 2011

The swirling reflections of all that you have seen in this timewave tumble through your psyche—a kaleidoscope of self-reflection.

Today affords you the opportunity to ascend to a new level of emotional frequency.

As you accept that all you encounter reflects aspects of your self through multiple dimensions and realms, you move into the space of belonging to more of reality. The whole cosmos is teeming with life to such a degree that is mind boggling. As life you belong in life. As emotions arise you have a choice as to what you do with that emotion, your choices ripple throughout the multiverse and are reflected back to you as the world out there.


A never-ending stream of unfulfilled needs, wants, inadequacies and unfavourable comparisons to other people can overload you today as the feeling body goes into freefall.

If you look for the root cause of your emotional problems, you will find another problem. Like an ourubus, one thing leads to another and the last causal reason for any troubling feelings you have is then swallowed by the first definitive answer.

However, because 13 Dog also offers the opportunity to shift into the flow of collective energy, where you recognize that your emotional nature is simply a reflection of the human condition, you have the opportunity today for some salvation and freedom from your emotional challenges.

Release the dependency on desire; give up on your self-preoccupation and recognize the universal sufferings, joys and unions of all people. You belong to life as part of life. You are needed by life, in the way that life has shaped you.

The culmination of the Obsidian Mirror timewave today reveals your human-ness and the universal existence of human needs. Your basic needs, relationship dynamics and behaviour is mirrored all around you. Dog 13 offers us the chance to go to another level of awareness.

In a celebratory and liberated state, enjoy the commonplace social spaces, the unconscious union of the crowd and the companionship you see all around you.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

12 Water or Moon, Sunday 19 June 2011

Clear water.

The 12th day of each timewave is the day it all makes sense, if you have been following and logging the energies thus far. This 13-day period is the Obsidian Mirror timewave, the cosmic mirror of truth that separates the wheat from the chaff and clears the perceptional field. It often asks us to sacrifice that which is not working for us.

Moon or Water is the depth of the soul, true feeling rather than emotion, and today you can recognize what it is that you can offer people and what it is that needs purifying in yourself.

The Glyph of the Obsidian Mirror, shown above, can be seen as the view looking down on a Mayan stepped pyramid. The glyph shows us the divisions and boundaries between different realms and entities. The Obsidian Mirror is the black volcanic stone that would appear to have no reflection, but which is a most powerful tool for scrying and seeing into the deeper dimensions. Obsidian shards are extremely sharp, surgically sharp; the Obsidian energy can cut with precision through to the core and cut out the shadow material for cleansing.

The cosmic principle of Water -- be that emotion, feeling, imagination, astral psychic plasma or the electromagnetic plasmic field of space -- is the energy that permeates through all boundary walls.

The resonant vibrations through the fluid fields of existence create the mirror effect. What we see in front of us and around us reflects who we are or what we are feeling on the deepest level. The clarity of the reflection can be a visceral and shocking realization that cuts through our sentiments. However, stay with it if you are seeking to know thyself. Today is a good day to understand and see some of your truest deepest feelings.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

11 Rabbit or Star, Saturday 18 June 2011

Doors within doors to be opened today.

11 Rabbit is a Stargate kind of day. Maybe it's not ET contact of the fourth kind for you today, but you might feel the fertility and light that is infusing the day. Where does it come from? It's your monadic essence and it is in resonance and at one with beings throughout the universe.

Today is a doorway to spiritual abundance and/or what might feel like a collapse of the light or euphoria into the black hole. The reflection of the radiating light is the toroidal flow back into the centre. Rabbits surge out of their burrows and radiate in all directions, then they all disappear underground.

The control and structure of yesterday's grasp gives way to diffuse and fertile light, that is flowing in toroidal form.

Creativity and destruction are mirrors, the sense of impermanence of our highs is a clue to the dynamic nature of creation. The cycle of creativity includes the fallow moments, which then lead onto new inspiration.

Explosion and implosion in every moment...

Image from the excellent Heart Math Institute

The holographic nature of reality is revealed in the understanding that the basic unit of life is a toroid. It is a fractal reality, where the form can be found on every scale of creation. The toroid is not static is curves in on itself and twists into the centre with an energy that is known as a torsion field.

Here is an inspiring and totally accessible 10 minute video (20 minutes if you watch both parts)  introducing the new physics that has been emerging at 'the edge' for the last 40 years or so...

Obvious and Intuitive

The information has been around for a long time, so much so that myself and many others have already worked this out from our experience, but this video eloquently presents the elegance. Take the time to watch this, it is important and creates a thought form within you that is in resonance with the shape of consciousness.
This is the key science to the Planetary Civilization I have been talking about on Mystic Cyber Crow. One more thing, it is well known that the covert government has been experimenting with this physics for decades.

Fractal from here

Friday, 17 June 2011

10 Deer or Hand, Friday 17 June 2011

Today is all about holding on. What does that mean to you today?

What do you need to hold onto?

Each moment has the potential to grip us; each period of our life is a manifestation of our multiplicity. Each moment offers us the chance to feel totally free and empty, where this total freedom is mostly transcendental. Quite often in our lives we are desiring and wanting - this is an existential fact of engaging with life, rather than an error. Most people, most of the time, want more - more freedom, sex, love, romance, excitement, adventure, freedom again, money, self-expression, recognition, privacy, or at least some of those. This is not wrong, it is just an existential fact.

Today, hold the moment lightly, knowing all is well and, yes, you really do want to live life more freely and yet more magnificently. Wanting creates attachment, so we have this paradox within us all - wanting freedom and yet wanting more in life. The mind cannot handle the paradox, but somewhere in the heart and the psyche is the capability to create open structures - conduits.

Are you gripped by life? Are you gripped by the divine restlessness?

Hold on to something today and yet allow your energy to flow through the centre.

A good day for controlling aspects of your life in a positive way.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

9 Skull, Thursday 16 June 2011

The Eclipse, phew! has pushed me into finishing a piece titled 2012 is the Beginning, which proposes that we are heading for a Planetary Civilization

Today you can see the outcome of future situations and events, based on how things are unfolding from this moment.

The challenge is to clear out any negative energy present at this moment in your field. Clear out the dross of negative expectations so as to affect the outcome and future manifestation more positively now.

Remember the saying: "It doesn't have to be like this."

9 days are always days of realization and Skull brings the acknowledgement of that which has to be cleared out with decisiveness.

You are a reflection of all that is, yet you have your own journey and your own being within the collective. Become clear about your boundaries, structures and axioms; release collective negativity (the lowest common denominator energy) and set a basic intention to be an agent for change. Intend to transform, as and when it is appropriate, and make clean breaks from cultural pressures and fear-based scripts.

Navigate the streams of impermanence to your advantage. All situations can be turned inside out as life is continuously turning inside out.

Eclipses are like a hit on the restart button. After the eclipse some aspect of your life has been erased and you are recovering files for the reboot. Do you want to reboot with everything the same as before?

Going Deeper

As it is an Obsidian Mirror Time Wave it seems appropriate to look into the multi-dimensional shadow... is a very good interview with Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot that explores perceptions concerning the timelines and the 2012 potentials

This is One hour and six minutes long but will stimulate your own intuition about the 2012 era and what is going on here on Earth.

Going Deeper and Speculative (but Feasible if you study the circumstantial evidence)

For many years I have had the conviction that there will be a major astronomical discovery in 2012 that would alter our whole perspective on the Solar System, the repercussions leading to a significant inquiry regarding our history and life on Earth.

The 2012 effect is to shift our view towards the stars in order to accelerate our evolution towards a planetary civilization.

I like many others have toyed with the idea that there will be a major UFO flap, the biggest one yet, but I now favour the astronomical discovery.

Today, it would seem to me to be obvious what it is that fits that description.(thanks to Dominic for the nudge)

The recent dramatic interest in the comet Elenin and the hypothetical Tyche is stirring up the ongoing debate on Planet X. If it exists, and I feel it does, then it seems likely that it is a Brown Dwarf. Meaning that it is a large planet Jupiter size or larger, that is probably dark red and might be termed a ‘failed sun’. The dark star would be accompanied by its own planets, possibly able to sustain some kind of life due to the close proximity to the heat source of the parent body.

A different kind of lifeform? Well, maybe giant reptilian based humanoids (V), perhaps existing on a slightly different density of matter. In which case I will surmise, based purely on intuition, that we have a few decades to change our consciousness before they return.

Planet X was talked about in the press very openly by astronomers in 1982 and 1983, the whole subject then went dark.

It is very difficult to see though and requires infrared telescopic instruments. Also its orbit unlike most of the planets is highly inclined to the ecliptic. Most planets orbit predominately on a flat plane whereas Planet X (aka Niburu/Nemesis/Fiery Serpent?) would be inclined to this plane by at least 30 degrees or a lot more coming up from below the flat plane of the planets. I have some doubt about the 3,600 year orbit postulated by Zecharia Sitchin’s work and feel that Sedna whose orbit is around 11,000 years gives us a clue to the orbital range. Note that Eris another one of the new planet’s discovered in recent years is inclined to the ecliptic by 44 degrees.

Read more here about what I mean by Planetary Civilization.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

8 Serpent, Wednesday 15 June 2011

Bringing intelligence into form requires daily discipline. Our intentions, desires and goals come with the challenge of living them day by day, paying the price to be paid and sustaining them long after the excitement has worn off.

The impermanence of excitement leads us to novelty addiction and confusion about what we actually want, as well as an apathy regarding what we really want, due to the effort and illusory nature of all form and the dissatisfaction we sometimes feel about what we get.

All entities are responsible through universal decree for their own survival and flowering. Survival and the perpetual game of creating could be viewed as a monotony. However, the enlightening truth is that life is a constant celebration.

Today, make the effort to emotionally commit to keeping your party rocking through accepting that you need what you need.

The Eclipse

The caveat, is a question, are you in your power...enough?

Do you feel connected to the vital energy in your body. The truth is we are always needing to step more into our true power, incrementally. So today you may recognize that you need to commit to living a life that feels more vital. This is emphasized by the Eclipse.

The eclipse today at 20.15 GMT (early hours of tomorrow morning here in Hong Kong) brings a disruptive energy. It is urging us all to aspire to be more and to live life with a greater vision. It promises to throw a light on our own areas of discomfort, where we know we are not living fully.

The full effect of an eclipse materializes gradually over the following few months. So today if you feel really uncomfortable and restless, if you feel that your life is stuck in a rebound effect of reaction, distraction and superficial entertainment then call upon your power to emerge more fully over the rest of this year. Make a deep commitment to stop chasing your tail, be prepared to jump off the hamster wheel. Allow your life to be led by the inner knowing that is in accord with your vital life force--survive and flourish.

Give yourself a few months rather than trying to do it today--which just sets you up for failure.

The Eclipse energy will unfold over the next few months up to the Winter Solstice , normal patterns are meant to be disrupted.

Tomorrow, 9 Skull, you should wake up knowing what has to change in your life.

Hong Kong Times of Eclipse for tomorrow morning are
Moon enters penumbra 1.23am
Moon enters umbra 2.23am
Total eclipse begins 3.22am
Middle of eclipse 4.13am
Total eclipse ends 5.03am

I have also written a piece on Mystic Cyber Crow The Eclipse and Transparency

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

7 Lizard or Seed, Tuesday 14 June 2011

A day of harmonic resonance with your master template, your essential divine intent, your life purpose.

Today offers you a reflection of the basic intelligence or divine matrix for life throughout existence.
You can tune into an aspect of your life purpose (or a general sense of your soul intention) by observing the underlying gnosis you feel during the day. Trust the connections you see for they represent this unique matrix; however, do not over interpret the future unfoldment of how the seed will grow.

Enjoy the sense of harmony you feel with the inherent intelligence of life and specifically the ever present original intent for your life.

Lizards can regenerate lost body parts, as the template of their bodies are particularly powerful. You can restore the template of your life today to some degree. The space you created yesterday allows for the light of the seed or template for your life, encoded before incarnation, to shine through. The seed of your life can be seen in a general sense in that which is reflected to you from dreams or from the external world.

The resonance with your template will create the urge to move beyond the white noise and the distractions that have moved your life away from the potential of the original implicit purpose you were born with. Just be conscious of that fact, do not get into frustration, just be in resonance with the ever present seed for your life.

Monday, 13 June 2011

6 Darkhouse or Foredawn, 13 June 2011

Processing, clearing and creating space. Today is a day of movement in the subconscious and unconscious. Connect to your inner sanctum. The deepest part of your soul is a place of mystery that serves the purpose of nourishing you with a potent emptiness and privacy.

Today, allow the potentials to re-organize themselves.

The different expressions of the psyche -- the multiplicity of needs, desires, complexes, wounds, frustrations and considerations -- organically self-organize themselves as you gradually let go of trying to control life, releasing the need to know. This creates the space.

Be at peace.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

4 Crocodile or Dragon, Saturday 11 June 2011


All of life sustains itself. Wherever you look, in any direction and in any realm, you will see life in its myriad forms sustaining itself. Enjoy sustenance today. Surrender to the need for food, basic exercise, rest, time with the family, or whatever you feel is calling you to sustain the matrix of life within which you exist.

What do you need to feel sustained in this day? 

4 Crocodile is not about forward motion or future concerns, rather it is about being grounded in the essential nurturance of your life.

What is the essential nurturance you feel you need today? Allow it to be, receive and give the essential food of life to your life and to the life all around you. Focus on the frequency of nurturing, sustaining, security, comfort and being-ness.

Friday, 10 June 2011

3 Flower, Lord or Sun, Friday 10 June 2011

A day of light  and energy vibrating. Feel the body and the world as a vibration of light. The emotions of anticipation will arise -- do not let the mind jump ahead to a conclusion, an absolute, or the need for an outcome. If you grasp the energy, restlessness and anxiety will arise; stay with the anticipation.

Different aspects of the psyche, normally compartmentalized or shut off from each other, are able to cross-pollinate today. It will most likely be subtle, but you will feel energized. Feeling is a form of subtle matter; it is the material that is most commonly experienced and yet is considered to be merely subjective, due to the shield of the mind. Today, light will pass over and through different aspects of your psyche.

The opportunity of the day is that you can enjoy the feeling of potentiality.

Do not get fixated on negative potentials, but come into alignment with your vision and your aspirations for your life. Stay with the feeling of potentiality. Move into that space without grasping; just enjoy the feeling that reminds you that life is mutable and that you are a co-creator who can attract more benevolent abundance into your life -- if you move into the energy space of benevolent abundance.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

2 Storm, Thursday 9 June 2011

The pull of opposites today can be exhilarating as you move into unexpected zones and experiences.

Today is about the constant existential movement between being in the eye of the storm, enjoying stillness, and being caught in the midsts of the cyclone of necessity (especially all that is associated with money), novelty, engagement and relating.

The desire to truly break free from the constraints of yourself can make you feel you are being pulled apart and/or give you the space to find some unexpected inner freedom.

A good day to recognize how you have created your life as it is; how the mixing bowl of your psyche, filled with all the divergent needs and desires, has resulted in the reality you walk in.

To find freedom in this day, accept the situation and your own duality. You then have the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the novelty and variety that life offers you.

Consciously create some contrast in your day; deliberately embrace some contrasting activities.

The potential result from this day is a genuine sense of refreshment whilst accepting the existential pull of opposites.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

1 Obsidian Mirror, Wednesday 8 June 2011

The 13-day timewave of the Obsidian Mirror begins today. In this 13-day period, look at the shadow with a clear perception. When you look into the smoking mirror, keep looking through the clouds until you find the clear sky.

The world reflects ourselves back to us, revealing a semblance of the totality of our desires and inner feelings. This timewave will reveal the shadow of your life -- it is a challenge to accept that which you see.

However, the greatest challenge is to not see the fuzzy distortion of the shadow as the whole truth; it is just part of the truth. The light, the bright, the good and the beautiful are more powerful and more pertinent to life.

You are not your shadow, so do not identify with it. Accept the shadow of your relationships, your culture and your world as aspects, forces and elements that make up the entirety of your reality.

The opportunity afforded in this timewave is to be brave enough to open the heart with intelligence that bit wider. Open and accept and increase your connection to the essential awesome nature of life.

Acceptance is Love. See the shadow, then look beyond it, because the shadow is also illusory from the perspective of unity consciousness. This message is pretty strong in the ordinary astrology chart for 2012, as the North Node is in Scorpio in the 12th House. The Node shows the direction and challenge, Scorpio speaks of the dualistic drama of light and dark and the 12th house is the hidden door to the source.

Here is a great little three minute video that reminds us of the higher reflected truth ...

and this short video is also fantastic if you can spare a moment out of the concerns of ordinary reality to see the truth that is buried within it

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

13 Earthmover, Tuesday 7 June 2011

"Hey man, can you feel the Cosmic Radiance? The vibrations are accelerating and doing this crazy dance and trying to reach out and touch everything, everywhere..."

How does one keep up with the 'million things' that are in your life, all changing, growing and demanding attention?

You connect to the Source, from where all things grow and evolve. The still point within you is the place where you connect to Source. From here, you are more able to respond to the emerging energy that needs your attention now. Though this is easier said than done, you can access that energy and consciousness today.

A good day to connect to the expanding web of synchronous interconnections that springs outwards in all directions from the ubiquitous centre of ‘now’.

Your life is interconnected to all reality and you can see or feel the force of the energy that is expanding out in all directions, through 360 degrees. Potentially this is omni-directional through almost infinite realms.

The life force in your body is the evolutionary impulse as it exists within you; it is a manifestation of the radial power that drives the world around you. Allow your awareness to become still, let go of compulsions to control your life, then respond to the impulse that springs from the stillness.

The kundalini is the manifestation of the collective unconscious will, the will of the whole human species, which conscious by degree within a percentage of individuals.

This will or impulse of evolution has two drives.

Firstly: survival, which gives rise to security, control or, in some cases, manic power compulsion to manipulate and enslave.

Secondly: transformation, which gives rise to the desire for the new, the restless urge to move on and surrender to new experience, or the death wish, self-destruction or self-loathing.

It is our power, so if we give it away, it is eaten by the reptilian controller consciousness. If we own it, we flourish. If we are consciously owning it, we flourish in accord with the interests of the whole human species and life on Earth.

Today offers the opportunity to ascend to a new level, to some degree, of empowerment.

Monday, 6 June 2011

12 Owl, Vulture or Warrior, Monday 6 June 2011

A good day to understand the truth you need to live by in order to survive, flourish and be centred in your power.

Today, you can see how to organize your life so that it is compatible with the fulfilment of your true needs.

Step into the quietness of your inner self and see that the tenacity required to live with strength is inherent within you.

The inherent intelligence of the life force, the power that holds life in existence, is a strong still protector - feel the power of your personal truth.

The Owl and the Vulture sit upright. The key for a warrior is the spine, where the two dancing snakes of the kundalini rise. To be a warrior of the heart and to speak a truth that serves your abundance and the vitality and benevolence of the world is a rare, almost unheard of, consciousness in the world today. This requires the connection of the life force from the base chakra all the way up.

A silent warrior of the heart would be connected from base to heart. A fearless martyr may well be connected at base and heart, but not necessarily at the second chakra, the place of basic nourishment, the needs of the self. Where is your energy disconnected? Today is a good day to understand yourself in this way.

Picture: The Smiling Warrior By: Jose Garcia
Note the Quetzalcoatl headdress that is consistent with all the Native American tribes

Sunday, 5 June 2011

11 Eagle, Sunday 5 June 2011

Eagle is a spiritual talisman of compassion, combined with the clarity of the sacred warrior. Eagle flies between Heaven and Earth, looking for the appropriate small detail to focus upon, in order to nourish itself.

Today, ask yourself: What needs to be integrated into your life? What detail have you passed over that needs focusing upon? What is appropriate?

Eagle tells us that the ecstasy of spiritual flight is to be combined with the pressing needs down in the theatre of the world. Allow yourself to feel the lightness in your heart, then be open to the specific aspect of your life that requires attention. However, if you cannot find the connection between Heaven and Earth, do not worry—just walk through the door that opens.

Within the manifest world today, a sky door opens for you. Enjoy the freedom, then remember to look clearly at the subtle fluctuation in your daily flow, for this is both a requirement and an opportunity. Zoom in and expand the picture. Allow the fuzzy, seemingly random occurrence, the minor discordance, the unexpected meeting, the lateral event, the moment of inspiration, the small delight, the unusual energy or the spontaneous call to expand into view, so you can see with clarity the significance of this to your life.

Today, something small opens up into something larger than you first realized, promising more freedom by attending to it.

Quetzalcoatl--The Plumed Serpent

As the kundalini energy rises, the brow chakra opens up for it is here that the wings of the bird appear in the caduceus, where the soul take flight into other dimensions of reality.

Today is not about the integration of the dual writhing serpents, but rather the arrival of the serpents at the gate. What opens up for you today will be fully integrated later. Take flight consciously. Explore a new energy, but if you cannot yet see the connection to the world below, do not worry.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

10 Jaguar, Saturday 4 June 2011

Be alert and respond. Be a hunter.

Do not be afraid to act autonomously today. Do what you are impulsed to do for your vitalized survival. Independence of thinking and action is required on 10 Jaguar.

Ideally, you will have some time in a natural environment to align your impulses with the power of nature.

A good day for effective Shamanic action.

If you live with a cat, you know the score -- they tell you, "its all about me". Cats are one manifestation (Day 10) of the serpent consciousness. Cats are playful predators and sensitive to all manner of cosmic energies. We have them as pets, knowing that they are self-centred, because they give so much with their presence.

Step into some of your magnificence, like a cat, because your playful edgy self-expression enlivens the atmosphere for everyone.

Be cool, composed, naturally regal and leisurely -- yet alert, with a hint of attitude.

Friday, 3 June 2011

9 Reed or Skywalker, Friday 3 June 2011

Allow the mind its freedom to explore potentials concerning your needs.

On Day 9 of the Serpent timewave, we are guided towards (and can directly experience) the truth that a more fruitful survival in this realm requires some investment of energy in order to understand the future that we are projecting into existence from this moment—the timeline.

Also today, allow the mind to ask questions and store those questions in the subconscious; know that you are creating answers in your future.

The abstract and free-associating aspects of our mind are not confined to three dimensions, nor to the immediate events of our life. The higher mind creates subtle structures of thought that are multidimensional, existing in translinear time.

Your thoughts feed the Noosphere; the Noosphere feeds your mind.

Going Deeper
The Serpent timewave gives us the chance to reconnect to the power of life and, in doing so, we are given the choice to exercise power according to free will. Today is a good day to wake up to your power. Power is often associated with abuse and therefore we fear it. Respect power and be guided by the need of the whole human species, which is that we—you and me, the average human being—are now meant to be gracefully in our power. This does not mean you become a shouter, an angry debater, a pumped-up alpha male or a ball-crushing devouring goddess.

To the extent that we have given our power away is the extent that we have disconnected from the serpent-reptilian life force, our lizard brain, kundalini and survival instinct, the sex force, the evolutionary impulse and the fundamental vitalizing component of this Earthly domain.

In the world today, the automated reptilian energy has manifest as externalized forms, such as the technology of computers. The reptile force, the life force, is an automaton that is meant to be directed by consciousness. In the same way, the computer—like the rational mind—is a tool and is not designed to be our master.

Also, our unclaimed life force has manifest a reptilian power elite, whose existence is partially in the transdimensional realms and who are attempting to enslave humanity through automated default technologies, such as in a computer-chipped population, or as psychic food through the constant triggering of fear. I do not think the dystopian vision will fully manifest, but the fact that the externalized matrix is now evident as a real possibility prompts us to rise above the default options on reality that are being presented via the media and scientism...

... and then to go to the next level and recognize that the snake, the reptile, is not the enemy, for it exists within us and it is our responsibility to reclaim power—quite simply, as it turns out, through our body connection.

In many ways the Extraterrestrial/transdimensional beings that covertly steer the socio-economic systems on Earth, via intricate means, are the fragments of our consciousness that have come back down the timeline from the future in order to wake us up to the truth of the vital force of life that lives within us.

I think this video says something of what I am talking about. Here is a very good representation of the ayahuasca experience. The video is 9 minutes long, but you only need to watch the first couple of minutes to get the feeling.

May the force be with you now, coming back from the future that you are creating today.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

8 Grass or Human, Thursday 2 June 2011

Today is a day to trust in your heart's desire to seek more out of life, to recognize that life offers you more. The commitment of the heart involves valuing the yearning you feel to live with more adventure, rewards and wonder. Although we do not always get what we desire, the desire itself is an important energy to keep you vital, alive and engaged. Commit to the truth that life is a journey and you are here to help fellow travellers whilst enjoying the trip.

It is easier to close down and protect yourself from the fear of failure, loss or disappointment than it is to dare to dream. Life will keep challenging your aspirations, forcing you to adjust, and will teach you to have some detachment from your ambitions, your desires and your inspired longings.

However, the challenge is to adapt and keep seeking, for the seeking itself is the abundance of the unfolding adventure of your life.

The energy of the New Moon today supports this Mayan frequency as it is encoded with a prompt to break free a little from anything that inhibits your heart.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

7 Monkey, Wednesday 1 June 2011

Something unexpected and rather quite wonderful can come to you today in the midst of whatever you are doing.

A good day to be curious and to enjoy your vocation without taking it too seriously.

If you take yourself too seriously, the trickster will show up. If you act too silly, the trickster will put on a serious face. However a little impudence is appropriate today especially as the dark moon will turn into a partial eclipse at 21.04 GMT (tomorrow morning here in Hong Kong). Drop that which needs to be dropped (fear and worldy seriousness) and feel the sense of extraordinary fun that is implicit in life.

A sense of magic can emerge in your work today, while a sense of purpose can emerge in your leisure today.

Monkey is associated with the artisans who carved the glyphs and constructed the temples -- sacred creative work that gave the labourers a connection to the Mayan Cosmology, which reflects the reality of the cosmic game.

Play the game of life today and be open to the miraculous for Monkey is weaving magic into the air and it might just be your turn.