7 Earthmover is a high-energy day
A good day to feel a resonance or actually synchronize with the impulse of life to change towards the beneficial and the magnificent.
Take time to remind yourself and create some space to experience the fact that all of nature is alive, just like you; feel the vital fizz of life, see it all around you.
Alternatively, a day to enjoy the magical surprise of a spontaneous element that comes into your life which takes you off track -- meaning off the linear path of linear mind, so that you can integrate and synchronize with the force of evolution.
Life has an intelligence beyond our personal and immediate understanding. What gift is here for you today?
The Question of 2012 and Earth Changes
Today also brings one into resonance with the Earth changes that we are seeing, in particular the Earth quakes and natural disasters that seem to be increasing and seem to support the end of the world scenario of 2012, the Hopi Prophecy, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton and many many others.
The earthquake is a physical event to adjust teh Earth and bring into natural alignment with the greater environment of the cosmic ocean. It can be avoided by consciousness adjustment, becoming conscious of the fact that we live on a planet that is part of the Solar System, part of the Galaxy, part of a living conscious cosmos. The awareness changes our life and would change the values of our society.
If a significant number of people can wake up to 'this' in time then we can avoid global catastrophe. How many people are needed...not sure, but a lot more I feel. How much time do we have, my studies suggest that we have a few decades. The Mayan end-date of 11:11 gmt 21-12-12 is the portal date on the frequency of Earth's relationship with the Galaxy. The full manifestation of the 2012 effect would seem to take longer when one brings all of the factors into consideration.
The Age of Aquarius begins in my estimation at some point between 2060-2160. At present I feel that this is the deadline for a fundamental transformation. My research of 20 years continues...
In 20 Days time, (not the next time wave but the one after) the Earthmover timewave begins. The timewave that takes us to the end of this Mayan Calendar cycle is also an Earthmover.
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