Observe everything all around you, see how you feel in different situations, the message of the day is be aware, be conscious in all directions of the energy sphere that live within, whilst you stay in the centre, anchored in the Noosphere.
A detached, floating, suspended and waiting kind of day
The world is waiting, behind the curtain tensile energy is building and has been building for some time. Many people feel blocked, sluggish, fed up, frustrated, and some are determined to breakthrough and create new dynamic social platforms, services and facilities that are based on real humane value. The world is ready to surge forward; people have had enough of the lack of forward momentum. There is such a strong need for truly progressive ideas to be explored in our society, not just online, but to be socially acknowledged. The internet has stimulated a cyber space revolution and yet to some degree an inertia in the mainstream economic reality. The chasm between cyberspace and the consensual manifestation will erode, especially if the internet becomes heavily censored.
The Passions are Going to Get Hotter
The subtle energy field of our planet is in flux, this emotive flux is greatly increasing right now as indicated by the Solar Eclipse, which heralds the Venus transit of 5/6th and the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto on June 24th. Eclipses and Venus Transits effects fully manifest within a few months, 6-9 months normally. This then points to the Winter Solstice of this year, the end of the Maya 13 Baktun cycle.
More on the Venus Transit as we approach it, but here is an excellent explanation of the Venus Transit
The Venus Transit
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