A good day to get in touch with the deepest needs we have, linked to being conscious of the nourishment that life just gives us automatically.
A day of clear conscious communication that is emotionally connected as you awaken the soul's memory of who you are in relation to society and evoke the soul in your emotional body.
Today you can feel how life reaches out to you. You are not alone; there are special people in your life and life itself is sharing your journey with you.
Open to a higher perspective on your mood and your emotions. Feel into the simplicity of love, rather than the imperfections of your experience with others.
Alternatively, just be with yourself; enjoy stopping, being still, being on holiday, feeling slack. Go sit in nature, stare at an old brick wall, whatever it takes to just relax without trying.
The world is so driven by an economic imperative these days that it seems hard to consciously go slack and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the world without necessity. We need peace in this world, which firstly requires permission to not be actively concerned with survival. Nature is not just about survival -- actually far from it. The insects, birds and animals are naturally, unthinkingly expressing the joy of existence in their sounds and actions.
The drone of the 'necessity mind' and guilt is blocking out the ever-present inherent message that life, at its foundation and throughout its development, is good.
Hippies and 'slackers' get a bad press, but if we have more conscious slackers in the world, enjoying the bliss and appreciation of what exists, then we could have peace. The conscious slacker scares the hell out of the control freaks of governance -- the revolution will be a walk out. To change the world we must first be able to get off the hamster wheel of necessity more often.
Wake up to the nourishment you really need and feel the ever-present joy of existence.
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