What is present? What is here available and moving through you?
The spirit is present in all that is.
A day of integration as you feel the need to be who you are, to clear your vision of impassioned views, so as to allow all of your perspectives their place within your psyche. A certain degree of emptiness allows us to see more of who we are, rather than just one facet.
The commitment today is to the integrated self that stands before you; to the degree of integration you can recognize at present.
What is present? What is here available and moving through you?
The spirit is presentEagle is sometimes known as 'Metal' by the Maya of the Highlands. This is because of the Eagle's ability to see an expansive worldly vision and is thus associated with money and wealth. Day 8 is a day of commitment. So, if you have a vision, one that was forming during the last Timewave, take note and recognize its value.
The Dream Seeds I talked about yesterday are tangible potentials in the etheric psyche of our planet and belong to the Devic realm. I suggest the Dream Seeds are not easily accessible via clairvoyance, as they are deep within the shamanic mainframe.
Today though, we are in touch with the more accessible visions of Eagle. 8 Eagle speaks to us of the immanence of the sky and the terrestrial stratosphere, whereby the potentials from within the Devic kingdom can be selected and refined and choices are committed to.
Today's commitment is made in the imagination and the perceptional field, where your energy naturally interpenetrates the collective human consciousness and where that also meets the Earth mind. Here is a long article with links by me that explores the world, my vision as it is forming and I look at the shadow of the present situation, this is not for the faint hearted.
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