Sunday 6 October 2013

7 Water or Moon, Sunday 6 October

A powerful day for evocative feeling, a visceral divine memory; something you tangibly feel without actually being physically in the experience.

Radial Time

Today your whole state of mind will be in deep resonance with your emotional body and the various frequencies and issues that are being held within it. Today will provide you with the full gamut of your feelings, from discomfort to joy.

Allow your feelings to flow and you will move through any difficulties to a place more enriching and soul connected.

Time and this Calendar

This calendar is a tool for accessing the qualitative nature of time. We mostly think of time as sequential and regulatedthis is the 'time' ruled by Chronos (Saturn). The Greeks, and those before them, understood that there is both Chronos and Kairos (Chiron) time.

Kairos time is mentioned in the Bible and throughout the mystical traditions as the divine moment, the opportune moment, associated with the crucial moment, the opportunity in crisis. Chiron as a planet cuts inside Saturn and its glyph is a keyChiron consciousness is the key that unlocks the door of linear time/space and gives us access to co-existing multiple time frames. Time exists on multiple densities. The higher the density of time, the more future and the more past exist within the moment. Chiron allows access to the radial nature of time.

This Sacred Calendar is resonant with both sci-fi-futurism and archaic shamanic consciousness, without there being a dichotomy.

Pholus, the second Centauric planet to be discovered in 1992, rules 11:11, the further opening into higher densities of time where future and past selves can merge with the self. Pholus is the opener of the Earth's energy field and the acceleration of extraterrestrial consciousness into our planetary field. Extraterrestrial craft time travel, not through movement as such, rather more through changing density and then locking onto the frequency of our planet. The Stargates are density transformers.

The science of time is the science to come and increasingly there are  many complex scientific papers being written about it. Space is the focus for a materialistic society but time is the focus for a conscious society. Time is the greatest commodity and you already own your time, but everyone else wants your time and vies for it.

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