Saturday, 11 January 2014

13 Skull, Saturday

Thirteen is the master number of spiralling movement and growth; it is in resonance with the Lunar Cycle and is a Fibonacci number. 13 is the movement into mystery as we leave the orderly and rational temporarily behind. Skull is the power to cut free and start again.

Today, you have the opportunity to cut away all of the flesh of sentiment from life, to free the self from attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being.

Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.

Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.

The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.

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