The game of life is a game.
Play to win, or rather play to keep the game of life going by following the clues laid out before you....
"By an inch it's a cinch, by a yard it's hard" Peter Ragnor
Today has a creative flow to it. A great day to enjoy your work--if you
live a vocational life--as part of the game of life and your play as
part of the task of life.
Today leisure and pleasure can yield inspiration for your tasks, your
purpose or your career...
the world game is totally on, we are living in evolutionary times, stay alert.
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Friday, 30 December 2016
5 Dog, Friday
A day to feel the supportive energy in your emotional centre, your inner
psychic sanctum and your sanctum of the world surrounded by those you
The people you need and love are held within your heart. This is a powerful field of protective energy that creates a space of equilibrium in the midst of change.
Change can be destructive; however, if we can stay with the heart, transformation is resonant with the highest good and the power of love.
A very good day to connect with people all around you. Visualize your friends and acquaintances linking from you out in all directions.
The people you need and love are held within your heart. This is a powerful field of protective energy that creates a space of equilibrium in the midst of change.
Change can be destructive; however, if we can stay with the heart, transformation is resonant with the highest good and the power of love.
A very good day to connect with people all around you. Visualize your friends and acquaintances linking from you out in all directions.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
4 Water, Thursday
Set the parameters of your emotional capacity; be honest about what you can expose yourself to.
How much you can handle?
What areas can you handle getting involved in?
What do you need to debate and what drama is good for you? Where must you stay clear? What should you avoid? Purify your emotions, cleanse and release, reset your emotional body. What do you have to offer?
Feeling Space
Explore the boundaries of your emotional space, it is a space just like the physical space, it is substance that exists in the collective substance of emotions and feelings. The easiest way to connect is to visualize the aura the subtle fields of emotion and thought that interpenetrate your body and surround it.
How much you can handle?
What areas can you handle getting involved in?
What do you need to debate and what drama is good for you? Where must you stay clear? What should you avoid? Purify your emotions, cleanse and release, reset your emotional body. What do you have to offer?
Feeling Space
Explore the boundaries of your emotional space, it is a space just like the physical space, it is substance that exists in the collective substance of emotions and feelings. The easiest way to connect is to visualize the aura the subtle fields of emotion and thought that interpenetrate your body and surround it.
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
3 Rabbit, Wednesday
A day of shifting energy and light, communication and movement.
The shifting nature of attention.
Do not be a Rabbit in a headlight. We can all get stuck down reality tunnels. The dynamic movement of energy today means that our attention is malleable; we can shine our light on a new potential quite easily -- likewise we can receive new light, new information, new glamorous images or stories that pull us in a different direction.
A day of negotiating agreements. The challenge of Rabbit is not to be too light, not to acquiesce to everything.
Use the energy to your advantage to bring more of the radiant spirit into your reality. Be prepared to subtly adjust things without switching to an opposite direction.
A very good day to see how reality is comprised of frequencies of light.
The shifting nature of attention.
Do not be a Rabbit in a headlight. We can all get stuck down reality tunnels. The dynamic movement of energy today means that our attention is malleable; we can shine our light on a new potential quite easily -- likewise we can receive new light, new information, new glamorous images or stories that pull us in a different direction.
A day of negotiating agreements. The challenge of Rabbit is not to be too light, not to acquiesce to everything.
Use the energy to your advantage to bring more of the radiant spirit into your reality. Be prepared to subtly adjust things without switching to an opposite direction.
A very good day to see how reality is comprised of frequencies of light.
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
2 Deer, Tuesday
The challenge of transformation comes to the surface today.
A sense of new things coming in, old things passing out, without knowing the details.
What do we hold onto and what do we let go of?
Navigate the energy as it flows between polarities. Feel into it; sense the energy.
do not necessarily need to decide what is to be let go of, just allow
your consciousness the space to calibrate the incoming and outgoing
Monday, 26 December 2016
1 Skull, Monday
This Skull timewave is strongly empowered as we are in the timeline
choice, a time to take a conscious, spiritual and sovereign position.
Be strong.
Be steady
Be clear.
Be awake.
Change: 13 days of transformation begins today in the Skull timewave. In this timewave, choices are made. In some areas we cut back to the bone; we let go of some things in order to commit to a new structure and to a change in our lives.
Skull is the energy of change from one definitive state to another.
Skull is black and white.
It is time to change.
Today is a day to anchor intention, around change, specifically based on recognizing what you need to let go of, what energy, what actions are superfluous to your real needs.
If the answer does not emerge today, then hold the space for the truth to emerge during this timewave.
A good time for dealing with practicalities as you are able to separate from distractions, clear cut actions can be undertaken.
Be strong.
Be steady
Be clear.
Be awake.
Change: 13 days of transformation begins today in the Skull timewave. In this timewave, choices are made. In some areas we cut back to the bone; we let go of some things in order to commit to a new structure and to a change in our lives.
Skull is the energy of change from one definitive state to another.
Skull is black and white.
It is time to change.
Today is a day to anchor intention, around change, specifically based on recognizing what you need to let go of, what energy, what actions are superfluous to your real needs.
If the answer does not emerge today, then hold the space for the truth to emerge during this timewave.
A good time for dealing with practicalities as you are able to separate from distractions, clear cut actions can be undertaken.
Sunday, 25 December 2016
13 Serpent, Christmas Day
Cosmic Serpent day, the energy of the Skywalker timewave culminates as
you come into the body from the sky. You come into everyday reality from
the exploration of potentials to face the daily survival needs. Today
is a day of the kundalini, the life force that powers your survival
instincts, the impulse of creation, the evolutionary impulse of life.
The day offers a chance to break free from worry about one's survival by facing physical reality and yet vitalizing your body with some action and daring.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
A great day for a breakthrough....
Happy Christmas to you.
The day offers a chance to break free from worry about one's survival by facing physical reality and yet vitalizing your body with some action and daring.
Feel the fear and do it anyway.
A great day for a breakthrough....
Happy Christmas to you.
Saturday, 24 December 2016
12 Lizard, Christmas Eve Saturday
A good day to get organized.
Templates of reality are revealed
One of the best days in the whole 260-day cycle to have conscious integrated realizations and see the coherence of your life, a project or the world. A good day for recognizing you have a plan, a seed to plant. The ideas of heaven create DNA, morphogenic fields and architectural plans.
Potentially, today offers you a clear-minded understanding of your whole energy, all of your needs and how they fit together.
If you feel confused, face yourself and own your desires, needs and natural mode of being. Be grateful for what you have, but own the need for evolution and growth.
Come into alignment with the higher self and its intent for your life.
The sexual energy and passions also are stirred, so we look to harness our passion for our purpose.
Templates of reality are revealed
One of the best days in the whole 260-day cycle to have conscious integrated realizations and see the coherence of your life, a project or the world. A good day for recognizing you have a plan, a seed to plant. The ideas of heaven create DNA, morphogenic fields and architectural plans.
Potentially, today offers you a clear-minded understanding of your whole energy, all of your needs and how they fit together.
If you feel confused, face yourself and own your desires, needs and natural mode of being. Be grateful for what you have, but own the need for evolution and growth.
Come into alignment with the higher self and its intent for your life.
The sexual energy and passions also are stirred, so we look to harness our passion for our purpose.
Thursday, 22 December 2016
11 Foredawn, Friday 23rd December
Moments of romanticism, wonder, captivating memories and cascading
feelings can arise today evoking an emotional flux state. Within any
doubts, confusion and uncertainty lies the question you should ask.
Ideas of yesterday turn into feelings today. Doors open into the shadow of ideas, or doors open within the darkness and you see the space for light to come in, even if the darkness temporarily overpowers.
A day of the dissolution of one's mental control as you surrender to creating emptiness. The cycles of creativity require that you make a fallow space and digest any shadow elements. Be in the dark house and sit it out. You can enjoy the fecundity if you get into it.
A great day to make space for new inspiration by throwing out assumptions and expectations.
You might not really need that which you have been thinking you want for some time.
If you have noticed that during this timewave you have been formulating new ideas and are desiring to bring those ideas into a cohesive intention (Tomorrow is 12 Lizard, equals organized seed, cohesive intention, clearly thought out plan) then today, you need to create some space for that plan to gestate.
Go with the lateral movement rather than trying to go directly towards completion of your thinking process.
Ideas of yesterday turn into feelings today. Doors open into the shadow of ideas, or doors open within the darkness and you see the space for light to come in, even if the darkness temporarily overpowers.
A day of the dissolution of one's mental control as you surrender to creating emptiness. The cycles of creativity require that you make a fallow space and digest any shadow elements. Be in the dark house and sit it out. You can enjoy the fecundity if you get into it.
A great day to make space for new inspiration by throwing out assumptions and expectations.
You might not really need that which you have been thinking you want for some time.
If you have noticed that during this timewave you have been formulating new ideas and are desiring to bring those ideas into a cohesive intention (Tomorrow is 12 Lizard, equals organized seed, cohesive intention, clearly thought out plan) then today, you need to create some space for that plan to gestate.
Go with the lateral movement rather than trying to go directly towards completion of your thinking process.
10 Wind, Thursday
The Skywalker timewave manifests as a message or messages that convey the unfolding or potential future we are moving into.
Today, the words are strong, the message has power. An idea is formed and you can see it in its entirety if you step back. You might have to read it more than once to see the wholeness.
Wind solidifies on Day 10; that which was fickle takes a solid shape.
Today you may see or say words that epitomize your inner sovereign voice, your authority.
Today, the words are strong, the message has power. An idea is formed and you can see it in its entirety if you step back. You might have to read it more than once to see the wholeness.
Wind solidifies on Day 10; that which was fickle takes a solid shape.
Today you may see or say words that epitomize your inner sovereign voice, your authority.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
9 Crocodile, Wednesday Winter Solstice
In the Skywalker timewave, we are free to soar; to roam the skies and
the future. Through the energy of 9 Crocodile, this manifests as the
yearnings and deepest needs within us and within others. What is the
root of your personal aspiration? What is the hidden core drive that
leads you to set goals.
A day to connect to the primal beginnings, the core needs that led to your experience of now. The potentials of your future and our future are rooted in the evolutionary imperatives that started this reality thread. If you can be consciousness of your core needs, the most basic urge for safety, survival territory, nourishment and growth of your life, then you can access creative freewill on a deep level.
Today acknowledge and accept the primal instinctive level of being, come back to the imperative of survival of ones essential being. Recognize the ultimate self interest as the expression of the life force. If we lose sight of our need to survive on a spiritual and bodily level we can easily be trying to create purely from our mind. The disconnected ideological position creates a conflict in the body and with nature.
If we do not want to be ruled purely by instinctive unconscious desire we must first recognize it's validity, then and only then can we take ideological positions.
A day of deeply felt connectedness.
A day to connect to the primal beginnings, the core needs that led to your experience of now. The potentials of your future and our future are rooted in the evolutionary imperatives that started this reality thread. If you can be consciousness of your core needs, the most basic urge for safety, survival territory, nourishment and growth of your life, then you can access creative freewill on a deep level.
Today acknowledge and accept the primal instinctive level of being, come back to the imperative of survival of ones essential being. Recognize the ultimate self interest as the expression of the life force. If we lose sight of our need to survive on a spiritual and bodily level we can easily be trying to create purely from our mind. The disconnected ideological position creates a conflict in the body and with nature.
If we do not want to be ruled purely by instinctive unconscious desire we must first recognize it's validity, then and only then can we take ideological positions.
A day of deeply felt connectedness.
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
8 Flower, Tuesday
Commit to your sovereignty, your true authority springs from your divine rights of free will.
Look to recognize your sacred rights and unique essence without ego inflation, acknowledge the authentic individual that is within the matrix of interdependence and necessary dependence.
You are not an island but you are still a unique facet of the human species.
Sun is the day of our essence and our most public face, the brightest and most positive side of our psyche. Here we need to commit to the radiance within us, so that the radiance we project is not just an empty image.
Feel the light, the good and the abundant within you; just be honest and find what you have inside. You may be feeling down and in some darkness, if so just acknowledge any small light and power you can find, then just turn the volume up a little.
Today, set your intention to be your light and then relax and let go.
Look to recognize your sacred rights and unique essence without ego inflation, acknowledge the authentic individual that is within the matrix of interdependence and necessary dependence.
You are not an island but you are still a unique facet of the human species.
Sun is the day of our essence and our most public face, the brightest and most positive side of our psyche. Here we need to commit to the radiance within us, so that the radiance we project is not just an empty image.
Feel the light, the good and the abundant within you; just be honest and find what you have inside. You may be feeling down and in some darkness, if so just acknowledge any small light and power you can find, then just turn the volume up a little.
Today, set your intention to be your light and then relax and let go.
Monday, 19 December 2016
7 Storm, Monday
Today you can feel the need to break free from your patterning and/or
can move into resonance with the soul's need to liberate the self from
the psychic matrix that you are presently experiencing.
Seven is the mystical number that reflects the great mysteries, making them accessible in a stepped-down form in our realm. Seven creates a resonance of understanding or feeling with ineffable consciousness.
Storm is the day of refreshment and novelty that vitalizes our life.
Today, be a resonant being by enjoying the spontaneous, as well as the interruptions to your normal routine and habits.
Seven is the mystical number that reflects the great mysteries, making them accessible in a stepped-down form in our realm. Seven creates a resonance of understanding or feeling with ineffable consciousness.
Storm is the day of refreshment and novelty that vitalizes our life.
Today, be a resonant being by enjoying the spontaneous, as well as the interruptions to your normal routine and habits.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
6 Obsidian, Sunday
The shadow of the world is found within and through this a healing, resolution, release or acceptance is made possible.
One thing reflects upon another, or should we say deflects off you at an angle that creates an organic cadence.
Your attention moves from one thing to another, seeing the reflection of the new thing in the previous thing.
The day rounds out quite nicely.
Dynamic unity, within the other we find ourselves.
One thing reflects upon another, or should we say deflects off you at an angle that creates an organic cadence.
Your attention moves from one thing to another, seeing the reflection of the new thing in the previous thing.
The day rounds out quite nicely.
Dynamic unity, within the other we find ourselves.
Saturday, 17 December 2016
5 Earthmover, Saturday
A day to keep coming back to the observation tower as the synchronic and interesting developments radiate out all around you.
You can see that evolution is not merely up, but all around -- like an expanding sphere becoming more complexly organized; more dynamic, colourful and kaleidoscopic.
Feel the synchronic paths opening around you, feel the force of life, as the primal force of growth never stops. Life is never static and today you can find yourself waking up to the unstoppable vitality of life that is inherent within everything, all of the time.
A great day to feel plugged into the evolutionary impulse that is at the core of the incredible global drama we are witnessing (if you are keeping up).
Either way feel the power and the expectation from the centre of the Earth as it goes through this extraordinary awakening.
Extraordinary awakenings come with strong challenges as aspects of reality are dismantled and fall away, our challenge is to keep re-finding our centre, look for the alignment with the life force it is available
You can see that evolution is not merely up, but all around -- like an expanding sphere becoming more complexly organized; more dynamic, colourful and kaleidoscopic.
Feel the synchronic paths opening around you, feel the force of life, as the primal force of growth never stops. Life is never static and today you can find yourself waking up to the unstoppable vitality of life that is inherent within everything, all of the time.
A great day to feel plugged into the evolutionary impulse that is at the core of the incredible global drama we are witnessing (if you are keeping up).
Either way feel the power and the expectation from the centre of the Earth as it goes through this extraordinary awakening.
Extraordinary awakenings come with strong challenges as aspects of reality are dismantled and fall away, our challenge is to keep re-finding our centre, look for the alignment with the life force it is available
Friday, 16 December 2016
4 Vulture, Friday
Stay grounded.
Solid truth from sobriety and -- where appropriate -- say nothing, for silence will speak loudly.
When it is right to communicate today, be in your truth without apology, but say it calmly and with the humility you naturally find within yourself.
Your truth is your truth, there is a diverse range of basic philosophical positions but even in each mindset we find that everyone has their own slightly different version of the truth of reality and the experience of life.
Today recognize what is true for you, is true for you, without doubting yourself, it might not be THE TRUTH, but is your perspective right now.
Find your centre and assume the confidence within your own gnosis, if it works for you, then it works.
Solid truth from sobriety and -- where appropriate -- say nothing, for silence will speak loudly.
When it is right to communicate today, be in your truth without apology, but say it calmly and with the humility you naturally find within yourself.
Your truth is your truth, there is a diverse range of basic philosophical positions but even in each mindset we find that everyone has their own slightly different version of the truth of reality and the experience of life.
Today recognize what is true for you, is true for you, without doubting yourself, it might not be THE TRUTH, but is your perspective right now.
Find your centre and assume the confidence within your own gnosis, if it works for you, then it works.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
3 Eagle, Thursday
Get ready, get steady...
Receive some inspiration today. This could include an understanding or an insight.
New specifics come to light in your awareness. A day to have a balanced view of the world as you fly high above it, yet looking down with a readiness to engage.
Eagles have the ability to focus on the smallest details on the ground; they are comfortable and competent with the earthly realm.
A good day to enjoy the energy of anticipation. Stay ready for insights. 3 days can be frustrating, nervous, edgy and unsatisfying as movement begins; it is like revving up the engines.
Receive some inspiration today. This could include an understanding or an insight.
New specifics come to light in your awareness. A day to have a balanced view of the world as you fly high above it, yet looking down with a readiness to engage.
Eagles have the ability to focus on the smallest details on the ground; they are comfortable and competent with the earthly realm.
A good day to enjoy the energy of anticipation. Stay ready for insights. 3 days can be frustrating, nervous, edgy and unsatisfying as movement begins; it is like revving up the engines.
Allow yourself to trust that the feeling you have is valid. If you feel
restless, that is okay—accept it and carry on.
You are getting
ready to perceive, getting ready to understand or getting ready to step
into more authorship.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
2 Jaguar, Wednesday
Today is about the challenge of stealth. Although secrecy eventually
turns to decay, Jaguar must use the power of stealth-magic wisely.
The duality of the Skywalker Timewave is that although we can enjoy the view from above, we must simultaneously be connected through the feelings to the ground below. To this end, we call upon the shamanic cat instincts to observe and respond to the energy behind things. Feel and respond, listen with X-Ray smell. Be alert to the unusual, to the discordant and to any strange feelings.
Today affords you the opportunity to become aware of how you can transform negative or blocked energies.
As we proceed through the Timewave of Skywaker/Reed and the connection to our authority, we need to learn protection. Call upon the magnificence of the big cats or other jungle animals that you feel an affinity with to teach you how to protect your sovereignty in the world.
Connect to the fierceness of the soul; that fierce courage that recognizes truth, love and divinity are your guiding lights and your legitimate experience.
The duality of the Skywalker Timewave is that although we can enjoy the view from above, we must simultaneously be connected through the feelings to the ground below. To this end, we call upon the shamanic cat instincts to observe and respond to the energy behind things. Feel and respond, listen with X-Ray smell. Be alert to the unusual, to the discordant and to any strange feelings.
Today affords you the opportunity to become aware of how you can transform negative or blocked energies.
As we proceed through the Timewave of Skywaker/Reed and the connection to our authority, we need to learn protection. Call upon the magnificence of the big cats or other jungle animals that you feel an affinity with to teach you how to protect your sovereignty in the world.
Connect to the fierceness of the soul; that fierce courage that recognizes truth, love and divinity are your guiding lights and your legitimate experience.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
1 Reed, Tuesday
A new timewave starts today. One Skywalker/Reed is a strong masculine
essence, not exactly flexible; the energy of this Skywalker timewave is
like a shaft of light, a strong intention that sends a laser beam of
consciousness up to the heavens.
A day and timewave of observation, to create a template and map that which connects Heaven and Earth.
You can really enjoy a sense of mental freedom today and during this entire 13-day timewave. Tune in and take the opportunity to detach; look to the sky and see things clearly. Great for work and creativity that involves laying out plans or big ideas.
Also, the perfect time to receive spiritual guidance from your other world guides, or perhaps transcendental yet embodied spiritual teachers.
Reed rules the templates, the contexts or the 'givens' and the issue of authority.
The challenge and higher potential of Reed is to connect the beam of light of consciousness down into the ancestral heritage. For indigenous people the challenge is the opposite to connect their ancestral roots up to the stars whilst developing the metaphysical or detached mind
We are always enchanted by something our experience is one of being enchanted. There are an almost infinite number of contexts, deep structures of reality that we are subject to. Each enchantments has an authorship, a creative intelligence, that has brought it into being and is then sustained and developed with the co-operation, the agreement of the many, mostly inadvertently.
Now more than ever we are to wake up to the contextual aspects of our society, to wake up to that which we assume, that which we inadvertently agree to.
Transcend the consensual society, many are recognizing that the everyday experience of normal living is incredibly limited compared to the extraordinary scope of real potentiality and the mind boggling scale and diversity of what actually exists here on Earth.
Reality is up for negotiation, you are taking part in that, consciously and unconsciously to a lesser or greater degree.
In this timewave, step into your authorship, your authority and question the limiting strictures of our mainstream world, because they are no longer appropriate.
The first step is to get off the world, go to your upper world sanctuary and on the way cut through the illusions of limitation being thrown at you. The ghouls are scary, but their power is temporary, shake it off and go to higher self.
A day and timewave of observation, to create a template and map that which connects Heaven and Earth.
You can really enjoy a sense of mental freedom today and during this entire 13-day timewave. Tune in and take the opportunity to detach; look to the sky and see things clearly. Great for work and creativity that involves laying out plans or big ideas.
Also, the perfect time to receive spiritual guidance from your other world guides, or perhaps transcendental yet embodied spiritual teachers.
Reed rules the templates, the contexts or the 'givens' and the issue of authority.
The challenge and higher potential of Reed is to connect the beam of light of consciousness down into the ancestral heritage. For indigenous people the challenge is the opposite to connect their ancestral roots up to the stars whilst developing the metaphysical or detached mind
We are always enchanted by something our experience is one of being enchanted. There are an almost infinite number of contexts, deep structures of reality that we are subject to. Each enchantments has an authorship, a creative intelligence, that has brought it into being and is then sustained and developed with the co-operation, the agreement of the many, mostly inadvertently.
Now more than ever we are to wake up to the contextual aspects of our society, to wake up to that which we assume, that which we inadvertently agree to.
Transcend the consensual society, many are recognizing that the everyday experience of normal living is incredibly limited compared to the extraordinary scope of real potentiality and the mind boggling scale and diversity of what actually exists here on Earth.
Reality is up for negotiation, you are taking part in that, consciously and unconsciously to a lesser or greater degree.
In this timewave, step into your authorship, your authority and question the limiting strictures of our mainstream world, because they are no longer appropriate.
The first step is to get off the world, go to your upper world sanctuary and on the way cut through the illusions of limitation being thrown at you. The ghouls are scary, but their power is temporary, shake it off and go to higher self.
Monday, 12 December 2016
13 Good Road, Monday
Feel the totality of your light emissions and how they attract people
into your life. Open up your very being to allow in new possibilities.
Within every situation within every moment is the potential for total
Enjoy the radiating potentials that life offers you, based on all of the different desires you hold. Today the energy spirals out onto another level. The 13th day releases and harvests the energy of the whole timewave. This is the last day of the timewave of the Sun or Flower.
Today enables you to see the totality of your desires and thoughts (which have manifested as the totality of your life experience) as radial lines of possible futures. This is most evident through all the people you have encountered over the last 13 days and the potential paths that open up through relating to each of them and reinforcing the associated energy. Every thread of light that emanates from you draws in different events and people -- and people, especially people, are each a synchronous web of unique connections.
Each person you encounter offers you a new doorway to reality, but do you see where each path can lead?
If so, you can choose to let go of some of those threads and release the energy of that which does not feel as if it would be fulfilling. This means releasing the desire and whimsical wants that lead you down limiting paths. Liberate yourself by liberating some of the energy you expend in wanting that which is inappropriate to your best interests.
Today is Eb, Human or the Good Road, the road of life’s adventure. The good road of life is also the Milky Way, the path of the Soul. Open your mind a full 360 degrees and be the empty conduit for the possibilities of the next timewave. Light is a radiant energy, just like full consciousness. Galactic Time is also radiant. The Cosmos is all around, in all directions, and that is not just space but time/space. That’s right, the true nature of time is that it radiates out in all directions.
Enjoy the radiating potentials that life offers you, based on all of the different desires you hold. Today the energy spirals out onto another level. The 13th day releases and harvests the energy of the whole timewave. This is the last day of the timewave of the Sun or Flower.
Today enables you to see the totality of your desires and thoughts (which have manifested as the totality of your life experience) as radial lines of possible futures. This is most evident through all the people you have encountered over the last 13 days and the potential paths that open up through relating to each of them and reinforcing the associated energy. Every thread of light that emanates from you draws in different events and people -- and people, especially people, are each a synchronous web of unique connections.
Each person you encounter offers you a new doorway to reality, but do you see where each path can lead?
If so, you can choose to let go of some of those threads and release the energy of that which does not feel as if it would be fulfilling. This means releasing the desire and whimsical wants that lead you down limiting paths. Liberate yourself by liberating some of the energy you expend in wanting that which is inappropriate to your best interests.
Today is Eb, Human or the Good Road, the road of life’s adventure. The good road of life is also the Milky Way, the path of the Soul. Open your mind a full 360 degrees and be the empty conduit for the possibilities of the next timewave. Light is a radiant energy, just like full consciousness. Galactic Time is also radiant. The Cosmos is all around, in all directions, and that is not just space but time/space. That’s right, the true nature of time is that it radiates out in all directions.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
12 Monkey, Sunday
Light creates all and today you can understand that light creates shadow - even darkness comes from light.
Play-work-vocation-fun-drama all seem so interlinked on Monkey 12.
Novelty enlightens you today, so follow your curiosity and see what you can craft from what you find.
Sometimes you have to work hard to have fun. For some of us, fun comes from serious issues; fun arises spontaneously... some things that the world says are fun can feel like hard work.
In the Flower/Lord/Sun timewave, the 12th day is Monkey, giving us the understanding that the creative power of light is inherently filled with novel, fun, tricky and spontaneous energy. The light that radiates from the Sun is not merely inert photons, it is real energy, energy that is vastly intelligent and a little wild.
It is wild in as much as it has a potent volatile creativity, as it interacts with living organisms (be it a planet or an individual human) it responds to the inbuilt directives of that organism.
The directives are the totality of the cacophony of desires, needs and impulses springing from the multiple levels of the bio-psychic organism.
A good day to come up with highly creative solutions to major challenges.
Play-work-vocation-fun-drama all seem so interlinked on Monkey 12.
Novelty enlightens you today, so follow your curiosity and see what you can craft from what you find.
Sometimes you have to work hard to have fun. For some of us, fun comes from serious issues; fun arises spontaneously... some things that the world says are fun can feel like hard work.
In the Flower/Lord/Sun timewave, the 12th day is Monkey, giving us the understanding that the creative power of light is inherently filled with novel, fun, tricky and spontaneous energy. The light that radiates from the Sun is not merely inert photons, it is real energy, energy that is vastly intelligent and a little wild.
It is wild in as much as it has a potent volatile creativity, as it interacts with living organisms (be it a planet or an individual human) it responds to the inbuilt directives of that organism.
The directives are the totality of the cacophony of desires, needs and impulses springing from the multiple levels of the bio-psychic organism.
A good day to come up with highly creative solutions to major challenges.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
11 Dog, Saturday
Let someone in.
What was solidifying yesterday becomes more transparent today. So, for example, if you were feeling stodgy and stuck within yourself yesterday, today a door opens to lead you into another emotional space that is more relational and more resonant with those around you.
Allow someone into your emotional space.
Alternatively and/or simultaneously, your relationship patterns with friends, lover or family turn inside out and offer you another perspective, not only on your relationships but on the whole arena of community, connection and relating.
The sovereignty of self grows today through the adaptive ability of the basic emotions and common needs (we all have) for the company of others. A good day to modify your needs or feelings.
Eleven day are always like doors opening after the solidity of 10 days
What was solidifying yesterday becomes more transparent today. So, for example, if you were feeling stodgy and stuck within yourself yesterday, today a door opens to lead you into another emotional space that is more relational and more resonant with those around you.
Allow someone into your emotional space.
Alternatively and/or simultaneously, your relationship patterns with friends, lover or family turn inside out and offer you another perspective, not only on your relationships but on the whole arena of community, connection and relating.
The sovereignty of self grows today through the adaptive ability of the basic emotions and common needs (we all have) for the company of others. A good day to modify your needs or feelings.
Eleven day are always like doors opening after the solidity of 10 days
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Kit Yeung HK Photographer and Dancer |
Friday, 9 December 2016
10 Water, Friday
A day when your recent feelings solidify into a cohesive unified whole.
Feel the complex array of feelings and recognize that through the agency
of feeling your spirit becomes real.
The 10th day is the day when the timewave manifests into form. The Flower timewave, which is the energy of spiritual light and sovereignty, manifests as the soul.
Feel the soul as a tangible form today.
Every Day 10 in every timewave is the day when the consciousness of the timewave -- the particular Earth-Galactic signature -- in this case Flower, Lord or Sun, comes into solidity. The manifestation of the timewave also means that the implicit challenge is felt. The challenge and the manifest realization of Flower -- the divine sovereign self -- is in the subtle feeling body.
You do not get the fully reasoned understanding today, as that integrated understanding is always reserved for Day 12; however, you do have the opportunity to acknowledge the manifestation. In this case, the way the subtle pranic light moves into density is the formation of our sophisticated, extraordinary and wide-spectrum feeling nature.
If you feel heavy process and lighten the emotional body with physical activity outdoors in nature and set intent to clear and cleanse, find the gratitude after owning the dark emotions.
“The ability to hold Light is directly proportional to the courage to see darkness. Choosing to see just one creates distortions and illusions. It amazes me that something so simple and common sense can be so difficult to even discuss with ‘spiritual’ people who insist on remaining ‘positive’. Actually, this avoidance is based on unacknowledged fear that their inner light might be somewhat ‘dispersed’ by seeing darkness and therefore not giving the light much credit at all.
I think there’s also fear that they might somehow become ‘tainted’ or the darkness might ‘manifest’ in some form in their lives. But the opposite is true; it is the fear, especially unacknowledged, that has much more chance to manifest than darkness exposed to daylight and investigation. Just like we must be fearless about our own inner shadow, we must also be fearless about seeing this huge shadow of humanity. Or we will have the power to transform precisely nothing, within or without.”
The 10th day is the day when the timewave manifests into form. The Flower timewave, which is the energy of spiritual light and sovereignty, manifests as the soul.
Feel the soul as a tangible form today.
Every Day 10 in every timewave is the day when the consciousness of the timewave -- the particular Earth-Galactic signature -- in this case Flower, Lord or Sun, comes into solidity. The manifestation of the timewave also means that the implicit challenge is felt. The challenge and the manifest realization of Flower -- the divine sovereign self -- is in the subtle feeling body.
You do not get the fully reasoned understanding today, as that integrated understanding is always reserved for Day 12; however, you do have the opportunity to acknowledge the manifestation. In this case, the way the subtle pranic light moves into density is the formation of our sophisticated, extraordinary and wide-spectrum feeling nature.
If you feel heavy process and lighten the emotional body with physical activity outdoors in nature and set intent to clear and cleanse, find the gratitude after owning the dark emotions.
“The ability to hold Light is directly proportional to the courage to see darkness. Choosing to see just one creates distortions and illusions. It amazes me that something so simple and common sense can be so difficult to even discuss with ‘spiritual’ people who insist on remaining ‘positive’. Actually, this avoidance is based on unacknowledged fear that their inner light might be somewhat ‘dispersed’ by seeing darkness and therefore not giving the light much credit at all.
I think there’s also fear that they might somehow become ‘tainted’ or the darkness might ‘manifest’ in some form in their lives. But the opposite is true; it is the fear, especially unacknowledged, that has much more chance to manifest than darkness exposed to daylight and investigation. Just like we must be fearless about our own inner shadow, we must also be fearless about seeing this huge shadow of humanity. Or we will have the power to transform precisely nothing, within or without.”
- Anis Springate
Thursday, 8 December 2016
9 Rabbit, Thursday
Downloads and Inspirations...
A day of awakening to your divine cosmic power. This can be accompanied by, yes but how on Earth can I express my true self?
Remember the part of you that comes from the stars and is connected through omni-directions to nature and other realms of existence. Part of your essence exists as a non-local consciousness, not limited by this time frame.
Aspects of your divinity are converging from the future and from multiple timelines into your field of consciousness.
Your life today is a result of past intentions. If you can accommodate the fact of multiple pasts, you are empowering yourself to be truly creative and can draw upon a far greater potential. Although this sounds incredibly abstract, allow your imagination to go there.
The rational mind reduces things (useful for everyday life) and the suggestion I am making sounds absurd to the rational mind -- however, today is a good day to take the position of gnosis, that you are in essence an immortal soul and therefore are not merely contained in linear time. You cannot be reduced by a rational explanation.
On a higher level of reality or consciousness (than the human species presently and commonly enjoys) is a multiverse of radiant time. I am convinced of that reality and believe myself to have had a convergence of this sort in 1994, when an aspect of myself walked into my being in this realm. I have met many people who have had similar and far more profound experiences, including the full walk-in from another Star system.
Extraterrestrials from other star systems do visit us from light years away, unbelievable distances, because they access superluminal consciousness and technology . In other words, it's not so much space travel as time travel, which is not just a technology but a state of consciousness. Linear time is derivative of or symbiotic with linear mind, whereas our greater consciousness is multidimensional.
A day of sublime creativity enabled by assuming you have previously intended all that is in your life to be here and can pull in other realities.
How do we express it? How do we cope with the enormity of our true self?
Today we can connect to the eternal now and engage with the emerging unfolding reality that we are co-creating...
A day of awakening to your divine cosmic power. This can be accompanied by, yes but how on Earth can I express my true self?
Remember the part of you that comes from the stars and is connected through omni-directions to nature and other realms of existence. Part of your essence exists as a non-local consciousness, not limited by this time frame.
Aspects of your divinity are converging from the future and from multiple timelines into your field of consciousness.
Your life today is a result of past intentions. If you can accommodate the fact of multiple pasts, you are empowering yourself to be truly creative and can draw upon a far greater potential. Although this sounds incredibly abstract, allow your imagination to go there.
The rational mind reduces things (useful for everyday life) and the suggestion I am making sounds absurd to the rational mind -- however, today is a good day to take the position of gnosis, that you are in essence an immortal soul and therefore are not merely contained in linear time. You cannot be reduced by a rational explanation.
On a higher level of reality or consciousness (than the human species presently and commonly enjoys) is a multiverse of radiant time. I am convinced of that reality and believe myself to have had a convergence of this sort in 1994, when an aspect of myself walked into my being in this realm. I have met many people who have had similar and far more profound experiences, including the full walk-in from another Star system.
Extraterrestrials from other star systems do visit us from light years away, unbelievable distances, because they access superluminal consciousness and technology . In other words, it's not so much space travel as time travel, which is not just a technology but a state of consciousness. Linear time is derivative of or symbiotic with linear mind, whereas our greater consciousness is multidimensional.
A day of sublime creativity enabled by assuming you have previously intended all that is in your life to be here and can pull in other realities.
How do we express it? How do we cope with the enormity of our true self?
Today we can connect to the eternal now and engage with the emerging unfolding reality that we are co-creating...
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
8 Deer, Wednesday
Holding on with just the right tension, being responsive to
the alchemical mix of your life. Commit to a dynamic balance, the non static
union of opposites. Transcend the political correctness of gender politics to
find true equality. Embody the male and female.
Commit and hold onto reality -- but if your reality is too
small, then let go and grasp a bigger one.
There is plenty of reality pie to go around, you know...
recal-liberate your energy field.
Life is an adventure. It is easy to forget that if you
listen to Channel Normal.
Is Life too tight? Well, mash it up and remix your energies.
Surf the channels of your energy field: sex, food, music,
silence, art, shamanics, yoga...
Get soul funking.
Just be flexible and do not believe you are forever that
which you find yourself to be at any one point in time.
Commit to navigation, life is forever changing and your
challenge is to flow with strength and grace.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
7 Skull, Tuesday
A good day for definitive thought. Be resonant with your clarity; this day can be easy if you trust your authority.
All Skull days bring the theme of death and rebirth, as well as cutting out unnecessary sentiment.
Today is a rare day of resonance with the precise borders and definitions of all things; enjoy this day of clarity. Take the plunge into your subconscious without fear, see the truth of your own feelings without the emotion of doubt.
Timeline Update on MCC
All Skull days bring the theme of death and rebirth, as well as cutting out unnecessary sentiment.
Today is a rare day of resonance with the precise borders and definitions of all things; enjoy this day of clarity. Take the plunge into your subconscious without fear, see the truth of your own feelings without the emotion of doubt.
Timeline Update on MCC
Monday, 5 December 2016
6 Serpent, Monday
Go with the body instincts; listen to that first impulse, act upon it and the day will flow.
Remember, Serpent days are all connected to survival and power themes - be responsive to your power. Your kundalini life force is the foundation of your true power in this life, not money.
A day of rhythm, gradually changing direction under the guidance of the body wisdom.
A day of vitality.
Remember, Serpent days are all connected to survival and power themes - be responsive to your power. Your kundalini life force is the foundation of your true power in this life, not money.
A day of rhythm, gradually changing direction under the guidance of the body wisdom.
A day of vitality.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
5 Lizard, Sunday
A good day to feel connected to an intelligence within you that transcends the boundaries of your separate self.
There is a coherent intention for your life encoded into every photon you absorb.
The Cosmos is holographic and the divine intelligence is fractally encoded into every particle -- and most accessible in every photon.
Today, receive the Light. Gather energy, hold energy and know energy is intelligent.
Your life has a basic plan and that plan is part of a basic pattern for evolutionary unfoldment.
To be actively co-creating our reality, we need intent. Intent is far more than a decision formed in the mind, it is decision that is aligned with our deeper feelings and soul purpose.
It is particularly challenging at the moment to have this alignment because there is a storm on the astral planes, the emotional realm of Earth, due to the cosmic influx. The imperative for our species to survive and evolve is triggering the extreme polarities of the collective emotional realms.
Today is a good opportunity to find some alignment, to summons up intent.
There is a coherent intention for your life encoded into every photon you absorb.
The Cosmos is holographic and the divine intelligence is fractally encoded into every particle -- and most accessible in every photon.
Today, receive the Light. Gather energy, hold energy and know energy is intelligent.
Your life has a basic plan and that plan is part of a basic pattern for evolutionary unfoldment.
To be actively co-creating our reality, we need intent. Intent is far more than a decision formed in the mind, it is decision that is aligned with our deeper feelings and soul purpose.
It is particularly challenging at the moment to have this alignment because there is a storm on the astral planes, the emotional realm of Earth, due to the cosmic influx. The imperative for our species to survive and evolve is triggering the extreme polarities of the collective emotional realms.
Today is a good opportunity to find some alignment, to summons up intent.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
4 Foredawn, Saturday
Create a space for light; locate some inner darkness and sit with it. The foundation for ones' enlightenment is the allowance of the vacuum that you can maintain. Set the parameters of the void within you, a void of expectancy that you yourself deliberately hold.
Make the space for space, make the time for timelessness, use your will to step outside your activities.
This could mean a change of action as well if there is something you have been putting off doing.
Have you been looking after your home and/or your soul, if not bring your consciousness home, bring your consciousness into your emotional sanctuary.
Secure your space in whatever way it needs securing.
Create a space for light; locate some inner darkness and sit with it. The foundation for ones' enlightenment is the allowance of the vacuum that you can maintain. Set the parameters of the void within you, a void of expectancy that you yourself deliberately hold.
Make the space for space, make the time for timelessness, use your will to step outside your activities.
This could mean a change of action as well if there is something you have been putting off doing.
Have you been looking after your home and/or your soul, if not bring your consciousness home, bring your consciousness into your emotional sanctuary.
Secure your space in whatever way it needs securing.
Friday, 2 December 2016
3 Wind, Friday
A day of ideas forming, communications building. Exploration of the
mind, as you get in touch with your true expression, feeling the
movement of the spirit breathe upon your psyche, stimulating the deep
unconscious through the interplay of light and shadow.
A day of dynamic communications and thoughts. Moving out of polarity through discernment, ideas ricochet back and forth, judgements swing one way then another to create the energy for choice.
The fickleness of the mind is a reflection of the constant dynamism of Yin and Yang, the trial and error of creation. Watch your inconsistencies with detachment and you will also discern the emergence of true intention.
A day of dynamic communications and thoughts. Moving out of polarity through discernment, ideas ricochet back and forth, judgements swing one way then another to create the energy for choice.
The fickleness of the mind is a reflection of the constant dynamism of Yin and Yang, the trial and error of creation. Watch your inconsistencies with detachment and you will also discern the emergence of true intention.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
2 Crocodile, Thursday
Accepting the existential aspect of existence
Today offers you the opportunity to accept without guilt, judgement or blame that the full polarity of your life right now, as it IS, is a result of the totality frequency of your energy. This profound acceptance opens the door to becoming a true sovereign of your own life experience.
Your life is a direct result of the sum totality of your energy, ie your choices on every level of your psyche.
The Law of Attraction is basically true, but it takes more than momentary desire to manifest because of the intentions and desires that are locked into the unconscious from previous excitements, and when we say previous we also mean pre-and past life. The bigger the dream, the more persistence is required to overcome the objections within us...but often, not always those objections to our heated desire have value.
So, when we look at our lives in all of its fullness we can appreciate the full spectrum of choices (many invisible to us right now) that have brought is here now. The momentary mind will react with frustration at the suggestion we created the limitations we experience, but if we can recognize the fullness of our life as it stands we can move into the space of acceptance and of course... gratitude.
Enjoyment of existential reality--life as art in its mundane expression--versus a need to change and grow.
Within the most mundane of circumstances lies the most extraordinary of realities; likewise the 'matter of fact' is found within the bizarre circuses of the universe.
Today offers you the opportunity to accept without guilt, judgement or blame that the full polarity of your life right now, as it IS, is a result of the totality frequency of your energy. This profound acceptance opens the door to becoming a true sovereign of your own life experience.
Your life is a direct result of the sum totality of your energy, ie your choices on every level of your psyche.
The Law of Attraction is basically true, but it takes more than momentary desire to manifest because of the intentions and desires that are locked into the unconscious from previous excitements, and when we say previous we also mean pre-and past life. The bigger the dream, the more persistence is required to overcome the objections within us...but often, not always those objections to our heated desire have value.
So, when we look at our lives in all of its fullness we can appreciate the full spectrum of choices (many invisible to us right now) that have brought is here now. The momentary mind will react with frustration at the suggestion we created the limitations we experience, but if we can recognize the fullness of our life as it stands we can move into the space of acceptance and of course... gratitude.
Enjoyment of existential reality--life as art in its mundane expression--versus a need to change and grow.
Within the most mundane of circumstances lies the most extraordinary of realities; likewise the 'matter of fact' is found within the bizarre circuses of the universe.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
1 Flower, Wednesday with the new moon
The timewave of Flower, Lord or Sun brings you the consciousness of your
sovereign being-ness. The totality of your being attracts everything
into your life; the totality of your being, the whole spectrum, provides
you with your life experience.
Connect to yourself now, accepting who you are, as you are at this moment as the foundation for your sovereign power. Too often we are told that we need things, we need this training or that qualification or we need years of therapy , or we need salvation via the priest, etc, but your life force, your connection to life is yours and is immediately available.
The Power of Light, the real power of creation, is the subtle energy and consciousness of LIGHT.
Light contains all frequencies.
Today begins 13 Days to become more conscious of how you are sovereign of your life experience.
Move into vibrational resonance with that which you desire by feeling that you already have it. If you truly desire it -- from the depths of your being -- the feeling of having-ness will make you feel happy. Be that which your heart desires.
Light is subtle. The subtle is the real power, all else follows.
Connect to yourself now, accepting who you are, as you are at this moment as the foundation for your sovereign power. Too often we are told that we need things, we need this training or that qualification or we need years of therapy , or we need salvation via the priest, etc, but your life force, your connection to life is yours and is immediately available.
The Power of Light, the real power of creation, is the subtle energy and consciousness of LIGHT.
Light contains all frequencies.
Today begins 13 Days to become more conscious of how you are sovereign of your life experience.
Move into vibrational resonance with that which you desire by feeling that you already have it. If you truly desire it -- from the depths of your being -- the feeling of having-ness will make you feel happy. Be that which your heart desires.
Light is subtle. The subtle is the real power, all else follows.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
13 Storm, Tuesday
Letting go as usual on Day 13, but as this is a dark moon day and a storm day we asked to release all attachments, all assumptions and separation stories. Release anger and
frustration by allowing it and then pushing through it. Chaos brings
freedom; you
pay with uncertainty, but can tap into the unlimited energy supply of
Reality is compartmentalized. When one compartment becomes too inhibitory, we are offered the chance to break free from its constraints -- this takes effort. However, today you get a glimpse of the intrinsic simplicity of releasing the self from the rigid context boxes.
All perceptions of reality are partial. Enjoy the rejuvenation of recognizing that potentiality is always present. No matter how it looks, life is bigger.
If you are inspired in a diverse and scattered manner today take heart, any form of overwhelm will allow you to integrate on a higher level in the next timewave.
A day of freeing the self.
Release the self and allow your energy to return.
New Moon in HK at 20:19 (12:19gmt) so for people in England the Storm day will have two faces, release, let go of everything followed by revitalizing energy for a myriad of the aspects of life. In HK this evening as the New Moon comes in we will feel the early vibration of Flower.
Reality is compartmentalized. When one compartment becomes too inhibitory, we are offered the chance to break free from its constraints -- this takes effort. However, today you get a glimpse of the intrinsic simplicity of releasing the self from the rigid context boxes.
All perceptions of reality are partial. Enjoy the rejuvenation of recognizing that potentiality is always present. No matter how it looks, life is bigger.
If you are inspired in a diverse and scattered manner today take heart, any form of overwhelm will allow you to integrate on a higher level in the next timewave.
A day of freeing the self.
Release the self and allow your energy to return.
New Moon in HK at 20:19 (12:19gmt) so for people in England the Storm day will have two faces, release, let go of everything followed by revitalizing energy for a myriad of the aspects of life. In HK this evening as the New Moon comes in we will feel the early vibration of Flower.
Monday, 28 November 2016
12 Obsidian, Monday, as we move towards the end of the moon cycle
A good day to understand the multiple dimensions of reality are both
compartmentalized and separate from each other to some degree yet have a
fractal reflective relationship with each other. Each dimensions is a
reflection of others but in a fuzzy form.
A good day to see truth with absolute clarity on one dimension of reality, knowing with equal clarity that this insight does not totally apply, not exactly to the next dimension ... truth is reflected and distorted on each of the multiple realms, but what is true on one level, is true for now on that level.
“The Self sufficiency of existence on each separate level of being”
Dr Marc Edmund Jones
Consciousness reflects upon itself all the way up and all the way down the epic construct of creation. Each level of reality is a diffracted reflection of light and consciousness.
The Deer timewave asks us to know where we hold on and where we let go. Today, understand where it is you are supposed to control and hold energy; this is your niche.
Deer or Hand is the sign of the Mayan Daykeeper. Assiduous focus for a short time on this system organically initiates you as a 'daykeeper'.
The unlimited diversity of all consciousness and form in existence is processed by the human psyche through various levels. Each level of the psyche steps down, decodes filters and translates with its own appropriate level of complexity.
The unfolding manifestation of consciousness requires an oscillating focus of consciousness. The basic structure of our civilizations utilizes various calibrations including a seven day repeating cycle of planetary frequencies—Sunday-Sun’s day, Monday-Moon’s day, Tuesday-Mars’ day, Wednesday-Mercury’s day, Thursday-Jupiter’s day, Friday-Venus’s day, Saturday-Saturn’s day.
In the Tzolkin the dance of frequencies and calibrations is far more complex with the 20 day Signs and 13 Tones. The dance of diversity spirals and rotates in multiple directions taking you towards radial time consciousness. Another way of understanding radial time, is quite simply through contemplating fractals. The Mayan calendar is a strongly fractal system, the numbers of the tzolkin can be found within many planetary cycles as well as the Galactic cycle.
To calibrate your consciousness with the Terrestrial-Galactic interface requires a relatively short period of focus considering our life time of standard time conditioning.
If you follow the calendar and put some energy into the system, you will encode the system into your energy field quite strongly by 520 days. The process is especially powerfully if you draw the glyphs each day and do some free association with the sign as part of your daily journalling.
After the Chiron return at around 52 years of age people often have a golden period of integration. 52 is the common frequency between the normal calendar and the Tzolkin. Seven multiples of 52 gives us the Solar year, 52 weeks in a year, five multiples of 52 gives us our 260 days.
A good day to see truth with absolute clarity on one dimension of reality, knowing with equal clarity that this insight does not totally apply, not exactly to the next dimension ... truth is reflected and distorted on each of the multiple realms, but what is true on one level, is true for now on that level.
“The Self sufficiency of existence on each separate level of being”
Dr Marc Edmund Jones
Consciousness reflects upon itself all the way up and all the way down the epic construct of creation. Each level of reality is a diffracted reflection of light and consciousness.
The Deer timewave asks us to know where we hold on and where we let go. Today, understand where it is you are supposed to control and hold energy; this is your niche.
Deer or Hand is the sign of the Mayan Daykeeper. Assiduous focus for a short time on this system organically initiates you as a 'daykeeper'.
The unlimited diversity of all consciousness and form in existence is processed by the human psyche through various levels. Each level of the psyche steps down, decodes filters and translates with its own appropriate level of complexity.
The unfolding manifestation of consciousness requires an oscillating focus of consciousness. The basic structure of our civilizations utilizes various calibrations including a seven day repeating cycle of planetary frequencies—Sunday-Sun’s day, Monday-Moon’s day, Tuesday-Mars’ day, Wednesday-Mercury’s day, Thursday-Jupiter’s day, Friday-Venus’s day, Saturday-Saturn’s day.
In the Tzolkin the dance of frequencies and calibrations is far more complex with the 20 day Signs and 13 Tones. The dance of diversity spirals and rotates in multiple directions taking you towards radial time consciousness. Another way of understanding radial time, is quite simply through contemplating fractals. The Mayan calendar is a strongly fractal system, the numbers of the tzolkin can be found within many planetary cycles as well as the Galactic cycle.
To calibrate your consciousness with the Terrestrial-Galactic interface requires a relatively short period of focus considering our life time of standard time conditioning.
If you follow the calendar and put some energy into the system, you will encode the system into your energy field quite strongly by 520 days. The process is especially powerfully if you draw the glyphs each day and do some free association with the sign as part of your daily journalling.
After the Chiron return at around 52 years of age people often have a golden period of integration. 52 is the common frequency between the normal calendar and the Tzolkin. Seven multiples of 52 gives us the Solar year, 52 weeks in a year, five multiples of 52 gives us our 260 days.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
11 Earthmover, Sunday
A day to release pressures building in the unconscious and
open doors that lead you beyond stuck polarities. The door opens into the field of light, the holographic aspect of your psyche.
As ever on all Earthmover days, follow the synchronic
ripples you encounter, as they are your personal interactions with the
movements in the time/space field.
Keywords for today are flexibility, adaptability and
spontaneity. Today brings the opportunity to slide through a crack into a new
opportunity -- if you get pushed one way, follow that momentum through the
revolving door of the electromagnetic energy field.
Recalibration of your energy through stepping to the side...
the door will appear; it will be subtle, but if you are tuned into this 260-day
frequency you will be alerted. Set yourself an alarm.
Perhaps use a simple affirmation of "Earthmover, change
direction Now." Say it now. It can act as your subconscious alarm-call when
the door opens today.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
10 Vulture or Owl, Saturday
Today a profound sense of your personal truth can emerge in your awareness, a truth that is balanced.
Alternatively, a position that you have decided upon recently, can be seen more fully due to the revealed contrast of feelings, perception or needs that you hold in your psyche.
When to hold, when to let go?
Be still, then...
Today you will see what you need to grasp and hold onto.
Coherent truth manifests. This is an expression of your essence, this is your strength.
Today is a day of strength. Today is a day to acknowledge the appearance of true strength.
Hold your ground and realize your power, the power that is natural and divine and in accord with all that is good.
Be still, be the peace...
Happy Birthday Jenny!
Alternatively, a position that you have decided upon recently, can be seen more fully due to the revealed contrast of feelings, perception or needs that you hold in your psyche.
When to hold, when to let go?
Be still, then...
Today you will see what you need to grasp and hold onto.
Coherent truth manifests. This is an expression of your essence, this is your strength.
Today is a day of strength. Today is a day to acknowledge the appearance of true strength.
Hold your ground and realize your power, the power that is natural and divine and in accord with all that is good.
Be still, be the peace...
Happy Birthday Jenny!
Friday, 25 November 2016
9 Eagle, Friday
Eagle 9 is a day of penetrating clarity of thought as we confront
startling truths. Eagle 9 is a day of power and vision yet it also has the
compassion that comes from a profound spiritual truth. The truth that
the world is enchanting, that from the spirits point of view this is a
The illusion of the world is permanence, the game is full of deceptions but we take part in those deceptions, why? The world is an enchantment, and we are waking up slowly to the nature of the virtuality of reality.
Eagle 9 is about flying above the polarities that lie below, whilst integrating heart and mind. Compassionate yet discerning thought yields the rewards today, as you feel fully awake in the realm between Heaven and Earth.
Time cycles reveal themselves on day nines. In the 2012 era, which is where we are, there is an opportunity to understand time on a whole new level. You may well gain some inspiration in this area today.
Today pay attention to any image that catches your imagination, it can serve as a portal.
The illusion of the world is permanence, the game is full of deceptions but we take part in those deceptions, why? The world is an enchantment, and we are waking up slowly to the nature of the virtuality of reality.
Eagle 9 is about flying above the polarities that lie below, whilst integrating heart and mind. Compassionate yet discerning thought yields the rewards today, as you feel fully awake in the realm between Heaven and Earth.
Time cycles reveal themselves on day nines. In the 2012 era, which is where we are, there is an opportunity to understand time on a whole new level. You may well gain some inspiration in this area today.
Today pay attention to any image that catches your imagination, it can serve as a portal.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
8 Jaguar, Thursday
Commit to your shamanic instincts as an integral part of navigating the
world we live in. It is easy to get swept along with the technological
perspective on life and devalue the foundation of material existence the
body as product of the natural world.
Stay alert and call upon Earth Magic, for you are a warrior protector of this vital beautiful and precious planet and we need you in your power.
Navigating reality requires the ability to face and accept the Shadow — both within yourself and within your friends, your family, your lover and the mother of all scary shadows of the world we live in — without getting lost in the admittedly undeniable darkness and seeing it as all there is.
The light is stronger and the shaman within you knows this instinctively.
The Galactic awakening of the 2012 era requires this level of commitment from an increasing number of us.
What we need is humour and acceptance, openness of mind and a radical playful spirit in a world of relative truth, dark powerful agendas and social confusion. The dark game is a smaller context than the Light of Creation, which infuses our everyday lives.
Commit to playing in the game of duality whilst connecting to the unity through your body intelligence. Get out into nature if you can.
Stay alert and call upon Earth Magic, for you are a warrior protector of this vital beautiful and precious planet and we need you in your power.
Navigating reality requires the ability to face and accept the Shadow — both within yourself and within your friends, your family, your lover and the mother of all scary shadows of the world we live in — without getting lost in the admittedly undeniable darkness and seeing it as all there is.
The light is stronger and the shaman within you knows this instinctively.
The Galactic awakening of the 2012 era requires this level of commitment from an increasing number of us.
What we need is humour and acceptance, openness of mind and a radical playful spirit in a world of relative truth, dark powerful agendas and social confusion. The dark game is a smaller context than the Light of Creation, which infuses our everyday lives.
Commit to playing in the game of duality whilst connecting to the unity through your body intelligence. Get out into nature if you can.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
7 Reed, Wednesday
On day 7 the energy of the timewave that resonates with heaven and earth
is revealed. 7 days have a magical resonant feeling; there is an
awareness of 'as above, so below', or a sense of the timeless moment
being present in the day through the filter of the Glyph. The inherent
ethic of creation is present on day 7 in all timewaves. Seven is the
resonance with wholeness, not in absolute detail or high sophistication,
but it does reveal the general soft focus view of the whole.
The Deer timewave reveals its energy as being resonant with the observer mind today.
You can get a good detached view of your whole life today, whilst still operating and enjoying the mundane or ''normal' level of reality.
A good day to move into resonance with a higher perspective of reality, whilst functioning in a normal everyday kind of way. Your actions can feel in accord with the divine will.
The Deer timewave reveals its energy as being resonant with the observer mind today.
You can get a good detached view of your whole life today, whilst still operating and enjoying the mundane or ''normal' level of reality.
A good day to move into resonance with a higher perspective of reality, whilst functioning in a normal everyday kind of way. Your actions can feel in accord with the divine will.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
6 Good Road, Tuesday
Open yourself to the flow. Affluence is being in the flow, regardless of
your bank balance; just be open enough to allow the flow.
The road ahead opens up through people. Stay open to people and you are living abundantly -- simple, but sometimes challenging.
A day of understated harmony and rhythm on the Mayan Galactic frequency.
Flowing in a direction yet going with the swirls.
Surrender to the stream.
The road ahead opens up through people. Stay open to people and you are living abundantly -- simple, but sometimes challenging.
A day of understated harmony and rhythm on the Mayan Galactic frequency.
Flowing in a direction yet going with the swirls.
Surrender to the stream.
Monday, 21 November 2016
5 Monkey, Monday
The Deer timewave is about navigating the ever-changing emergent world.
This consciousness is the recognition of the unpredictable nature of
life's exact unfoldment. Monkey is the spirit who is at home with the
truth of the trickster, whose domain is in the details and lateral
potentials. Monkey is at home here because Monkey is a creative
Come back to that part within you that knows life really is a game. Radiating out from the centre of your being is your own freewill, which is a monkey unto itself.
Today, recognize the truth that outcomes may not be exactly what we expect (notably in regards to specific timing of manifestations); this will keep us alert and awake. The universe is always generating randomness within the context of its overall directions.
Today is also a good day to be conscious of the many faces that life shows us. All masks veil and express the unified consciousness. Empower yourself by accepting that the trickster Monkey is an essential part of creation.
Come back to that part within you that knows life really is a game. Radiating out from the centre of your being is your own freewill, which is a monkey unto itself.
Today, recognize the truth that outcomes may not be exactly what we expect (notably in regards to specific timing of manifestations); this will keep us alert and awake. The universe is always generating randomness within the context of its overall directions.
Today is also a good day to be conscious of the many faces that life shows us. All masks veil and express the unified consciousness. Empower yourself by accepting that the trickster Monkey is an essential part of creation.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
4 Dog, Sunday
The foundation for the elastic strength of the Deer timewave starts with
emotional security. Feel the emotional boundary you operate within.
We all have our family, including ancestral, friends and work colleagues.
Today, recognize the feeling of belonging that you enjoy through the people you find yourself with.
This day is a day to truly feel into your emotional needs, all of them, as a way of recognizing that your foundation is your emotional body. Feeling and accepting the emotional body is not the same as reacting to and living according to the dictates of the emotional kaleidoscope, feel it all as the juice within you, hold onto the impulses.
A good day to recognize and consciously set and embrace your own emotional limits.
We all have our family, including ancestral, friends and work colleagues.
Today, recognize the feeling of belonging that you enjoy through the people you find yourself with.
This day is a day to truly feel into your emotional needs, all of them, as a way of recognizing that your foundation is your emotional body. Feeling and accepting the emotional body is not the same as reacting to and living according to the dictates of the emotional kaleidoscope, feel it all as the juice within you, hold onto the impulses.
A good day to recognize and consciously set and embrace your own emotional limits.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
3 Water, Saturday
Transmissions and emanations from the soul.
A general sense of charged emotional energy, anticipation, agitation, anxiety or excitement without a definite discernible reason is present today. Hold it lightly; this is the engine of your soul revving up and warming up.
Alternatively, today feel the flow of energy as one thing gradually flows into another; see the day as a wave form or as wave forms, cresting and falling, then rising again. To stay in the flow, utilize the power of Water and offer yourself to life. Be ready to give to the moment and to share.
Allow deeper feeling to surface and you will find that you can quite naturally communicate from the soul, cleansing hidden emotions whilst giving permission to others to do the same.
Allow different areas of concern or interest to merge and overlap. Stay in the flow and you will find that staccato or oscillating thoughts, fueled by tension and adrenaline, will dissolve into natural movement. A day of confluence.
Offer gratitude to life and release tension with simple evocations of acceptance and feel a connectivity that is fluid yet strong. Adaption is spiritual power.
A general sense of charged emotional energy, anticipation, agitation, anxiety or excitement without a definite discernible reason is present today. Hold it lightly; this is the engine of your soul revving up and warming up.
Alternatively, today feel the flow of energy as one thing gradually flows into another; see the day as a wave form or as wave forms, cresting and falling, then rising again. To stay in the flow, utilize the power of Water and offer yourself to life. Be ready to give to the moment and to share.
Allow deeper feeling to surface and you will find that you can quite naturally communicate from the soul, cleansing hidden emotions whilst giving permission to others to do the same.
Allow different areas of concern or interest to merge and overlap. Stay in the flow and you will find that staccato or oscillating thoughts, fueled by tension and adrenaline, will dissolve into natural movement. A day of confluence.
Offer gratitude to life and release tension with simple evocations of acceptance and feel a connectivity that is fluid yet strong. Adaption is spiritual power.
Friday, 18 November 2016
2 Rabbit, Friday
The diversity of all that attracts us can overwhelm us with promise,
opportunity, beauty, brilliance, splendour and bliss -- it is all too
much if we try to grasp.
All that glitters is not gold, and yet the sparkle of life is a reflection of divinity and is here for us to enjoy and celebrate.
Today you can feel the promise, the pull and attraction of opposing forms and appearances. You may hear a desperate call within you to attend to one thing and negate another. On 2 days we can feel the duality inherent in our life. The multiplicity of appealing entertainment and urgent needs is actually a reminder of how extraordinarily abundant and omni-directional life truly is.
Focus primarily on the vortex within the centre of it all; this is the white hole that gives birth to the abundance of all that is in your life.
Today, enjoy some diversity without getting sucked into one reality tunnel.
All that glitters is not gold, and yet the sparkle of life is a reflection of divinity and is here for us to enjoy and celebrate.
Today you can feel the promise, the pull and attraction of opposing forms and appearances. You may hear a desperate call within you to attend to one thing and negate another. On 2 days we can feel the duality inherent in our life. The multiplicity of appealing entertainment and urgent needs is actually a reminder of how extraordinarily abundant and omni-directional life truly is.
Focus primarily on the vortex within the centre of it all; this is the white hole that gives birth to the abundance of all that is in your life.
Today, enjoy some diversity without getting sucked into one reality tunnel.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
1 Deer, Thursday
After Jaguar timewave comes the timewave of Deer, starting today.
In the next 13 days, the Mayan Sacred Calendar guides you in the art of control. This timewave is a chance to learn the ability to respond appropriately to life; to know when to hold on and when to let go.
Deer or Hand is elusive and graceful, yet deceptively strong. So begins 13 days to awaken your spiritual power and nobility. The lesson of Deer is how to follow the ebb and flow of energies, which requires an ability to have the correct degree and balance of tension and relaxation, knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Deer utilizes the diversity of organic tools at hand.
Deer is fleeting and yet makes itself known; Deer knows stillness and silence, yet has great speed and vitality.
Navigate the full range of your capabilities and talents, recognize your masculine and feminine traits during this timewave. Deer are natural Daykeepers for they can naturally respond to the rhythmic change of energies. Hold, then release; hold the moment delicately with some alertness.
In the next 13 days, the Mayan Sacred Calendar guides you in the art of control. This timewave is a chance to learn the ability to respond appropriately to life; to know when to hold on and when to let go.
Deer or Hand is elusive and graceful, yet deceptively strong. So begins 13 days to awaken your spiritual power and nobility. The lesson of Deer is how to follow the ebb and flow of energies, which requires an ability to have the correct degree and balance of tension and relaxation, knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Deer utilizes the diversity of organic tools at hand.
Deer is fleeting and yet makes itself known; Deer knows stillness and silence, yet has great speed and vitality.
Navigate the full range of your capabilities and talents, recognize your masculine and feminine traits during this timewave. Deer are natural Daykeepers for they can naturally respond to the rhythmic change of energies. Hold, then release; hold the moment delicately with some alertness.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
13 Skull, Wednesday
Today you find your detachment, that which interests you and that which you own, will not possess you.
Strength of mind to cut through fears by detaching from lower level dramas and willing yourself to transcend to a more freer realm of activity.
Thirteen is the master number of spiraling movement and growth; it is in resonance with the Lunar Cycle and is a Fibonacci number. 13 is the movement into mystery as we leave the orderly and rational temporarily behind. Skull is the power to cut free and start again.
Today, you have the opportunity to cut through illusion, to free the self from unnecessary attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being without undue sentiment..
Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.
Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.
The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.
Strength of mind to cut through fears by detaching from lower level dramas and willing yourself to transcend to a more freer realm of activity.
Thirteen is the master number of spiraling movement and growth; it is in resonance with the Lunar Cycle and is a Fibonacci number. 13 is the movement into mystery as we leave the orderly and rational temporarily behind. Skull is the power to cut free and start again.
Today, you have the opportunity to cut through illusion, to free the self from unnecessary attachments. The teaching of today is to recognize the aspect of the self that is free from obligation and is uncompromising. Although we all have to make adjustments and allowances to be part of the world, there is a line that is drawn which the world cannot cross. Your line is based on your ethics, personal axioms and, ultimately, your unique mode of being without undue sentiment..
Even if you renege a little on that which you reject now -- to allow it in later -- there is great strength in making an energetic stand of rejecting that which you consider to be standing in the way of transformation and growth. This may include social peer group pressures. Do not acquiesce to that which seems to have power over you, if it is not feeding you; yield on the surface if you really have to, but not in the core of your being.
Remember that life is forever changing and you can continually start again and free yourself from anything that is unduly compromising your essence.
The Jaguar timewave ends today. Jaguar is a warrior of the night and is in service to the Earth goddess; Jaguar is a spirit that reveres the wild and natural, who is able to face the darkness and flourish. Jaguar illuminates the shadow with other-dimensional light. Jaguar frees us from the sterilizing aspects of civilization.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
12 Serpent, Tuesday
Understanding the importance of spending time in nature and the vitality it gives you.
Being in the natural body, connected to nature and allowing your mind and emotions to follow the energy that gives you.
A day of understanding the instinctive level of reality. A day where you can connect to your own survival instinct and survival impulse. Today is a good day to recognize how the biorhythms shape our psychology and how they are interlinked with the invisible environment.
The snake is the manifest expression of Kundalini life force, the power to live and evolve. Serpent issues are issues of sex and power. The battle for power in the world takes place on many fronts and includes the agendas of many covert groups on Earth, but ultimately the whole drama of our evolution is part of the cosmic theatre. We exist in a living universe and life is everywhere. Our Kundalini plugs us into the cosmic drama and the evolutionary imperative of creation.
The 2012 effect is a recalibration of the Earth's energy field. The total consciousness of the Human Species Consciousness is a significant, arguably the primary component of the environment we move around within. Our environment is the total planetary organism, as defined by the Earth's energy and consciousness field, that interpenetrates and encompasses the electro-magnetic field.
Our task is to stay conscious and recognize the planetary level of change, by so doing, we come into alignment with the evolutionary necessity, even a small minority of people doing so, will ensure survival and growth. Consciousness awakened resonates with the evolutionary impulse and therefore acts as the conduit for the transformational impulse.
Human culture emits a frequency and the frequency needs to be upgraded. As individuals we cannot take on the responsibility of changing the culture directly, it is overwhelming and the overt power is the hands of lower consciousness, in particular those souls enslaved by power lust.
However as individuals we can act as nodes and conduits, unseen by the external radars, for the energy force to flow through.
Quite simply, recognize the larger view of time and space and connect intellectually, intuitively, emotionally to the evolutionary energy of change that is unmistakable and you are coming into alignment with the life force currents.
Good for you, me and all.
Being in the natural body, connected to nature and allowing your mind and emotions to follow the energy that gives you.
A day of understanding the instinctive level of reality. A day where you can connect to your own survival instinct and survival impulse. Today is a good day to recognize how the biorhythms shape our psychology and how they are interlinked with the invisible environment.
The snake is the manifest expression of Kundalini life force, the power to live and evolve. Serpent issues are issues of sex and power. The battle for power in the world takes place on many fronts and includes the agendas of many covert groups on Earth, but ultimately the whole drama of our evolution is part of the cosmic theatre. We exist in a living universe and life is everywhere. Our Kundalini plugs us into the cosmic drama and the evolutionary imperative of creation.
The 2012 effect is a recalibration of the Earth's energy field. The total consciousness of the Human Species Consciousness is a significant, arguably the primary component of the environment we move around within. Our environment is the total planetary organism, as defined by the Earth's energy and consciousness field, that interpenetrates and encompasses the electro-magnetic field.
Our task is to stay conscious and recognize the planetary level of change, by so doing, we come into alignment with the evolutionary necessity, even a small minority of people doing so, will ensure survival and growth. Consciousness awakened resonates with the evolutionary impulse and therefore acts as the conduit for the transformational impulse.
Human culture emits a frequency and the frequency needs to be upgraded. As individuals we cannot take on the responsibility of changing the culture directly, it is overwhelming and the overt power is the hands of lower consciousness, in particular those souls enslaved by power lust.
However as individuals we can act as nodes and conduits, unseen by the external radars, for the energy force to flow through.
Quite simply, recognize the larger view of time and space and connect intellectually, intuitively, emotionally to the evolutionary energy of change that is unmistakable and you are coming into alignment with the life force currents.
Good for you, me and all.
Monday, 14 November 2016
11 Lizard, Monday
Opening the doors between what are normally compartmentalized realities. A day of modification; allow new energy in.
Seed is the first stage of abundance. All plants, or animals for that matter, produce a disproportionate number of seeds; nature allows for what we call "waste" by producing the seeds for new life in magnificent abundance. The Lizard is a sophisticated absorber of the Sun and has a capacity to store sunlight. Sunlight, and the subtle energy of prana, is the pre-manifest seed of life.
If you feel indebted, today offers the energy for your liberation.
Today is the 11th day of the Jaguar timewave -- the Jaguar timewave is all about an instinctive level of reality. The Jaguar prowls the shadows, the underworld, the night, with a relaxed alertness, knowing that opportunity is omnipresent. Eleven is the number of adaptation of form; it is the open gate, the frequency of the transparency of all form. Today, do not solidify your situation with rationality, instead be of an open mind, be flexible and spontaneous like a cat.
In the shadow of the world, new life, light and opportunity gestate. Be confident about the true abundance of life and allow yourself to absorb. Respond to the glimpses of feeling that life is offering you abundance with a playful and easy affirmative gnosis.
Seed is the first stage of abundance. All plants, or animals for that matter, produce a disproportionate number of seeds; nature allows for what we call "waste" by producing the seeds for new life in magnificent abundance. The Lizard is a sophisticated absorber of the Sun and has a capacity to store sunlight. Sunlight, and the subtle energy of prana, is the pre-manifest seed of life.
If you feel indebted, today offers the energy for your liberation.
Today is the 11th day of the Jaguar timewave -- the Jaguar timewave is all about an instinctive level of reality. The Jaguar prowls the shadows, the underworld, the night, with a relaxed alertness, knowing that opportunity is omnipresent. Eleven is the number of adaptation of form; it is the open gate, the frequency of the transparency of all form. Today, do not solidify your situation with rationality, instead be of an open mind, be flexible and spontaneous like a cat.
In the shadow of the world, new life, light and opportunity gestate. Be confident about the true abundance of life and allow yourself to absorb. Respond to the glimpses of feeling that life is offering you abundance with a playful and easy affirmative gnosis.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
10 Foredawn, Sunday
The subtle almost indefinable presence of the soul is ubiquitous
The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness. The physical world is not a solid. A good day to walk through walls.
The manifestation of the dreamlike space between the worlds.
The Cosmos and the atom are mainly space, but space is an emptiness that is full.
The subject becomes object as you become conscious of the atmosphere. The environment you walk in is an environment of consciousness. The physical world is not a solid. A good day to walk through walls.
The manifestation of the dreamlike space between the worlds.
The Cosmos and the atom are mainly space, but space is an emptiness that is full.
Saturday, 12 November 2016
9 Wind, Saturday
A day of clarity. After the almost undifferentiated energy of Crocodile comes the activator energy of Wind.
9 days are always wake-up calls on some level.
Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? A voice from deep within you, which is a decisive uncompromising activating force and is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche.
You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.
A good day to be decisive.
9 days are always wake-up calls on some level.
Can you hear that booming voice within you, telling you to speak or write with surety? A voice from deep within you, which is a decisive uncompromising activating force and is either welling up or surging to the surface of your psyche.
You remember a truth that comes from beyond time.
A good day to be decisive.
Friday, 11 November 2016
8 Crocodile, Friday 11:11
Today on 8 Crocodile day make the commitment to move into accepting who
you are and feeling the nourishment that life is looking to give to you.
Nurture yourself and others, be patient with your desire to renew your life, set a deep resolve for change that recognizes the reality of how ingrained habits are.
Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going, and feel the viscous emergence of that which is emerging...
A day of commitment to essential acceptance and trust
Nurture yourself and others, be patient with your desire to renew your life, set a deep resolve for change that recognizes the reality of how ingrained habits are.
Activities that emphasize sustenance and maintenance are in accord with the Mayan energy of the day. Practical activities that support the nourishment of your life are highlighted. Keep your life going, and feel the viscous emergence of that which is emerging...
A day of commitment to essential acceptance and trust
Thursday, 10 November 2016
7 Flower, Thursday
A day of feeling the resonance with the subtle light. The frequency of
light you are attuned to could come in many forms -- ancestral guidance,
simple radiance, a sense of power, an opening of the heart. To feel
resonant, keep the day as simple as possible, if you can. Do not be
tempted to expend it all; stay sensitized and allow the natural
flowering to occur and you will shine where it is appropriate.
A day where your divinity is empowered.
Express your sovereignty easily, be in your authority naturally.
Harmonic resonance with your divine light.
The Great Facade!
What a relief that is over with and with some small possible glimmer of hope.
The loser, was biologically a woman, but nothing more and was hell bent on an agenda that serves her masters... WW3.
Whatever puppet gets in...
oh do I need to validate that statement?
Well we have had a good looking charismatic leader in for 8 years, since then millions and millions more innocent people have been killed, 7 countries presently being bombed, the orwellian totalitarian surveillance program has been accelerated and big pharma has continued to gain power over food and health. Oh and the world has been taken to the brink of WW3, oh and lets not forget the evidence for the creation and supply of the terrorist army in the middle east.
Hey, but at least he looked nice and sounds nice.
He is an actor and a very good one, nothing more and this is probably true of the new resident.
Everything that politicians say is carefully scripted by a team of people...think about that, even for Trump I would that opens a door!
Expats are crying in the street of HK, why? They do not understand what it is like for the average person living in UK (Brexit) or USA, people voted to try and change things, they are sick of government, this was the only possible reaction. So the meme I hear is that there are too many stupid people around for democracy to work?
The intelligent swarm, are just parroting mainstream narratives, sounding well reasoned and cultured, but totally without any autonomous thinking, this is what really scares me, the so called intelligent stream of our population are so conditioned... they mean well of course, I understand the logc but its based on a very limited information supply.
The winner is a bigot, a regressive, but maybe the shock will wake up everyone who is hypnotized by the mainstream media illusion, the surface theatre and finally see that the system is in total crisis and the people cannot look to government if they want to change the world and that change has to be about consciousness, research, awareness, investigation, small gatherings and grass roots systemic consciousness from the space of stillness of mind.
When change happens to an individual he regresses to old coping mechanisms, this is what is happening now on a collective level. The old theatre, is completely finished, there is no return, but the world will try everything to find the solution in the old ways, just as any individual does when in crisis.
Bern is a complete dinosaur who had no power, intelligence or courage to call out the criminal candidate when he could, another total sell out or a man of limited nderstanding. She is a dinsosaur and so is the new incumbent. Do not look to the masses or the system, come back to centre and do not let your buttons be pushed.
A day where your divinity is empowered.
Express your sovereignty easily, be in your authority naturally.
Harmonic resonance with your divine light.
The Great Facade!
What a relief that is over with and with some small possible glimmer of hope.
The loser, was biologically a woman, but nothing more and was hell bent on an agenda that serves her masters... WW3.
Whatever puppet gets in...
oh do I need to validate that statement?
Well we have had a good looking charismatic leader in for 8 years, since then millions and millions more innocent people have been killed, 7 countries presently being bombed, the orwellian totalitarian surveillance program has been accelerated and big pharma has continued to gain power over food and health. Oh and the world has been taken to the brink of WW3, oh and lets not forget the evidence for the creation and supply of the terrorist army in the middle east.
Hey, but at least he looked nice and sounds nice.
He is an actor and a very good one, nothing more and this is probably true of the new resident.
Everything that politicians say is carefully scripted by a team of people...think about that, even for Trump I would that opens a door!
Expats are crying in the street of HK, why? They do not understand what it is like for the average person living in UK (Brexit) or USA, people voted to try and change things, they are sick of government, this was the only possible reaction. So the meme I hear is that there are too many stupid people around for democracy to work?
The intelligent swarm, are just parroting mainstream narratives, sounding well reasoned and cultured, but totally without any autonomous thinking, this is what really scares me, the so called intelligent stream of our population are so conditioned... they mean well of course, I understand the logc but its based on a very limited information supply.
The winner is a bigot, a regressive, but maybe the shock will wake up everyone who is hypnotized by the mainstream media illusion, the surface theatre and finally see that the system is in total crisis and the people cannot look to government if they want to change the world and that change has to be about consciousness, research, awareness, investigation, small gatherings and grass roots systemic consciousness from the space of stillness of mind.
When change happens to an individual he regresses to old coping mechanisms, this is what is happening now on a collective level. The old theatre, is completely finished, there is no return, but the world will try everything to find the solution in the old ways, just as any individual does when in crisis.
Bern is a complete dinosaur who had no power, intelligence or courage to call out the criminal candidate when he could, another total sell out or a man of limited nderstanding. She is a dinsosaur and so is the new incumbent. Do not look to the masses or the system, come back to centre and do not let your buttons be pushed.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
6 Storm, Wednesday
Ideally dance through the day. The tension and background chaos keeps you on your toes and keeps you responsive, alert and moving into the new space of freedom that is continually opening up in front of you. Staying one step ahead brings you a sense of exhilaration as you recognize that you enjoy the novelty of the Storm day.
Respond to the deep body impulses, the consciousness within the cellular matrix, as knots within your energy field reveal themselves and then dissolve as you keep on flowing.
Systemically cleanse the soul of concern for the world, clear the negativity, free the mind from the global drama, break free from the matrix throughout the day, acknowledge the emerging fears, darkness and negative hooks that are flying around...keep clearing and breaking free.
Voting machines down, predictable
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
5 Obsidian, Tuesday
"Though I walk through the valley of shadows"
What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating x-ray eyes of a cat? We see the dark agendas, the lower spectrum frequencies; yet we know that this is just the terrain we walk through into the illuminated landscape.
The smoky mirror of romantic yearnings and infinite possibilities comes with the sadness of never being able to fully embody all potential.
We incarnate through a funnelling vortex. The vortex is a darkening veil of forgetfulness that spirals down to a point of light, which is the Star Gate that we pierce as the soul jumps through into the physical world.
Today, listen to the courage of your heart to look through the dark mirror and smoky veils to see the light source.
Today, more of your soul seeks to incarnate or descend into form, into the light of day.
A good day to turn obstacles into opportunity through being centred and reflecting back energy, a negative carries the seeds of a positive within it, just turn it inside out.
The whole world is permeated with the dark mist that is being evoked around this election, as individuals, we can only be quiet now, as the reactive energy is fully triggered. Find your own centre and move through the smoke as best you can
What do we see when we look out into the world with the penetrating x-ray eyes of a cat? We see the dark agendas, the lower spectrum frequencies; yet we know that this is just the terrain we walk through into the illuminated landscape.
The smoky mirror of romantic yearnings and infinite possibilities comes with the sadness of never being able to fully embody all potential.
We incarnate through a funnelling vortex. The vortex is a darkening veil of forgetfulness that spirals down to a point of light, which is the Star Gate that we pierce as the soul jumps through into the physical world.
Today, listen to the courage of your heart to look through the dark mirror and smoky veils to see the light source.
Today, more of your soul seeks to incarnate or descend into form, into the light of day.
A good day to turn obstacles into opportunity through being centred and reflecting back energy, a negative carries the seeds of a positive within it, just turn it inside out.
The whole world is permeated with the dark mist that is being evoked around this election, as individuals, we can only be quiet now, as the reactive energy is fully triggered. Find your own centre and move through the smoke as best you can
Monday, 7 November 2016
4 Earthmover, Monday
What energy are you drawing from the Earth? What are your roots and what
has taken root in your life? Survival is dependent upon connecting
through the body into the Earth force.
The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life - and in life in general - is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding. However the life force impulse is coherent and is underlying the shifting terrain.
Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.
The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.
The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?
Create roots in the shifting context, find your own sovereign connection whilst navigating the fluctuating social environment, the world is in high flux due to the evolutionary change we are in the midst of it, it is down to each of us to create our own foundation each and every day.
Today is a great day for synchronizing your field with your own energetic foundation.
The basic imprint of the evolutionary agenda in your life - and in life in general - is present in this day. Life is forever changing. Today you can recognize how the tectonic plates of reality are constantly moving and sliding. However the life force impulse is coherent and is underlying the shifting terrain.
Today you sense an enduring underlying interconnection. A re-occurring idea or feeling that you have had throughout your life resurfaces into your awareness.
The 260-day pulse of the Sacred Mayan Calendar reveals the Galactic pulse on Earth.
The associations of the Gregorian Calendar, with its 24-hour clock, 7-day week and 12-month year, weave solid baskets of thought all around us. Can you walk in this contextual structure and yet also awaken to the numinous potency of the 260-day vibration?
Create roots in the shifting context, find your own sovereign connection whilst navigating the fluctuating social environment, the world is in high flux due to the evolutionary change we are in the midst of it, it is down to each of us to create our own foundation each and every day.
Today is a great day for synchronizing your field with your own energetic foundation.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
3 Vulture, Sunday
A day to feel energized by your power. If you get connected to the Mayan frequency today, you feel strong and confident.
The key phrase is 'coming into alignment'. Draw upon the wisdom of the past, or your innate wisdom, to feel the move towards the centre. The central column within you carries the essence of all that you have experienced.
A day of moving towards an integrated confidence; a confidence based not on arrogance, but based on your experience.
A good day to validate and reinforce that which you know. Recognize your life experience gives you authority to be the author of your life.
There is a need to go forward with resolute strength, knowing the social terrain is uncertain as energy is being released from all outworn structures. Fortune favours those who can keep on reconnecting to their centre on a daily basis and moving forward with sacred warrior attitude tempered with elasticity.
We have to accept the world is in a state of massive change and that there is an air of uncertainty and fragility and yet the possibility of an incremental jump forward . From this foundation of knowledge we can find the resolve to work with the energy and prosper. It is not a time to be weak or to seek excuses -- if you can continually refind your strength on a daily basis you will enjoy this year, but personal responsibility to your sovereign calling is required. Feel the pulse that comes from within you; do not expect the social environment to be a comfort. Stay away from the mob and be your own person, for all our sake.
Quiet resolve, open alertness, determination to keep coming back to the core, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on stepping forward. Feel the force of a highly energized environment and adapt to it and it will befriend you. Life wants change.
The key phrase is 'coming into alignment'. Draw upon the wisdom of the past, or your innate wisdom, to feel the move towards the centre. The central column within you carries the essence of all that you have experienced.
A day of moving towards an integrated confidence; a confidence based not on arrogance, but based on your experience.
A good day to validate and reinforce that which you know. Recognize your life experience gives you authority to be the author of your life.
There is a need to go forward with resolute strength, knowing the social terrain is uncertain as energy is being released from all outworn structures. Fortune favours those who can keep on reconnecting to their centre on a daily basis and moving forward with sacred warrior attitude tempered with elasticity.
We have to accept the world is in a state of massive change and that there is an air of uncertainty and fragility and yet the possibility of an incremental jump forward . From this foundation of knowledge we can find the resolve to work with the energy and prosper. It is not a time to be weak or to seek excuses -- if you can continually refind your strength on a daily basis you will enjoy this year, but personal responsibility to your sovereign calling is required. Feel the pulse that comes from within you; do not expect the social environment to be a comfort. Stay away from the mob and be your own person, for all our sake.
Quiet resolve, open alertness, determination to keep coming back to the core, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on stepping forward. Feel the force of a highly energized environment and adapt to it and it will befriend you. Life wants change.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
2 Eagle, Saturday
Today, dual visions compete in your soul; two futures present
themselves. This is a good day to see the inherent contrast of your
life, your self, your needs and your aspirations.
Emotional tension can be strong today as your heart tries to reconcile your sense of the ubiquitous duality of life.
The underworld door has opened and the world has two visions, one is dystopian the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.
Day Two is about polarity and also relationship, the contrast of opposites helps us differentiate and gain great clarity of the whole, leading to a more conscious unity.
Hold the dual forces within you, knowing that this tension is part of the creative process.
Emotional tension can be strong today as your heart tries to reconcile your sense of the ubiquitous duality of life.
The underworld door has opened and the world has two visions, one is dystopian the other is egalitarian abundance. Within this polarity lies creativity from the friction, but the good should win out over all.
Day Two is about polarity and also relationship, the contrast of opposites helps us differentiate and gain great clarity of the whole, leading to a more conscious unity.
Hold the dual forces within you, knowing that this tension is part of the creative process.
Friday, 4 November 2016
1 Jaguar, Friday
Thirteen days ahead in which you can experience the enchanting nature of
reality. Jaguar consciousness pulls you into the evocative environment,
the captivating and seductive magical thread that runs throughout
existence. Reality is enchanting, the world of rationality is
interesting but the mind-dominated reality of our society is a limited
and watered-down version of existence.
The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and feel connected.
13 days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.
The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection – images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.
Instinctive sovereign power, the courage to be who you are without apology and alert to the fact that everything you need right now is available right now.
Are you riding the waves?
Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.
The Jaguar Timewave brings you into the experience of how everything is alive; this is vitalizing and electric. Life is visceral and this gives you the opportunity to cut through outworn defences and feel connected.
13 days of Catlike instinctive connection begins today; a chance to be responsive to the energy of the Earth and your immediate environment. The energy is more feminine than masculine during this timewave.
The Maya consider the Jaguar to be the Shaman. Instinctive intelligence is body-based telepathic connection – images and thoughts of a telepathic nature arise from the result of visceral connection to the electroplasmic currents that surround you.
Instinctive sovereign power, the courage to be who you are without apology and alert to the fact that everything you need right now is available right now.
Are you riding the waves?
Feel the way the energy of the Sacred Mayan Calendar shifts from one cosmic coordinate to another, teaching you how to shift your assemblage point, as in Toltec Shamanism.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
13 Reed, Thursday
Free the mind from the dictates of necessity and free the soul.
Today the mind might feel scattered; this is veiling the freedom inherent within the day. A good day to construct complex patterns of knowledge, or to acknowledge that a higher level of complexity will emerge after this day.
The higher mind feels free to roam in all directions and observe the abstract. Welcome bizarre thoughts as they push the boundaries of your consciousness deep within the Earth, way out into space and beyond the limits of the normal time restraints. Explore Atlantis, the Akashic records or just enjoy a sense of vitalized intuition.
Expansive Light.
Today energy is in a heightened state of flux, it has a chaotic element which can lead to a new level of organization.
The structures and patterns of life are re-organizing themselves.
Stay connected to the benevolent intent of the life force that over sees all disruption.
Today the mind might feel scattered; this is veiling the freedom inherent within the day. A good day to construct complex patterns of knowledge, or to acknowledge that a higher level of complexity will emerge after this day.
The higher mind feels free to roam in all directions and observe the abstract. Welcome bizarre thoughts as they push the boundaries of your consciousness deep within the Earth, way out into space and beyond the limits of the normal time restraints. Explore Atlantis, the Akashic records or just enjoy a sense of vitalized intuition.
Expansive Light.
Today energy is in a heightened state of flux, it has a chaotic element which can lead to a new level of organization.
The structures and patterns of life are re-organizing themselves.
Stay connected to the benevolent intent of the life force that over sees all disruption.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
12 Good Road, Wednesday
A day of understanding that is an open-ended understanding, rather than
being conclusive. Enjoy the journey of insights as the adventure
The 12th day of every timewave gives us a clear sense of the message of the whole timewave. Crocodile timewave has a basic theme of nurturing, birthing and female wisdom. The Grass Daykeeper, also known as Human in the new age system, and the Good Road by the indigenous Maya, refers to the abundance of the human community and the universal quality of life's journey. Everyone is on an adventure; the enjoyment of which is dependent upon retaining an openness to life and the possibilities of new adventures around the next bend. What stops this adventure is when the mind becomes fixed and absolute about life -- our own life or the nature of life.
Today embrace the uncertainty of these times and the edge of uncertainty about knowledge and you will be in resonance with the path before humanity.
An edge of uncertainty does not mean you/we know nothing. It is easy in the overwhelming information environment to throw one's arms in the air and announce that all truth is equal and therefore nothing can be embraced. This is a cop out, you have learned much from your life experience and this needs to be honoured. So walk towards the horizon of uncertainty with confidence in what is true for you.
Now open your heart to life before you.
Today, you are an empty vessel on an adventure, willing to receive the nourishment that life is always offering you.
The 12th day of every timewave gives us a clear sense of the message of the whole timewave. Crocodile timewave has a basic theme of nurturing, birthing and female wisdom. The Grass Daykeeper, also known as Human in the new age system, and the Good Road by the indigenous Maya, refers to the abundance of the human community and the universal quality of life's journey. Everyone is on an adventure; the enjoyment of which is dependent upon retaining an openness to life and the possibilities of new adventures around the next bend. What stops this adventure is when the mind becomes fixed and absolute about life -- our own life or the nature of life.
Today embrace the uncertainty of these times and the edge of uncertainty about knowledge and you will be in resonance with the path before humanity.
An edge of uncertainty does not mean you/we know nothing. It is easy in the overwhelming information environment to throw one's arms in the air and announce that all truth is equal and therefore nothing can be embraced. This is a cop out, you have learned much from your life experience and this needs to be honoured. So walk towards the horizon of uncertainty with confidence in what is true for you.
Now open your heart to life before you.
Today, you are an empty vessel on an adventure, willing to receive the nourishment that life is always offering you.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
11 Monkey, Tuesday. First day in the new moon, with a theme of magic, evocation and the romance of the soul
Today is a day to loosen up. Trickery and cosmic humour force you to
play, whether you want to or not. See the funny side. Be lateral. Today is a strange mix that offers a chance for
fresh inspiration, if you can let go the mind's obsessive need for
Today you are being asked to create some space for more expression, more emotional elasticity. It is less about conclusions and solutions, more about spontaneity and laughter -- perhaps a little twisted, quirky or delightfully perverse.
Unusually nurturing your soul, for the soul needs to be elastic if it is to flourish.
Monkey frees up the emotional body today in the 260 day count. Allow yourself to be more imaginative about the world we live in and the nature of time and space.
The 260 day Tzolkin is the calendrical calibration of the soul's cosmic nature as it interfaces with our density. Which is to also to say that the Tzolkin is the key to understanding the galactic interface with Earth and this is the 'secret' of the 2012 era. Although we can all see the sociological and environmental effects of the 2012 phenomenon, the essence of 2012 is a re-calibration of the Earth with the Galaxy creating an evolutionary imperative to raise consciousness in the decades after 2012 itself.
One of the more obvious effects is an alteration to the temporal substance--we seem to have less time in a day. The consensual timeframe that we experience at present is losing energy and a less dense level of experience/consciousness with a larger timeframe is being empowered. Those who have their self interest heavily invested in the outgoing density are attempting to close the doors to keep us locked into the economic theatre and this density. If enough people shift their focus out of the mainstream economic and political game then the old theatre will dissolve to reveal a more abundant and expansive terrain.
Of course that is easier said than done, but one way or another a new focus and energy attention will emerge, our role is to shift our attention, our energy into alignment with the evolutionary imperative.
Find the role player warrior within, the part of yourself that is strong enough to play the game with a sense of mission and humour.
Today you are being asked to create some space for more expression, more emotional elasticity. It is less about conclusions and solutions, more about spontaneity and laughter -- perhaps a little twisted, quirky or delightfully perverse.
Unusually nurturing your soul, for the soul needs to be elastic if it is to flourish.
Monkey frees up the emotional body today in the 260 day count. Allow yourself to be more imaginative about the world we live in and the nature of time and space.
The 260 day Tzolkin is the calendrical calibration of the soul's cosmic nature as it interfaces with our density. Which is to also to say that the Tzolkin is the key to understanding the galactic interface with Earth and this is the 'secret' of the 2012 era. Although we can all see the sociological and environmental effects of the 2012 phenomenon, the essence of 2012 is a re-calibration of the Earth with the Galaxy creating an evolutionary imperative to raise consciousness in the decades after 2012 itself.
One of the more obvious effects is an alteration to the temporal substance--we seem to have less time in a day. The consensual timeframe that we experience at present is losing energy and a less dense level of experience/consciousness with a larger timeframe is being empowered. Those who have their self interest heavily invested in the outgoing density are attempting to close the doors to keep us locked into the economic theatre and this density. If enough people shift their focus out of the mainstream economic and political game then the old theatre will dissolve to reveal a more abundant and expansive terrain.
Of course that is easier said than done, but one way or another a new focus and energy attention will emerge, our role is to shift our attention, our energy into alignment with the evolutionary imperative.
Find the role player warrior within, the part of yourself that is strong enough to play the game with a sense of mission and humour.
Monday, 31 October 2016
10 Dog, Monday
10 Dog in the Crocodile timewave manifests as our emotional needs being
fully apparent. Today you can see the manifest state of your emotional
body and really feel what it is you really need.
The essential and general needs for us all can be simply stated as being happiness and an avoidance of suffering. These are mostly found through relating to others, whilst having an attitude of gratitude about what is good in our experience right now.
Today is a day of communal emotive connection, or a good day to be peaceful and feel the truth of what you need.
Ask yourself what it is you truly and honestly actually need for yourself.
Need rather than want. The answer will include people.
The essential and general needs for us all can be simply stated as being happiness and an avoidance of suffering. These are mostly found through relating to others, whilst having an attitude of gratitude about what is good in our experience right now.
Today is a day of communal emotive connection, or a good day to be peaceful and feel the truth of what you need.
Ask yourself what it is you truly and honestly actually need for yourself.
Need rather than want. The answer will include people.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
9 Water, Sunday
![]() |
Now is the time to banish all negativity and release all dark spiritual energy back to source for its own liberation |
A good day for conscious cleansing of the soul. A poignant day.
Today is a day of transcendent awakening and soulful reminiscences; a day to give thanks, blessings and make offerings. If deep and maybe disturbing feelings emerge today, change the muddy waters by transcending the disturbance and moving into stillness through feeling that which is good in your life, right now, as it is.
You can regain the peace in your soul and the balance in your psyche quite quickly today, by tuning into gratitude. What are you grateful for?
The story we have of ourselves underpins our reality experience, it contextualizes the physical world, technology and the total social arena.
We are not immune to the total environment and this situation then seeps into our lives in unique, localized and personal ways. Our own small changes and our intimate struggles mirror the profound change of a species transition.
So we have to come back to the moment and be in our own situation with a heightened sense of gratitude, patience and humility for our life as it stands.
Today is a day to reclaim lost feelings and lost soul...
For Those in Hong Kong
Appropriately today at dragonfly we are holding a symposium that can assist in the reclamation of soul, by examining the concept and associated thoughtforms of Karma in order to dissolve it's unnecessary hook in our lives. Not that there are no consequences to actions, but that life is much kinder than the institutionalized authorities, such as religion would like us to believe. (2-6pm only $420)
I am really looking forward to presenting four talks this week, some of which are truly cutting edge...join us at dragonfly, (11f, 222, Des Voeux Road, Sheung Wan opposite Wing On)
Saturday, 29 October 2016
8 Rabbit, Saturday
A day of organized harmony, as the unlimited abundance of Life flows
into a simple manifestation. The macrocosm crystallizes in the
microcosm. The profound funnels into the commonplace. Recognize divinity
and then make light of your day. Commit to beauty.
Acknowledge your prosaic truth, then let go of the preciousness to commit to the surface; make the light of your life be in your life. Today you can experience surprising enjoyment and release from hard work—make it easy for god's sake.
Do what you know you have to do, with a light heart, and today you will find that the energy makes light of your tasks.
All that Glitters is not Gold
In this era there is an important element to Rabbit that we need to consider. The light, beautiful, shiny, novel and exciting, ie all that intoxicates, is not always good. In particular we now have a burgeoning awareness of the dark and manipulative spiritual energies that masquerade as light. Many spiritual organizations, good news whistleblowers and channellings are sourcing dark energies that create interference with spiritual sovereignty. We need to be careful not to give our essential spiritual power away to mass sentiment led opiates.
The solution is relatively simple, connect to your own higher self or divinity in your practices, do not be afraid to think for yourself and honour your deep intuitive responses to information. Even if it is not bad information as such, we have to ask if it is appropriate to our path.
Mass sentiment memes and movements in particular are subject to the attention of spiritual engineering. Do not emotionally invest heavily in anything that is hugely popular and intoxicating, it is not appropriate in this evolutionary transition period.
Call upon and connect to your higher self and then proceed from is not difficult.
Acknowledge your prosaic truth, then let go of the preciousness to commit to the surface; make the light of your life be in your life. Today you can experience surprising enjoyment and release from hard work—make it easy for god's sake.
Do what you know you have to do, with a light heart, and today you will find that the energy makes light of your tasks.
All that Glitters is not Gold
In this era there is an important element to Rabbit that we need to consider. The light, beautiful, shiny, novel and exciting, ie all that intoxicates, is not always good. In particular we now have a burgeoning awareness of the dark and manipulative spiritual energies that masquerade as light. Many spiritual organizations, good news whistleblowers and channellings are sourcing dark energies that create interference with spiritual sovereignty. We need to be careful not to give our essential spiritual power away to mass sentiment led opiates.
The solution is relatively simple, connect to your own higher self or divinity in your practices, do not be afraid to think for yourself and honour your deep intuitive responses to information. Even if it is not bad information as such, we have to ask if it is appropriate to our path.
Mass sentiment memes and movements in particular are subject to the attention of spiritual engineering. Do not emotionally invest heavily in anything that is hugely popular and intoxicating, it is not appropriate in this evolutionary transition period.
Call upon and connect to your higher self and then proceed from is not difficult.
Evolution Will Not Be Televised >
Friday, 28 October 2016
7 Deer, Friday
On one hand you need to let go on the other hand you need
to hold on (control everything) Today you are able, or challenged to
find the mesh that is in the middle.
Come into resonance with the harmonics of the day. Tune into different frequencies by being flexible and also strong enough to adapt to the wave of the day.
The overall energy of today requires finesse to tune into the subtle ebbs and flows; listen to the melody, but don't drift away. Recognize and utilize the intuitive and feeling-based tools you have, for today is the perfect day to heighten your subtle senses and also be responsive to use the tools for appropriate action.
A good day to be conscious, both internally and externally.
To be conscious in this way means to be willing and able, to be responsive, adaptive and to adjust to the energies of the moment. This is the life skill of utilizing surrender and will, acceptance and action, receiving and intention. The importance of an intuitive, feeling-based focus has to be balanced with some creative direction.
Come into resonance with the harmonics of the day. Tune into different frequencies by being flexible and also strong enough to adapt to the wave of the day.
The overall energy of today requires finesse to tune into the subtle ebbs and flows; listen to the melody, but don't drift away. Recognize and utilize the intuitive and feeling-based tools you have, for today is the perfect day to heighten your subtle senses and also be responsive to use the tools for appropriate action.
A good day to be conscious, both internally and externally.
To be conscious in this way means to be willing and able, to be responsive, adaptive and to adjust to the energies of the moment. This is the life skill of utilizing surrender and will, acceptance and action, receiving and intention. The importance of an intuitive, feeling-based focus has to be balanced with some creative direction.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
6 Skull, Thursday
A day of mini chapters, with clean beginnings and endings to different
tasks. Allow yourself to cut off from small attachments that are
clogging your life. Cut back to the bone where necessary and be ready to
refresh your day. Today offers you multiple opportunities to get things
done and to rest in between those activities.
The energy of the day gives you the chance to be present and enclosed in your experience, rather than being pulled into the future.
A good day to have strong clear boundaries and to be a conscious agent for benevolent transformation, be firm and clear.
The energy of the day gives you the chance to be present and enclosed in your experience, rather than being pulled into the future.
A good day to have strong clear boundaries and to be a conscious agent for benevolent transformation, be firm and clear.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
5 Serpent, Wednesday
Today you can connect to the life force, the serpent energy that is
at the centre of ascending and descending consciousness. The serpent
energy is the desire for material pleasure and yet also the desire to
rise above it and experience the bliss of the soul, as well as a whole
host of juxtapositions
in between carnal lasciviousness and transcendental union.
Be centred today and feel the polarity impulses of your life force.
Make an extra effort today to centre yourself in the body, connect to the life force within you.
Be centred today and feel the polarity impulses of your life force.
Make an extra effort today to centre yourself in the body, connect to the life force within you.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
4 Lizard, Tuesday
Today the raw intelligence or plan of life reveals itself. This is the
most basic structural imprint from which all of existence is created; it
is the template realm.
Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.
A good day to understand that life itself -- in the general sense -- is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.
Today, you might ask if the ground of your consciousness is fertile, free from weeds and clear of stones so there is room for the seeds of your life intentions to germinate and sprout.
A good day to understand that life itself -- in the general sense -- is intelligent and has intentionality, direction and purpose.
Monday, 24 October 2016
3 Foredawn, Monday
Energy building as you stay in the house, in the soul, in the mystery, and feel your energy stirring, with some inspiration.
Subtle movement in the psyche.
The energy is in the house. A good day for social triangles and to see what mysterious emergence results in the middle of three people.
Create space in your self.
Today you might feel a little restless, not quite settling on anything. If you can allow the movement and vibration to be, accept a degree of incomplete thoughts and actions, you can enjoy the expansion and feeling of sensing a subtle mystery that is opening in the middle of the tri-rotational energy.
Key words for today: portal opening, fertile, empty, waiting, anticipation, stirring, incomplete and freeing the mind.
Subtle movement in the psyche.
The energy is in the house. A good day for social triangles and to see what mysterious emergence results in the middle of three people.
Create space in your self.
Today you might feel a little restless, not quite settling on anything. If you can allow the movement and vibration to be, accept a degree of incomplete thoughts and actions, you can enjoy the expansion and feeling of sensing a subtle mystery that is opening in the middle of the tri-rotational energy.
Key words for today: portal opening, fertile, empty, waiting, anticipation, stirring, incomplete and freeing the mind.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
2 Wind, Sunday
Feedback, receiving communications and releasing ideas
Challenges can occur with communication, delays, arguments, difficult decisions and more, may arise today. Hold steady it is 2 Wind.
Our blocks created by the duality within us, reveal themselves today. Firstly accept the situation, in order to move beyond the duality lock.
The Wind is an activator, the breath, the word, the spirit that initiates. Day 2 is duality. Wind is changeable and adaptable; it can be destructive, but it is always refreshing.
Potentially, this is a day of black and white divisions, opposites and the clarity of knowing what you like and what you don't, what you need and what you can let go of.
The evolutionary impulse of spirit towards greater union is an oscillating process of merging and separating, co-operation and competition, dependence and autonomy.
Today, hold the space to separate that which has become a conglomeration and feels inert, so as to be ready to move forward.
Become the Captain of your own enterprise and make a black and white decisive move.
Prepare, to...make it so...
Challenges can occur with communication, delays, arguments, difficult decisions and more, may arise today. Hold steady it is 2 Wind.
Our blocks created by the duality within us, reveal themselves today. Firstly accept the situation, in order to move beyond the duality lock.
The Wind is an activator, the breath, the word, the spirit that initiates. Day 2 is duality. Wind is changeable and adaptable; it can be destructive, but it is always refreshing.
Potentially, this is a day of black and white divisions, opposites and the clarity of knowing what you like and what you don't, what you need and what you can let go of.
The evolutionary impulse of spirit towards greater union is an oscillating process of merging and separating, co-operation and competition, dependence and autonomy.
Today, hold the space to separate that which has become a conglomeration and feels inert, so as to be ready to move forward.
Become the Captain of your own enterprise and make a black and white decisive move.
Prepare, to...make it so...
1 Crococdile, Saturday
The new timewave that begins today, the Crocodile Timewave, bringing
thirteen days of nourishment, as you move into a state of trust with
life itself.
What is truly nourishing? How can you nourish others, and what truly nourishes you on a basic level? What brings more love, protection and acceptance into your life? How can you cultivate your primal trust in life?
Pay homage to the Goddess. The nurturing mother has a dark side; the feminine can devour -- she has our respect. Today, accept the nonlinear as primal energy enters into your life; this energy is to be received for it nurtures you. You have survived this long, you have been supported by Life up to this point and Life itself is always willing to support you more.
Dig deep within your feelings to open your heart to a deeper level of protection and sustenance.
The Crocodile (Imix) comes rumbling into reality, yet offers profound food for your soul. Enjoy the natural world today and recognize the way that life takes care of us. The heart rules the head more than usual in the next 13 days.
What is truly nourishing? How can you nourish others, and what truly nourishes you on a basic level? What brings more love, protection and acceptance into your life? How can you cultivate your primal trust in life?
Pay homage to the Goddess. The nurturing mother has a dark side; the feminine can devour -- she has our respect. Today, accept the nonlinear as primal energy enters into your life; this energy is to be received for it nurtures you. You have survived this long, you have been supported by Life up to this point and Life itself is always willing to support you more.
Dig deep within your feelings to open your heart to a deeper level of protection and sustenance.
The Crocodile (Imix) comes rumbling into reality, yet offers profound food for your soul. Enjoy the natural world today and recognize the way that life takes care of us. The heart rules the head more than usual in the next 13 days.
Friday, 14 October 2016
13 Flower, Friday 21 October, I have posted a whole week's worth of blogs, so SCROLL DOWN UNTIL YOU GET TO TODAY!
You can access the state of subtle transcendental bliss today. No worries.
A day of dissipative light. Release all heaviness, gravitas or profundity and feel the graceful emanation of the energy of today. A day of soft focus as the flower fully opens; a celebratory feeling is inherent within the last day of the Rabbit timewave as we open in readiness to the Crocodile timewave tomorrow.
Potentially, today you can see the divinity of life everywhere and in everyone, the ubiquitous light of creation.
The male transcendental spirit hands over to the Goddess tomorrow.
A day of dissipative light. Release all heaviness, gravitas or profundity and feel the graceful emanation of the energy of today. A day of soft focus as the flower fully opens; a celebratory feeling is inherent within the last day of the Rabbit timewave as we open in readiness to the Crocodile timewave tomorrow.
Potentially, today you can see the divinity of life everywhere and in everyone, the ubiquitous light of creation.
The male transcendental spirit hands over to the Goddess tomorrow.
12 Storm, Thursday
Refresh the mind. Free the mind.
The self-organizing intelligence of your complex life appears before you; see the coherence within your randomness.
Day 12 enables us to have an understanding of the Timewave. The Rabbit Timewave is an explosion of everything and—if you go with the chaotic element of today, surrender and yet apply your mind to seeing the pattern—a beautiful, complex exhilarating understanding will emerge.
The Rabbit timewave challenges us with its abundance and the understanding of that glitters is not gold, yet with the recognition that we are here to be enchanted, to become captivated by the allure of life.
The world is always in a state of being enchanted, reality is a spell cast by all manner of beings on multiple dimensions and by us for us all.
The disenchantment of the old consensual world grows as does the incitement to become seduced by the new incoming frequencies, information, philosophies and the grand myth. The grand myth, is the essential story finds a resonant common agreement amongst the majority of consciousness.
The transitional times of culture are when we all renegotiate the grand myth. Most people do this fairly passively, they are fed stories and inadvertently align with them without deep inquiry.
Elevate your intuition today
The self-organizing intelligence of your complex life appears before you; see the coherence within your randomness.
Day 12 enables us to have an understanding of the Timewave. The Rabbit Timewave is an explosion of everything and—if you go with the chaotic element of today, surrender and yet apply your mind to seeing the pattern—a beautiful, complex exhilarating understanding will emerge.
The Rabbit timewave challenges us with its abundance and the understanding of that glitters is not gold, yet with the recognition that we are here to be enchanted, to become captivated by the allure of life.
The world is always in a state of being enchanted, reality is a spell cast by all manner of beings on multiple dimensions and by us for us all.
The disenchantment of the old consensual world grows as does the incitement to become seduced by the new incoming frequencies, information, philosophies and the grand myth. The grand myth, is the essential story finds a resonant common agreement amongst the majority of consciousness.
The transitional times of culture are when we all renegotiate the grand myth. Most people do this fairly passively, they are fed stories and inadvertently align with them without deep inquiry.
Elevate your intuition today
11 Obsidian, Wednesday
Doorways, reflections and dimensions
Transparency and integration.
A good day to be transparent or to see through everything, to see through the data and the one thousand interesting things that arise, to encounter the flickering light that reflects the unity of all life. The flickering light of creation is akin to the shimmering light of the sun on the sea.
Today, doors are opening into the holographic universe and an experiential realization that matter is the intersection of coherent beams of light is possible. In other words, look through the form, events, occurrences and people who are mirroring you today to see beyond the illusion. A day of penetrating clarity of consciousness, a clarity that emerges gradually out of the smoky mirror.
All forms are just energy vortexes giving the impression of solidity. Energy is a reflection of the movement of consciousness. Consciousness spins at different speeds which create the different levels of existence, all levels of existence are reflections of what we may call God, refracted through the dimensions of apparent separation. As we become conscious more levels of existence become transparent.
Transparency and integration.
A good day to be transparent or to see through everything, to see through the data and the one thousand interesting things that arise, to encounter the flickering light that reflects the unity of all life. The flickering light of creation is akin to the shimmering light of the sun on the sea.
Today, doors are opening into the holographic universe and an experiential realization that matter is the intersection of coherent beams of light is possible. In other words, look through the form, events, occurrences and people who are mirroring you today to see beyond the illusion. A day of penetrating clarity of consciousness, a clarity that emerges gradually out of the smoky mirror.
All forms are just energy vortexes giving the impression of solidity. Energy is a reflection of the movement of consciousness. Consciousness spins at different speeds which create the different levels of existence, all levels of existence are reflections of what we may call God, refracted through the dimensions of apparent separation. As we become conscious more levels of existence become transparent.
10 Earthmover, Tuesday
Something materializes today -- this is a small piece of starlight
that has appeared before you. Today brings change into your life in this
physical realm, revealed through and recognizable to you by
synchronicity coming into form.
Meaningful coincidences convalesce into something tangible. The synchronic trail or the multiplicities of opportunities reach a temporary full stop. Perhaps the Zen Master's stick has just hit you on the back. Something might seem to have fallen apart, you may feel shaken or disturbed, so we ask what needs to broken up, in order for your life force to flow? Earthquakes allow the hidden riches to surface, but first there may be a disturbance to shake us out of our comfort zone. This seems to fit with the 3/4 waning moon that has just passed, where Sun Aquarius is in 90 degree aspect to Moon in Scorpio.
The synergy and integration of past aspirations and ideas can come together today as they are forced to merge and manifest. If you are tuned into the 260-day pulse, there is a little earthshaking moment for you as several threads from your subjective reality, be it fantasy or intention, crunch and converge into form.
Generally the energy is vitalizing. Take note of what has manifested and how it has manifested.
Suddenly the change will be looking right at you...
Meaningful coincidences convalesce into something tangible. The synchronic trail or the multiplicities of opportunities reach a temporary full stop. Perhaps the Zen Master's stick has just hit you on the back. Something might seem to have fallen apart, you may feel shaken or disturbed, so we ask what needs to broken up, in order for your life force to flow? Earthquakes allow the hidden riches to surface, but first there may be a disturbance to shake us out of our comfort zone. This seems to fit with the 3/4 waning moon that has just passed, where Sun Aquarius is in 90 degree aspect to Moon in Scorpio.
The synergy and integration of past aspirations and ideas can come together today as they are forced to merge and manifest. If you are tuned into the 260-day pulse, there is a little earthshaking moment for you as several threads from your subjective reality, be it fantasy or intention, crunch and converge into form.
Generally the energy is vitalizing. Take note of what has manifested and how it has manifested.
Suddenly the change will be looking right at you...
9 Vulture, Sunday
Heightened Perspective Today
A high-synchronicity day as alignment with Earth magnetics
is heightened. Deep feelings are evoked as intense energy passes through you
opening your awareness beyond your usual emotional, mental, ethical, philosophical
and aspirational constraints.
Today you can be conscious of larger cycles and chapters in your life. What is coming towards completion? Access this energy through stillness, strength and confidence in your truth. Truth is the connection between Heaven and Earth through the central channel of your subtle body.
Remembering your truth from beyond time.
Soul memory is the memory beyond time, which we can connect to at the end and beginning of personal cycles for this is when small portals open for us to access time beyond the time we normally think of as time.
Today you can be conscious of larger cycles and chapters in your life. What is coming towards completion? Access this energy through stillness, strength and confidence in your truth. Truth is the connection between Heaven and Earth through the central channel of your subtle body.
Remembering your truth from beyond time.
Soul memory is the memory beyond time, which we can connect to at the end and beginning of personal cycles for this is when small portals open for us to access time beyond the time we normally think of as time.
8 Eagle, Sunday
What is present?
What is here, available and moving through you?
What is?
A day of integration as you feel the need to be who you are without effort or effect, to clear your vision of impassioned views, so as to allow all of your perspectives their place within your psyche. A certain degree of emptiness allows us to see more of who we are, rather than just one facet.The commitment today is to the integrated self that stands before you, the degree of integration you can recognize at present.
What is present? What is here available and moving through you? The Immanence.
Eagle is sometimes known as 'Metal' by the Maya of the Highlands. This is because of the Eagle's ability to see an expansive worldly vision and is thus associated with money and wealth. Day 8 is a day of commitment. So, if you have a vision, one that was forming during the last Timewave, take note and recognize its value.
Opportunity is present, abundance is available, we often cannot see it because generally speaking we get in our own way. Call upon yourself, call upon your higher self to perceive what is immediately present.
The Dream Seeds I talked about yesterday are tangible potentials in the etheric psyche of our planet and belong to the Devic realm. I suggest the Dream Seeds are not easily accessible via clairvoyance, as they are deep within the shamanic mainframe.
Today though, we are in touch with the more accessible visions of Eagle. 8 Eagle speaks to us of the immanence within the sky and the terrestrial stratosphere, whereby the potentials from within the Devic kingdom can be selected and refined and choices are committed to.
Today's commitment is made within the perceptional field, where your energy naturally interpenetrates the collective human consciousness and where that also meets the Earth mind.
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