Wednesday, 21 December 2016

9 Crocodile, Wednesday Winter Solstice

In the Skywalker timewave, we are free to soar; to roam the skies and the future. Through the energy of 9 Crocodile, this manifests as the yearnings and deepest needs within us and within others. What is the root of your personal aspiration? What is the hidden core drive that leads you to set goals.

A day to connect to the primal beginnings, the core needs that led to your experience of now. The potentials of your future and our future are rooted in the evolutionary imperatives that started this reality thread. If you can be consciousness of your core needs, the most basic urge for safety, survival territory, nourishment and growth of your life, then you can access creative freewill on a deep level.

Today acknowledge and accept the primal instinctive level of being, come back to the imperative of survival of ones essential being. Recognize the ultimate self interest as the expression of the life force. If we lose sight of our need to survive on a spiritual and bodily level we can easily be trying to create purely from our mind. The disconnected ideological position creates a conflict in the body and with nature.

If we do not want to be ruled purely by instinctive unconscious desire we must first recognize it's validity, then and only then can we take ideological positions.

A day of deeply felt connectedness.

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