Today as Obsidian, fits with the last segment of the moon cycle, for me that means resting for few days from shamanic intensive practice of the last week and integrating. For you it also means an emphasis on integration and seeing the flickering shadows revealed by Obsidian.
In Hong Kong the change of moon is bring us a typhoon, looks like a biggy, so I will have to batten down the hatches of the roof garden. The New Moon conjunct the minor asteroid Siva (Shiva) perhaps softened or translated through asteroid Psyche. We seem to have a very strong connection of Moon and Weather in HK.
A good day to see the shadow and to illuminate the multidimensional
mechanisms of nature that condition our moods and feelings. See the
causes of those emotions.
Today is a good day to wake up to the way our present emotional space --
our total energy resonance anchored in our feelings -- generates the
we are living. The story we are living in is a continuum that stretches
from the ancient past to the far-off future. Our total energy frequency
creates a timeline. Change your feelings on the deepest level and
change the past -- literally -- and therefore the future.
Aspects from your past return to your awareness today as you see the mirror effect of the cyclical nature of time.
A cycle of reflection ends today as you have a realization of how your
past reflects this moment and how your future will have a resonance with
your past.
Waking up to the nature of time and the stories we create with others
We live in the present with our companions and together we create our
past in each moment and therefore also our future, which springs from
our interpretation of the past.
Day 9 in the Timewave is the day we wake up beyond linear time. 9 is a
master number in Mayan cosmology and refers to the Lords of Time.
This era points us towards the past...
The present transition speaks to us of the future, but in the same breath directs our attention to the ancient past.
...and the Cosmos
The 2012 end date was the end of one Galactic spin of 25,600 to 25,920 years. The
world was subliminally primed to recognize large cycles of time and
to remember that the larger context for our reality is truly cosmic.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Saturday, 30 July 2016
8 Earthmover, Saturday
Once again, take a breath and step into the space of courage, commit to
the positive change that is wanting to come through, as someone said what
you want wants you.
Where is the evolutionary opportunity, step up to it with faith...
Honour your emotional state, acknowledge how you feel, then search for the good. Reinforce that which is good and is seeking to establish itself in your life. Affirm your growth; life is forever changing. Affirm the change taking place in yourself. Identify the positive changes of late that are happening to you or within you -- even if you feel that you are changing for the worse -- because the truth is that there is always an element of positive growth taking place.
If you follow the 260-day pulse, you will start to notice certain mathematical patterns, such as the 8th day of the timewave being the 1st day of the previous timewave. The last timewave, therefore, was an Earthmover timewave. This means that today is a day of committing your energy, or we can say incrementally committing more of your energy to that which emerged in the previous timewave.
The nature of change that emerged -- which would have revealed an inherent evolutionary facet of your life message -- is now showing itself again. You are being called to synchronize and integrate with it. Do not try too hard, just observe the day and remember to commit your energy to what is progressive when Life asks you.
Synergize (ha ha there you go that is nice corporate word!) your potentials within your present emotional reality
Where is the evolutionary opportunity, step up to it with faith...
Honour your emotional state, acknowledge how you feel, then search for the good. Reinforce that which is good and is seeking to establish itself in your life. Affirm your growth; life is forever changing. Affirm the change taking place in yourself. Identify the positive changes of late that are happening to you or within you -- even if you feel that you are changing for the worse -- because the truth is that there is always an element of positive growth taking place.
If you follow the 260-day pulse, you will start to notice certain mathematical patterns, such as the 8th day of the timewave being the 1st day of the previous timewave. The last timewave, therefore, was an Earthmover timewave. This means that today is a day of committing your energy, or we can say incrementally committing more of your energy to that which emerged in the previous timewave.
The nature of change that emerged -- which would have revealed an inherent evolutionary facet of your life message -- is now showing itself again. You are being called to synchronize and integrate with it. Do not try too hard, just observe the day and remember to commit your energy to what is progressive when Life asks you.
Synergize (ha ha there you go that is nice corporate word!) your potentials within your present emotional reality
Friday, 29 July 2016
7 Warrior, Friday
Be Still and Listen
That is your wisdom talking to you.7 Owl or Warrior is a great day to free yourself from the shackles of the mind, a strong silent kind of day as you go about your business with simplicity.
Be still and come into resonance with your true self. Be like the owl and the vulture -- patient and resilient.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by demands from the world, hold your energy -- for within the maelstrom of being pulled by other people or deadlines, a magical solution and innovative opportunity can arise, if you just hold still. Allow wisdom to shine through by dispelling the darkness of confusion through your resolve.
7 Warrior is a day of truth. Your truth can harmonize with others without being exactly the same truth.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
6 Eagle, Thursday
Smooth, flowing, comfortable rhythmic changes of perception that allow
you to organize your dreams and visions, today affords you the
opportunity to harmonize your overall sense of reality with your
emotional needs; a blend of the earthly and the spiritual.
What’s more, the perceptions you have today can fit nicely with the shifting perceptions of those around you.
Have smooth relaxed flight, see all around you and zoom in on the appropriate tasks as they surface one after another...
What’s more, the perceptions you have today can fit nicely with the shifting perceptions of those around you.
Have smooth relaxed flight, see all around you and zoom in on the appropriate tasks as they surface one after another...
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
5 Jaguar, Wednesday
A day when you:
1. Walk into and feel at home in the emotional jungle; instinctive and wild, free, belonging to no-one, yet never fully alone.
2. Feel a slight disconnection and alienation that never settles as life is always encroaching.
3. Instinctively feel connected and part of all reality, loving the universal matrix that you are prowling in, recognizing it as a gameplayer reality.
4. Experience a dynamic alertness to life all around you as you are conscious of the immediacy. Things lurk in the shadows all around us, yet we are protected by our sovereign power and instinct, ....visualize the magnificence of the black panther.
Jaguar is the emotional energy of anticipation -- emotive alertness -- that arises from your centre in the instant before you relate to anyone or anything. Your emotional centre is a bubbling feeling, full of mystery and movement, instinctive and responsive to other living creatures. From Your centre you can connect to the our directions of East, South, West and North as well as Up and Down.
Talking with Crows
I could not sleep last night after 2.39am, due to this waning quarter moon, it was aspecting my natal Mars. Eventually I got up at 4am, sat on the roof killing mosquitos and enjoying the gradual awakening of the day. I got out to my special wild garden by about 5.45am, feeling tired, no way I was going to a full ceremony. But as I often forget, the best things happen without ceremony as such, I just did some processing and simple energy exercises and thought well, I will wait to 7am then go home. I was just enjoying the early morning heat and chorus.
At 7am exactly my friends the Crows turned up, they live in the hood, but like to stay hidden except for special occasions. There was a small group of them very close making a hell of a racket. So I talked them and they talked back of course.
One thing I was wondering was how many of them were there, 3 or 4 maybe. At that point they flew as one, and revealed their number 5....of course 5 crows on 5 Jaguar.
The rest of the conversation is between me and the crows.
1. Walk into and feel at home in the emotional jungle; instinctive and wild, free, belonging to no-one, yet never fully alone.
2. Feel a slight disconnection and alienation that never settles as life is always encroaching.
3. Instinctively feel connected and part of all reality, loving the universal matrix that you are prowling in, recognizing it as a gameplayer reality.
4. Experience a dynamic alertness to life all around you as you are conscious of the immediacy. Things lurk in the shadows all around us, yet we are protected by our sovereign power and instinct, ....visualize the magnificence of the black panther.
Jaguar is the emotional energy of anticipation -- emotive alertness -- that arises from your centre in the instant before you relate to anyone or anything. Your emotional centre is a bubbling feeling, full of mystery and movement, instinctive and responsive to other living creatures. From Your centre you can connect to the our directions of East, South, West and North as well as Up and Down.
Talking with Crows
I could not sleep last night after 2.39am, due to this waning quarter moon, it was aspecting my natal Mars. Eventually I got up at 4am, sat on the roof killing mosquitos and enjoying the gradual awakening of the day. I got out to my special wild garden by about 5.45am, feeling tired, no way I was going to a full ceremony. But as I often forget, the best things happen without ceremony as such, I just did some processing and simple energy exercises and thought well, I will wait to 7am then go home. I was just enjoying the early morning heat and chorus.
At 7am exactly my friends the Crows turned up, they live in the hood, but like to stay hidden except for special occasions. There was a small group of them very close making a hell of a racket. So I talked them and they talked back of course.
One thing I was wondering was how many of them were there, 3 or 4 maybe. At that point they flew as one, and revealed their number 5....of course 5 crows on 5 Jaguar.
The rest of the conversation is between me and the crows.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
4 Reed, Tuesday late post due to internet problem...
Today in the Sacred Calendar of the Maya
A chance to see all sides of your relationships, your emotional state or basic needs from a higher space. A day where you detach from your emotional involvements to see them more clearly. Meta-program your emotional body.
The challenge today is to not be too fixed about your ideas and opinions. See your emotional script and then set a small intention based on where it is you would like to be. Be conscious of any issues you have at the moment but rather than fueling the problems and issues be true to the higher ideas you have about who you are, your life, life itself and human nature.
Accept and understand, yet rise above the emotions.
I have only just posted today as I have been disconnected from the internet, ironic as I was particularly connected shamanic-ally this morning with a snake outside my front door and a big bird prey sitting in the tree beside me.
A chance to see all sides of your relationships, your emotional state or basic needs from a higher space. A day where you detach from your emotional involvements to see them more clearly. Meta-program your emotional body.
The challenge today is to not be too fixed about your ideas and opinions. See your emotional script and then set a small intention based on where it is you would like to be. Be conscious of any issues you have at the moment but rather than fueling the problems and issues be true to the higher ideas you have about who you are, your life, life itself and human nature.
Accept and understand, yet rise above the emotions.
I have only just posted today as I have been disconnected from the internet, ironic as I was particularly connected shamanic-ally this morning with a snake outside my front door and a big bird prey sitting in the tree beside me.
Monday, 25 July 2016
3 Good Road, Monday
Stepping forward onto the path and beginning the journey.
On the Long Good Road of Life we are guided by invisible friends from the spirit world.
Walk with joy today as the energy moves out of yesterday's polarity. If you feel stuck today, just do something -- it is one step at time. A good day to talk with other people, maybe lots of people, without necessarily worrying about direction; just get energy moving.
Know that life itself is intelligent and will guide you.
The rational mind, the intellect can not ultimately guide you, but the mind is not to be negated, use your mind whilst knowing you can not reach some ultimate conclusion. Life cannot be fully worked out. However mental effort enables us to ask better questions which then supply new partial truths which then lead onto even clearer questions. So it is we move forward.
Step forward with an openness that values the mind as a tool but not as the determiner of your reality and you will be on the road that is your destiny.
I am presently experiencing a new level with my shamanism, personally and in facilitating others.
This day reminds me of the 3 worlds of the shamanic universe and the multiple paths that emerge from the different paradigms of astrology, shamanism, developmental psychology and just about any else. The different pathways of learning and experience all start to converge after a period of time, all novelty led explorations eventually lead one to integrate. The interconnections and essential truths will always eventually reveal themselves if you continue down the road.
Trust in the journey of life.
On the Long Good Road of Life we are guided by invisible friends from the spirit world.
Walk with joy today as the energy moves out of yesterday's polarity. If you feel stuck today, just do something -- it is one step at time. A good day to talk with other people, maybe lots of people, without necessarily worrying about direction; just get energy moving.
Know that life itself is intelligent and will guide you.
The rational mind, the intellect can not ultimately guide you, but the mind is not to be negated, use your mind whilst knowing you can not reach some ultimate conclusion. Life cannot be fully worked out. However mental effort enables us to ask better questions which then supply new partial truths which then lead onto even clearer questions. So it is we move forward.
Step forward with an openness that values the mind as a tool but not as the determiner of your reality and you will be on the road that is your destiny.
I am presently experiencing a new level with my shamanism, personally and in facilitating others.
This day reminds me of the 3 worlds of the shamanic universe and the multiple paths that emerge from the different paradigms of astrology, shamanism, developmental psychology and just about any else. The different pathways of learning and experience all start to converge after a period of time, all novelty led explorations eventually lead one to integrate. The interconnections and essential truths will always eventually reveal themselves if you continue down the road.
Trust in the journey of life.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
2 Monkey, Sunday
The challenge of the Dog timewave, as 2 Monkey tells us, is how to hold
two opposing views and beliefs; how to entertain the fact that
differences between people, their needs and perspectives is okay.
A good day to not take contrary viewpoints or feelings of those around you too seriously. It's okay!
This includes realizing there will always be emotional discrepancies within yourself, your truths and your actions.
Your divine incessant creativity and the machinations of the monkey mind can get in the way of the emotional needs in relationship, or can be a source of fun and spontaneity within relationship.
A good day to not take contrary viewpoints or feelings of those around you too seriously. It's okay!
This includes realizing there will always be emotional discrepancies within yourself, your truths and your actions.
Your divine incessant creativity and the machinations of the monkey mind can get in the way of the emotional needs in relationship, or can be a source of fun and spontaneity within relationship.
Saturday, 23 July 2016
1 Dog, Saturday
The Dog Timewave begins today, themes of the emotional body, needs,
emotional cravings, habits, pattterning, love, companionship, boundaries and protections, feeling part of
community, feeling connected to other beings, the question of
Call upon spirit guides to help you during this timewave.
Who are your companions and where do you belong? A good time to be with others and schedule in events with others, as you synchronize with the pack.
A new 13-day timewave of companionship, relationship and guidance. Do you need a guide? Are you needed to be a guide?
Be open to following a guide and being a guide.... Ride the ebb and flow of emotions in this 13-day period, specifically in regard to relationships. Love the ones you love.
Territory: See your boundaries defined as the timewave unfolds.
Potentially you can develop understanding of the rules, emotions and populations, inhabitants of different territories, both physical and multi-dimensionally
Who shares your path with you on this frequency of consciousness?
I love the way the Mayan Sacred Calendar changes direction. For example, in the 260-day system, the Earthmover timewave of ground-shaking evolution is followed by the emotionally based Dog timewave.
The Dog is companionship in this world and the next. The Dog guides us over the threshold into the next life. Dog timewave is all about those you love, those who share our journey; it also about giving and receiving guidance -- and that includes spirit guides.
Call upon spirit guides to help you during this timewave.
Who are your companions and where do you belong? A good time to be with others and schedule in events with others, as you synchronize with the pack.
A new 13-day timewave of companionship, relationship and guidance. Do you need a guide? Are you needed to be a guide?
Be open to following a guide and being a guide.... Ride the ebb and flow of emotions in this 13-day period, specifically in regard to relationships. Love the ones you love.
Territory: See your boundaries defined as the timewave unfolds.
Potentially you can develop understanding of the rules, emotions and populations, inhabitants of different territories, both physical and multi-dimensionally
Who shares your path with you on this frequency of consciousness?
I love the way the Mayan Sacred Calendar changes direction. For example, in the 260-day system, the Earthmover timewave of ground-shaking evolution is followed by the emotionally based Dog timewave.
The Dog is companionship in this world and the next. The Dog guides us over the threshold into the next life. Dog timewave is all about those you love, those who share our journey; it also about giving and receiving guidance -- and that includes spirit guides.
Friday, 22 July 2016
13 Water, Friday
I am back from China after a fabulous trip, feeling so grateful to so many people and I went out this morning to my favourite spot and journeyed...
A day to offer Incense...
A day of gratitude and a day to surrender to the cleansing waters as they dissolve all blockages to the new sprouting energy that is already transforming your life. The 13th day says "Let go and celebrate the end of the timewave."
The dissipative consciousness cleanses the mind of thoughts.
Make an offering of gratitude for your life.
The 2012 Era and the message of 13 Water
Evolution and transformation (the theme of this timewave) requires the dissolution of blocks in our perception in regards to the immediate potential and imminent reality so that we can emotionally accommodate the next new reality.
The next scale of consciousness is a far bigger environment of the psyche. This is the spiritual reason for acknowledging contentious issues such as Atlantis, the UFO phenomena and other anomalous experience, research and testimony.
The soul is like water, but the mind compartmentalizes reality.
The boxing and filing of information into relevant and irrelevant trays has been necessary for ego development. Now however, in this 2012 era, it is time to dissolve some of the filters. Increasingly it is not enough to just take a 'spiritual perspective', to meditate or to just have a psychological or sociological viewpoint -- we are being pressed to have a full integral perspective.
The next scale of reality is planetary, so we are impulsed to start releasing our compartmental walls of mind, to open to the totality of experience that is co-existent here on Earth--The Immannence. The species is required to engage with the areas of reality that have been kept hidden for the new landscape of the psyche exists on the other side of the shadowlands that stand before us. The jewels are hidden in the murky realms.
A day to offer Incense...
A day of gratitude and a day to surrender to the cleansing waters as they dissolve all blockages to the new sprouting energy that is already transforming your life. The 13th day says "Let go and celebrate the end of the timewave."
The dissipative consciousness cleanses the mind of thoughts.
Make an offering of gratitude for your life.
The 2012 Era and the message of 13 Water
Evolution and transformation (the theme of this timewave) requires the dissolution of blocks in our perception in regards to the immediate potential and imminent reality so that we can emotionally accommodate the next new reality.
The next scale of consciousness is a far bigger environment of the psyche. This is the spiritual reason for acknowledging contentious issues such as Atlantis, the UFO phenomena and other anomalous experience, research and testimony.
The soul is like water, but the mind compartmentalizes reality.
The boxing and filing of information into relevant and irrelevant trays has been necessary for ego development. Now however, in this 2012 era, it is time to dissolve some of the filters. Increasingly it is not enough to just take a 'spiritual perspective', to meditate or to just have a psychological or sociological viewpoint -- we are being pressed to have a full integral perspective.
The next scale of reality is planetary, so we are impulsed to start releasing our compartmental walls of mind, to open to the totality of experience that is co-existent here on Earth--The Immannence. The species is required to engage with the areas of reality that have been kept hidden for the new landscape of the psyche exists on the other side of the shadowlands that stand before us. The jewels are hidden in the murky realms.
Friday, 15 July 2016
12 Rabbit, Thursday, SCROLL DOWN UNTIL TODAY
I am away in China, presenting a shamanic workshop and doing astrology consultations, I hope you enjoy EARTH force energy....vitalizing and awakening
A day of coherent light and a day of clarity. A good day to organize your consciousness. The diversity of your thinking or the diversity of emotions, or the diversity of intentions, can find some coherence today. You have the opportunity to understand the new energy of this timewave that has transformed you in some manner, to integrate quite effortlessly.
Your thoughts, which may have been scattered, can coalesce naturally and effortlessly today.
The many radiant thoughts and emotions you have today can come together as a coherent understanding if you tune into them all as products of light, for they are all emanating from you. You are a ball of light, a star, a singular monad.
This Earthmover timewave which is the same one that led us through the 2012 Winter Solstice, today reveals to you the omni-directional potentials for change that are present due to the 2012 influx as the second 260 day cycle has passed. A good day to feel how the 2012 effect is manifesting
A day of coherent light and a day of clarity. A good day to organize your consciousness. The diversity of your thinking or the diversity of emotions, or the diversity of intentions, can find some coherence today. You have the opportunity to understand the new energy of this timewave that has transformed you in some manner, to integrate quite effortlessly.
Your thoughts, which may have been scattered, can coalesce naturally and effortlessly today.
The many radiant thoughts and emotions you have today can come together as a coherent understanding if you tune into them all as products of light, for they are all emanating from you. You are a ball of light, a star, a singular monad.
This Earthmover timewave which is the same one that led us through the 2012 Winter Solstice, today reveals to you the omni-directional potentials for change that are present due to the 2012 influx as the second 260 day cycle has passed. A good day to feel how the 2012 effect is manifesting
11 Deer, Wednesday
The Tzolkin energy of today is a day of flow. After yesterdays solidity,
maybe for some even harshness we get a contrasting texture today, one of
plasticity and liquidity. Have you noticed the textures of days, time
itself has a range of quality and texture, the Mayan calendar enables
this understanding.
Navigate the waves of energy with intuition and some reason, surrender and strength. The lightest of touches is needed -- the impulse to seize an object or an idea too tightly needs to be restrained. A portal opens up and the river towards a transformed state, an evolved paradigm, a new sense of reality appears... surf the flow with balance and poise, without looking too far ahead to the promised land.
Keep a rein on the excitement and enjoy the flow. Feel the continuum that flows through us all as things emerge and dissolve in the river of the seamless unity that is the immanence of life.
Navigate the waves of energy with intuition and some reason, surrender and strength. The lightest of touches is needed -- the impulse to seize an object or an idea too tightly needs to be restrained. A portal opens up and the river towards a transformed state, an evolved paradigm, a new sense of reality appears... surf the flow with balance and poise, without looking too far ahead to the promised land.
Keep a rein on the excitement and enjoy the flow. Feel the continuum that flows through us all as things emerge and dissolve in the river of the seamless unity that is the immanence of life.
10 Skull, Tuesday
A good day for no nonsense practicality and letting go of that which is ready to be released.
Your life has changed. The 10th day of the Earthmover timewave manifests as a change. You have let go of something and have regenerated; you are cutting away dead wood and unnecessary sentimentality and are ripe for newness. Even if you cannot understand it logically, you can sense it instinctively.
Today is a fundamental shift. Release that which needs to be released.
Today you can see and feel that you have something that is new within you, it has emerged, it does not feel spectacular, it has just emerged gradually.
Your life has changed. The 10th day of the Earthmover timewave manifests as a change. You have let go of something and have regenerated; you are cutting away dead wood and unnecessary sentimentality and are ripe for newness. Even if you cannot understand it logically, you can sense it instinctively.
Today is a fundamental shift. Release that which needs to be released.
Today you can see and feel that you have something that is new within you, it has emerged, it does not feel spectacular, it has just emerged gradually.
9 Serpent, Monday
Today is a day to Survive and Flourish on the next level of reality. A
day to awaken to your future upgrade and recalibration, as the
environment of our reality continues to change.
Today you feel a power surge, a sense of your passion. Today you are conscious of the life force -- sexuality, power and survival -- all of which are powered by the life force. The Kundalini life force in your body is your personal instinctive power that is derived from the species will; it is the impulse to survive and to evolve.
Serpents are highly adaptable; so is the life force, which is instinctively driven to solve the dichotomy of survival and security (which is opposed to change).
9 days bring the awareness of large cycles of time and with it the connection to that which is seeking completion and that which is complete.
You are impulsed today to do what is necessary for your survival and will feel a sense of passion for life. Complete something and see what is seeking completion. What would empower you, if you work towards it? Where are you ready to change? What skin can you shed? What are you working towards? Just feel those drives, do not get stuck in the head.
You do not need to think about it all, nor work it all out through analysis. You will be called to action. An impulse from the body will activate your actions with some urgency.
You might become aware that a thread of time has ended as the results of your activities, so be here now in the body. The nexus of eternity converges into the instinct that arises in each moment through your life force. The life force is not merely yours, but is one head of the thousand-headed cosmic serpent that keeps life alive and flourishing. Your simple but inspired action now affects the future.
Follow the call to immediate action.
Today you feel a power surge, a sense of your passion. Today you are conscious of the life force -- sexuality, power and survival -- all of which are powered by the life force. The Kundalini life force in your body is your personal instinctive power that is derived from the species will; it is the impulse to survive and to evolve.
Serpents are highly adaptable; so is the life force, which is instinctively driven to solve the dichotomy of survival and security (which is opposed to change).
9 days bring the awareness of large cycles of time and with it the connection to that which is seeking completion and that which is complete.
You are impulsed today to do what is necessary for your survival and will feel a sense of passion for life. Complete something and see what is seeking completion. What would empower you, if you work towards it? Where are you ready to change? What skin can you shed? What are you working towards? Just feel those drives, do not get stuck in the head.
You do not need to think about it all, nor work it all out through analysis. You will be called to action. An impulse from the body will activate your actions with some urgency.
You might become aware that a thread of time has ended as the results of your activities, so be here now in the body. The nexus of eternity converges into the instinct that arises in each moment through your life force. The life force is not merely yours, but is one head of the thousand-headed cosmic serpent that keeps life alive and flourishing. Your simple but inspired action now affects the future.
Follow the call to immediate action.
8 Lizard, Sunday
Today The image of a compressed vortical tunnel...
Day 8 is a day of commitment. You planted seeds in the last timewave -- some of them now need watering and attention. An intention started might need more of your engagement.
An 8 Day is always a day of compression of the non-locality consciousness of your spirit into time and space. This is a not the full manifestation of your divinity; it is not full embodiment, nor compression into full density. But compression, nonetheless, for the free roaming essence of your being.
the sense of bringing your master intention closer to manifestation.
Feel the squeeze and breathe into it. Relax and trust as potentialities
narrow in exchange for actualizing potential.
Movement, specifically spin, is fundamental to existence; celebrate the dynamic movement of life that maintains enduring structures of experience due to the consciousness, the intelligence and the intent that pervades creation.
Day 8 is a day of commitment. You planted seeds in the last timewave -- some of them now need watering and attention. An intention started might need more of your engagement.
An 8 Day is always a day of compression of the non-locality consciousness of your spirit into time and space. This is a not the full manifestation of your divinity; it is not full embodiment, nor compression into full density. But compression, nonetheless, for the free roaming essence of your being.

Movement, specifically spin, is fundamental to existence; celebrate the dynamic movement of life that maintains enduring structures of experience due to the consciousness, the intelligence and the intent that pervades creation.
7 Foredawn, Saturday
A still point between the changes to come and the past, between the worlds
The pre-requisite for transformation--fundamental change--is the ability to look into the shadow and see the positive aspects that are hidden in darkness and negativity.
Today there might seem to be a disconnection, a discordance or a point where things do not quite come together -- something strange, disjointed or dislocated.
Its not an error; be mindful of the gap and move into the gap. Do not be afraid of any disturbing feelings. Feel the comforting feeling that exists in the space where reality has ripped. Tune into the surreal quality of the day and find the enjoyment inherent within it.
Today is the day where we welcome in the alchemical soil for change. This might mean a resonant encounter with the shadow of your inner life and the gems hidden within the darkness.
The pre-requisite for transformation--fundamental change--is the ability to look into the shadow and see the positive aspects that are hidden in darkness and negativity.
Today there might seem to be a disconnection, a discordance or a point where things do not quite come together -- something strange, disjointed or dislocated.
Its not an error; be mindful of the gap and move into the gap. Do not be afraid of any disturbing feelings. Feel the comforting feeling that exists in the space where reality has ripped. Tune into the surreal quality of the day and find the enjoyment inherent within it.
Today is the day where we welcome in the alchemical soil for change. This might mean a resonant encounter with the shadow of your inner life and the gems hidden within the darkness.
6 Wind, Friday
Receiving, conveying, moving, linking, forming.
Follow the flow of communication; move from one thing to another, never settling too long in one place or one bit of information, but just long enough to be stimulated by the message.
The power of wind is controlled nicely on Day 6. A good day to present a powerful and provocative idea in a cohesive and concise manner. Maybe speak the truth...
Follow the flow of communication; move from one thing to another, never settling too long in one place or one bit of information, but just long enough to be stimulated by the message.
The power of wind is controlled nicely on Day 6. A good day to present a powerful and provocative idea in a cohesive and concise manner. Maybe speak the truth...
Thursday, 14 July 2016
5 Crocodile, Thursday
Look all around you, be at peace and accept it all; recognize the
nourishment that life is offering. You are a divine being, but nobody
exists in isolation. Everybody has a diverse range of needs and all
those needs can potentially be met. Just enjoy the way that life
sustains itself and offers sustenance in all new situations. The Goddess
is forever feeding reality.
Even with change and disruption, life is sustainable. A good day to feel at peace and have a moment of exuberance as you let go of fear.
The day is quiet, can you be?
Even with change and disruption, life is sustainable. A good day to feel at peace and have a moment of exuberance as you let go of fear.
The day is quiet, can you be?
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
4 Flower or Lord, Wednesday
The day that teaches us to be in our sovereign
psychic space protected by our confidence from our divine selves.
Self establishment.
You are what you are, no apology needed.
Today, 4 Flower is a day that tells us that change requires a foundation of confidence, based on recognizing that you are a divine being of light. Every person is divine and every person, if conscious of that, should rightly be confident and glowing. I know its a fine line between confidence and arrogance or ego inflation, but today err on the side of confidence.
Tune into the fact that this the same day as it was on 21 December 2012, 4 Flower so we can connect to another octave of the 2012 influx.
Your sovereign power is found when you celebrate life. Pay homage to all that is beautific and in so doing you are beauty.
Claim you sovereign spiritual power for yourself, we need you to do this, now, more than ever.
Self establishment.
You are what you are, no apology needed.
Today, 4 Flower is a day that tells us that change requires a foundation of confidence, based on recognizing that you are a divine being of light. Every person is divine and every person, if conscious of that, should rightly be confident and glowing. I know its a fine line between confidence and arrogance or ego inflation, but today err on the side of confidence.
Tune into the fact that this the same day as it was on 21 December 2012, 4 Flower so we can connect to another octave of the 2012 influx.
Your sovereign power is found when you celebrate life. Pay homage to all that is beautific and in so doing you are beauty.
Claim you sovereign spiritual power for yourself, we need you to do this, now, more than ever.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
3 Storm, Tuesday
The Quickening
The restless spirit is seeking novelty and freedom, spontaneity and vigour. Your hunger is good; the vibration of change is shaking the air.
Movement and Flexibility
Feel the storm out there, respect its power. The electrical charge of the psychic environment seeks a pathway into your life. Observe the novelty of the day.
Be with the energizing vibration.
The restless spirit is seeking novelty and freedom, spontaneity and vigour. Your hunger is good; the vibration of change is shaking the air.
Movement and Flexibility
Feel the storm out there, respect its power. The electrical charge of the psychic environment seeks a pathway into your life. Observe the novelty of the day.
Be with the energizing vibration.
Monday, 11 July 2016
2 Obsidian, Monday
A good symbol for contemplation today is two mirrors facing each other.
Inevitability as compared to flexibility. Today some things are inevitable, but within that framework there is room for flexibility. Do not get too rigid. Stay open to responding to the finest details with full consciousness.
Today is a day where you can potentially operate with great clarity by separating your truth from that which is not relevant to you; by separating clear mind from distorting emotions and separating essential feeling from confused thoughts.
The Challenge of the Day:
The duality of transformation and evolution, the shadow and the shadow of the shadow and the reflection of the reflection of the reflection into eternity.
The challenge today is to open the heart to embrace the paradoxes and polarity; to sit with them and accept them, but not to make decisions about one's whole life.
The limitations of the linear mind can be seen today. The linear mind always says "Yes but..." to everything. There is always a "Yes but..." with the linear mind.
A great day for clear action and immediate decisions, if you just deal with each thing in its own right, as it appears, in the context of the moment.
Create compartments for your life
Inevitability as compared to flexibility. Today some things are inevitable, but within that framework there is room for flexibility. Do not get too rigid. Stay open to responding to the finest details with full consciousness.
Today is a day where you can potentially operate with great clarity by separating your truth from that which is not relevant to you; by separating clear mind from distorting emotions and separating essential feeling from confused thoughts.
The Challenge of the Day:
The duality of transformation and evolution, the shadow and the shadow of the shadow and the reflection of the reflection of the reflection into eternity.
The challenge today is to open the heart to embrace the paradoxes and polarity; to sit with them and accept them, but not to make decisions about one's whole life.
The limitations of the linear mind can be seen today. The linear mind always says "Yes but..." to everything. There is always a "Yes but..." with the linear mind.
A great day for clear action and immediate decisions, if you just deal with each thing in its own right, as it appears, in the context of the moment.
Create compartments for your life
Sunday, 10 July 2016
1 Earthmover, Sunday
Feel the force and move with it!
Thirteen days of Earthmover, the synchronic recalibration.
Follow the Synchronicity trail to find your new evolutionary pathway in the next 13 days.
The timewave theme seeded today is one of evolution; groundshaking change that can synchronize us with a new level. It does require some adjustment and integration to be in synch with the new level of reality, but change is inevitable.
To some degree, you have the opportunity to move your life on in an integrated manner during the next 13 days. A little earthquake of disruption is part of that higher integration, so bear that in mind. Shake up, throw away and dispel anything blocking forward momentum.
Connect to the dynamic force of change. Listen to it, feel it and be strong, so that you can go with it in all confidence.
I am back from the poo farm in Thailand, it is so good to detox....
Thirteen days of Earthmover, the synchronic recalibration.
Follow the Synchronicity trail to find your new evolutionary pathway in the next 13 days.
The timewave theme seeded today is one of evolution; groundshaking change that can synchronize us with a new level. It does require some adjustment and integration to be in synch with the new level of reality, but change is inevitable.
To some degree, you have the opportunity to move your life on in an integrated manner during the next 13 days. A little earthquake of disruption is part of that higher integration, so bear that in mind. Shake up, throw away and dispel anything blocking forward momentum.
Connect to the dynamic force of change. Listen to it, feel it and be strong, so that you can go with it in all confidence.
I am back from the poo farm in Thailand, it is so good to detox....
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