Saturday, 8 October 2016

13 Deer, Saturday

A day where you feel some elation. Feel the bliss of releasing an enduring block and, in so doing, re-grasping something from your past that you reluctantly thought you had to surrender forever.


Release your grasp and be ready to hold something far bigger, perhaps a larger concept of life or understanding. But do not grasp it tightly; be silent with it and receive it.

The last day of the Eagle timewave gives us the opportunity to glimpse a much larger vision of our life -- if we can let go of at least some of our old imaginings, mental constructs and subconscious projections about our future. Let go of some old security to welcome more plenitude into your life, the plenitude that comes from grace and openness.

Release let go and then judge where it is you re-grasp and regain control.

New Centre for Consciousness in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Our Opening day is today between 1-7pm, at 11F 222 Des Vouex (opposite Wing On), drop in and say hello

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