Today you can see the outcome of future situations and events, based on how things are unfolding from this moment.
The challenge is to clear out any negative energy present at this moment in your field. Clear out the dross of negative expectations so as to affect the outcome and future manifestation more positively now.
Remember the saying: "It doesn't have to be like this."
9 days are always days of realization and Skull brings the acknowledgement of that which has to be cleared out with decisiveness.
You are a reflection of all that is, yet you have your own journey and your own being within the collective. Become clear about your boundaries, structures and axioms; release collective negativity (the lowest common denominator energy) and set a basic intention to be an agent for change. Intend to transform, as and when it is appropriate, and make clean breaks from cultural pressures and fear-based scripts.
Navigate the streams of impermanence to your advantage. All situations can be turned inside out as life is continuously turning inside out.
Going Deeper
As it is an Obsidian Mirror Time Wave it seems appropriate to look into the multi-dimensional shadow... is a very good interview with Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot that explores perceptions concerning the timelines and the 2012 potentials
This is One hour and six minutes long but will stimulate your own intuition about the 2012 era and what is going on here on Earth.
Going Deeper and Speculative (but Feasible if you study the circumstantial evidence)
For many years I have had the conviction that there will be a major astronomical discovery in 2012 that would alter our whole perspective on the Solar System, the repercussions leading to a significant inquiry regarding our history and life on Earth.
The 2012 effect is to shift our view towards the stars in order to accelerate our evolution towards a planetary civilization.
I like many others have toyed with the idea that there will be a major UFO flap, the biggest one yet, but I now favour the astronomical discovery.
Today, it would seem to me to be obvious what it is that fits that description.
The recent interest in the hypothetical Tyche is stirring up the ongoing debate on Planet X. If it exists, and I feel it does, then it seems likely that it is a Brown Dwarf. Meaning that it is a large planet Jupiter size or larger, that is probably dark red and might be termed a ‘failed sun’. The dark star would be accompanied by its own planets, possibly able to sustain some kind of life due to the close proximity to the heat source of the parent body.
A different kind of lifeform? Well, maybe giant reptilian based humanoids (V), perhaps existing on a slightly different density of matter. In which case I will surmise, based purely on intuition, that we have a few decades to change our consciousness before they return. (There is a link with Ray Kurzweil's singularity prediction for the 2045 era, either metaphorically or literally).
It is very difficult to see though and requires infrared telescopic instruments. Also its orbit unlike most of the planets is highly inclined to the ecliptic. Most planets orbit predominately on a flat plane whereas Planet X (aka Niburu/Nemesis/Fiery Serpent?) would be inclined to this plane by at least 30 degrees or a lot more coming up from below the flat plane of the planets. I have some doubt about the 3,600 year orbit postulated by Zecharia Sitchin’s work and feel that Sedna whose orbit is around 11,000 years gives us a clue to the orbital range. Note that Eris another one of the new planet’s discovered in recent years is inclined to the ecliptic by 44 degrees.
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